Shlokas Part 5

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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ॐ �म�ाय नमः ।

ॐ रवये नमः ।

ॐ सयूा�य नमः ।

ॐ भानवे नमः ।

ॐ खगाय नमः ।

ॐ प�ूणे नमः ।

ॐ �हर�यगभा�य नमः ।

ॐ मर�चये नमः ।

ॐ आ�द�याय नमः ।

ॐ स�व� ेनमः ।

ॐ अका�य नमः ।

ॐ भा!कराय नमः ।

ॐ "ीस�वतसृयू�नारायणाय नमः ॥ ॥


OM! Salutations to Mitra; OM! Salutations to Ravi; OM! Salutations to

Surya; OM! Salutations to Bhanu; OM! Salutations to Khaga; OM!

Salutations to Pushana; OM! Salutations to Hiranyagarbha; OM!

Salutations to Marichi; OM! Salutations to Aditya; OM! Salutations to

Savitri; OM! Salutations to Arka; OM! Salutations to Bhaskar; OM!

Salutations to Savitri-Suryanarayana..

%E165 %W165;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

�म�ाय = to Mitra or a friend;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

रवये = to the sun;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

सयूा�य = to Surya;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

भानवे = to the sun;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

खगाय = ?? ;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

प�ूणे = to the Sun, the nourisher;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

�हर�यगभा�य = to the one having a golden womb, Sun or Vishnu;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

मर�चये = to Marichi;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

आ�द�याय = to the sun;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

स�व� े= Oh! suryanarayan!;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

अका�य = to sun god;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

भा!कराय = to the sun;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

ॐ = The `PraNava or Onkara mantra' consisting of the vowels a and

u and the consonant `m'; also written as `OM'; refers to Brahman;

"ीस�वतसृयू�नारायणाय = to the venerable sun thro' whom the Trinity manifests;

नमः = bowing; salutation; %S166 Sun

आ�द�य!य नम!कारान ्ये कुव�न)्त �दने �दने ।

ज+मा+तरसह,ेष ुदा.र/य ंदोष नाशत े।

अकालम�ृय ुहरण ंसव�4या5ध �वनाशनम ्।

सयू�पादोदकं तीथ8 जठरे धारया:यहम ्॥ ॥


Who do Surya-namaskar (the yogic Sun asana) everyday, their defect of

poverty is destroyed for a hundred births. I hold in my mouth the holy

water which removes all diseases and untimely death..

%E166 %W166;

आ�द�य!य = ?? ;

नम!कारान ्= bowing; respects;

ये = they who;

कुव�ि+त = do;

�दने = during the day;

�दने = during the day;

ज+मा+तरसह,ेष ु= in the thousands of previous births;

दा.र/य ं= poverty;

दोष = defective; sinful;

नाशत े= destroys;

अकालम�ृय ु= at (M.nom.) untimely death;

हरण ं= the act of removal or destruction;

सव�4या5ध = all kinds of diseases and illnesses;

�वनाशन ं= the one who destroys;

सयू�पादोदकं = the water offered at the feet of the sun;

तीथ8 = water; water body;

जठरे = in the mouth;

धारया:यहं = I wear or bear; %S167 Sun

भा!कराय �व<हे । मह=>ु)तकराय धीम�ह ।

त+नो आ�द�यः ?चोदयात ्॥ ॥


This is my offering to the Sun .

I meditate to the one who illumines greatly.

Let that Sun God inspire me..

%E167 %W167;

भा!कराय = to the sun;

�व<हे = offering;

मह=>ु)तकराय = to the one who illumines greatly;

धीम�ह = May meditate;

त+नो = ?? ;

आ�द�यः = ?? ;

?चोदयात ्= inspire; kindle; urge; induce;; %S168 Ganga

ग@गेच यमनेु चैव गोदावर� सर!वती ।

नम�दा �स+ध ुकावेर� जलेऽि!मन ्सि+नध ंकुC ॥ ॥


Oh! (holy rivers) Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu,

and Kaveri, please be present in this water..

