Sebata SLA

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA






    SEBATA MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD(Registration Number: 1994/00000/0!"

    (In#or$orate% in t&e Re$ub'i# o )out& Ari#a"

    (*ereinater +)EBATA,"



    (*ereinater t&e +-.)TOER,"

    Effective Dte!

    T&is %o#ument is #oni%entia' to t&e -.)TOER or t&e s$e#ii# $ur$ose to &i#& it reers It ma2 be %is#'ose% to Boar% members

    an% $roessiona' a%3isors assisting t&e -.)TOER in res$e#t o t&e re#ommen%ations #ontaine% &erein T&e #ontents o t&is%o#ument s&ou'% not be %is#'ose% to an2 ot&er $erson or organisation it&out t&e $rior #onsent o )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION)

    (TY" 5TD

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    D"c#$e%t O&%e'!

    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD

    Ve'i"%Ve'i"% Dte Dec'iti"% * Revii"% A#t+"'  

    A'"v,A'"ve' Tit,e A'"v, Dte

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD 6


    A-'ee$e%t Te'$i%ti"%A'"ve' Tit,e Te'$i%ti"% Dte

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD 7




    11 arties to t&is Agreement 4

    16 ur$ose an% Obe#ti3e 4

    17 -ommen#ement Date 414 Duration o t&e Agreement

    1 Deinitions

    2/0 SCOPE OF 3OR4 5

    61 )tan%ar% )er3i#es

    66 Nonstan%ar% )er3i#es !

    67 )er3i#e 5e3e' Targets: Deinitions an% rin#i$'es ;64 5o#ations o )er3i#e De'i3er2 106 )er3i#e A3ai'abi'it2 10

    6< -&anges to )er3i#es 116! -ustomer De'a2s

    166; =un%amenta' E>terna' -onstraints 1669 =un%amenta' non)ebata Res$onsibi'ities 16


    71 ?e2 ersonne' -&anges 17

    76 )er3i#e an% )er3i#e 5e3e's 14

    77 Re@uesting )u$$ort 14

    74 -ommuni#ation 1

    7 Re$orting an% Re3ie )#&e%u'e 1

    7< Re@uesting Ne )er3i#es 1


    41 =ees an% a2ments 1<46 Reimbursab'e E>$enses 1<47 In3oi#es 1!

    44 a2ment Terms an% Interest on 5ate a2ments 1!


    1 ro#essing an% Aut&orisation o In3oi#es 1!

    6 -ustomer ersonne' =a#i'ities an% Resour#es 1;7 Training on )$e#ia'ise% E@ui$ment an% / or Tass 19

    4 A$$ro3a's an% Inormation 19

    Duties o )ebata 19


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD 4

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    ./0 INTRODUCTION./. P'tie t" t+i A-'ee$e%t

    T&e arties to t&is )er3i#e 5e3e' Agreement (F)5A," are:SEBATA MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (*ereinater F)EBATA,"




    ./2 P#'"e %< O=>ectiveT&e $ur$ose o t&is Agreement is to set out an% out'ine t&e:

    161 Inormation an% -ommuni#ation Te#&no'og2 (FI-T," su$$ort ser3i#es t&at )EBATA

    i'' $ro3i%e to t&e -.)TOERH

    166 enera' 'e3e's o res$onse a3ai'abi'it2 an% maintenan#e asso#iate% it& t&e

    su$$ort ser3i#esH

    167 Res$onsibi'ities asso#iate% it& t&is Agreement o )EBATA as a ser3i#e $ro3i%erH

    164 Res$onsibi'ities asso#iate% it& t&is Agreement o t&e -.)TOER as t&e art2

    re#ei3ing t&e su$$ort ser3i#esH

    16 ro#ess or re@uesting t&e su$$ort ser3i#e in terms o t&is Agreement b2 t&e

    -.)TOERH an%

    16< =ees $a2ab'e or t&e su$$ort ser3i#es ren%ere% in terms o t&is Agreement

    ./6 C"$$e%ce$e%t DteT&is Agreement s&a'' #ommen#e it& ee#t romGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG or it& ee#t

    rom an2 ot&er %ate agree% to in riting b2 t&e arties &i#&e3er o##urs ear'iest

    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    ./1 D#'ti"% "f t+i A-'ee$e%t

    T&is Agreement s&a'' en%ure or an initia' $erio% o ONE (." 2ear an% ma2 t&ereater be

    terminate% b2 eit&er art2 b2 gi3ing t&e ot&er art2 < (si>" #a'en%ar mont&s ritten noti#e

    I neit&er art2 &as gi3en orma' (ritten" noti#e ater t&e en% o t&e initia' $erio% as

    #ontem$'ate% abo3e t&is Agreement s&a'' automati#a''2 en%ure or a urt&er 1 (one" 2ear on

    t&e same terms an% #on%itions

    ./5 Defi%iti"%

    In t&is Agreement t&e o''oing or%s e>$ressions or abbre3iations s&a'' &a3e t&e meaning

    set out o$$osite t&em:

