
Sexual Reproduction

By- Justin Ehrenpreis

Production of sex cells is……


Sex cell fuse by…………


Produces an egg cell…….


What involves 2 parents?

Sexual Reproduction

Both parents contribute…………

A Gamete

Gametes contain……………….

Genetic information giving by……

Offspring obtained……


Gametes are formed in……..

Reproductive structures called….gonads

Gametes are…………….

Sex cells

Males cells called…………..


Females cells called…………..

Ovum or…….


Gametogenesis is

A process that gametes are produced by…..


That happens in the……….


Meiosis is……………..

Reduction division that create gametes

Fertilization is………..

Fusion of one sperm nuclei with one ova (egg) nuclei, producing a…………………


Haploid or Monoplaoid represents…………….

A gamete which has

half of the # of chromosomes necessary.

Once 2 gametes fuse together they………

Form a zygote that is a……


Diploid has…………..

2 joined chromosomes which is……….

A set

Meiosis occurs in………

Diploid cells

Meiosis chromosomes duplicate………

Once through 2 successive divisions, 4 haploid cells, with

half the chromosome # of …….

Parental cell

Meiosis occurs only in…..

Sexual reproducing organisms

Depending on organism it may produce……………….

Haploid gametes, that………………

Do not…….

Divide further but……

Fuse to produce a…….

Diploid zygote

May produce…..

Haploid spores.

Haploid spores …….

Divide by…..

Mitotic cell cycles and produce……

Unicellular or multi cellular organisms.

Animas products of meiosis is the………………………


Meiosis consist of……………

2 nuclear divisions

Meiosis1 and 2

Crossing-over is……….

A process that can give rise to genetic recombination.

Nucleolus disappears during…………….

Prophase 1

The key difference between mitosis and meiosis is……..

That sister chromatids remain joined after Metaphase in Meiosis 1, whereas in mitosis they separate.

Centrioles are in…………

Opposite poles.

Cytokinessis is


Meiosis has…….

4 cells

Mitosis has………

2 cells

Chromosome do not……….

• Replicate again in Meiosis 2 Prophase 2

Meiosis 2 Telophase 2

The making of 4 daughter cells

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