%E168 %W168;

ग@गे = Oh! the Ganges river (as goddess);

यमनेु = Oh! the Yamuna river (as goddess);

चैव = and like;

गोदावर� = river godavari (as goddess);

सर!वती = goddess of knowledge known by this name (as goddess);

नम�दा = river Narmada (as goddess);

�स+ध ु= of the sea;

कावेर� = river kaveri (as goddess);

जलेऽि!मन ्= in this water;

सि+नध ं= near, close or in the presence;

कुC = do; %S169 Ganga

नमा�म ग@गे तव पादप@कज ं

सरुासरैुव�ि+दत�द4यDपम ्।

भEुFं च मEुFं च ददा�स )न�य ं

भावानसुारेण सदा नराणाम ्॥ ॥


Salutations to the lotus feet of Ganga. Your divine form is worshipped

by Suras and Asuras. You give objects of enjoyment and salvation everyday

depending on the level of devotion and attitude of men..

%E169 %W169;

नमा�म = I bow; salute; pay my respects;

ग@गे = Oh! gangA!;

तव = your;

पादप@कज ं= the lotus feet;

सरुासरैुव�ि+दत�द4यDप ं= the divine form worshipped by the gods and demons;

भEुFं = Eating and worldy enjoyments;

च = and;

मEुFं = liberation;

च = and;

ददा�स = You give;

)न�य ं= ever; permanent;

भावानसुारेण = acoording to one's attitude or thought;

सदा = always; ever;

नराणा ं= men's; %S170 Ganga

ग@गा ग@गे)त यो Gयूात ्योजनाना शतरै�प ।

मHुयत ेसव�पापेIयो �व�णुलोकं सगHछ)त ॥ ॥


One who utters 'Ganga, Gange' one hundred times will be rid of all sins

and reach the lotus feet of the Lord..

%E170 %W170;

ग@गा = the river Ganges;

ग@गे)त = uttering thus:'gange!';

यो = He who;

Gयूात ्= Let it be said; let us say;

योजनाना = at ( of various counts of Yojana approximately 8-9 miles;

शतरै�प = even after 100;

मHुयत े= is liberated or freed;

सव�पापेIयो = from all the sins;

�व�णुलोकं = Vishnu's abode or world;

सगHछ)त = He goes; %S171 Morning

कराKे वसत ेलLमीः करमMये सर!वती ।

करमलेू त ुगो�व+दः ?भात ेकरदश�नम ्॥ ॥


Goddess LakShmI dwells at the beginning of the hand.

In the center of the palm resides Sarasvati, the Goddess

of wisdom. At the base of the palm is Govinda, the

Lord of the universe. Hence, one should look and meditate on

the hand early in the morning..

%E171 %W171;

कराKे = at the beginning of the hand;

वसत े= one lives; dwells;

लLमीः = Goddess Laxmi;

करमMये = in the middle of the hand;

सर!वती = Oh! sarasvati ; goddesss of knowledge;

करमलेू = at the root of the hand;

त ु= but; on the other hand;

गो�व+दः = the cowherd boy Krishna;

?भात े= in the early morning;

करदश�न ं= the sight of the hand; looking at the hand; %S172 Morning

अहNया Oौपद� सीता तारा म+दोदर� तथा ।

पQचक+या !मरेि+न�य ंमहापातकनाशनम ्॥ ॥


Let us remember the five ladies (daughters)

ahalyA, draupadI, sItA, tArA, mandodarI

regularly as their character can provide strength

to get rid of sins and ill feelings..

%E172 %W172;

अहNया = Sage Gautama's wife or name of a female who layed

dormant/inactive till Ram motivated her by his divine touch;

Oौपद� = wife of the `PanDavAs';;

सीता = Rama's wife;

तारा = wife of Vali, Devi (Tantric);

म+दोदर� = wife of Ravana;

तथा = like that (cf. yathA tathA);

पQचक+या = five girls;

!मरेत ्= remember;

)न�य ं= always, constant;

महापातकनाशन ं= that which destroys great sins; %S173 Morning


भानशुशी भ�ूमसतुो बधुU ।

गCुU शVुU श)न राहु केतवः

कुव�+त ुसवW मम स?ुभातम ्॥ ॥


Brahma, Murari, Shiva, Sun, Moon, Mangal , Budha, Guru, Shukra,

Shani, Rahu and Ketu - may all of them make mine a good morning..

