
My 14-Year Ministry with Royal Family

Kids’ Camp Novi, MI 1997 - 2010

At “Royal Family Kids’ Camp” children from the foster-care system join us for a week where we share essential Biblical truths through the love of Christ while

encouraging them with positive affirmations and instilling great memories.

Please note that I have successfully done all of these programs in a local church setting!!!

Our main drama in 2006 was, “The Castaway Cats” and our drama team shared the story where pride and prejudice made the members of the City Cats Country

Club look down their noses at those less fortunate.

The owners of Snooky, our main character, lost their job and were forced to move to “the other side of the tracks.” Once the Country Club members learned of her fate, our hapless star was banished into the cold and cruel world.

In the end, the two groups stopped cat fighting, the City Cats Country Club was disbanded and Snooky founded the “Castaway Club.” She declared that we are all the same in God’s eyes and

from now on we will treat one another with respect because we are all special to God.

Puppet skits are a favorite among the young and old alike, as they drive home the lesson of the day.

The value of relevant and exciting Christian music can not be overstated in developing a child’s faith!

You will notice that the faces of the Royal Family Kids’ campers have been obscured to protect their privacy.

If children are this excited about expressing the joy of the Lord, they naturally want to come back again and again!

(The cute little girl just found her nametag hanging from the ceiling. She now realizes that all the effort

of our ministry was done just for her.)

Royal Family Kids’ Camp features two primary teaching opportunities: The larger one happens in the big sanctuary

and this year was called, “Castaway Cats.”

This is Breakfast Club is where we featured, “Journey’s with Joseph”.

Joseph finds himself in prison after a run-in with Potiphar’s wife, there he meets Pharaoh’s cup-bearer and baker.

Pharaoh sleeps soundly with his stuffed animal for comfort just before being awaked by a dream that needs to be interpreted.

Pharaoh summons his wise man and sorcerer to challenge them to interpret his dream. Enter Joseph and the lesson that God had a plan for his life, even though he couldn’t see it at the time. This message is essential for all children but especially those in the foster-care system.

Our 2007 camp featured an incredible drama called,

“Construction Zone” and it is one of my favorites.

It was complete with life-like sound effects and a powerful

message of how we need ‘JESUS’ as the foundation

of our lives.

A cement mixer in church? You’d better believe it!

Realism is essential in teaching, and the children were glued to

the action thereby being open to accept the truth of the message.

I just finished carving the name, “Jesus” into the foundation of our life and then went on to teach the children that life is not complete without

the name that is above all others being written on our heart.

The next day, our hard-working crew put the floor of TRUST onto that solid foundation of Jesus. Children need to know

they can “TRUST” Jesus with their life.

The last addition to our house is the door of choice. Proving that the team is better at acting than building, the door needs a little coaxing to fit in place.

(Don’t force it, get a bigger hammer!)

As the Bible teacher, it is my responsibility to present relevant Bible lessons each day. Some of our lessons included, “In God we Trust,” “the Good Samaritan,” “the adulteress caught in the act,” and, “God is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.” While modern-day analogies are helpful, all lessons

must be grounded in the Word of God to be relevant.

We featured the story of Elijah and the Battle of the Bar-B-Ques, set to spaghetti Western music.

(A great fun way to teach a powerful lesson!)

Those mean-looking prophets of Baal were sure an angry bunch!

They thrashed about in a frenzy as they called on their God to send fire that day.

It was quite a spectacle to behold.

On the other hand, Elijah just knelt down and said a simple yet heartfelt prayer, proving the intent of the heart, not the

abundance of words, moves the hand of God.

As expected, Elijah’s altar was engulfed in flickering not quite life-like flames. One child ran up and peered into

the altar and announced, “It’s only a fan.”

(Even I know I shouldn’t use real fire inside a church.)

Here is where things began to turn south on me. I had just suggested to the crew that they try doing something radical to our new house and their initial reaction pretty much says it all.

