Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    SEEDS o DISTINCTION inspired Orderline: 0844 856 0763 (Quote POD)2013
  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    Sun Cherry Premium F1There are cherries and there are cherries! This one is the latest and greatest and the Japanesebreeders claims it is the best red yet. Exceptionally high brix reading (sweetness scale) andi the rst years trial is anything to go by, were condent youll grow it again and again.Cordon. 70-80 days rom transplanting.

    0428 (12 seeds) 3.25

    Golden Cherry F1Delicious golden-orange cherry sized ruits. Outyields, outavours and outclasses evenSungold, once considered to be the gardeners No. 1 or avour. Add to that its resistance tocracking - its desire to remain on the vine and its superlative avour - an absolute outrightwinner. Cordon. 70-75 days rom transplanting.

    0327 (12 seeds) 3.25

    A Taste of Summer...Delicous Meditteranean avours, home-grown herbs, delightfullycolouful salads and freshly picked vegetables...What could be better than biting into a aromatic, juicy, sun-warmedtomato straight from the vine and bursting with sweetness, or s ittingdown to an alfesco salad of baby leaves, crunchy root vegetables anda dash of dressing?

    Brandy Boy HybridHuge, pink beesteak tomato with a

    abulous heirloom avour. Considered tobe the best slicer in 50 years. A Brandywineimprovement nobody thought possible. Fivetimes the yield, 10 days earlier and nally amagical avour in this 14oz ruit. Cordon. 75days rom transplanting.

    0462 (15 seeds) 2.50

    Bombonera F1Chocolate cherry cocktail variety with darkesh. Excellent avour and resistant to mostcommon diseases. Looks unusually attractive

    in a salad mixed with red cherry varieties..

    0458 (8 seeds) 2.95

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    Kings Of ColourIntroducing the Heavyweights!Probably the biggest tomatoes and certainlythe best or avour and yield. Four separatelypacked colours will brighten and resurrectany dull old salad.

    0465 (32 seeds) 3.95
  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    Losetto F1A new semi bush variety tolerant o Blightand the ability to carry a considerable cropo cherry sized tomatoes. Sweet and tangyand pays its way several times over. Grownas a bush it suits a myriad o places - baskets,windowboxes or containers. A real nd andthoroughly recommended. Bush/Cordon.

    0454 (8 seeds) 2.95

    Tomatoberry GardenUnique strawberry shaped ruit. Very highyielding and heart-like appearance with agood sweet cherry avour.Late ruit are slightly more pointed but whata gem.Cordon.60 days rom transplanting.

    0445 (10 seeds) 3.25

    Rubin Pearl F1Rich red cherry Tomato with a superlativeavour. A very productive, medium earlyvariety with sweet, aromatic ruits. Resistscracking and can be harvested ruit by ruit.An excellent resistant variety.Cordon.92 days rom transplanting.

    0453 (8 seeds) 3.15

    Rainbow Plum F1 MixedA very exclusive mixture o plum cherries in three distinct

    colours. All are F1 Hybrids and will provide an enormous crop oSalad Tomatoes t or eating whole or cut up in a salad.Cordon. 70-80 days rom transplanting.

    0396B (12 seeds) 3.25

    Rainbow Cherry MixedWeve gone into the archives and ressurrected a selection o

    Heirloom Cherries. Flavour is variable but most are superlativeand the colours lit a salad to new realms.Cordon.

    0396A (30 seeds) 1.95

    Big Pink HybridSmooth rosy skinned Tomato, a avouriteburger variety as well or sandwiches andsalads. Outstanding avour. 10oz moreishruit. Cordon.75 days rom transplanting.

    0464 (15 seeds) 2.50

    Orange WellingtonBursting with avour, very nearly seedlessand an exceptionally dense meaty esh.12ozs o sheer bliss!Cordon.75 days rom transplanting..

    0463 (15 seeds) 2.50

    Big Daddy HybridHigher yields, improved setting, diseaseresistant ruit, ideal or indoors or out. Superavour and a single slice makes a sandwich !Cordon. 75 days rom transplanting

    0461 (15 seeds) 2.50

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  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    Summer Ball F1New compact bush variety. Youngdelicious yellow/orange roundCourgettes can be let to mature into

    deep orange Pumpkins.

