Select and Implement a Managed File Transfer Solution

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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Select and Implement a Managed File Transfer Solution Secure file transfers today and avoid worrying about tomorrow.Nearly 80% of business-to-business traffic consists of files. Therefore, the right controls and mechanisms need to be in place to ensure file transfers are reliable and secure.Many organizations are looking at managed file transfer (MFT) vendors to meet regulatory compliance, increase security, and automate file transfers.Vendors tout advanced capabilities, but depending on use case, a simpler or more complex solution will be warranted.This blueprint isolates key differentiators amongst vendors and provides resources to help accelerate your selection process.Our AdviceCritical InsightConduct upfront planning. Application implementation failures are often accredited to a lack of upfront planning and requirements gathering. Ensure the business needs and IT environment is well understood before selecting a solution.Leverage use cases. Base your vendor selection on your requirements and use case, not on overall performance.Understand the need for compliance and security. Compliance and security fuel market growth. File transfer protocol (FTP) is no longer seen as a viable option to manage file transfer securely inside and outside the enterprise. MFT has filled that role and is seeing rapid adoption as compliance standards extend their reach.Assess deployment flexibility. When it comes to the cloud, vendors recognize the demand for deployment flexibility; however, buyers are still wary of potential security issues revolving around compliance.Impact and ResultUnderstand what’s new in the managed file transfer market.Evaluate MFT vendors and products for your enterprise needs.Determine which products are most appropriate for your particular use case and scenario.Learn about best practices for implementing an MFT solution.Avoid common challenges and barriers that will hinder the success of the implementation.

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