    FI-T means Inormation an% -ommuni#ation


    FI-T En3ironment means a #ombination o I-T *ar%are sotare

    an% inrastru#ture

    F-&ange -ontro' ro#e%ure means t&e $ro#e%ure em$'o2e% in re$orting

    monitoring an% reso'3ing an I-T su$$ort re'ate%

    $rob'em in an ei#ient mannerH

    F-ontra#t Termination reers to t&e termination o t&is )5A b2

    eit&er $art2 $ro3i%e% t&at a'' termination

    re@uirements are met

    FData rote#tion reers to t&e $rote#tion o inormation it& %ue

    regar% to Data rote#tion 5as as a$$'i#ab'e in

    t&e Re$ub'i# o )out& Ari#a

    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD <

    2/0 SCOPE OF 3OR4

    2/. St%

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    -ore IT )2stems

    6161 Emai' an% #a'en%aring

    6166 A##ess to i'es on #entra' storageH

    6167 Netor $rintingH

    6164 ro3ision o sotareH

    616 Desto$ se#urit2 ser3i#esH an%

    616< On'ine %ire#tor2 o t&e -.)TOER (i an2"

    617 )u$$ort )er3i#es

    6171 *ar%are an% sotare insta''ationH

    6176 I-T e@ui$ment renta'H

    6177 *ar%are an% sotare reinsta''ationH

    6174 I-T &e'$%esH

    617 )$e#ii# I-T training ser3i#esH an%

    617< Data #a$ture

    2/2 N"% St%tension it& basi#


    6614 =eature $&ones an% a##essoriesH

    661 =orar%ing an% grou$ arrangementsH

    661< Joi#emai'H

    661! ersona' %esto$ a>ingH

    661; -entra' a> number an% a'in a> ser3i#eH an%

    6619 -oneren#e #a''ing an% 'an%'ine $&oneboo an% $ub'i# $&ones at

    $remises o t&e -.)TOER

    666 )u$$ort )er3i#es


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    6661 *ar%are a#@uisitionH

    6666 *ar%are re$air an% re$'a#ementH

    6667 a2ment o I) subs#ri$tionsH

    6664 .ser su$$ort or nonstan%ar% &ar%are an% sotareH666 -reation an% maintenan#e o s$e#ia'ise% %e$artmenta' a%ministrati3e


    666< ro3ision an% su$$ort o eogra$&i#a' Inormation )2stems (FI),"H

    666! -reation an% maintenan#e o ebsite(s"H

    666; Ba#u$ an% restore o %ata not store% #entra''2 on t&e -.)TOERs

    netorH an%

    6669 )er3er management or s2stems not one% b2 )EBATA

    )EBATA #an be a$$roa#&e% to negotiate in%i3i%ua' to$u$ )5As it& t&e -.)TOER to$ro3i%e some o t&ese ser3i#es T&e -.)TOER is re@ueste% to #onta#t t&e anager:

    Business De3e'o$ment at )EBATA on K6!(0"16

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T&e measurement e>#'u%es %ontime t&at o##urs %uring:

    L T&e s#&e%u'e% mont&'2 maintenan#e in%os agree% to b2 t&e -.)TOER an% )EBATAH

    L T&e agree% maintenan#e in%os re@uire% or maor $roe#ts su#& as s2stem u$gra%es an%

    inan#ia' 2earen% $ro#esses

    6716 A'' a3ai'abi'it2 is %eine% in terms o t&e ser3i#e $ro3i%e% =or a ser3i#e to

    be %eeme% to be a3ai'ab'e t&e o''oing must be o$erating #orre#t'2: t&e ser3ers an% sotare t&at

    $ro3i%es #riti#a' un#tiona'it2 as e'' as ot&er e2 ser3i#es u$on &i#& t&ese %e$en%

    6717 A3ai'abi'it2 ?Is &a3e been set at 9M or most essentia' ser3i#es T&is

    means t&at )EBATA #ommits to no more t&an 1 %a2s o %ontime $er mont& (or 1;6 %a2s $er


    676 In#i%ent res$onse an% reso'ution time ?Is

    6761 T&ese ?Is are not 100M guarantees but rat&er rea'isti# an% reasonab'eser3i#e 'e3e' #ommitments It must be un%erstoo% t&at t&e2 #annot be met 100M o t&e timeH a

    more reasonab'e a#&ie3ement is 90M (i )EBATA ere re@uire to meet ?Is 100M o t&e time

    t&e2 ou'% &a3e to be set at 'e3e' &i#& ou'% neit&er be %esirab'e to t&e -.)TOER nor

    re'e#ti3e o t&e ser3i#e 'e3e' a#tua''2 being a#&ie3e% most o t&e time"

    6766 T&ese ?Is are norma''2 state% in terms o oring %a2s 0!*70 to

    1am$'e an in#i%ent

    re$orte% at 1

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    676< T&ese ?Is are set a##or%ing to $riorit2 'e3e's T&e o3erar#&ing $rin#i$'e

    is to $rioritise in#i%ents on t&e basis o t&eir im$a#t on t&e business o 

    2/1 L"cti"% "f Se'vice De,ive'

