Shahin Apple

Post on 27-May-2017






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North South University

INB – 410

Apple’s secret and success

Submitted To:Adity Mansur Mahmud (AMD)

Lecturer of BBA

North South University

Submitted By:Md. Shahin

ID: 082 196 030

Sec: 02

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Date: 28 – 03 – 2012

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What is the secret behind Apple’s success?

Apple is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer

electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known

hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Its

software includes the Mac OS X

operating system; the iTunes

media browser; the iLife suite of

multimedia and creativity

software; the iWork suite of

productivity software; Aperture, a

professional photography

package; Final Cut Studio, a suite

of professional audio and film-

industry software products; Logic

Studio, a suite of music

production tools; the Safari web

browser; and iOS, a mobile

operating system. Apple has done

an amazing job on marketing and

branding and this is where the

secret to their success is at… Brand Messaging. Apple has done such an amazing job with

their branding, they have gone beyond just building a loyal tribe of customers, and they have

built a culture!

It’s obvious that to be in the competition one need to be best in creation. But for being in the

competition in the technology business one company need to keep it’s everything secret

along with best creation because technology is something which could be copied or upgraded

very easily. Apple is successful in technology business because they can keep their products

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and strategies secret from its competitors and it is the company which is bringing best

gadgets with innovative features first in the market for the customers than its competitors.

The Apple using office environment, some technique and the secret is given bellow -


Apple has done an amazing job with the looks and feel of their products. Because they have

built their products with quality materials and added a more space age smooth look, it causes

you to feel like you have gotten something special. Apple is using their products to target the

5 senses. Add this entire up with their moto “Think Different”, they have created this image

that if you get an Apple product it’s the best of the best… which must mean “I am the best!”

And this makes me feel good about myself.

Price Point:

Because everything that Mac

produces is sold for a premium

price, even if you are on a

payment plan with them, this

still can cause you to feel more

successful. Like you own

something that someone who is

struggling financially would

never have.

Once again…. Striking to the heart of the desire which drives the emotions of their target

market. And when you can do that and offer that kind of experience, product, etc… You can

charge a premium price!


Have you ever talked to a Mac user about getting a PC? lol… There is no way you are going

to change their mind that Mac is the best thing ever! About a year or so ago, I was talking to a

friend of mine (a hardcore Mac Culture Member) and I was telling him about how much I

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like my Droid Incredible (I have an iPhone 4s now!). Well, he wouldn’t hear it! He proceeded

to tell me that he has never heard anything good about the Droid since the iPhone 4 has come


Everyone wants to understand the secrets of Apple’s success and hopefully emulate them.

The reasons given by people for Apple’s success are many. The following are a few of the

arguments made:

Vertical integration : Apple owns most of, if not the entire, technology

stack for its key products, and thus gives it advantages over other less vertically integrated


Making markets vs.   Addressing markets : Some

claim that Apple doesn’t ask people what they need but gives them products they decide they


The Cool Factor : Let’s face it; Apple does make “cool” products. Attention to

design and detail – fit and finish as they

say – really distinguishes Apple’s products

from competitors.

Product Marketing:

Success behind Apple’s tremendous

marketing campaign is its senior vice

president of product marketing Mr. Phill

Schiller. He is such a talented person that

he can launch a new Apple product in a better way than a Hollywood blockbuster movie.

Moreover, launching new products with such blockbuster movies like Lord of the Rings and

Star wars were really a good strategy.

Steve Jobs: Apple has and which is not a secret is that Apple got a wonderful

leader like Steve Jobs who shows the correct path always. Without his effective guidance

Apple could not reach in such an honorable position.

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Security and secrecy is always enforced in Apple. It’s not only for being in the competition

but also they don’t want to demoralize their existing products. Apple could make them that

much capable because they can keep secret efficient and can manage their employees

effectively. Behind the success of Apple the most important roles are played by their

employees because they are efficient in their working in such a difficult work place and they

are coordinating pretty well with top management and with the security protocol to keep the

secret of the company.

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What is your opinion regarding Apple’s success?

Apple is such a amazing company that all its products are big hits among old to new

generation. All the competitors of Apple want to follow its moves to develop better products

but most of the cases Apple beat its competitors badly. Not only with its innovative products

but also its outstanding managerial strategies and tactics help Apple to touch the acme of

success. Apple innovate not just on technology, but on the business model, this makes it

difficult for competitor to play catch up let alone over take Apple once it establish itself in a

dominant position.

People care about the experience not technology. Apple has always been about the uses

experience, but for a long time the majority of the market didn’t care about that.

Apple is successful because it could maintain its corporate ambiguity in an

outstanding way. The strategies which are used by are apple are not at all conspicuous

and quiet difficult to guess from its visible moves. Even the employees who are

working for Apple have a very blurry idea about what is going on in the organization.

Engineers who are developing products for Apple have a little clue what they are

working for. While working on their assigned job they could barely guess what

product or the part of product they are developing.

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Apple does maintain an unbreakable security protocol which helps it to hide its

business strategies and product information from the competitors. Offices of Apple

have frosted glasses to make less

conspicuous what was going on

inside from the outsiders. Even

in the office it maintains a strong

surveillance to monitor how the

employees are working and

whether any information is

leaking or not. Moreover, inside

Apple’s office employees and

managers do secret meeting in

locked doors. During the meeting no one can go inside or outside. After the meeting

managers instruct the employees strictly not to share any information with anyone.

Apple does coordinate its all corporate work very efficiently. Every employee knows

that well after finishing his or her task to whom to meet. In this case, every employee

connected with each other through a office server where they don’t know each other

but can recognize each other through a particular number.

New recruits are told during their orientation about the company policies and they are

strictly prohibited to share any kind of company information with anyone else. Lots of

employees have no idea actually what they are working on that’s why there is no

chance to get any information leaked. Those employees knows about their work don’t

share anything with anyone else because of their contract. In the contract Apple

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mentioned a common term in everywhere which is sharing information with anyone

from outside intentionally and unintentionally will result straight termination.

Apple is successful because they have some wonderful leaders. Late Steve Jobs is the one

whose effective leadership helps Apple to go such a long way. Moreover, marketing experts

like Phill Schiller helps Apple product in the most appropriate way.


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