Significance of Lotus - the Knowledge of India Significance of Lotus Bridging Worlds Thru Knowledge Page 3 of 22 Andal is one of the 12 Alwars, the poet

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Significance of Lotus

D.K.Hari & D.K.Hema Hari, Founders, Bharath Gyan

Recently, purportedly, some election officials had objected to Kolam, Rangoli, inside Sri Andal

Villiputtur temple, at Sri Villiputtur, because the Kollam patterns had lotus in it. They then had

these patterns white washed.

Kolam Pattern with Lotus Kolam that have been whitewashed

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Sri Villiputtur

Birth place of Andal, A place of Eminence Sri Villiputtur is the birth place of Andal,

Sri Andal

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Andal is one of the 12 Alwars, the poet saints of South India, who belonged to Sri Vaishnavism, and

were ardent devotees of Lord Narayana.

Emblem of the Tamil Nadu government with Sri Villiputtur Gopuram

This temple is dedicated to Lord Ranganatha, where Andal merged with Her Lord.

Sri Villiputtur Temple

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The Gopuram of this temple is one of the tallest in the world.

This makes Sri Villiputtur a place of eminence, history and architectural marvel.

Over Zealous Implementation Now that the general election dates have been announced, there are some who are over zealously

trying to implement the election code of conduct, rather in letter than in spirit.

We need to understand the deeper significance of some of these symbols and practices, which have

been part of the traditional ethos of the land.

Kolam, Rangoli Kolam is a form of drawing geometrical designs, with rice flour, chalk, chalk powder or rock

powder. It is also known as Rangoli, Rang meaning colour, owing to the colourful nature of these

patterns. It is a popular form of decoration in many households and temples.

Kolam, Rangoli

Lotus – The National Flower Lotus is a flower that is native to this land. It was flower that used to be found commonly across the

land, until the organized gardens, with roses, became the norm of a model garden.

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This Flower is known by various names in Indian languages.

Language Word

Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi Kamala

Tamil Tamarai

Malayalam Tamara

Kannada Kamalada

Telugu Kamalam

Samskrt Kamala, Padma

Bengali Padma

Lotus was used in imagery by our ancients to convey various messages.

For starters, the Lotus has been associated with life.

One may ask, why a Lotus and not a rose or a tulip or even a sunflower to depict life?

Lotus - Creation Connect Brahma – The Creator is always shown sitting on a Lotus which has for its stem, the Umbilical cord

emanating from the navel of Padmanabha, Lord Narayana.

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Padmanabha with Brahma


Why is Brahma shown as sitting on a lotus flower and emanating from Padmanabha to create

this Prapancha or Universe? What is the symbolic significance of the lotus flower here?

Lotus – Life Bond Unlike most other flowers, the Lotus blooms in a pond. It is a flower found bobbing in the water

bodies. The nature of a Lotus flower is to be able to adjust the length of its stem such that whatever

be the level of water, the flower can always stay above water without drowning. The stalk thus

ensures that the flower is kept at a height that is congenial for the flower to live.

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Lotus stalk when water level is low Lotus stalk when water level is high

This is akin to how gravitational forces between the earth, sun, moon and other planets support the

earth at the right distance from the sun for life to be sustained here.

The Lotus is synonymous with the distance, height that brings in congenial conditions for life to

bloom and flourish and has therefore been accorded a place of importance by many other ancient

civilizations too.

Obviously, the wise ancient Indians were in the know, of the behavior of the Lotus, the existence

and balance of forces in the cosmos and the dependency of life on such factors, to have associated it

with Life.

For More, see our short film, Lotus – The Flower of Life:

Lord Vishnu – Lotus Eyed

Rajiv Lochana and Kamal Nayana

The Vishnu Purana and other Puranas describe Lord Vishnu as being Lotus eyed.

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The eyes of Vishnu are akined to a lotus, and hence He is known by the names such as Rajiva

Lochana and Kamala Nayana. Rajiv and Kamala meaning Lotus, and Lochana and Nayana meaning


Lord Vishnu, lotus eyed

Kamala Kannan

In Tamil and Malayalam, the Lord is known as Kamala Kannan, Kamala meaning lotus and Kan for

eyes. Thirukural authored by Thuruvalluvar, over 2050 years ago, vividly describes the eyes of Lord

Vishnu as Kamala Kannan. One with lotus shaped eyes.

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Lord is unaffected like lotus

Lotus inspite of being in water is untouched. The Lord’s eyes are liked to a lotus, as inspite of

witnessing everything in the world, the Purusha, Divinity is untouched by Prakriti, Creation. Lord

Vishnu is unaffected by the proceedings of the world, and hence His eyes are given the name

Kamala Nayana, Lotus eyed.

