Shu student nurses say it for themselves

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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Sheffield Hallam University students give advice, hints and suggestions to their fellow students...


Nursing at SHU...

Suggestions from other students...

• As well as just studying and working it's good to feel a part of a social group, you feel like

you belong a bit more. Also you can help each other out with books from the Learning


• Information can be in different places in different BlackBoard sites so you need to be able to find your way round them.

• You've got to be enthusiastic about what you're doing, if you can't be, there really isn't any point in being here.

• At first, the workload seems overwhelming, but it does start to make sense after a while.

• Definitely use the Student Support Officers, they are really helpful.

• If you print out lectures from Bb, and read them beforehand then you'll have the background about the session, because the lectures might be noisy.

• Do make sure you attend the Induction week, sometimes you hear the same thing more that once, but you do get to know people and the campus, and as well as this you get to meet your personal tutor.

• It's really important to get good feedback about your work. If you need more feedback you can ask for it. If you only get 50% for something, you need to know what you did 50% badly!

• It's important to know when your deadlines are, so that you can organise your work and prioritise the work for whenever it needs to be handed in.

• When you've got a deadline looming, time goes really quickly, it's important to be organized.

• Make the most of the Seminars and group work; they're really good for listening to other peoples' opinions and experiences.

• Make sure you attend the Seminar that is linked to a Lecture- it's your opportunity to discuss the subject more, to ask questions.

• Do ask questions, if you can't in the lecture, make sure you do in the next Seminar.

• Spend time messing about with Blackboard, you'd be lost without it, just press buttons to see what's in this bit and what's in that bit! You always find something that you think, yeah…I'd like to have a look at that, like your assignment briefs for example.

• Max what you can get out of your Placements, you may not see that particular speciality again. When you're on your placement and you get positive feedback, it's such a boost.

• Get involved with your learning as much as you can, for example, don't try to learn a practical skill by just reading about it, and remember, after you've done something once, it can only get easier!

• You need to make friends with the people you're on the course with, you do the work together- there are times when they'll carry you through.

• Enjoy your course, and remember, we’re here to help....

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