    5o#ations #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement or t&e %e'i3er2 o t&e ser3i#e are t&e o''oing:

    2/5 Se'vice Avi,=i,it

     As e>$'aine% in 67 abo3e #ore I-T s2stems are e>$e#te% to be a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e timeStaffed services and support  &oe3er are a3ai'ab'e rom )EBATA as $er s#&e%u'e be'o

    t&e -.)TOER T&ese $riorities #an be #ategorise% as o''os:RIORITY 1

    L Wor in t&e entire$remises o t&e-.)TOER is sto$$e% orinterru$te%H

    L A #ore / #riti#a' ser3i#esis #om$'ete'2una3ai'ab'eH

    L A #riti#a' business$ro#ess is sto$$e% orinterru$te% or t&e-.)TOER as a &o'e


    L Wor in a %e$artment issto$$e% or interru$te%H

    L A #ore / #riti#a' ser3i#e is

    $artia''2 una3ai'ab'e

    RIORITY 7 L Wor or an in%i3i%ua' is sto$$e% orinterru$te%


    Ref * C"

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    To ma>imise t&e a3ai'abi'it2 stabi'it2 se#urit2 an% re#o3erabi'it2 o s2stems an% ser3i#es )EBATA $ro$oses

    a s#&e%u'e o maintenan#e in%os %uring &i#& )EBATA i'':

    61 $at#& an% u$gra%e a$$'i#ations o$erating an% se#urit2 s2stemsH

    66 insta'' a$$'i#ations an% #om$onentsH

    67 reboot ser3ersH

    64 test or ai'o3er an% %isaster re#o3er2H an%

    6 ee#t re#onigurations

    =or t&e most $art maintenan#e in%os are s#&e%u'e% rom 09*00 to 1!*00 e3er2 'ast

     GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG(%a2" o ea#& mont&

    Re@uest or e>ten%e% su$$ort &ours or #riti#a' business t&at o##urs %uring e3enings

    eeen%s an% on $ub'i# &o'i%a2s i'' be #onsi%ere% b2 )EBATA an% i'' be #&argeab'e )u#&

    re@uests s&ou'% be sent in reasonab'e a%3an#e to )EBATA on te#&su$$ortsebata#oa

    2/8 C+%-e t" Se'vice

    Neit&er art2 to t&is Agreement ma2 ee#t an2 #&ange o &atsoe3er nature to t&e ser3i#e /

    s#o$e o or out'ine% in t&is Agreement it&out t&e $rior ritten #onsent an% a$$ro3a' o t&e

    ot&er art2



  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    )&ou'% t&e s#o$e an% $arameters o or #&ange materia''2 ater t&e signing o t&is

     Agreement t&e arties s&a'' %ra u$ an% sign a ne Agreement &i#& Agreement s&a''

    #an#e' an% re3oe t&e terms an% $ro3isions o t&is Agreement

    2/9 C#t"$e' De,

    De'a2s an% / or intereren#e b2 em$'o2ees o t&e -.)TOER t&at ma2 resu't in t&e

    ina%e@uate ren%ering o t&e ser3i#es #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement i'' be @uantiie% in a time

    an% #ost basis using t&e taris in Anne>ure 6 an% i'' be or t&e -.)TOERs a##ount

    2/ F#%

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    troub'es&ooting ste$s an% ensuring )EBATAs $&2si#a' a##ess

    to s$a#e

    691 W&ere ser3i#es attra#t a ee $ro3i%e un% an% #ost #entre inormation

    696 De$artments must:6961 A$$oint ee#ti3e an% a$$ro$riate re$resentati3es to ser3e in t&e

    )teering -ommitteeH

    6966 A$$oint sui#ient numbers o I-T 'iaisons &o must:

    P Ensure t&at inormation regar%ing I-T im$ro3ements #&anges to business $ro#esses s2stem

    maintenan#e an% s2stem $rob'ems rea#&es a'' users T&is inormation norma''2 #omes 3ia emai's

    sent b2 )EBATAH

    P -oor%inate t&e gat&ering o inormation re@ueste% b2 )EBATAH

    P Oer ee%ba# about I-T ser3i#es to )EBATAH

    P Assist b2 assessing an% i%enti2ing I-T nee%s in t&e %e$artmentHP Regu'ar'2 #&e# )EBATAs ebsite (sebata#oa"H

    P Re$resent t&e %e$artments I-T nee%s at t&e -.)TOERs inter%e$artmenta' I-T meetings or

    simi'ar orums

    P A$$oint %ire#tor2 manager &o must ensure t&at sta inormation (name te'e$&one number oi#e

    number et#" #ontaine% in t&e -.)TOERs %ire#tor2 is a##urate an% maintaine%


    6/. 4e Pe'"%%e, C+%-e

     An2 #&anges ma%e b2 t&e -.)TOER to its IT De$artments e2 $ersonne' must be %u'2

    #ommuni#ate% to )EBATA

    =or t&e $ur$ose o t&is Agreement t&e #onta#t $erson(s" or t&e -.)TOER are:

