September 2012 Liberty Letter - 2012.pdf · Sarah & Laurette Eight ladies met August 28 for an

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September 2012

Liberty Letter

Inside this issue:

Pastor Tom 1

Missions 2

LIFE Club 2

Calendar 3


Ladies For Missions 4

Nurse’s Notes 5

Deacons 6

Senior High 7

Junior High 7

"God Bless You and God Bless America!"

Put any politician’s name on that quote because most, if not all, like to use it as their tag line at the end of any speech. Liberals and conservatives alike conclude their most inspiring talks with this "blessing." They either hope to invoke a power that I'm not sure any of them actually know or they want to appeal to those that trust in something higher than their elected officials. Their theology and politics would lend the casual observer to see that what they believe and practice is con-trary to what I know of the God from whom they seek blessing. In spite of this, can we as a nation expect God to bless us when we continue to practice life-styles and promote principles that are contrary to God's Word?

As a nation, we continue to ignore God’s Word as if It is just another book choice at Barnes and Noble. For decades now, we have aborted children daily; we are afraid to mention God or Jesus in the public square for fear of offending some pagans; we have replaced Creationism with Darwinism and science has become the god of choice for many; we have treated morality as an ugly step-sister and handed out condoms in the public schools; our school nurses can’t give an aspirin to a child without parental consent, but she can send them for abortions without the parents ever knowing; many heterosexuals spurn marriage for cohabitation while homosexuals sue for the right marry. Yet, the lawmakers who make such sins legitimate proclaim, “God Bless You and God Bless America!”

Will God bless America when we are in such a state of affairs? In Romans 1, Paul shows how God’s judgment is against this type of unrighteousness. Read verses 18-32 and you will see many of the same sins that our country has come to embrace. Will this bring God’s blessing? What is the answer?

1 Corinthians 6:9–11 says, 9 “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodo-mites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” Read again verse 11. There is an answer and it’s not politicians! The answer is in the washing, the sanctification, and the justification by the Spirit in the name of Jesus. There’s a lot of theology in that one verse. Basically, it means that we are to believe in Jesus and be justified; grow in Jesus and be sanctified; and walk with Jesus and be continu-ally cleansed by His Word.

America is dirty. It needs to be cleansed. It needs to return to its roots of holding the one true God in a place of esteem. It needs to pay respect to the Bible and prayer. It needs to be more concerned about making followers of Jesus than making millionaires. As long as we continue on this path of “every man doing that which is right in his own eyes,” no president or other politician will fix our woes. We will continue to devolve until we consume ourselves.

The next time you hear, “God bless you and God bless America,” pray. Pray for that politician to really understand what that means. And pray for America. Pray that America will repent and again begin to serve the God of the Bible. Until we do, I’m not sure God will bless America.

Blessed Because of Jesus,

Liberty Letter

Page 2

A Life Club Mystery Trip

is planned! The dates

are October 25 and

26. Cost is $125/per per-

son (double occupancy

plus one lunch.) See

Pastor Tom to sign

up. Deadline for sign up

is September 15! More

details or (as much as

L.I.F.E. Club...

The Senior Saints en-

joyed a delicious break-

fast buffet fellowship at

the church. Thank you

to all who brought

food. We had the

privilege of hearing

from Brent Meyers,

a missionary

with Biblical Ministries

Worldwide, who, with

his family, serve in

Johannesburg, South

Africa. A video of their

ministry was presented

and questions an-

swered about their


they will tell us) will be

presented at the next

meeting, which is Sep-

tember 4 at 8:30 at

Cornerstone Restau-


See you there!

Nancy Chally

Heating and Air Condi-

tioning in Eureka.

The new Missions Focus

for September will be

Pete and Annie Nelson of

Camp Id Ra Ha Je.

Check out the Focus

board and keep the bulle-

tin insert as a reminder

and pray about what the

Lord would have you do

for the Nelsons.

Ralph Barnes

Missions Committee


We are happy to report

that we met and

exceeded our goal for

Mexico Christmas gifts.

We counted 80 packag-

es! Thank you for partici-

pating in this project. We

challenge you to pray for

the boys and girls who

will receive these gift and

hear the true Christmas


It was good to see the

Flemings and their

presentation was chal-

lenging as the need was

presented. Pray for

Cassy as she studies at

the New Tribes Mission-

ary Training school.