    0139A (10 seeds) 2.35

    SiestaBrand new variety sporting the sug-gestion o a white stripe down eachruit and the unusual ability to pro-

    duce ruit in multiples. Pick regularlywhen young.

    0140B (10 seeds) 2.50

    Mini AmethystJewel-like colour with masses o miniruit on a small plant, spineless andperect or container growing. Addto that the purple owers and silver

    oliage and youve got an edible gem.

    0107B (10 seeds) 2.25

    Piccolo F1British bred globe shaped green stripyCourgette. Produces an abundanceo ruit which can also be allowedto mature into small round Marrows

    Highly recommended.

    0138C (10 seeds) 2.35

    Romanesco LatinoThe compact and erect habit makes thisattractive ribbed Courgette both novelater cooking and hardly recognizablerawin a green salad. Harvest with theower still attached and serve whole

    0141C (8 seeds) 2.90

    Lemon DropPeruvian seasoning pepper. Bright yellow, long conical crinkly ruit with very ew seeds andan intensely hot citrus avour. Plants are 2high and equally wide with dozens o ruit. Veryproductive.

    0284 (25 seeds) 1.95

    Royal Purple MavrasAter completing its long cropping lie youwill almost certainly decide it was cheap.Maturing to a dark chocolate colour with

    good thick walls and exceptionally juicy. Stillrecognised today as one o the best..

    0262 (10 seeds) 2.95

    Gusto PurpleMedium hot Pepper or cropping indoorsor outdoors. Finally matures rom purplethrough to red and trials show great

    promise in our moderate climate, possiblythe rst opportunity to tr y outdoors.

    0266D (10 seeds) 2.35 Green TigerA new early variety or any type o soilbearing light green and dark greenstripes. Very compact plants. Just 55

    days to maturity.

    0142D (8 seeds) 2.75

    Red Top F1Very thick juicy walled variety starting of green, ready or eating and nishing of red iyou preer. Particularly sweet and very early or unheated greenhouses and with huge 4x4Peppers.

    0260 (10 seeds) 2.95

    Hybound F1Modern variety combining earlinesswith exceptional storage ability. Solidglobe shaped bulbs with a thin neck

    Highly recommended

    0223C (250 seeds) 2.05

    Red TideBrand new mid season red bulb variety.Exceptional appearance, yield and

    storage potential.Almost the perect Onion

    0223B (250 seeds) 2.25

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  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    8 9

    Red HeadWhite or ivory base, cherry belle shapeand nicely kissed with a eminine pinktop.Charming radish ideal or todayspalate.

    0299H (250 seeds) 1.75

    LilliaBrilliant red shanks at the scallionstage which really light up a greensalad. By using the thinningsrst theremaining Onions will produce mightyhealthy bulbs.

    0226A (250 seeds) 1.80

    Slender StarA rigidly straight bunching Onion withnext to no bulbing and particularlyuseul or salads or garnishes.Leaves remain resh and deep green.

    0226B (250 seeds) 1.80

    ViolaA slow growing radish or outdoorcropping and which rarely bolts orsplits. Roots are round, bright violetwith snowhite esh which can bedecoratively presented in a salad.

    0298I (350 seeds) 1.75

    Cherry BelleBrilliant red skin with a pure whiteesh. An old timer which has survivednumerous challenges and still remainsthe GardenersFavourite..

    0298D (350 seeds) 1.65

    SilorAll Female Mini Cucumber. Fruit arejust 6long with a gorgeous taste andsilky smooth. Grow both indoors orout in a avourable position.

    0171 (6 seeds) 3.95

    IznikMini, snack-size cucumber, in agreenhouse or in containers on asunny patio. An astonishing variety,quite happy in a 7-9pot.

    0169 (6 seeds) 3.95

    Crystal AppleFirst introduced in 1894. Easy to digestand used primarily in salads as apickled Cucumber.Heritage variety..

    0180 (20 seeds) 1.65

    Multi Leaf MixedFive proessional Salad Bagvarieties unique in habit and shape. Simply cut of the root and

    the whole head obligingly alls apart with equal sized ancy leaves. Decidely crisp and sweet,perect or the Salad Bowl and even better or Salad Beds. A Ches Choice!.