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA




    =or t&e $ur$ose o t&is Agreement t&e #onta#t $erson(s" or )EBATA are:




    T&e $erson(s" reerre% to abo3e or t&e -.)TOER an% or )EBATA s&a'' be regar%e% as t&e $rimar2 an% se#on%ar

    #onta#t $erson(s" res$e#ti3e'2 or a'' matters #on#erning ser3i#es #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement an% an2 substitution

    eit&er $erson(s" b2 eit&er art2 s&a'' be ee#te% b2 a2 o ritten noti#e to t&e ot&er art2

    /2 Se'vice %< Se'vice Leve,

    )EBATA agrees to $ro3i%e I-T )u$$ort an% ser3i#es to t&e I-T en3ironment %uring norma' oring &ours

    T&e ser3i#es in#'u%e% in t&is )5A are t&ose a$$ro3e% oint'2 b2 t&e -.)TOER an% )EBATA as being #ore I-T su$$

    ser3i#es T&ese are %eine% as essentia' I-T ser3i#es t&at meet a'' or most o t&e o''oing #riteria:

    61 T&e2 su$$ort t&e #ore business o t&e -.)TOERH

    66 T&e2 are use% a#ross t&e en3ironment o t&e -.)TOER an% %o not re@uire s$e#ia'ise% #ontent no'e

    67 T&e2 nee% to be re'iab'e an% a3ai'ab'eH

    64 T&ere is signii#ant an% $otentia''2 materia' ris to t&e -.)TOER i t&e stan%ar%s are not monitore%

    im$'emente% an% enor#e%H


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    =or t&e most $art t&e2 are $ro3i%e% to t&e -.)TOER in terms o t&is Agreement it& e>#e$tions as #'ear'2

    ne% be'o

    76< A##ountabi'it2 o t&eir $ro3ision rests it& )EBATA &i'e go3ernan#e remains it& t&e -.)TOER

    /6 Re#eti%- S#"'t

    An em$'o2ee o t&e -.)TOER t&at re@uires assistan#e must #onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 #a''ing K6!(0"11 61; ;0;0 / 0;

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    )er3i#e %e'i3er2 i'' be re3iee% b2 )EBATA an% t&e -.)TOER it&in one (1" mont& o t&e

    $ub'i#ation o t&e @uarter'2 re$orts T&e obe#ti3e is to im$ro3e ser3i#es an% re3ie t&e

    a$$ro$riateness o ser3i#e 'e3e' targets

    6/8 Re#eti%- Ne& Se'vice

    T&is )5A %es#ribes t&e ser3i#es t&at ou'% be $ro3i%e% to t&e -.)TOER b2 )EBATA T&e

    -.)TOER an% / or its 3arious %e$artments ma2 re@uest a%%itiona' ser3i#es T&ese oten

    attra#t a ee an% ma2 re@uire t&e negotiation o a to$u$ )5A

    T&e -.)TOER s&ou'% #onta#t t&e I-T &e'$%es to 'og a %e3e'o$ment re@uest a re@uest

    or )EBATA to #onsi%er $ro3i%ing a ne ser3i#e or s2stem (in ot&er or%s somet&ing not

    #atere% or at $resent" or to substantia''2 re%esign or %e3e'o$ment an e>isting ser3i#e ors2stem


    1/. Fee %< P$e%t

    T&e ees $a2ab'e un%er t&is Agreement are #a'#u'ate% on an annua' basis an% are $a2ab'e

    mont&'2 an% / or annua''2 in a%3an#e or ea#& 2ear

    T&e ees an% $a2ments s&a'' es#a'ate annua''2 on t&e anni3ersar2 o t&is Agreement at t&e

    'e3e' o t&e $re3ai'ing -I rom time to time or 10M &i#&e3er is t&e &ig&er

    T&e ees $a2ab'e #an eit&er be $ai% b2 #&e@ue %ire#t ban e'e#troni# transer or b2 %ebit


    1/2 Rei$=#'=,e Ee%e

    Reimbursab'e e>$enses s&a'' in#'u%e an2 or an% / or ser3i#e t&at is re@uire% b2 t&e

    -.)TOER t&at is not #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement

    T&e $ro3ision o su#& or an% / or ser3i#e i'' be at t&e %is#retion o )EBATA )EBATA

    reser3es t&e rig&t to reuse to $ro3i%e an% / or e>e#ute or an% / or ser3i#e t&at is not

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement $ro3i%e% t&at )EBATA $ro3i%es t&e -.)TOER it& a orma'

    (ritten" noti#e o reusa'

    Reimbursab'e e>$enses i'' be #&arge% a##or%ing to t&e taris a$$earing in A%%e#'e 2

    1/6 I%v"ice

    In3oi#es or ser3i#es #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement i'' be issue% a mont& in a%3an#e e3er2

    mont& an% i'' be emai'e% toGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGan% $oste% to t&e

