Secret diary of

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Secret diary of call girl

By Elsie Williamson and Tammy Baldwin

Camera angles and movement Throughout the extract all characters are at equal heights showing equality. Quick cuts: This is used before the man leaves the women and his son. This shows the

awkwardness between the characters and how it is unusual for them. At the end she is above him on the bed showing she has more dominance because she is able and

in control. Tilt up and down: This is shown when the women opens the door and the camera tilts down

towards the boy in the wheelchair and then back upwards to the abled mans face. The reason this is significant is because he is the first face seen in the extract making it obvious it is also centred around him. He is also placed in the centre of the screen making him the main focus.

High and low angled shots: High shots are used on the boy with a wheelchair while low shots on the man and women. Therefore showing disabled people as inferior to able people.

Editing Montage/cut-shots: This is shown when the man is in the van and he looks agitated and

worried about what his son is doing. The length of the scenes when it is just the boy with a disability and the women are long.

Therefore, this could suggests that the awkwardness which once was has receded showing they are now comfortable around each other. However, in contrast the short scenes with jump cuts with the father show that he is anxious and does not like leaving his son.

Sound Silence which is diegetic at the beginning of the extract is used to build tension. The

reason I think this is because it creates awkwardness and informs the audience how unusual this situation is. This is also shown through the character Blake’s body language and facial expressions. Which then reflects onto the audience.

When the abled man is in the van and listening to music which is diegetic a sound bridge is then used to introduce non diegetic music in the background of Blake and the prostitute. The contrast between the choices of music could suggest that the dad is trying to distract himself from what his son is doing. But also the use of the sound bridge could suggest he does not know what is happening. However, also shows how unusual the situation is.

When the man leaves his son and the women shuts the door loudly which is then followed by the jiggle of the locks, which could show how she is trying to take advantage of him not wanting his dad to come back. However, she then unlocks it after looking back at him due to the look of nervousness on his face. This symbolises that he may need attention from his father. Therefore, showing his reliance on others.

Mise-en-scene The clothing that the boy in the wheel chair is wearing is very typical when it comes to

teenage boys. Therefore, this costume may have been used to show that although he has a disability he does not want to be in the lime light or draw attention. But also that he wants to be treated normally and fit in.

When the boy asks his father to get a letter out of his bag it shows how much people with physical disabilities rely on the physical assistance of those who are more physically able.

Another part which shows this is when the boy in the wheelchair gets picked up from his father it shows how disabled people are often portrayed like a baby due him cradling him in his arms. But also how he is unable to do simple things by himself.

When the women approaches the boy with a drink she stops to show that she does not know what to do. Then when receiving the response she becomes a motherly figure and helping the boy drink making sure that he has no difficulties by watching over him.

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