%E173 %W173;

GRामरुा.रिSपरुा+तकार� = The Trinity of gods i.e. Brahma,

Mura's enemyi.e Vishnu and the destroyer of the three cities i.e. Shiva;

भानशुशी = the sun and the moon;

भ�ूमसतुो = same as bhUmisutaH i.e the son of the Earth;

बधुः = god or planet Mercury or enlightened person;

च = and;

गCुः = teacher (refers to spiritual teacher), the preceptor;

च = and;

शVुः = the bright or white one; also refers to the planet Venus

and Shukracharya, the demons' preceptor;

च = and;

श)न = Planet Saturn; one of the 9 Grahas; Saturday;

राहु = one of the Navagrahas `Rahu';

केतवः = Ketu, south Node;

कुव�+त ु= ?? ;

सवW = all;

मम = mine; mymy; mine;

स?ुभात ं= good morning; %S174 Morning

उ�YZो�YZ गो�व+द उ�YZ गCडधव्ज ।

उ�YZ कमलाका+त �लैो\य ंम@गल ंकुC ॥ ॥


Awake Awake, O Govinda, Awake, the One with the flag with Garuda ensign,

Awake the beloved of LakShmi, Bless for the welfare of the three worlds..

%E174 %W174;

उ�YZो�YZ = Arise! Arise!;

गो�व+द = A name of kRiShNa, Govinda, the cowherd boy;

उ�YZ = Arise; rise or get up;

गCडMवज = Oh! the one having `GaruDa' eagle-like bird as the Flag Emblem;

उ�YZ = Arise; rise or get up;

कमलाका+त = oh! consort of kamala or LakShmi;

�लैो\य ं= belonging to the three worlds;

म@गल ं= auspiciousness; welfare; well-being; good things;

कुC = do; %S175 Morning

?ातः !मरा�म ]�द स!ंफुरदा�मत�व ं

सिHच�सखु ंपरमहंसग)त ंतरु�यम ्।

य�!वपनजागरसषु_ुमव)ैत )न�य ं

त=GR )न�कलमहं न च भतूस@घः ॥ ॥


Early in the morning, I meditate upon the intrinsic principle --

the Self that shines in the heart; Who is Existence, Knowledge and

Bliss Absolute; Who is attained by Paramahansas (those who follow

the path of renunciation). Who is the fourth (transcending the

three states), Who is the Eternal Knower of the three states --

waking, dream and deep sleep; That taintless Brahman I am. I am

not this physical body composed of elements..

%E175 %W175;

?ातः = in the morning;

!मरा�म = I remember;

]�द = in the heart;

स!ंफुर= = throbbing;

आ�मतaव ं= the truth or essence of the soul or self or spirit;

सिHच�सखु ं= Existence, Consciousness and Happiness;

परमहंसग)त ं= the goal or end or way where one attains bliss;

तरु�य ं= the 4th state;

य�!वपनजागरसषु_ुमव)ैत = that which knows one's dreaming,

wakeful and sleeping states;

)न�य ं= ever; permanent;

त=GR = that Bahman;

)न�कलमहं = ?? ;

न = NoNot; no;

च = and;

भतूस@घः = one who has the company of the ogres Shiva's attendants; %S176 Morning

?ातभ�जा�म मनसा वचसामग:य ं

वाचो �वभाि+त )नbखला यदनKुहेण ।

य+ने)तने)तवचन)ैनग�मा अवोचु!त ं

देव देवमज ंअHयतु ंआहुरKयम ्॥ ॥


Early in the morning, I worship the Divinity who is beyond the reach

of the mind and senses, by whose grace speech manifests in its entirety.

Who is taught in scriptures as Neti (not this), not this (by a series

of negations); Who is called the Purusha (the Self), the unborn, God

of Gods, the Immutable Self, the Primeval being!.

%E176 %W176;

?ातभ�जा�म = I shall worship in the morning;

मनसा = through the mind;

वचसामग:य ं= the unreachable through words;

वाचो = words; expression;

�वभाि+त = shine;

)नbखला = all; entire;

यदनKुहेण = with the grace or blessings of that;

य+ने)तने)तवचन)ैनग�मा = that which emerges from the elimination

process of `not this, not this';

)नगमा = veda;

अवोचु!त ं= told him;

देव = Oh! god Oh! God!;

देवमज ं= the unborn God;

अHयतु ं= God `achyuta' meaning one who does not slip or glide away;

आहुरKय ं= ?? ; %S177 Morning

?ातन�मा�म तमसः परमक� वण8

पणू� सनातन पदं पCुषोYमाcयम ्।

यि!मि+नदं जगदशषे ंअशषेभतू ं

रddवा ंभजु@ग ंइव ?)तभा�सत ंव ै॥ ॥


Early in the morning, I adore the Supreme Self, who is beyond ignorance,

bright as the sun, in whom this entire world is superimposed like a

snake in the rope; Who is the Eternal Abode, ever full, known as

Purushottama -- the best of souls..

