
Hear us out! We don’t always bite.

Fun-filled facts about the coolest

underwater fish

Types of Sharks



There are about 440 species

of sharks in the world

No Bones!Fact#1

Sharks do not have a single bone in their bodies.

Instead they have a skeleton made up of cartilage.

Cartilage is a type of tough, flexible tissue

present in the human nose and ears.

Super Hearing

Sharks can hear a fish thrashing in the water from as far

as 500 metres away!

Some scientists think hearing is typically the

first sense sharks use in detecting prey.


Deadly Predators

Great Whites are the deadliest of all sharks, and responsible

for the largest number of recorded shark attacks on humans.

They can swim through water at an amazing

30 km/h!


A Painful Date

Male sharks find mates by biting female sharks. That is why many

species of female sharks have comparatively thicker skin.

Other animals which bite potential partners

are cats and turtles.


Just Keep Swimming

Some sharks remain on the move for their entire lives!

If the shark stops moving, it will suffocate and die.

Swimming forces water over their gills,

delivering oxygen to the blood stream.


I Smell Blood

A shark would be able to smell a single drop of blood

in an Olympic-sized pool!

Sharks have a very keen sense of smell

which they use for hunting.


Troublesome Babies

The first tiger shark pup to hatch inside its mother’s womb

devours its unborn siblings until only two pups remain,

one on each side of the womb.

Hammerhead sharks are born with soft heads

so they won’t jam their mothers’ birth canals.


Razor Sharp Teeth

The average shark has 40-45 razor-sharp teeth and can

have up to seven rows of replacement teeth.

Sharks lose a lot of teeth and grow them back quickly.

They often go through more than twenty thousand

teeth in a lifetime!


Special Attention Required

Humans kill about 30 million sharks per year trying to make

beaches safer or fishing.

On the other hand, only around 30 people die due to

shark attacks each year.

See the difference?



Many species of sharks are nearing extinction. This will

cause an overall imbalance in the ecosystem.

Sharks inhabited the earth 200 million

years before dinosaurs appeared!

Let’s try to conserve them, please?


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