SEO Company Keynote Speech | Search Engine Optimization | Boostability

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Secrets of SEO = Extraordinary Lead Generation

Why SEO?

Increase Sales!

Where on the Page?NO







Two main factors Relevancy Page Authority


Critical Page Structure & Onsite Optimization Elements: Title Tags URL Structure Content

NO DUPLICATE CONTENT Image Tags called alt tags

Title Tags

The first thing that Google reads!

Hyphen (-), colon (:), or pipe (|) are your best separators.

URL Structure

Your URL should match the content of your page.

Content Is King!

Minimum of 300 words per page/post. Main Rule! No duplicate content. All Content must be original. Photos are content. This Power Point is content. Video is content. Google loves YouTube so you should too. Consistency and as often as possible.

Image Tags Called Alt Tags

Probably the most forgotten. The visually impaired need your help.

Page Authority

Backlinks-Site PopularityGoogle+ LocalDirectory SubmissionsBlogosphereArticle SubmissionsPress ReleasesInfographicsSocial Bookmarks


Attract buzz: Natural links, +1s, likes, follows... In every business there's something compelling, interesting, entertaining, or surprising that you can offer or share with your users.

Google+ Local

Directory Submissions

There are 100’s of 1000’s of directories. Get to work!


Millions of Blogs, Keep working- Not your Blog. If you want to be an authority on your subject post on other Blogs creating readership, relationships and backlinks. About 300 words per post.

Article Submission

Articles are generally at least 700 words and contain explanations, analysis and/or visuals (screen captures, illustrations, etc.) Articles are evaluated on the value of the content to the community as well as on accuracy. As opposed to a Blog post are tips, general information, or otherwise brief information.

Press ReleasesJust off the presses!, December 26, 2012

Matt Cutts of Google said in a Google Webmaster Help forums that links from press releases shouldn't have a positive impact on your rankings.

Matt wrote:

“I wouldn't expect links from press release web sites to benefit your rankings, however.”

When you do press releases, it might get your web site in front of the eyes of bloggers, reporters and others, where what they write or link to may have an impact on your rankings. But the links within the releases themselves, Google says - they won't benefit your rankings.


Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly.

Social Bookmarks

A method for people to search, organize, store and share items (i.e. blog posts, online articles, pictures, etc.) of interest using the item’s URL

The End

It is not hard or hard to understand it is just work.

Good Luck!

John DiCristo is my blog


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