%E177 %W177;

?ातन�मा�म = I shall bow down in the morning;

तमसः = from darkness;

परमक� वण8 = ?? ;

पणू� = full; completely filled; infinite;

सनातन = the ancient;

पदं = step ; leg; word;

पCुषोYमाcय ं= said to be or known as purushottama i.e. the best among men;

यि!मि+नदं = in whom, this;

जगदशषे ं= the world without any remainder;

अशषेभतू ं= one who existed without any remainder or without the

`seSha' serpant god;

रddवा ं= the rope or the one with a rope;

भजु@ग ं= the serpant;

इव = like; similar to; as it were;

?)तभा�सत ं= reflected one;

व ै= indeed; surely; %S178 Evening

शभु ंकरो)त कNयाणमारोfय ंधनस:पदा ।

श�बु�ुg�वनाशाय द�पdयो)तन�मोऽ!ततु े॥ ॥


I prostrate to that lamp-light, which brings good, auspicious,

health, wealth and possessions, and destroys bad intellect..

%E178 %W178;

शभु ं= auspiciousness; good endings;

करो)त = does;

कNयाणमारोfय ं= that which is good and healthy;

धनस:पदा = wealth-giver;

श�बु�ुg�वनाशाय = for the removal of inimical feelings;

द�पdयो)तन�मोऽ!ततु े= Oh! the lamp flame; Let there be our bowing to you; %S179 Evening

द�पdयो)तः परGR द�पdयो)तज�नाद�नः ।

द�पो हरत ुमे पाप ंद�पdयो)तन�मोऽ!ततु े॥ ॥


The light of the lamp is the great Brahman - the Creator.

The light of the lamp is Vishnu - the sustainer. Let the

light destroy my sins, I salute the light of the Lamp..

%E179 %W179;

द�पdयो)तः = the flame of the lamp;

परGR = the great Brahman;

द�पdयो)तः = the flame of the lamp;

जनाद�नः = Vishnu;

द�पो = lamp;

हरत ु= May remove or destroy;

मे = to me or my;

पाप ं= sin;

द�पdयो)तन�मोऽ!ततु े= Oh! flame of the lamp! Let there be our bowing to you; %S180 Misc

राम!क+दं हनमू+त ंवनैतये ंवकृोदरम ्।

शयने !मरणे )न�य ंदःु!वhन ंत!यनiय)त ॥ ॥


At the time of sleep, the bad dreams are driven away

by constant remembrance of Rama, Subramanya, Hanuman,

Garuda, and Bheema..

%E180 %W180;

राम!क+दं = Rama and Skandaor the leaping Rama;

राम = Rama;

!क+दम ्= Muruga or SubramanyaM;

हनमू+त ं= Hanuman;

वनैतये ं= the eagle Garuda, the vehicle of Vishnu lit.:the son of VinatA;

वकृोदरं = the long-bellyed one, Bheema;

शयने = in the bed;

!मरणे = while remembering;

)न�य ं= ever; permanent;

दःु!वhन ं= bad dream;

त!य = that person's;

नiय)त = gets destrroyed; dies; loses;becomes destroyed; expires; %S181 Misc

ॐ पणू�मदः पणू��मदँ पणूा�त ्पणू�मदुHयत े।

पणू�!य पणू�मादाय पणू�मेवाव�श�यत े।

ॐ शाि+तः शाि+तः शाि+तः ॥ ॥


Om. That (supreme Brahman) is infinite, complete, and this

(conditioned Brahman) is infinite. The infinite proceeds from the infinite,

supreme Brahman. Through knowledge, taking the infinite from the

infinite, conditioned Brahman, it remains as the infinite unconditioned

Brahman alone. Om Peace, Peace, Peace! %alternate meaning


OM! That is Full. This is Full. From that Full, this Full has come; when

this Full is taken from that Full It always remains Full!

Om Peace, Peace, Peace!.

