Post on 17-May-2015






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SEO is a process, strategy and technique which use to promote our website or business services over the entire world, helps get high page ranking on different search engine like Google, yahoo, Bing etc so that we can get more traffic on our website.




Submitted by

Kuldeep Kaur (SEO EXECUTIVE)

SEO Team

SEO – SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONSEO is a process, strategy and technique which use to promote our website or business services over the entire world, helps get high page ranking on different search engine like Google, yahoo, Bing etc so that we can get more traffic on our website.

SEO has tow technique:On page Off Page


In this process, we modifying our website content, it’s page so that we our website can become search engine friendly or user friendly.  User Friendly means our website can get visitor attention in first look. Search Engine Friendly means our website should be well structured according to search engine crawler algorithm.  To do this we follow below optimization Techniques:

WEBSITE ANALYSISWebsite analysis – In this process we analysis our whole website that it is well structured or not. We see that all factors are existing on our website which is target by the search engine crawler.


In this process we analysis our internet marketing competitors and evolutes their long term marketing strategy.

KEYWORD OPTIMIZATIONKeyword optimization is the main part of On-page optimization. With the help of a strong or relevance keyword we can gain high ranking on search engine. Keyword should be relevant to our services or landing page. SEO totally depend on keyword selection.


Meta Tags define web page information to search engine. This information doesn’t show to visitor it only maintain for search engine crawler. Meta tags use on the website source code page. These tags are:


Meta Title Tag – Define heading information of a web page services which we are targeting on that page. Each letter of tile must capital. It contains 64 to 70 words.

Meta Description Tag – It contains 160 words, it is short description of webpage information which we target for crawler.

Meta Keywords tag – It contain words, target our webpage services on search,with the help of meta tag search engine find our target page easily.


Content Implementation - In this process maintain content of our website, Content should be fresh, check keyword density, use H tag, see interlinking of one page to another page in a website.

Keyword Density – To see that how many times a keyword is used in the content, what its position on the content.

Header Tag(H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6) – use to highlight to any specific keyword in the content, heading of web page.

Site Map – A collection or format of web pages. It has tow type XML & HTML Site map

XML Site Map – Use for search engine crawler information so that Google crawler can crawled all web pages.

HTML Site Map – Use for User information So that which ever information they want of any internal pages, they can get it easily form html site map.


Alt Tag – Google crawler doesn’t crawled directly an image, so with the help of alt tag search engine crawler can read an image text and show it on search result.

Anchor tag – Anchor tag use to create hyper linking on specific keyword and link. Eg:  <a href=”” title=”seo guide for beginners”>seo guide for beginners</a>

Urllist.text file – use to inform search engine crawler about all pages of our website.

Some Other factor that we check to see that it is SEO Friendly or not.

Robot.txt file – this file use to allow or disallow to search engine crawler that what page or information he get crawled or not.

404 error page – to give a “404 not found” message when we type wrong URL in address bar

301 redirection – use to fix URL forwarding problem

OFF PAGE OPTIMIZATIONAfter on-page optimization we start to work on off page SEO. Off page technique use to get quality back link from high pr website to increase high ranking on search engine result page and to increase great traffic on our website.

Kuldeep KaurSEO ExecutiveNext Algorithm


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