SFP 10-14 Grantee Orientation August 2012 10-14 Gran… · random assignment of families from 33 Iowa Public Schools (22 school districts) ... 515-294-7601 or hockaday@iastate.edu

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Kimberly McCarthy, EPISCenter Prevention Coordinator

New Grantee Orientation August 14, 2012

Ramada Inn and Conference Center - State College, PA

An evidence-based family skills-building curriculum designed to:

Improve parental nurturing, limit-setting, and appropriate disciplineBuild pro-social skills in youthStrengthen family bonding, communication,

and problem-solvingReduce and delay ATOD initiation and usePrevent and reduce teen behavior problems


Karol Kumpfer, University of Utah



Iowa State University Extension

1993Written By: Molgaard, Kumpfer, Fleming

The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and

Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14)

Iowa State University Extension


Revision #1:•Adapted for universal use with youth ages 10-14•Evaluated with white, rural families•Named the Iowa Strengthening Families Program (ISFP)

Revision #2: •Adapted for use with ethnically diverse families•Renamed SFP 10-14

Original Version:•Designed for use with substance-using caregivers and their youth ages 6-12•Evaluated mostly with high-risk ethnic families

Ongoing training and program proliferation began in the United States in 1997

International adaptations began in 2002 and continue: Sweden, U.K., Central America, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Norway, Serbia, Albania, Panama, etc…

Targets youth ages 10-14 at a transition time Designed for groups of 10 families (7 to 13) 7 weekly sessions Four boosters may be held 3-12 months later

Family Meal RecommendedFirst Hour: Parents/caregivers meet Youth meet

Second Hour: Parents/caregivers and youth

practice skills and have fun togetherFacilitators: 1 for parent sessions 2 for youth sessions All 3 facilitate the family session

Video-directed Parent Sessions - presentations, role-plays, group discussions, and other skill-building activities

Youth Sessions - small and large group discussions, learning games, group skill practice, role-playing, and social bonding activities

Family Sessions - games and projects to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and facilitate learning to solve problems together


SFP 10-14: So Much More Than Fun & Games!

Using Love and Limits Making House Rules Encouraging Good Behavior Using Appropriate Consequences Managing Emotions/Stress Protecting Against Substance Abuse –

Articulating Expectations Using Community Resources

Having Goals and Dreams Taking Steps and Making Good Decisions

to Reach Goals Appreciating Parents/Empathy Managing Stress/Coping Skills Following Rules/Fulfilling Responsibilities Handling Peer Pressure – Consequences

of Substance Use, Resistance Skills, and Qualities of Good Friends

Reaching Out To Others

Supporting Youth’s Goals and Dreams Appreciating Family Members Sharing and Understanding Family

Values and Expectations Building Open and Clear Family

Communication Reaching Goals Together Joint Problem-Solving Have Fun Together

Demanding and rejecting behavior

Poor child management –monitoring, indulgence

Harsh, inconsistent, and inappropriate discipline

Poor communication of family rules

Aggressive or withdrawn behavior Favorable attitudes towards or early

initiation of problem behaviors/substance use

Negative peer influences Poor social/stress management skills Poor school performance Lack of pro-social goals Poor relationship with parents/family


Positive parent-child affect and communication Supportive family involvement

Age-appropriate expectations – healthy beliefs and clear standards

Clear expectations regarding substance use Appropriate parental monitoring

Consistent discipline

Pro-social goals/Positive future orientation

Peer pressure resistance skills Pro-social peer relationships Positive management of

emotions Positive parent-child affect -

Empathy with parents Pro-social family values

Originally evaluated in a randomized, controlled trial (the most rigorous evaluation design) with families of sixth graders through Project Family at the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research at Iowa State University beginning in 1993 (By Richard Spoth, Ph.D.)