    Domicilium citandi et executandi  #&osen b2 t&e -.)TOER an% re'e#te% in -'ause !9 o

    t&is Agreement

    1/1 P$e%t Te'$ ? I%te'et "% Lte P$e%t

    =ees are $a2ab'e mont&'2 an% / or annua''2 in a%3an#e or ea#& $erio% a$$'i#ab'e

    Interest #om$oun%e% mont&'2 in arrear at t&e $re3ai'ing o3er%rat rate o )EBATA) baners

    rom time to time s&a'' be 'e3ie% on a##ounts oing b2 t&e -.)TOER or an2 $erio% 'onger 

    t&an t2" %a2s

    )EBATA reser3es t&e rig&t to sus$en% an% / or terminate ser3i#es un%er t&is Agreement in

    res$e#t o non$a2ment an% / or o3er%ue a##ount

    T&e -.)TOER ma2 not set o an2 amount(s" oing b2 )EBATA an% / or )EBATA) %u'2

    aut&orise% agent(s" rom an2 amount(s" %ue b2 t&e -.)TOER to )EBATA an% / or

    )EBATA) aut&orise% agent(s"

     An a$$ro$riate %is#ount ma2 be a$$'ie% in res$e#t o ees $ai% annua''2 in a%3an#e b2 t&e

    -.)TOER T&e %is#ount to be a$$'ie% s&a'' be at t&e so'e %is#retion o )EBATA


    5/. P'"cei%- %< A#t+"'iti"% "f I%v"ice

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T&e -.)TOER u$on re#ei$t o an in3oi#e re'ating to ser3i#es ren%ere% b2 )EBATA in

    terms o t&is Agreement s&a'' set in motion a'' $ro#esses re@uire% un%er t&e -.)TOERs

    $o'i#ies an% $ro#e%ures or $a2ment o t&e in3oi#e it&in t&e $erio% sti$u'ate% in -'ause 4

    o t&is Agreement

     A'' in3oi#es an% bi''ing %o#uments i'' be orar%e% to t&e $erson(s" sti$u'ate% in -'ause 71

    o t&is Agreement or $ro#essing an% aut&orisation

    5/2 CUSTOMER Pe'"%%e,7 Fci,itie %< Re"#'ce

    T&e -.)TOER agrees an% un%ertaes:

    To inorm )EBATA o an2 au't or %amage &en %iasgnose%

    To mae t&e e@ui$ment an% su#& a#i'ities as ma2 be ne#essar2 a3ai'ab'e to )EBATA

    $ersonne' u$on arri3a' at t&e -.)TOERs $remises

    To a''o on'2 aut&orise% )EBATA $ersonne' to #arr2 out ser3i#es an% su$$ort in terms o t&is


    Not to mo3e t&e #arr2 out ser3i#es #o3ere% in t&is Agreement it&out ritten noti#e to


    To #are or t&e e@ui$ment an% &ouse it in suitab'e $remises an% un%er suitab'e en3ironmenta'

    #on%itions an% to o''o su#& instru#tions on t&ese matters an% in regar% to o$erating t&e

    e@ui$ment an% #arr2ing out o$erators routine maintenan#e on t&e e@ui$ment as )EBATA or

    t&e su$$'ier ma2 gi3e rom time to time

    To #arr2 out an2 %iagnosti# an% test routines on t&e e@ui$ment so'e'2 in t&e manner a%3ise%

    b2 )EBATA or t&e su$$'ier an% u$on termination o t&e maintenan#e ser3i#e ort&it& return

    to )EBATA a'' #o$ies o $rogrammes manua's an% ot&er %o#umentation #om$rising su#&


    To noti2 )EBATA in riting it&out %e'a2 o an2 #&anges in t&e o$erating #on%itions or

    en3ironment surroun%ing t&e insta''ation

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    To $ro3i%e a te'e$&one in t&e 3i#init2 o t&e insta''e% #om$uter e@ui$ment an% to a''o t&is

    te'e$&one a#i'it2 to be use% ree o #&arge b2 )EBATA $ersonne' i re@uire% or t&e e>e#ution

    o %uties in res$e#t o ser3i#es #o3ere% in t&is Agreement

    T&at at t&e en% o t&e initia' one 2ear term o t&is Agreement or an2 time t&ereater iin%i3i%ua' item(s" #annot in )EBATAs o$inion be a%e@uate'2 or e#onomi#a''2 maintaine% on

    site %ue to e>#essi3e ear an% / or %eterioration )EBATA ma2 submit to t&e -.)TOER a

