Shaniece Barnes CUR/516 - Curriculum Theory and Instructional Design Professor Melinda Medina Instructional Plan and Presentation February 8, 2015 Savannah.

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Shaniece BarnesCUR/516 - Curriculum Theory and Instructional DesignProfessor Melinda Medina Instructional Plan and PresentationFebruary 8, 2015

Savannah River Site (SRS)

“Oz Principle Training ”Proposal

Implementation Training Projected Schedule

The Implementation Training Schedule is currently projected to be an 8 week process.

Training Materials Needed


The purpose of this training is to allow the employees to gain an understanding of their roles in accountability within the organization. This will provide the employees with a straight path that leads them to the organizations vision, which is to achieve and sustain excellence through effective leadership and an engaged workforce.

Organization Key Results

Zero Human Performance OSHA Recordable Injuries

Zero Human Performance SCRAMS (Plant Shutdowns)

>95 Equipment Reliability Index for the site

The Oz Principle Definition of Accountability

Accountability: A personal choice to rise above ones circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving Key Results; to See It, Own It, Solve It, Do It.

See It, Own It, Solve It, Do It Accountability Tool

The Oz Accountability training will emphasis the importance of SOSD Accountability tool (See It, Own It, Do It, Solve It). The following slides will illustrate the best practices for employees using the SOSD tool.

Accountability Tool See It

Obtain the perspective of others Become open and candid in communication Ask for feedback from others Hearing the feedback so that the view of the reality of the situation becomes visible

Accountability Tool Own It

Become personally invested Learn from both successes and failures Ensure that there work is aligned with key results Act on feedback that’s received from employees

Accountability Tool Solve It

Ask, What else can I do? Collaborate across functional boundaries Deal creatively with obstacles Take the necessary risks

Accountability Tool Do It

Do the things I say I’ll do Not blame others Track progress with proactive and transparent reporting Build an environment of trust

Learning Approach

Collaborative Learning: Is defined as a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together. A Collaborative Learning environment also encourages individuals to actively engage with other learners to share experiences and take on roles that may be outside of the “norm” for some.

The Projected Training Schedule

The training schedule to the right outlines the time/day/date of the training as well as the location.

Who will be involved?

Oz Trainer/


Site Vice President

Site Training Manager

(2) Oz Principle Qualified Company



Training Security

Maintenance Human Resources

Work Management

Procedures Chemistry

Performance Improvement

Emergency Preparedness

Radiation Protection

Information Technology



Communicating the Training

2014 Human Performance Events (Employees not being accountable)

2/2/2014 – An Engineer placed their left hand upside down in hand reader several times at the PESB and received an abrasion to the left hand. He was not able to use his right hand to scan in due to a Band-Aid on his right hand. (First Aid)

3/2/2014 – An Electrician was trying to push a taut ratchet strap and felt a “pop” in their right shoulder. (First Aid)

4/4/2014 – A Training Specialist caught their finger between desk chair and work surface while turning in chair. (First Aid)

6/6/2014- A Nuclear Specialist and a co-worker was lifting a tailgate when the employee’s right long finger got pinched between the gate and its hinge, resulting in a deep laceration to that finger. (OSHA Recordable)

Formative Assessment

Questioning – Will engage the employees into the training and allow them to gain a complete understanding of the purpose.

Discussion - This will allow the facilitator to gain an understanding of the employees and their perspective on their work standards. This will also allow the students to exchange and explore diverse ideas from other employees experience.

Peer/Self Assessments – Peer/Self Assessments will promotes self evaluation as well as goal setting. This is a logical step in the learning process for the employees.

Was the Training Effective?

Feedback Cards How did the training affect employee performance?

How effective was the trainer at engaging the audience and conveying information?

Was training delivered as planned, on time and to the appointed audience?

Which training methods worked with which topics and which audience groups?

The Ultimate Goal of Oz Accountability Training

Achieve and sustain excellence through effective leadership and an engaged



Collaborative learning. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from

Ensure Your Training is Effective. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from

Examples of Formative Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from

The Accountability Gap. (2011, May 18). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from

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