Should be legalize abortion

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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My subject : Should be legalize



Part 1: Introduce about abortion

Part 2: The popular opinions on the abortion in the world

Part 3: My opinion on abortion

What is the abortion?

Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the

birth of a child.

It’ll interrupt human pregnancy prior 28th weeks of gestation.

IN FACTAccording to the statistic on the world about the cause

of abortion:

Rape: 1%

Potential Health Problem : 6%

Unwanted/inconvenient: 93%

Abortion Emotional

86% of women increased

trend toward anger

75% loss of self


58% of women suffers

from insomnia or


53% increased or began

use of drug or alcohol

While 28% of them has

attempt suicide

57% greater difficulty

in maintaining or




Pro-Choice and Pro-Life

Pro-Choice is the view that women have a choice whether they have

an abortion or not. The argument is that the woman has a right to

control her own pregnancy

Pro-Life is the view that human life should be valued from

fertilization until natural death . They argue that any action that

destroys a fetus is killing a human being. Many Christians are Pro-

life as they believe God is the only one who can take life away

Are you a Pro-Choicer or Pro-Lifer ?

My opinion on abortion

The 4 conditions that allow abortions:1. The women is a victim of rape, results are pregnant

2. The pregnancy risks the mother life

3. The pregnancy poses a risk to the mothers physical or mental health

4. If the child is born it will be born severely handicapped

The reasons as unwanted/inconvenient is not accepted. It shouldn’t be justified

Solution of abortion

Abortion should be legal

Abortion should be limited to particulal situations and not

“whenever or for whatever” reason

To have safe sex with somebody by protected method

Have a good time!

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