    0210B (300 seeds) 2.25

    Sweet Oak Leaf RocketA brand new Salad Rocket with a very

    attractive Oak Lea shape. Very vigorous , agreat avour which combines an unusual

    sweetness with a Wild Rocket kick. Britishbred good perormance in cooler climate..

    0203B (500 seeds) 1.85

    Sicilian Rocket Salad MixOur very special mixture o seven mixedlea rockets. Add a couple o Tomatoes, a

    sprinkle o pine nuts and a couple o slices

    o orange, with a drizzle o extra virgin oliveoil and there you have it, insalata siciliana!

    0214C (1000 seeds) 1.95

    Little Gem DazzleAll the attributes o Little Gem but with red tipped outer leaves.

    Cut open to reveal a pale green interior giving a very natural lea blend.Recommended.

    0216E (250 seeds) 2.05
  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    10 11

    MascaraVery curly and rilly leaves retaining their

    dark red colour even in hot weather.Looselea type. 65 days


    0212 (250 seeds) 1.95

    Corn Salad ValentinIdeal variety or autumn and winter. Thisvariety has wide spoon shaped leaves almostround and deep green in colour and has a

    remarkable yield rom the smallish oliage..

    0213D (400 seeds) 1.75

    Red Veined SorrelRed stems and veins, dazzling green leaves,

    sharp tangy avour.Best grown in a tunnel or greenhouse.

    Very diferent..

    0205C (250 seeds) 1.75

    Baby Salad LeavesEasy to grow and ar less expensive than pre-lled bags. Six specically bred, curiouslyshaped lettuce in several colours shouldensure a regular cut and come againsupply..

    0215A (500 seeds) 1.95

    Salad Bowl LettuceA beautiully balanced mixture o red, green,speckled and purple Lettuce all ideally suitedor salad leaves and repeat cutting.

    0217A (500 seeds) 1.90

    Tuscany Salad MixMatching the Italians weve included ChicoryItalico Rosso, Rocket Dentellata, Lettuce LolloRosso, Lettuce Catalogna Cerbiatta and KaleNero di Toscana. Delicious to say the least..

    0215B (500 seeds) 1.90

    Provence Salad MixA touch o France. Sorrel de Belleville, CornSalad Verte de Cambrai, Chervil and LettuceRougette de Montpelier. Add Spring Onions,chopped Garlic and a squeeze o lemon.

    0215C (500 seeds) 1.90

    Baby Leaf Bulls BloodRemarkable sweet leaved variety usedprimarily as a border plant or the leaves arenigh on black.

    0119B (150 seeds) 1.90

    Red Leaf CosDeep cherry red lea blades have a slightlysavoyed texture which makes or a realcrunchy sound and avour. Whats more it ismildew resistant and will go on or ages.

    0217C (400 seeds) 1.80

    Tan TanSweet little soul o the Little Gem tribe withdistinct resistance to aphids and suitableor spring, summer or autumn production.

    Remarkably sweet and rarely runs to seed.

    0216B (250 seeds) 2.05

    Yugoslavian RedMulti-purpose, multi-coloured ancientYugoslavian variety which when cut openexposes a urther bright greeny yellow


    0217 (250 seeds) 1.85

    XanaduAn all year round Mini Romaine Lettucegrown primarily or its winter standing


    0209C (100 seeds) 2.25
  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    EskimoVery strong roots, vigorous strong tops all

    add up to less splitting and breakage and

    whats more its rost tolerant needing little

    or no covering with straw in the late autumn.

    Beautiul colour and delicious avour.

    0133E (650 seeds) 2.35

    Beetroot RhondaAn exciting new introduction, Rhondais about 10 days later than the standardmaturing varieties. Sow rom mid April andyou will enjoy high quality round, smoothskinned roots with an unusually high sugar


    0112A (150 seeds) 2.15

    Beetroot BoldorA new introduction making Beetroot apopular hot vegetable and long past thepickling only era. Delicious avour and avery attractive orange-yellow esh whichbrightens up the plate as the colour is

    retained ater cooking.

    0112B (100 seeds) 1.95

    Beetroot Crimson KingMedium round deep red roots with a neavour and texture and almost no rings.