We have several mis-

sionaries returning to

the field late August and

September, the John-

sons, the Piershbachers

and the Hillebrands.

Pray for their safe and

uneventful return to the

field. The visit from

Pierschbachers, the

Greens and the Ander-

sons and the Brazilian

barbeque was enjoyed

by many. The report by

Al and Nadine of three

Brazilian men trusting

Christ for salvation was

so encouraging.

There is a sign-up on

the side board for sever-

al prayer team

needs. Check

this out and see

when you would be able

to commit to praying for a


September is the Love

Packages drive with

WPEO. You will remem-

ber that this organization

sends used Christian

books, Bibles, devotional

books, etc. to be used by

Christians in other coun-

tries who do not have

access to Christian litera-

ture. To take part in this

drive, start gathering

what you have to give

and take them to Heinold

Missions Update...

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:15 Sunday School

10:30 Pastor Dan

5:00 Children Christmas program




5:00 Wedding


2 9:15 Sunday School

10:30 ACTS/Lord’s Supper

4:30 Moxley/Dudley


NO evening service


4 8:30 am— LIFE Club @ Cornerstone


6:30 AWANA Kick-Off


6:30 Elders/

Deacons mtg



7:30 Peoria Rescue Mis-sion service

9 9:15 Sunday School

10:30 ACTS

5:00 CIR Picnic here




6:30 AWANA 6:45 Bible study/prayer




Farm Park


8:00 Men’s Breakfast

7pm Sr. Hi Movie Night


9:15 SS

10:30 ACTS

5:00 Children Christmas program

practice 6:30 Revelation

17 18


6:30 AWANA 6:45 Bible study/prayer


5:00 Gideons @ pavilion

21 22

Jr. & Sr. Hi Fall Cook-Out


9:15 SS 10:30 ACTS 5:00 Children Christmas program practice 6:30 Pastor Dan


MOMS at Flecks

at 7:00


1:00 Ladies For Missions


6:30 AWANA 6:45 Bible study/prayer


28 29

September 2012

Page 3

Liberty Letter


Scripture Reader

Toddler Nursery AM Baby Nursery AM Nursery PM Greeters Cleaners

September 2nd Don Heinold Lorna & Natalie G Teresa & Hannah Kathie & Chrestina Bachmans Roberts/B Kennell

September 9th Dave Tapp Marilyn and Emma Sarah & Whitney Emily & Lorna Kennell C Miller/Edwards

September 16th Matt Zobrist Laurette & Alison Jimella & Serena Kate & Jason Detweiler

A Williams/

Strawn/ Weldon

September 23rd Jerrold Moxley Bill & Julie Coffman Lynn & Sydney Cindi & Noah Louck Andrews/

September 30th Bob Punke Sherri & Jeremy Deb & Brittany Deanna & Melita Tapp Wells/Bachman


Birthdays 1 Dennis Crady

1 Olivia Williams

3 Cathy Barnes

4 Lucy Grimm

4 Hannah Hirstein

7 Grace Tapp

7 Tait Miller

4 Jerrold Moxley

10 Peyton Louck

10 Rueben Roberts

11 Carly Zobrist

12 Laura Barnes

13 Derek Kennell

14 Chrestina Garrison

15 Ben Kruger

19 Dave Miller

20 Sam Kruger

22 Ethan Vandermyde

25 Lowell Edwards

25 Stacy Waller

26 Jake Edwards

22 Hadley Hirstein

27 Laurette Kruger

29 Cade Strawn

29 Rozanna Barnes

4 Bob & Terri Punke

5 Ben & Martha Roberts

16 Eric & Jimella Detweiler

16 Brad & Jenifer Fosdyck

19 Tom & Jane Wahl

25 Phillip & Kristin Schmidt

29 Jon & Lynn Hardy

Pastor Dan Vacation

Pastor Tom to KC for Calvary Bible College

Board meeting and vacation thru Sept. 30th

Liberty Letter Liberty Letter

Page 4 Page 4

special speakers each


Special event times are

listed on Women’s Minis-

tries board. Our next spe-

cial event is going to the

Farm Park Friday Sept.



