Seo social media_2013

Post on 09-May-2015






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SEO and Social Media

Making the Penguin and Panda Happy

Sophie MasséDigital

Tian Tian (Sweetie)

SERP Has changed

AuthorshipPictureNameLink to Google+In how many circlesDate

Searching for SEO Social Media

Google Panda The panda is all

about quality content Google Panda is

designed to penalize sites with low quality content and reward sites with quality content

Promote your content through social media

Google Penguin

• The penguin is fighting against low quality links

• Keyword stuffing• Overoptimised

anchor text• Punishes

« questionnable » seo tactics

SEO has changed post Panda and Penguin

The importance of good on site optimization is more important then ever

User experience is a priority (responsive design, speed, bounce rate, time on page)

Compeling content for your audience, diverse content, tags, semantic web

Rel:Authorship Generate highly creative sharable content Long lasting domaine, branding Link diversity High quality guest blogguing Manually checked quality directory submissions PR Blog Comments Social media

Back in the day

Before Panda and Penguin updates, ranking in search engines was relatively easy (). Pages full of keywords, backdoor pages and massive link building worked charms. The sheer number of backlinks could have a good impact on ranking. But not anymore, links have to be content related, social, relevant and shared..

Social media is the core

Before the Panda and Penguin, links were more important than Social MediaThis is no longer the caseSocial media is the core of your content promotional channel Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Facebook are the most important.

Content is


In the new in 2013

In 2013, Social media has taking a major stand when we look at it from an SEO perspective. The face of SEO has changed. More than ever, the focus is on content, consumer engagement, social media and authorship.

Social media has a direct impact on the search engine friendliness of your website. It is now a major factor affecting ranking. But now social media plays a crucial role in determining the search engine friendliness of a website.

Google Panda is all about content and Google Penguin is all about links. Social Media addresses both.

More social media followers

=More back links

Social Media SEO SignalsAuthority is now a key measureThe concept of authority refers to the strength of your website when it is compared to other websites. If your website is stronger, it will appear higher in the organic search results.There is no specific on how to calculate authority but Google does take into account quality content. High quality content is based on content for users and social media signals.EngagementSocial media likes, shares and re-Tweets indicate new and interesting content. In theory, it is only good quality content that is talked about and shared – Googlebot likes content that is shared and both the frequency of these shares and the authority of those sharing plays a significant role.MentionsSocial media mentions indicate to search engines that you are authoritative, authentic and that you have engaged followers that like your content.Linked ContentUsing tools such as rel=”author” lets Google track all of your linked content and attribute it to one original source.  In theory, this should stop websites that syndicate or scrape content benefiting by being wrongly accredited as the original source.BacklinksEven in the new Content Optimisation landscape, backlinks to a website matter. Forced black-hat techniques are no longer as effect as they once were, the emphasis now being placed firmly upon natural backlink building, the sort of backlinks that are generated as a result of content sharing on sites such as Pinterest or re-blogging for example.


Google takes into account the number of Tweets a page has. Each page should be tweeted. Use the same keywords you use for SEO and AdWords.

The number of tweets per day should around 10, each day. Twitter should be a major traffic driver.

The authority of people who tweet is also taken into consideration. Those are people who have an “old” account and have massive number of followers. They have more effect that new Twitter accounts. To use an image, Justin Beiber tweeting about your brand would have more impact in terms of seo, than if I created 10 new accounts and tweeted all day.

Contact people whom you would like to tweet about you.


Google does not see all Facebook accounts, but it is likely that they take into accounts the number of likes on a link shared

The number of shares is similar to backlinks. This has more direct impact than likes. We do not have access to see the stats of the shares of the page. The Authority of Facebook accounts is also taken into consideration.


Pinterest breaks all records in popularity. It is the biggest traffic driver in eCommerce. The number of conversions is greater than Facebook.

In 2012, statistics showed that Pinterest drove close to 4% of referral traffic. The number of pins is taking into accounts in rankings. It offers great quality links.

Pinterest users are more likely to puschase than any other social media site. Pinterest is rapidly rising in popularity. Pinterest is mostly adopted by women (80%).


Google+ is a major social media when we look at it from a SEO perfective. Google will prefer showing results if they are associated from a Google+ account.

Google attributes a greater authority to Google+ accounts.

The number of +1 is taking into accounts in rankings and in SERP. A user’s search results will show links from people in their circles before others.

Google+ will improve your ranking


TumblrYahoo’s favoriteBloggerGoogle’s favorite blog platformWordPressOf course

Blogging is social media and search engines love it so much !

Social Sharing

VOTES ON SOCIAL SHARING SITES The number of votes on StumbleUpon,

Reddit, Delicious and Digg has an impact on ranking.

Add those sharing buttons on the site will improve sharing abilities.


You made me happy

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