    @uotation or t&e reurbis&ment o su#& items I t&e -.)TOER e'e#ts not to &a3e t&e items

    o e@ui$ment reurbis&e% or i reurbis&ment is im$ra#ti#a' %ue to t&e age o su#& items or t&e

    nona3ai'abi'it2 o re$'a#ement $arts )EBATA ma2 it&%ra su#& items rom t&is Agreement

    u$on 70 (t&irt2" %a2s $rior ritten noti#e

    5/6 T'i%i%- "% Seci,ie< E#i$e%t %< * "' T

    )EBATA i'' un%ertae to train em$'o2ees o t&e -.)TOER &en an% &ere ne#essar2

    an% $ossib'e on t&e reso'ution o s$e#ii# an% genera' issues t&at ma2 arise rom time to time

    issues &i#& ma2 or ma2 not be #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement )EBATA i'' en%ea3our to

    'imit t&is to minor issues t&at ma2 not ae#t norma' o$erations o t&e -.)TOER

    5/1 A'"v, %< I%f"'$ti"%

    T&e $erson(s" sti$u'ate% in -'ause 71 o t&is Agreement i'' be res$onsib'e or:

    L T&e a$$ro3a' o an2 amen%ments a'terations #&anges an% t&e enor#ement o t&is AgreementH

    L T&e issuan#e o an2 inormation t&at ma2 be re@uire% b2 )EBATA or t&e ee#ti3e %e'i3er2 o

    ser3i#es in terms o t&is Agreement

    L An2 ot&er orm o assistan#e it&in reason t&at ma2 be re@uire% or t&e ee#ti3e %e'i3er2 o

    ser3i#es in terms o t&is Agreement

    5/5 D#tie "f Se=t

    )EBATA s&a'' ensure t&at a'' or to be %one in terms o t&is Agreement s&a'' be $erorme%

    an% / or su$er3ise% b2 #om$etent an% @ua'iie% $ersonne'

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    8/0 OTHER INFORMATION8/. T+i'< (6'

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    )&ou'% t&e ser3i#es to t&e -.)TOER #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement be sus$en%e% or

    &atsoe3er reason t&e -.)TOER a#no'e%ges t&at it i'' oreit its a##ess to an2 as$e#t

    o an% / or t&e u'' ser3i#e #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement but t&e -.)TOER s&a'' sti'' be

    'iab'e or t&e $a2ment o ees %uring su#& sus$ension

    8/1 Te'$i%ti"%

    T&is Agreement s&a'' be terminate% b2 eit&er art2 on gi3ing t&e ot&er art2 < ()i>" #a'en%ar

    mont&s or 1;0 (One *un%re% an% Eig&t2" #a'en%ar %a2s noti#e o su#& termination an% su#&

    noti#e s&a'' be in riting

    Eit&er art2 s&a'' be entit'e% to terminate t&is Agreement u$on an a#t or omission o t&e ot&er

    art2 &i#& is in brea#& o t&is Agreement an% is not reme%ie% to t&e e>tent reme%iab'eit&in a reasonab'e $erio% ater being notiie% o su#& brea#& in riting

    8/5 Di#te %< A'=it'ti"%

    )&ou'% an2 %is$ute o &atsoe3er nature arise beteen t&e arties out o or $ursuant to t&is

     Agreement or s&ou'% a %ea%'o# o##ur eit&er art2 s&a'' be entit'e% b2 ritten noti#e to t&e

    ot&er art2 to re@uire t&at t&e %ea%'o# or %is$ute be reso'3e% it&in ourteen (14" %a2s or

    to ees

    I t&e %is$ute or %ea%'o# reerre% in t&e $aragra$& abo3e is not reso'3e% or a #om$romise is

    not oun% ater t&e ourteen (14" %a2s t&e aggrie3e% art2 ma2 re@uire in a ritten noti#e to

    t&e ot&er art2 t&at t&e %ea%'o# or %is$ute be reerre% to an Arbitrator to be agree% u$on b2

    t&e arties

    =ai'ing agreement as to t&e $erson to be a$$ointe% it&in ourteen (14" %a2s ater t&e

    o##urren#e o an2 su#& %ea%'o# or %is$ute reerre% to in t&e $aragra$& abo3e t&e %is$ute or 

    %ea%'o# s&a'' be submitte% to an Arbitrator to be nominate% b2 t&e -&airman o t&e

     Arbitration =oun%ation o )out& Ari#a (A=)A" )u#& arbitration s&a'' be #on%u#te% in

    a##or%an#e it& A=)A Ru'es an% Regu'ations

    )&ou'% t&e arbitration $ro#ee%ings $er $aragra$& abo3e remain unreso'3e% t&e matter i'' be

    reerre% to a )out& Ari#an -ourt it& re'e3ant uris%i#tion

    8/8 C"t

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    In t&e e3ent t&at )EBATA an% / or its %u'2 aut&orise% agent &a3ing to enor#e an2 o its rig&ts

    in terms o t&is Agreement %ue to t&e -.)TOERs brea#& t&e -.)TOER s&a'' be 'iab'e

    or t&e #osts in#urre% b2 )EBATA an% / or its %u'2 aut&orise% agent as on t&e s#a'e beteen

    attorne2 an% on #'ient in#'u%ing #o''e#tion #ommission an% tra#ing #osts

    8/9 Vi M>"' (F"'ce M>e#'e)