Hey, how was I to know that if we yanked the Floor of Trust in Jesus out from under our house, it would collapse? The campers’ gasp of horror was priceless! The crew quickly rebuilt the house as I wrapped up the powerful lesson.

(I have done this program five times over the years because it is so very relevant!)

I also wrote this program called, “The D.O.G. Olympics” where we learned to “Depend On God.” No, we didn’t wear pink shirts for Royal Family Kids’ Camp in

2008. The camera changed the red shirts to pink.

Our “Olympic Sports Dog Team” gets some last minute instructions from their coach before the

Dreaded Sock-Toss event.

Ah, the ominous Ramp of Risk, and its Tunnel of Terror. Trust me, this is easier than it looks

but the children sure enjoyed the action!

What’s this, an injured athlete? Our Hungarian Vizsla had her paw stepped on and she needs immediate prayer and medical attention.

Medical personnel rush in to cart off our beloved athlete. The fate of our Olympic team hangs in the balance, as her return is doubtful.

Our lesson that day was the re-enactment of the story of “Jesus walking on the water” as the disciples floated nearby in the trusty S.S. Peter.

Brave Peter climbed out of the boat and walked toward Jesus only to take his attention off his

master. We see Jesus’ hand just coming into view as he reaches out to Peter moments before he would

have slipped beneath the waves.

(After our lesson, the campers had the chance to walk on water, I’m so pleased to report that all were successful. Great moments and memories for all!)

My wife, “the Lovely Ms. Esther,” teaches our memory verse, “Nothing can ever separate us from His love.” Romans 8:38.

The Summer of 2009, our theme was “Sheepfold” where we learned about the

safety and security we have by being a part of the Good Shepherd’s flock inside His fold.

(Frolic comes out to greet our campers for the very first time.)

The Ewe’s love to scamper around inside their fold and play games of hide and seek or freeze tag.

Here’s another Ewe, but this one is different. Her name is Sassy, and she doesn’t want to play sissy games with the other sheep. She

wants to “Break outta this dump and go explore the wide open world.”

Frolic doesn’t think that leaving the Good Shepherd’s Sheepfold is such a good idea, and she’s not afraid to

say so.

You had to know this was coming: this is Slyvester the Wolf and he’s

the one who invented the idea of, “A Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.”

The other Ewe’s ran for cover when the children sounded the alarm that danger was spotted

nearby. But, Sassy isn’t easily convinced and she falls for the sheep with two sets of ears.

What??? He’s not a safe sheep? Sassy’s trust backfires as she is

hauled off to the Wolf’s lair, while he smacks his lips and dreams of lamp

chops for dinner.

Miss Heather goes over our memory verse for the week of Sheepfold.

In Breakfast Club we re-enacted the life of young David. He is being anointed by Samuel to be the next King of Israel.

Now this was indeed impressive: a life-sized Goliath to challenge our

young hero.

David showed no fear as he said, “This is the Lord’s battle, He will give you to us.” Then he drew back his sling and shot at the giant.

THWACK! Goliath teetered and fell!

David raced behind the curtain, took Goliath’s sword and cut off his head. David proved that

trusting in God always brings the victory!

Holding the attention of children is easy when they are engrossed in what is going on because they know the powerful message will be important to their own lives.

Jesus never asked, “Are we having fun

yet?” but he did ask, “Do you understand?”

My main emphasis in teaching has always

been to help children to understand God’s Word and see its relevance to their lives.

But it’s not a bad idea to have some fun with zany

characters, like these two, while accomplishing

that goal.

People who haven’t participated in a ministry like Royal Family Kids’ Camp often say that real change can’t happen in just one week. For fourteen years my wife and I have watched as the power of the Holy Spirit and the willing

hands and hearts of the counselors and staff have proven them wrong! Sure, its hard work but children are worth every minute of it. We can truly say,

“To God be the glory, great things He has done!”

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