Association of Lotus with many civilizations If you look at a lotus flower, from a pan global perspective, in every ancient civilization, be it India,

Egypt or Mexico, the life giving aspect is always denoted by a lotus flower.

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Why have so many civilizations associated the Lotus flower with life?

Here is an analogy that will help us understand this association better. If we look all around us we

will observe that while life and constituents of life originate from a source of heat, for the life to take

birth and to be sustained, it has to distance itself away just right enough, from the source of heat.

While the Sun is the source of all planets and earth, there is no life as we know it, on the Sun. Only

earth, away from the sun and at cooler temperatures than the Sun, is able to bear and sustain life as

we know it.

Similarly, the life giving spermatozoa in the mammals of the animal kingdom are placed in a scrotal

sack just outside the body so that they are maintained at the right temperature, away from the heat

of the body, to keep their life generating potential sustained.

This design in nature is truly a marvel.

Similarly in the Hiranyagarbha too, in the fight between Indra and Vrtra and the consequent

explosion of the Brahmanda Visphotak, Brahma brings forth life in this Universe. The fact that life is

not destroyed by the very fierceness in the process of Creation, is symbolically depicted in the form

of a lotus growing, adjusting its stalk and moving away to congenial conditions for life to sprout.

The Brahma Kamalam There is a particular variety of lotus flower which in India is called Brahma Kamalam.

Its flowering sequence is interesting and seems akin to the process of Hiranyagarbha, pulsating for

a long time and finally bursting open and once it opens up, the flower withers away within a couple

of hours of its flowering.

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Brahma kamalam and its stages

We too have evolved after a very long time since the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, we understand

that the Universe expanded instantaneously and took a long time to cool before life could evolve.

The life of the sun and earth and all of us is just a fraction of the life of the Universe or Brahma just

like the Brahma Kamalam flower which goes through a lot of hibernation and preparation before it

blooms and even then stays in bloom for just a few hours.

More on Brahma, Lotus and Life connect in our book and film, Creation – Srishti Vignana.

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Lotus in between Crocodile’s mouth Both, the Indian and Mayan depictions, interestingly show the lotus, the symbol of life, in between

the mouth of a crocodile like creature. In India it is called Makara, a fierce sea creature in Samskrt.

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Why did the Mayans and Indians show this lotus in the mouth of a crocodile?

There could be two reasons shown for it - both based on astronomy.

1. On 21st December, the Sun on its southwards journey reaches the Tropic of Capricorn. In the

Indian languages, this Tropic of Capricorn is known as Makara Rekha. From December 21st

onwards, the Sun starts its northward journey, in Indian terminology, called the

“Uttarayana”, Uttar meaning North and Ayana, the journey.

2. Makara is also the name in Samskrt, for a wild sea creature that resembles a Crocodile.

Going by the navigational evidences we have seen, the ancient Indian and the Mayan

civilization should have had regular exchange of ideas and trade relations. Hence, the

Mayans could well have also used Makara- a Crocodile for the zodiacal house of the Sun for

the December - January period too and therefore this symbolic representation of this

astronomical fact. If we look at the shape of our galaxy, the Milky Way, Akasha Ganga and

how it is positioned during this alignment with the Dark Rift, it does seem like a crocodile

with its mouth open.

If the ancient Mayans, with their knowledge, could have envisioned this Galactic Alignment which is

far beyond our normal observational skills of the skies, the Mayans could well have envisioned the

shape and positioning of the Earth and the Sun in the Galaxy, like that of a crocodile’s V-shaped

open mouth too and represented it in their sculptures.

To decipher and understand these Mayan sculptures, in times when we do not have sufficient

original data available, it may well be prudent to look at pan global similarities across ancient

civilizations and from there, draw probable meanings which could well be more realistic and closer

to the truth.

If we look at these sculptures, the animal depicted is not exactly the crocodile of the present sense.

As called in Samskrt, it is a makara, a wild sea animal, presenting in modern times, something

similar to a crocodile.

The crocodile with a lotus in its mouth denotes that, beautiful and delicate life, which is depicted by

the lotus, comes from the wild and violent space. The ocean of waters is called Sagara. Similarly, the

unlimited expanse in space is also a Sagara. The vast expanse in space has thus been portrayed as

the vast expanse of waters for man to imagine and its fierceness depicted through a fierce sea

creature, Makara.

As cycles of time happen, life forms and meaning of life also happen to evolve. These happenings are

known as parinama, change, evolution and they continue to happen. New forms and meanings

happen to life, be it from the ocean to land or from sky to land, creating a spectrum of life.

