Silverchair Strategies

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My keynote at the Silverchair Strategies conference. Big trends in technology, but also thoughts on what scientific publishers need to learn from those trends.


Some Context for ThinkingAbout the Future

Tim O’ReillyO’Reilly Media

Silverchair Strategies October 28, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 11

You may know me as a computer book publisher

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.”

-Edwin Schlossberg

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The Internet as Platform

Wednesday, November 2, 11

How can you call it an operating system?

• No kernel

• No memory management

• No processor

Photo: Patrick Tufts

Wednesday, November 2, 11

An application that depends on cooperating cloud data services:

- Location

- Search

- Speech recognition- Live Traffic- Imagery

The Internet Operating System Controls Access to Data

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Intelligence Augmentation

“One cannot hope thus to equal the speed and flexibility with which the mind follows an associative trail, but it should be possible to beat the mind decisively in regard to the permanence and clarity of the items resurrected from storage.

Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library. It needs a name, and, to coin one at random, "memex" will do.”

-Vannevar Bush, As We May Think, 1945

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

What’s Next?

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The Semantic Web?


Wednesday, November 2, 11

A device that augments our senses as well as our ability to retrieve information.

Wednesday, November 2, 11

A device that augments our senses as well as our ability to retrieve information.

And a device that maps sensory data onto a semantic database.

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Getting Beyond “Information Retrieval”

Sensors + Semantics = Services

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Artificial Intelligence

“the science and engineering of making intelligent machines” -John McCarthy, 1956

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The Google Autonomous Vehicle

Wednesday, November 2, 11

2005: Stanley Wins the DARPA Grand Challenge

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The “intelligent” devices of the future are cloud-connected

“We don’t have better algorithms. We just have more data.” - Peter Norvig, Chief Scientist, Google

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Human-Computer Symbiosis

“The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today.”

– Licklider, J.C.R., "Man-Computer Symbiosis", IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, vol. HFE-1, 4-11, Mar 1960. Eprint

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Towards a global brain

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

A few key assertions• We are building a network-mediated global mind

• It is not skynet

• It is us, augmented

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Harnessing Collective Intelligence

“global consciousness is that thing responsible for deciding that pots containing decaffeinated coffee should be orange”

– Danny Hillis (via Jeff Bezos)

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“Would you be willing to cross the street with information that was five minutes old?”

-Jeff Jonas

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”

- John Wanamaker (1838-1922)

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“Only 1% of healthcare spend now goes to diagnosis. We need to shift from the idea that you do diagnosis at the start, followed by treatment, to a cycle of diagnosis, treatment, we explore what works.”

-Pascale Witz, GE Medical Diagnostics

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

for profit colleges

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

• strata

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“How can applications be better when they are social?”

-Mark Zuckerberg

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The Web Has an “Architecture of Participation”

• Small, modular pieces

• Joined by open communications protocols

• An open, standard data format

• Extensibility by design

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The Web Has an “Architecture of Participation”

• Small, modular pieces

• Joined by open communications protocols

• An open, standard data format

• Extensibility by design

This is also true of open source software projects like Linux and Apache

This is what makes emergent behavior possible, with no prior agreement between the parties

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11


Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia. It is a virtual city, a city whose main export to the world is its encyclopedia articles, but with an internal life of its own.”

Wednesday, November 2, 11

“The architecture of attention”

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Kasparov vs. The World (1999)

“The greatest game in the history of chess.”

-Gary Kasparov

“Although Krush was inferior to Kasparov in nearly all areas of chess, in this particular area of microexpertise, she surpassed even him”

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Getting Beyond “Information Retrieval”

Don’t forget about the community

that creates your content

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Software as a Service

Von Kempelen's Mechanical Turk

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Software Above The Level of A Single Device

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The spread of sensors

• sensor platform slide

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Getting Beyond “Information Retrieval”

Is there an opportunity for a standard data and connectivity platform for these UI-less devices?

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The power of platforms: Create value for others

Wednesday, November 2, 11

The power of platforms: Create value for others


Wednesday, November 2, 11

Wednesday, November 2, 11

Steve Jobs on Design

“In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But to is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service."

Wednesday, November 2, 11

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