



Self-confidence, the combination of self-efficiancy self-esteem Self-efficiancy is the internal sense, or belief that we can have in a variety of tasks or goals throughout life. Self-esteem, is similar, but more related to believing we are generally competent in what we do.

Way to self-confidence

Identify your negative thoughts

"I can't do that," "I will surely fail", "no one wants to hear what I have to say."

Target negative thoughts

Target negative thoughts and replace them with positive thought.

"I am going to try it,“ "I can be successful if I work at it," "people will listen to me." 

Maintain a positive support network

Connect with those close to you, whether they are family or friends.

Furthermore, stay away from people or things that make you feel bad.

Identify your talents

Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, and then focus on your talents.

Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Express yourself through art, music writing, or dance.

Accept compliments gracefully

 Many people with low self-esteem have difficulty taking compliments.

they assume that the person complimenting them is either mistaken or lying.

Just welcome the compliments

Look in the mirror and smile

"facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions.

So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident.

Be comfortable with fear

You may think that people who are self-confident are never fearful.

This is not true; it’s just that self-confident people do not allow the fear to stop them from acting.

Be patient with yourself

 Sometimes you go backward to go forward.

Gaining self-confidence does not happen overnight.

It requires patience.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

 If you want to build your self-confidence, then you have to focus on improving your own life not on making your life more like your best friend's.

Bounce back from your mistakes.

 Remember that no one is perfect. Even the most confident people have insecurities.

We must learn from our mistakes and bounce back

Avoid perfectionism

 Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you away from your goals.

If you feel like everything has to be done perfectly, then you'll never be truly happy with yourself.

Practices of self-confidence


Just have confidence in yourself Be what that you are. Have FAITH in ALLAH ,perform your best. Don’t think what people will say. You must have your personality in your

own hand Love yourself.

Thank you :)

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