A Large-scale, longitudinal design involving random assignment of families from 33 Iowa Public Schools (22 school districts)

Multi-informant, multi-method measurement procedures at pretest, posttest, and follow-up of parents and youth from 6th to 12th grade

Blueprints Program – Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

US Department of Health and Human Services -Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

National Institute on Drug Abuse US Department of Justice - Office of Juvenile

Justice and Delinquency Prevention Substance Abuse Mental Health Services

Administration US Department of Education 4-H Program of Distinction Annie E. Casey Foundation Family Strengthening


Landmark International Meta Analysis Study of 6000

Adolescent Alcohol Reduction Program

Funded by the World Health Organization in 2001 Conducted by Foxcroft and colleagues - Oxford

Brookes University, Oxford, England Used strict criteria following the approach of the

International Cochrane Collaboration, Drugs and Alcohol Review Group

The Cochrane Collaboration found SFP 10-14 to be the most promising effective

intervention over the longer-term for the primary prevention of alcohol misuse.

Analyses by researchers from the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research

have found economic returns of up to $9.60 for

every dollar spent implementing SFP 10-14

and a cost benefit of $5,923 for each youth participating

in SFP 10-14.

Planning and Training Coordination Recruitment Quality and Model Adherence Communicating Impact Strategic Sustainability

Know population – Set realistic goal for the number of programs

Secure Funding – Set budget Hire a program coordinator Order manuals. A minimum of four is recommended for a

single program. This count includes one for each facilitator and the program coordinator.

Schedule training through Iowa State University Extension.

Advertise for, interview, and/or select individuals to participate in the facilitator training.

Prepare supplies Develop a recruitment plan

SFP 10-14 is intended to be delivered by three trained and certified facilitators (1 for the parent session and 2 for the youth session).

It is highly recommended that multiple facilitators be trained in anticipation of any future staff turnover.

It is recommended that the program coordinator, recruiter, key program partners, and fidelity observers be trained.

Training for new sites must be coordinated through Iowa State University.

The recommended training takes place over three consecutive days with each day typically beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending by 5:00 p.m.

Training is offered at a site of your choosing and a minimum of three individuals must participate.

Currently, costs are estimated at $4000 plus travel for one trainer (training up to 15 participants).

Contact: Cathy Hockaday, Extension Program Coordinator

515-294-7601 or hockaday@iastate.edu

Enthusiastic and have strong presentation and organization skills

Committed to delivering the curriculum as intended by the developer

Experience working with parents or youth is beneficial. Backgrounds in social services, education, psychology, and counseling are highly encouraged

Facilitator qualifications/expectations are included in the developer’s SFP 10-14 curriculum manual (pg. 3)

Additional training/hiring resources are on the EPISCenter Website

Program Coordinator Recruiter On-site arranger Fidelity observers Childcare providers

It is highly recommended that facilitators and all staff have current child abuse clearances.

Review the EPISCenter supply list. Use plastic containers, rolling carts, or boxes to organize the

facilitation supplies. It is helpful to separate the parent, youth, and family session supplies.

Color code the handouts by session. Print all handouts that can be reused on card stock. Use carrying file boxes to organize handouts. Laminate the posters. Number them on the back by session. Collect magazines and newspapers. Cut photos. Make and laminate samples. The EPISCenter will provide a PowerPoint template for the

graduation ceremony.

Link with well-respected institutions Organizations sponsoring parent- and family-based

interventions can participate in developing the intervention. This involvement will help increase: Local ownership Support its objectives Commit to evaluating outcomes Accountability for impact and sustainability Promotion of the program/referrals

Identify space that is comfortable, familiar, and close for families

Involve parents/caregivers in an advisory capacity

Family Meal: Offering food can be a powerful incentive for

attendance. It also allows time for further family bonding and

facilitator modeling. If funds are not available, consider:

• soliciting donations from grocery stores or restaurants

• seek volunteers from churches or civic groups that may be willing to prepare meals

• Providing snacks only is another option

Childcare: For families with younger children, offering

childcare may make a difference in availability and their willingness to participate in the program.

Hire experienced childcare providers with child abuse clearances.

If funds are limited, consider enlisting the support of a church, youth group, 4-H club, vocational school, or children’s center.

