
The Adventures of Koda

By: Paige Euwer

Max Hudson

In the first month of summer, baby dear are born all around the state. Well, we’re going to take you into the life of a special one named Koda.

Koda was extremely curious from the get-go. His mother, Lana had a very hard time keeping track of him.

While wandering one day, he witnessed a deer get attacked by a coyote. He becomes afraid that something terrible might happen to him.

After witnessing the attack he is afraid to ever leave his mom’s side.

Next Summer…

Over the year Koda has matured to become a young buck. Lana can no longer take care of him, and he is very sad and is afraid that a coyote may come and attack him.

Since his mother can no longer take care of him, Koda sets off on a journey to find a new home.

• He walks through snow…

• He walks through a forest…

• He walks through a sweltering desert.

Koda has matured to become a very nice buck. He feels safe that he could defend himself in a fight with a coyote.

• One night, after Koda had been traveling for almost a year, he hears a bush shake in the dead of night. Just as he begins to stand up, a coyote jumps from the bush, viciously attacking Koda. But because Koda is such a large buck now, he is able to fight the coyote, to save his life.

About a week after Koda is attacked by the coyote, Koda finds a

beautiful valley

• Koda, after living in the valley for less then a week, he finds the doe of his dreams. Her name is Tayia.

About a year after Koda has arrived in the valley, a friend runs to him saying, “They’ve come they’ve come!!!”

• Hearing a lot of rumors, Koda knew exactly what was taking place. It was another mountain lion attack on his valley.

• Koda fights off the Mountain lions. He wins the battle of the valley, and is named the king of all the valley.

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