    Neit&er art2 s&a'' &a3e an2 #'aim o an2 nature &ate3er against t&e ot&er or ai'ure to #arr2

    out an2 o its ob'igations un%er t&is Agreement as a resu't o vis major, in#'u%ing but it&out

    being 'imite% to an2 strie 'o#out s&ortage o 'abour or materia's %e'a2s in trans$ort

    a##i%ents o an2 in% riot $o'iti#a' an% #i3i' %isobe%ien#e or %isturban#e t&e e'ements an2

    a#t o an2 )tate or o3ernment or an2 ot&er aut&orit2 or an2 ot&er #ause &ate3er be2on%

    t&e #ontro' o t&e art2 in @uestion

    8/ Seve'=i,it

    Ea#& $aragra$& #'ause an% / or a$$en%i> in t&is Agreement is se3erab'e rom t&e ot&ers

    I an2 $aragra$& #'ause or a$$en%i> is oun% b2 an2 #om$etent -ourt to be %ee#ti3e an% / or 

    unenor#eab'e or in3a'i% or &atsoe3er reason t&e remaining $aragra$&s #'auses an%

    a$$en%i#es s&a'' #ontinue to be o u'' or#e an% ee#t

    8/: D"$ici,i#$ %< N"tice

    T&e arties &ereto #&oose domicilia citandi et executandi  or a'' $ur$oses o an% in

    #onne#tion it& t&is Agreement as o''os:


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    )IYAN-.A 5O-A5 .NI-IA5ITY:-AR5 -I55IER) )TREET DO.5A) ;!70

    Te'e$&one: ( 07" 69; 1;10

    =a#simi'e: ( 07" 69; 7141


    Eit&er art2 &ereto s&a'' be entit'e% to #&ange its domicilium rom time to time $ro3i%e%

    t&at an2 ne domicilium se'e#te% b2 it s&a'' be an a%%ress ot&er t&an a bo> number in t&e

    Re$ub'i# o )out& Ari#a an% an2 su#& #&ange s&a'' on'2 be ee#ti3e u$on re#ei$t o t&e

    noti#e in riting b2 t&e ot&er art2 o su#& #&ange

     A'' noti#es %eman%s #ommuni#ation or $a2ments inten%e% or eit&er art2 s&a'' be

    ma%e or gi3en at t&e ot&er art2s domicilium or t&e time being

     A noti#e sent b2 one art2 to t&e ot&er art2 s&a'' be %eeme% to be re#ei3e%:

    on t&e same %a2 i %e'i3ere% b2

    &an%H on t&e same %a2 i sent b2


    on t&e se3ent& (!t&" %a2 ater $osting i sent b2 $re$ai% registere% mai'

    Notit&stan%ing an2t&ing to t&e #ontrar2 #ontaine% &erein a ritten noti#e or

    #ommuni#ation a#tua''2 re#ei3e% b2 a art2 s&a'' be a%e@uate ritten noti#e or

    #ommuni#ation to it notit&stan%ing t&at it as not sent to or %e'i3ere% at its #&osen

    domicilium citandi et executandi.

    8/.0 G"ve'%i%- L& %< J#'i

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    t&e none>#'usi3e uris%i#tion o t&e *ig& -ourt o )out& Ari#a (Witatersran% 5o#a'


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    P'i"' A-'ee$e%t!

    9/0 GENERAL


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T&is Agreement re$'a#es an2 $rior )5A t&at ma2 &a3e been in $'a#e an%/or negotiate% beteen t&e

    arties W&ere no signe% Agreement as an%/or is in $'a#e t&is Agreement re$resents t&e un%erstan%ing

    an% agreement beteen t&e arties

     An2 $rior )5A entere% into beteen t&e -.)TOER an% )EBATAre'ate% entities su#& as N2'Data-om$uter )er3i#es (ro$rietar2" 5imite% (Registration number 199;/00901!/0!" an%/or .nite#& -om$uter

    )er3i#es (ro$rietar2" 5imite% (Registration number 1996/0067;!/0!" an%/or Ari#an =inan#ia' )o'utions

    (ro$rietar2" 5imite% (Registration number 199!/00;49/0!" an%/or B C B )otare --

    (-?19;!/01704!/67" an%/or B C B )otare (ro$rietar2" 5imite% (Registration number 600/077097/0!"

    are on signature o t&is Agreement ee#ti3e'2 re$'a#e% b2 t&is Agreement

    Notit&stan%ing t&e a#t t&at t&is Agreement re$'a#es an2 $rior ritten an%/or unritten )5A an%/or

    arrangement in res$e#t o t&is an%/or an2 ot&er o )EBATAs ser3i#es beteen t&e -.)TOER an% an2

    entit2 taen o3er b2 )EBATA an%/or &ose assets rig&ts an% ob'igations )EBATA too o3er t&e rig&ts an%

    ob'igations o )EBATA an% t&ose o t&e -.)TOER remain 3a'i% an% unae#te%

    E%ti'e A-'ee$e%t!