%E181 %W181;

ॐ = same as `OM' i.e. the praNava or `o~NkAra' mantra;

पणू�मदः = complete, that;

पणू��मदँ = complete, this;

पणूा�त ्= from the whole or infinite;

पणू�मदुHयत े= complete, is produced;

पणू�!य = of the whole;

पणू�मादाय = having taken the whole; the entire thing;

पणू�मेवाव�श�यत े= the whole thing itself remains;

ॐ = same as `OM' i.e. the praNava or `o~NkAra' mantra;

शाि+तः = Peace; tranquility;

शाि+तः = Peace; tranquility;

शाि+तः = Peace; tranquility; %S182 Misc

�वमेव माता च �पता �वमेव ।

�वमेव ब+धUु सखा �वमेव ।

�वमेव �व>ा O�वण ं�वमेव ।

�वमेव सव8 मम देवदेव ॥ ॥


Oh God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father, kinsman,

friend, knowledge and wealth. You are my everything..

%E182 %W182;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

माता = Mother;

च = and;

�पता = father;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

ब+धःु = a relative;

च = and;

सखा = friend;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

�व>ा = knowledge; learning;

O�वण ं= money;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

�वमेव = you alone; you only;

सव8 = all;

मम = mine; mymy; mine;

देवदेव = Oh! god of the gods; %S183 Misc

ॐ णमो अ.रह+ताण ं

ॐ णमो �सgाण ं

ॐ णमो आय.रयाण ं

ॐ णमो उवdझायाण ं

ॐ णमो लोए स4वसाहुण ं

एसो पQच णमोकारो

स4व पावपणासणो

म@गलाण ंच स4वे�स ं

पढम ंहवई म@गलम ्॥ ॥


Obeisance to the Arihantas - perfect souls - Godmen, I bow down to

those who have reached omniscience in the flesh and teach the road to

everlasting life in the liberated state.

Obeisance to Siddhas - liberated bodiless souls, I bow down to those

who have attained perfect knowledge and liberated their souls of all


Obeisance to the masters - heads of congreagations, I bow down to those

who have experienced self-realization of their souls through self-control

and self-sacrifice.

Obeisance to the Teachers - ascetic teachers, I bow down to those who

understand the true nature of the soul and teach the importance of the

spiritual over the material.

Obeisance to all the ascetic aspirants in the universe, I bow down to

those who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire

us to live a virtuous life.

This five fold obeisance mantra, to these five types of great souls

I offer my praise.

Destroys all demerits. Such praise will diminish my sins.

And is the first and foremost of all, Giving this praise

is most auspicious.

Auspicious recitations, So auspicious as to bring happiness

and blessings..

%E183 %W183;

%S184 Misc

GRाप�ण ंGR ह�वः GRाfनौ GRणा हुतम ्।

GRवै तने ग+त4य ंGRकम�समा5धना ॥ ॥


Brahman is the oblation. Brahman is the clarified butter. The

oblation is poured by Brahman into the fire of Brahman. Brahman

shall be realized by the one who considers everything as (a

manifestation or) an act of Brahman..

%E184 %W184;

GRाप�ण ं= offered or dedicted to the Brahman;

GR = Brahman; God;

ह�वः = the object or thing offered as sacrifice;

GRाfनौ = in the Brahma which is in the form of a fire;

GRणा = By Brahman;

हुत ं= that which has been offered as the sacrifice;

GRवै = Like Brahman;

तने = by him or that;

ग+त4य ं= that which should be reached;

GRकम�समा5धना = through the meditation-state becoming like Brahman; %S185 Misc

कम��येवा5धकार!त ेमा फलेष ुकदाचन ।

मा कम�फलहेत�ुभ�ः मा त ेस@गो!�व कम�bण ॥ ॥


You have right over your respective duty only, but no control

or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be your

motive. You should never be inactive..

%E185 %W185;

कम��येवा5धकार!त े= Your right is only for doing your duty;

मा = do not;

फलेष ु= in or among the fruits;

कदाचन = some time or other; once,;

मा = do not;

कम�फलहेत�ुभ�ः = fruits of work as a motive;

कम� = duty or work;

फल = fruit;

हेत ू= motive;

मा = do not;

त े= to you or your (here:poss.);

स@गो!त ु= ?? ;

अकम�bण = without the action or duty; %S186 Krishna

य� योगेoरः कृ�णो य� पाथp धनधु�रः ।

त� "ी�व�जयो भ)ूतqु�वा नी)तम�)तम�म ॥ ॥


Where there is the king of yoga Sri Krishna and where there is the

archer Arujna there lies prosperity and victory such is my opinion..