We had a wonderful

time visiting Maple

Lawn. We did their exer-

cise class with them,

sang songs, ate snacks

and prayed with them!

MOMS will begin meet-

ing in the evenings at

7:00 p.m. the last Mon-

day of month at Sarah

Fleck’s home. We will

be starting a study on

“The Virtuous Woman”

Proverbs 31:10-31 with

Please contact Sarah

Fleck with comments/


Sarah & Laurette

Eight ladies met August 28 for an afternoon of working and praying for the missionaries supported by LBC as well as some needs of our church family. We cut pages from felt for Wordless books which will be given for use in the after school CEF clubs this Fall. It was decided to commit to supporting Cassy Fleming with $25. each month as she attends New Tribes Training School as she trusts the Lord to supply her living expenses above tuition. Each of our missionaries were called by name as we lifted them and their needs and praises to the Lord. If you have expressed a desire to receive the missionary prayer requests, you will find them in your mailboxes. Rozanna Barnes

Ladies For Missions...

Wednesday Sept. 5th …Wednesday Sept. 5th …

KickKick--Off Off

6:306:30--8:008:00 .

SignSign--up your children! Hot dog meal for all!!!up your children! Hot dog meal for all!!!



September 12th!

Liberty Letter

Page 5 Page 5

Nurses Notes… Greetings Church Family!

With getting back into the school routine it might be a good idea to go over a couple common childhood “bugs”. Of course these can be acquired anywhere, but school is a perfect environment for these two conditions to spread. This is the most current in-formation I could find to share with you.

Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection, and you don't have to be an athlete to get it. This annoying ailment occurs in boys and girls, and men and women of all ages. The majority of athlete’s foot cases are caused by a variety of fungi all belonging to a group called dermatophytes. The fungi thrive in closed, warm, moist environments and feed on keratin, a protein found in hair, nails, and skin. Rarely, athlete’s foot can be caused by non-dermatophytes, like yeast (candida). Athlete's foot is mildly contagious. It can be spread through direct contact with the infection and by skin particles left on towels, shoes, floors of shower stalls and around swimming pools, and even pedicure shops. Walking barefoot in the shower at the gym or around the pool may increase your chance of contracting athlete's foot. The risk of developing ath-lete's foot can also depend on your susceptibility. For example, people who have diabetes are at greater risk. You can treat most cases of athlete's foot at home with over-the-counter lotion, cream, or spray. For bad cas-es, your doctor may give you a prescription for pills or for medicine you put on your skin. Use the medicine for as long as your doctor tells you to. You can do some things so you don't get athlete's foot again. Wear show-er sandals in shared areas like locker rooms, and use talcum powder to help keep your feet dry. Wear san-dals or roomy shoes made of materials that allow moisture to escape.

Lice are tiny insects that live on humans and feed on blood. When a large number of lice live and multiply on a person, it is called an infestation. Lice spread easily from one person to another through close contact or through shared clothing or personal items (such as hats or hairbrushes). A louse cannot jump or fly. Head lice may not cause any symptoms at first. Itching on the scalp may start weeks or even months after lice have started to spread. Scratching can make the skin raw. The raw skin may ooze clear fluid or crust over, and it may get infected. A doctor can usually tell if you have lice by looking closely for live lice or eggs in your hair. He or she may look at the lice or eggs under a microscope to be sure. The most common treatment is an over-the-counter or pre-scription cream, lotion, or shampoo. You put it on the skin or scalp to kill the lice and eggs. In some cases, you may need treatment a second time to make sure that all the eggs are dead. It’s also important to wash clothing and bedding in hot water to help get rid of lice. Pre-vention is the key with lice. Teach children to not share personal items, such as hats and combs, and to keep their stored belongings (coats, sweaters, gym clothes) from touching other people’s items.

The good news is that both of these conditions are fairly preventable! Take the time to educate your children about these good health practices to ward off any potential problems. More good news is that both conditions are treatable if one of your children does, indeed, become infected!

In His Service (and Yours!)



Liberty Letter Liberty Letter

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the landscaping in front of

the youth wing. The youth

also helped in planting

bushes and plants out

there. We built a work

bench in the garage and

are in the process of mov-

ing all tools out there.