Transportation: Transportation may be necessary for families

without cars or who do not have access to public transportation.

Consider contracting with a taxi or van service, renting or borrowing a van from a family-serving agency, providing money for taxi or bus services, or encouraging families to carpool.

Promotes registration, attendance and completion Examples: store coupons, gift cards, gifts related

to the themes of the curriculum Caregivers appreciate gas, grocery, restaurant,

and store gift cards Youth enjoy games, sports equipment, and arts

and craft supplies Use incentives to attract and retain participants -

offer them in week 1 and throughout the 7 weeks

Targeted Repeated Blitz Personal Connections Referrals

Begin recruiting 2 months before a program starts!

Consider securing the assistance of: a marketing firm;a graphic design student;or volunteers skilled in creating

promotional materials Access templates on EPISCenter


Memorandum of Understanding Outcome Measurement Tools

• Pre and post surveys• Fidelity Observations

Technical Assistance Quarterly Reporting Quality Assurance Visit Outcome Report

Family Identifier Form

EPISCenter Parent and Youth Pre/Post Surveys(or retrospective)

Facilitator Ratings

Participant Feedback

Fidelity Observation Forms (2 parent, 2 youth, and 2 family sessions)

Follow-up Survey Is Optional -- Developer’s 3–Month Follow-up Survey

Code surveys - Use the family identifier form as the attendance sheets

Administer the surveys with the parents and youth separated at the start of the first session

Explain to participants: the purpose, participation is voluntary, answer each question honestly, responses are confidential

Facilitators should read the survey to the group and offer assistance with comprehension

In session seven, administer the survey after the slideshow and the review of the topics learned. Although, parents/caregivers and youth will be in the same room, it is important to separate them so that each participant feels comfortable honestly disclosing answers.

Fidelity observations are to be conducted by a trained observer of 2 parent, 2 youth, and 2 family sessions during each 7-week program.

It is recommended that the fidelity observation forms be reviewed by facilitators prior to a program, so that a full understanding of the content delivery expectations and the delivery style aspects that impact model adherence and participant involvement are considered.

Once the fidelity observations are completed, feedback should be given to the facilitators and the program coordinator should debrief with the facilitation team to brainstorm ways to enhance delivery.

The program is intended to be delivered in 2 hours, plus meal time. The youth and parent sessions are each 1 hour in length and they run concurrently. The family session is one hour. It is important that the full dosage is administered and that the time allotted is not shortened.

The session should be delivered over 7 weeks. Youth ages 10-14 and their families are targeted. Three certified facilitators should be utilized. Deliver all of the curriculum. It is important not to corrupt the core

of the program by skipping or modifying activities. Use the DVDs. It is important, especially in the parent session, to

avoid stopping the video during instruction. The curriculum should be followed as structured and it is strongly

encouraged that facilitators avoid interjecting their own opinions.

Attendance Process Measures Outcome Measures Facilitator Ratings

Comments Fidelity Observation Data

Analyze the data after each program to:1) monitor quality and continually strengthen the

program2) provide speaking points for staff and

champions3) prepare reports for local stakeholders and

potential funders

Collaborative board Local foundations and funders Businesses Legislators The directors of children and youth serving agencies County officials Judges and juvenile probation School district administrators

All Potential Funders, In-kind Contributors, & Recruitment & Referral Sources!

Sharing the program’s impact:

leads to increased staff investment raises community awareness

promotes recruitment and referrals fosters sustainability

Visit the EPISCenter Website at:http://www.episcenter.psu.edu/ebp/strengthening

Visit the Iowa State University Website at:www.extension.iastate.edu/sfp

EPISCenter206 Towers Building

University Park, PA 16802Phone: (814) 863-2568

Fax: (814) 865-3936

Email: EPISCenter@psu.eduWeb: www.episcenter.psu.edu

The EPISCenter is a project of the Prevention Research Center, College of Health and Human Development, Penn State University, and is supported by funding

from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare as a component of the Resource

Center for Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.

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