    Ideal or winter storage.Use very young leaves or Mixed Salads andthe small roots are delicious whole as hot


    0111B (150 seeds) 1.95

    Atomic RedStriking, brilliant red carrots, delicioushealthy and an unexpected dash o colour

    to salads and stir-ries. Main crop variety withlong tapered bright red roots. Slow cookingwill enhance the colour even more until they

    are brilliant red.

    0135D (350 seeds) 1.95

    Flakkee Bastia F1Another Flakkee type suitable or earlysowing and an exceptional colour to be

    proud o. There are about 124 days romsowing to harvest and proessional growers

    have not been disappointed yet.Absolutely delicious.

    0132D (650 seeds) 2.35

    YellowstoneA decidedly sweet root with a canary yellowcolour and appreciated just as much raw as

    when cooked.Long smooth roots hold their colour

    throughout the cooking process.

    0133C (350 seeds) 1.95

    Rainbow MixYellow, White, Purple, Scarlet and OrangeCarrots. Rereshingly diferent or mainmeals and we invite you to give them a whirlalthough we have to add, they are no morebenecial to the eye-sight than the orange


    0135 (350 seeds) 2.15

    RomanceYoull certainly all in love with this variety!Mid early type or harvest right into theAutumn and then the No 1 Storage Carrot.Deep orange colour, very sweet and resists

    cracking.Could you ask or more?

    0132C (650 seeds) 2.35

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  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    Purple Podded PeaThe Peas are green but the pods are purple. Attractive purple

    and white owers and tastes good too.

    0232C (100 seeds) 2.05

    Sugar FlashA unique Pea in that it not only growsin pairs but is also dual purpose.Picked when just beginning to swellor Mangetout or allowed to growon to produce stringless Snap Peas. Avery sweet juicy Pea ready or harvestin 10 weeks

    0237 (150 seeds) 2.25

    Half PintDates back to the 1800s when there weremany varieties. Very good cold tolerance

    Marvellous or cold rame production butreally novel or pot production.

    0234 (30 seeds) 1.65

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    VadaDwar dark green Pea and a reliable year on yearcropper. 4 pods are rm and easy to pick and thisPea is usually the rst to be sown. Expect a crop in90 days..

    0235B (250 seeds) 2.05

    NorliA really sweet gourmet Pea with excellent avour and amongst

    the astest growing Peas ever. Grows well in a container

    0235A (150 seeds) 1.95

    Blauhilde Climbing BeanDelicious bunches o rich purple pods11-12 in length look ascinating withBarlotta Beans and both are stringless..

    0183C (50 seeds) 2.05

    Dwarf Bean JazzDark green glossy and stringlessproducing a bumper crop in just 56days. Resistant to the common beandisorders and denitely a dinner partycandidate..

    0185A (75 seeds) 2.15

    Dwarf Bean SpeedyThe quickest growing bean on earth!Sow and grow in 50-60 days. Especiallysuitable or very early sowing it willproduce 6pods o eshy green beansin no time.

    0186B (75 seeds) 2.20

    NectargoldClimbingA lemon-yellow cousin o Blauhildeand equally as tasty and very attractivegrown together. Stringless.

    0183D (50 seeds) 2.05

    Bingo Climbing BeanProbably the prettiest o the ClimbingBeans, a marbled shell and strikinglybright Beans which can be used ordrying or eating resh. True continentalavour easily grown in our climate.

    0184G (50 seeds) 1.95

    Witkiem MajorBroad bean. Suitable or sowing inthe Autumn or Spring, can be rozenor later use and altogether a veryattractive bean. S ow successively or aprolonged crop. 3-4.

    0122D (25 seeds) 1.50

    Broad BeanMonicaEarly high yielding variety packed withavour, a high proportion o beans onthe same plant mature together, a mealcan be had rom one or two plants only.

    0122B (25 seeds) 1.50

    Mushy Pea BeanDistinct Mushy Pea texture andavour. Delicious and tender even aterthe beans have past maturity, climbingbean. A Soup Bean or winter use.

    0184I (50 seeds) 1.95
  • 7/28/2019 Seeds of Distinction - Vegetable Selection 2013


    Order Hotline: 0844 856

    Plants o Distinction

    Abacus House, Station Yard, Needham Market, Sufolk, IP6 8AS

    +44 (0) 1449 721720

    Prices and seed count per packet are correct at date of publication, however both are subject to changewithout notice. Please refer to our website for current stock, prices and packet quantities.

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