%E186 %W186;

य� = the place where;

योगेoरः = the master of Yoga science;

कृ�णो = Krishna;

य� = the place where;

पाथp = Partha; Arjuna;

धनधु�रः = the one wearing a bow;

त� = there;

"ी�व�जयो = the glorified victory;

भ)ूतqु�वा = ?? ;

नी)तम�)तम�म = ?? ; %S187 Misc

पाथा�य ?)तबो5धता ंभगवता नारायणेन !वयम ्

4यासेनK5थता ंपरुाणम)ुनना मMये महाभारत े।

अrैतामतृव�ष�णी ंभगवतीमsादशाMया)यनीम ्

अ:ब �वामनसु+दधा�म भगवtीत ेभवेrे�षणीम ्।

इ)त गीता!तव ॥ ॥


O Bhagvad Gita with which PArtha was enlightened by Lord

NArAyaNa himself and which was incorporated in Mahabharata

by the ancient sage Vyasa - the blessed Mother, the destroyer

of rebirth, showering down the nectar of Advaita, and consisting

of eighteen chapters - upon Thee, O Bhagvad Gita! O loving Mother!

I meditate..

%E187 %W187;

पाथा�य = to Partha, Arjuna;

?)तबो5धता ं= the awakened; the enlightened one; the taught one;

भगवता = by the bhagavAn;

नारायणेन = by Narayana;

!वय ं= by oneself ; by one's own efforts;

4यासेनK5थता ं= the one written by Vyasa;

परुाणम)ुनना = by the ancient sage;

मMये = in the midddle;

महाभारत े= in the mahabarata epic;

अrैतामतृव�ष�णी ं= the goddess who rains the nectar or the non-dual philosophy;

भगवतीमsादशाMया)यनी ं= the goddess who is contemplated in 18 chapters or ways;

अ:ब = Oh Goddess! or mother!;

�वामनसु+दधा�म = I shall follow or obey you;

भगवtीत े= in the book `bhagavatgita' meaning the song of the Lord;

भवेrे�षणी ं= ?? ;

इ)त = thusthus;

गीता!तव = at (M.nom.) the hymn praising Gita; %S188 Misc

सवpप)नषदो गावो दोfधा गोपालन+दनः ।

पाथp व�सः सधुीभpFा दfुध ंगीतामतृ ंमहत ्॥ ॥


All the UpaniShads are the cows, the son of the cowherd (Krishna)

is the milker, Partha (Arjuna) is teh calf, men of purified

intellect are the drinkers and the supreme nectar Gita is the


%E188 %W188;

सवpप)नषदो = all the `upanishad's or Vedanta;

गावो = cows;

दोfधा = the milking man;

गोपालन+दनः = the delightful protector of cows; refers to Krishna;

पाथp = Partha; Arjuna;

व�सः = child; the young one;

सधुीभpFा = the intellect is the eater or enjoyer;

दfुध ं= milk;

गीतामतृ ं= nectar-like gita;

महत ्= great; big; %S189 Misc

"ीम+महागणा5धपतये नमः ।

"ी सर!व�य ैनमः । "ीगरुवे नमः ।

"ीमाता�पतIृया ंनमः ।

"ीलLमीनारायणाIया ंनमः ।

"ीउमामहेoराIया ंनमः ।

इsदेवताIयो नमः । कुलदेवताIयो नमः ।

!थानदेवताIयो नमः । वा!तदेुवताIया ंनमः ।

सवWIयो देवेIयो नमो नमः । अ�वuनम!त ु।

देवताव+दनम ्॥ ॥


Salutations to Lors Ganesha.

Salutations to Goddess Sarasvati.

Salutations to Guru..

%E189 %W189;

"ीम+महागणा5धपतये = to the venerable and great chief of the

`ganNA's, attendants of Shiva i.e.Ganesha;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

"ी = relating to Prosperity; wealth; goddess LakShmi and ` shrIH'

is fem.nom.; also an honourable prefix;

सर!व�य ै= to Sarasvati;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

"ीगरुवे = to the respected teacher;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

"ीमाता�पतIृया ं= to the respectable mother and father;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

"ीलLमीनारायणाIया ं= to the respectable LakShmi and Narayana;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

"ीउमामहेoराIया ं= to the venerable Uma and Mahesvara;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

इsदेवताIयो = for the favoured gods;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

कुलदेवताIयो = to the deity of the ancestors;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

!थानदेवताIयो = to the gods who have been assigned different positions;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

वा!तदेुवताIया ं= to the gods who govern construction of house,

temple, etc. architecture;

नमः = bowing; salutation;

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