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In this spectrum, life, the thought of life, the purpose of life, denoted by lotus, comes forth and

evolves with newer meanings as per the needs of time. There is wild life in the sea. Space is also full

of violent and fierce happenings. Man’s mind also runs wild and is turbulent with thoughts. It is out

of such violent churn that life emerges and acquires newer meanings.

The makara and the lotus sprouting from its mouth, have been used to bring out through

architecture symbolism, the metaphor between the areas of turbulence in space, the strife one goes

through in life, as well as the turbulence in thoughts and how they shape and impact life on earth.

How it is from all these turbulences that the wonderful objects in the sky, the best among the

species and the greatest of thoughts arise.

This sublime thought has to be churned around in the mind to be understood, for it does not belong

to this present generation or civilization but to an earlier civilization. Yet it is a symbolism and

meaning that applies universally for all times. An imagery for us to pause, reflect and understand

for the future.

More on the Lotus - Crocodile Connect in our book, 2012 – The Real Story.

Lotus – Knowledge Connect The blossoming of the Lotus also symbolizes expansion of the mind and consciousness, a state very

dear to the knowledge seeking Indians.

In Yoga

In Yoga, a fully blossomed, many petalled Lotus is the sign for Ananda, bliss.

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Common depictions of bliss and knowledge using blossomed Lotus

Lotus – Karma Yoga

Lotus and Lilly are similar flowers. While the petals of Lilly touch the waters, the petals of Lotus


Water Lily

Thus Lotus gives us the message of living in this world, while at the same time not being touched by

it. This detached life is one of the pillars of Karma Yoga, whereby one lives on in this world, carrying

out all the activities, without being affected by the transient nature of the world, which is

represented by water in this case.

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The rising lotus above the waters

Devi Sarasvati and Lotus

Devi Sarasvati, the Goddess of Wisdom is depicted as sitting on a rock, surrounded by white lotuses,

Rock, solid knowledge

The rock here stands for solid knowledge,

White, Calmness

The white lotus denotes calmness and tranquility.

Lotus Leaf, Non-sticky

The lotus leaf is also non- sticky in nature, which shows that the one who is in knowledge remains

detached from the transient world.

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Devi Sarasvati

Nalanda University

It is this connect of Lotus with knowledge which gave the name Nalanda to the world famous

ancient Indian University of the 1st millennium CE.

Nalam means Lotus, the symbol of knowledge and Da denotes to give, to bestow. Nalanda means

“Bestower of Knowledge”.

Remains of the multistoreyed tower at Nalanda

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In Yantra Pattern

Yantras are drawings engineered to take mankind’s attention towards the Divine proportions in

Nature to balance his life proportionately. They are engineering drawings of Nature. A few Yantra

patterns have the form of a Lotus. One such Yantra is Hrdaya Kamala.

In other architecture

Lotus has been a popular art symbol, and can be found in architectural designs across the country.

In many paintings, flowers in waters depicted are mostly Lotus. The various temple architectures

and monuments have sculptures and paintings on lotus.

Wooden lantern ceiling with Lotus at the Chamundi Temple in Himachal Pradesh

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Ceiling at the Ajanta Temple, in Maharashtra, with paintings of Lotus in concentric circles

Lotus Temple, New Delhi

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The Art of Living Vishalakshi Mantap in Bangalore as Layers of Lotus Petals symbolizing

connect between Lotus- Knowledge – Bliss

Lotus Leaf – Wealth Detachment The Lotus leaf has a unique trait that water on a Lotus leaf does not stick to it but rolls on it as

unattached globules.

The ability of the flower to stay in water and yet not allow water to stick to its leaves, also made it

an ideal choice for conveying one of India’s valued messages on handling wealth, Artha. A Lotus

serves as a reminder for how one may live amidst wealth, but should neither be attached to it nor

get drowned in the pleasures it can offer.

A Lotus flower leaf with water drops rolling on it

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Lotus’ Profound Message A Lotus which can be found in marshes and muddy ponds, serves as a symbol for how beauty can

bloom anywhere, even in mire and rise above it all, provided one has the wisdom to attain a sense

of balance and equilibrium, with one’s environment.

Lotus, as a national flower of this land is a profound brand of India symbolizing the wealth of

wisdom it brings to the surface from the deep.

More on the Significance of Lotus in our book, Brand Bharat – Unique to India.

Know your land Thus, we have gone into the significance of a lotus flower, showing how this flower has been an

ancient symbol of this land with varied meanings and insights.

The people who framed independent India, knew and understood this deep significance of lotus,

and hence they thought it fit to name the Lotus as the national flower of India.

While it is important to keep cognizance of the election code, it is also equally important to know of

the land, the civilization and the country. They transcend time, over centuries and millennia.





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