We were able to accom-

plish a lot of yard and

maintenance work this

month. We have in-

stalled a door in the

youth wing stage closet

that connects to the gar-

age. The new doors in

the youth wing have all

been varnished as well.

The pipes around the

septic system have

been all cleaned

up. Sam Bachman

helped us this month in

setting some bricks for

Thank you to all the

people who volunteered

their time and to help

us. This church is al-

ways blessed with

many willing hands.

Jason Miller

“A Rockin’ Royal Christmas” Christmas is just around the corner …….. so it’s time to get practicing on our children’s

Christmas musical for 2012! We have a special musical picked out that packs a great mes-

sage and entertains as well, so time to commit to being a part of this ministry opportunity!!

It will involve children 1st grade through 7th grade!!! The program is scheduled for Sunday night, December 16th.

We will practice on Sunday nights at 5pm on the following dates:

Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 2, Dec. 2, 9

If I can plan on your child participating…….will you please ad their name

to the list on the Women’s ministry board! Thank you!! ???? Call Bonnie – 467-3445

Liberty Letter

together and are looking

forward to next year. Plan

on coming along, you

won’t regret it!

We have continued to

study 1 Corinthians in

Sunday school, and will

pick up our Judges study

on Wednesday nights

here in September. It is a

joy to teach the truth to

these young people.

Senior High...

The youth have stayed

busy this month. With

school starting and

many of their sports ac-

tivities starting up, it has

been a whirlwind keep-

ing up with their sched-


At the beginning of the

month 16 of us left for

the Creation Road Trip.

This was coordinated by

some of the other IFCA

churches in the Mid-

west. Over 100 people

gathered in Kentucky at

a camp called Potter’s

Ranch (Which by the

way is in the middle of

nowhere) for a creation

retreat. The theme was

“Each life fearfully and

wonderfully made”. We

had several worship ser-

vices at the camp, and

then on Tuesday spent

the day at the Creation

center where we had

several special sessions

with The Answers in

Genesis speakers.

We stayed at the mu-

seum after it closed

and had a dinner

there, followed by a

final worship service.

We had a great week






for up-


in the youth group, we

have the fall calendar

planned and will be

sending it out soon.

Thanks for all your

prayers and support.

Serving Together,

Pastor Dan, Stacy,

Chad, Sarah, Benji ,

and Angela

there lives. We have also

learned about the birth of

the church and Christ's


Wednesday nights we

continue with topical

questions from our

JV'ers. We learn what the

Bible has to say about

those topics. We have

had some good discus-

sions. Also on Wednes-

day 8/15 we had the privi-

lege of enjoying Al and

Nadine Pierschbacher's

Brazilian BBQ. And on

8/22 Brittney Tapp and

Hannah Hirstein shared

Junior High...

School is in full swing

again and our JV'ers are

busy with homework,

after school activities,

and continuous routine

of the school sched-

ule. As each school

year gets even more

filled with activities and

at times chaotic, please

pray our children re-

member to share with

others the calm and

peace given only by Je-

sus Christ.

In Sunday School we

have been teaching

"mountain top" events of

the old and new testa-

ments. The last four

Sundays mornings have

been focusing on the

Holy Spirit. We have

read in the Bible and

discussed why the Holy

Spirit had to come, in-

dwelling vs. filled with

the Holy Spirit, Holy

Spirit's power, and how

the Holy Spirit works in

how God taught them

and used them at Camp

ID-RA-HA-JE in Colora-

do this summer.

We are looking forward

to another AWANA/Trek

year beginning on Wed

9/12. The Awana Kick–

Off is on Wednesday

9/5 where the JV'ers

sign up to get their Trek

book and shirt, then stay for

supper. Looking forward

to teaching and serving

with the young people for

another Trek season.

Josh & Jenni Gladson

Jason & Kate Miller

Matt & Lorna Zobrist Page 7 Page 6

Liberty Letter Liberty Letter

Liberty Bible Church

1408 Church Road

Eureka, IL 61530

Phone: 309-467-4814

Fax: 309-467-3216


September 2012

Return Service Requested

We’re on the Web!

CIR Service and Picnic Sunday September 9th

Here 5:00 p.m.

Service followed by picnic

Hamburgers and hotdogs provided

Bring 2 sides to share

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