

We started filming during the half-term period on the 27th October 2012 and managed to complete three shots of the first scene which was shot at Tesfah's house acting as Red Riding Hood's mother's house. Organising the first scene was fairly easy as we only needed two characters which was Red Riding Hood (portrayed by Zoe Atuona) and the mother (portrayed by Dawn Scott) - as well as the props which were the basket and the patties. On the first day of the film production, we experienced problems using the camera despite having camera training. We accidentally removed the footage we recorded whilst trying to play it back which meant that we had to rerecord all the shots that we recorded previously (albeit we lost only three shots) on Monday 29th October 2012 which was two days later and we eventually learnt how to playback the shots we recorded. We recorded each shot multiple times to enable us with having a better chance of selecting the best possible shot we could for the actual short film.

On the 29th October, we rerecorded all the shots that we lost on the 27th October and completed them successfully. This was the whole of the mother's house scene completed and we had only two more scenes to film which was the scene of the woods and the scene at the grandma's house. For this scene, the props used were a dress and a hoody for Little Red Riding Hood. Although Little Red Riding Hood traditionally wears a red dress (hence her name), our short film is of the sub-genre silent comedy where the visuals is in black and white so we made Little Red Riding Hood wear a black dress because the colour of the dress wouldn't be seen. We also made her wear a black hoody because we couldn't find a cape for her to wear.

This was the outfit Little Red Riding Hood was wearing.

The mother was dressed as a typical mother so we did not need to waste any time looking for garments for her to wear. We spent all of the day filming and was pleased with most of the shots although some shots we recorded were slightly dark. In terms of the acting, I believe that Zoe (Little Red Riding Hood) could of acted much better by emphasising her actions more convincingly. In my opinion, she acted well but it looked almost like she was acting reluctantly so this was what I saw as a negative in comparison to all of the good preparation me and Tesfah went through.

This was the clothes which Red Riding Hood’s mother was wearing which was quite casual and mother-like.

This mid shot of Little Red Riding Hood and her mother is an example of a shot which was taken in low-key lighting which we may have to brighten when we edit in the post-production.

Red Riding Hood

This is a panning shot of Little Red Riding Hood walking towards the door. This shot did not go to well as somebody got in the way but we felt that this is a good shot and wanted to keep it so we decided to crop that bit out. 

An actor who accidentally got into the shot

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