Session 6 : el - Giáo trình Bách Khoa Aptech

Post on 30-Apr-2015






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Expression Language

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Overview Expression Language EL Features Variable / Attribute Implicit Objects

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Script Expression

Any required value can be directly placed into the generated dynamic content using JSP expression

The expression is inserted into the JSP page after being evaluated and converted to string

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Expression Language New feature of JSP 2.0 Allows JSP developers to access java

objects via a compact, easy-to-use shorthand style

Developed by two groups– JSP Standard Tag Library expert group – JSP 2.0 expert group

Syntax– ${EL Expression}

JSP EL expressions are used in– Static text– Standard and Custom tags

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EL Features Key Features

– Easy syntax for accessing variables– Special support for collection objects and arrays– Implicit objects– Arithmetic

EL expressions can be disabled / enabled using isELIgnored attribute– <%@page isELIgnored=“true | false” %>

JSP EL Expressions are evaluated at runtime

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EL Expression with Prior JSP 2.0

By default JSP 1.2 or prior version ignore the EL Expression

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""

xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><jsp-config>




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Variable / Attribute Variables are used to store and access

values in JSP program Variable refers as a attributes that are

stored in standard scope such as page, request, session and application

Dot operator . or square brackets [ ] can be used to access value of variable– ${pageScope.color}– ${pageScope[“color”]}

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EL - Implicit Objects

Implicit Objects

pageContext cookieinitParamparamValuesparam

header headerValues






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EL Operators


/ or div



% or mod



< or lt

> or gt

< = or le

> = or ge

= = or eq

!= or ne

&& or and

|| or or

! or not


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EL Arithmetic Operators

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EL Relational Operators

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EL Logical Operators

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EL Empty Operators

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Call static method using EL

Static methods can be called within the EL expression

Step to call static methods using EL– Define static method– Regist with tag libray descriptor– Access EL functions within JSP

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Define static method

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Register with tag library descriptorDeclare the static function with the .tld file

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Access EL functions within JSPAccess the function using an EL expression

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Converts parameters to the appropriate objects or primitives automatically

JSTL defines appropriate conversion with default values


Boxing and Unboxing

Coercion to String

Coercion to Number

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Expression Language– ${EL Expression}

EL Features Variable / Attribute Implicit Objects

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