
SEO in a Post-Penguin WorldHow Google's Panda & Penguin are Affecting Your

Site's Rankings

Kent Lewis (@KentjLewis)President & Founder

Anvil Media, Inc. (@AnvilMedia)

About Me


Search Engine Algorithm History

What is Penguin?

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Placating Penguin

Post-Penguin Best Practices



3C’s of SEO




SEO: Efficacy of Strategies

SEO: 3D Tactical View

Search Engine Ranking Factors

Future Ranking Factors

Panda vs. Penguin: At-a-Glance

Panda targets low quality content, thin content, duplicate content, etc.

Penguin targets spam (and at this point it’s heavily targeting unnatural inbound links).

Algorithm Update Timeline

Algorithm Update Timeline

“The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines”

Targeting spam, not over-optimization

Typically 500 smaller updates annually

Penguin has impacted about 3.1% of queries (compared to 2.23.11 Panda 1.0’s 12%)

Lives outside of main search index (like Panda)

Penguin Impact

Human quality raters evaluate content

Machine-learning = identifying patterns

May also reward properly optimized sites

Page Quality: Man vs. Machine

Domains (exact keyword match, parked)

Page titles & navigation (keyword-stuffing)

Cloaking, redirects & doorway pages

What is Penguin?

Change history illustrates a variety of changes

Exact Match Domain (EMD) update separate

Algorithm Update Timeline

Content (duplicate, recycled, useless)

What to Avoid…

User experience (bounce rates, social sharing)

Advertising (above the fold)

Affiliates (thin sites)

What to Avoid…

Links (anchor text, farms, paid, blog spam)

What to Avoid…

Penguin Impact by Industry

Penguin Winners & Losers

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Did you get this warning message via Webmaster Tools?

If so, you may have been hit by Penguin…

Look at your sales receipts

Check analytics (on key dates)

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Audit your website:Content



Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Diagnosing Penguin Penalty

Consolidate similar pages

404 offending pages or move to a new domain

Be thoughtful with advertising placement

Delete, Destroy or Dilute offending links

Placating Penguin

Google Link Disavow Tool

If you received an Unnatural Link Warning notice

Placating Penguin

Remove unrelated or very low quality links

Get more high quality and relevant links

Vary your anchor text

Take it easy on the internal “SEO” linking

If you are doing sponsored links, be careful!

Cancel or remove unnecessary footer links

Placating Penguin

Understand Google Webmaster Guidelines

Fix the obvious problems

Resubmit to Google once 100% repaired

If form doesn’t work, post to Webmaster Forum

Placating Penguin

Good design & experience = rankings

Multimedia experience = images & video

Don’t forget social media: trust & authority

“…the reputable sites tend to spell better and the sites that are lower PageRank, or very low PageRank, tend not to spell as well."

Matt Cutts, Google Search Quality

engineer & industry hero

Post-Penguin Best Practices

Move The Needle

Move The Needle

1. Audit your website to assess penalties

2. If confirmed, develop optimization plan

3. Revisit SEO content strategy

4. Revisit SEO linking strategy

5. Implement and monitor for 90 days

6. Adjust strategies based on results

Move The Needle Exercise

Diagnose impact of Penguin & PandaClean up your actDesign for end users, not search enginesCreate unique & engaging contentOptimize, syndicate & promote your contentFocus on engagement metrics

Key Takeaways

Brick: Marketing Google Panda Updates

Google Webmaster Guidelines

SEL: Webspam Targeted in Update

SEL: Google Panda Update

SEL: Penguin Recovery Tips

SEOmoz: Google Algorithm Change

SEOmoz: Panda & Penguin Panic

SEOR: Google Penguin Warning

B2C: How to Fight Penguin-Panda Updates

Mashable: Google Penguin Recovery


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@KentjLewisPresident & FounderAnvil Media,

Thank You

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