    T&is %o#ument #onstitutes t&e so'e re#or% o t&e agreement beteen t&e $arties in res$e#t o ser3i#es

    #o3ere% un%er t&is Agreement No art2 s&a'' be boun% b2 an2 e>$ress or im$'ie% term re$resentation

    arrant2 $romise or t&e 'ie not re#or%e% &erein


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    No in%u'gen#e &i#& eit&er o t&e arties +t&e grantor," ma2 grant to t&e ot&er (+t&e

    grantee," s&a'' #onstitute a ai3er o an2 o t&e rig&ts o t&e grantor &o s&a'' not t&ereb2

    be $re#'u%e% rom e>er#ising an2 rig&ts against t&e grantee &i#& mig&t &a3e

    arisen in t&e $ast or &i#& mig&t arise in t&e uture


    )EBATA ma2 #e%e assign %e'egate or in an2 ot&er a2 a'ienate or %is$ose o its rig&ts

    an% ob'igations un%er t&is Agreement it& or it&out t&e $rior #onsent o t&e

    -.)TOER An2 #onsent or a$$ro3a' re@uire% b2 )EBATA in terms o t&is Agreement

    i'' not be unreasonab'2 it&&e'%


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T*.) DONE AT ON T*I) T*E DAY O= 60

    =or an% on be&a' o:



    W&o arrants &is/&er aut&orit2 &ereto




    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (TY" 5TD

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    =or an% on be&a' o:

    )IYAN-.A 5O-A5 .NI-IA5ITY


    W&o arrants &is/&er aut&orit2 &ereto



     A) WITNE))E):

    I-T).ORT )5A )EBATA .NI-IA5 )O5.TION) (

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    ANNE;URE .



    -.)TOER) netor a##ountH

    assor% management

    or -.)TOERs

    netor a##ountsH 5o#a'

    ire'ess an% i%e area


     A##ess to internet ser3i#esH

    Remote a##ess to -.)TOERs e


    5o#a' i'e

    s2n#&ronisationH an%

     A%ministration o a

    roaming I) a##ount

    Se'vice Se'vice Leve, T'-etC#t"$e' Re"%i

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T" cce t+e e'viceIn%i3i%ua' users #annot directly  &a3e netor

    a##ounts issue% or #an#e''e% T&ese$ro#esses &a$$en automati#a''2 as o''os:

    =or a sta a##ount to be issue% T&e sta members %e$artment must submit t&ecc"#%t ctivti"% orm to t&e IT 5iaison 4ees beore #ommen#ement o or an% t&eorm must be orar%e% to )EBATA or issuingo t&e a##ount

    =or a sta a##ount to be #an#e''e% T&e sta members %e$artment must submit t&ecc"#%t c%ce,,ti"% orm to t&e IT 5iaisonan% t&is must be orar%e% to )EBATA or #an#e''ation o t&e a##ount

    =or a 7r%  $art2 a##ount to be issue% T&e

    %e$artment t&at is maing use o t&e 7r%

     $art2s2stem must submit a 6'< 't cc"#%tctivti"% orm to t&e IT 5iaison an% t&e ormmust be orar%e% to )EBATA or issuing o t&e a##ount (t&e orm must &a3e a starting%ate"

    =or a 7r%  $art2 a##ount to be #an#e''e% T&een% %ate on t&e a##ount a#ti3ation orm i''trigger t&e automati# #an#e''ation o t&e 7r% $art2s a##ount

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER




    Dec'iti"%!L Issuing o a -.)TOER netor

    a##ountHL -an#e''ing o a -.)TOER

    netor a##ountA,ic=,e t"!

    L -.)TOER em$'o2eesL Aut&orise% 7r%  $arties

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Issuing netora##ount

    1 %a2

    -an#e''ingnetor a##ount

    1 %a2

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna'

    #onstraintsL A netor a##ount #annot be

    issues i t&e -.)TOERsnetor a##ount &o'%ers

    organisationa' #o%e &as not been%eine% an% #a$ture% in t&ea$$'i#ab'e s2stem

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice

    L )ta s&ou'% #onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieL Em$'o2ees o t&e -.)TOER must ee$ t&eir a##ounts an% $assor%s se#ure an% ne3er a''o

     GGGGGGGGGan2one e'se to use t&em


    netor $ointL Aut&orisation rom t&e re'e3ant $art2(s"

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e e'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one t&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies


    Dec'iti"%!L -&anging o $assor%s b2

    a##ount &o'%ers 3ia t&e I-T*e'$%es

    A,ic=,e t"!L -.)TOER netor a##ount


    Avi,=i,itassor% #&ange ser3i#e is a3ai'ab'e 9Mo t&e %uring norma' oring &ours (0!*70to 1terna'


    T" cce t+e e'viceassor% #&anges #an be re@ueste% b2'ogging a #a'' it& t&e I-T *e'$%es an%re@uesting a $assor% #&ange

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL Em$'o2ees o t&e

    -.)TOER must  $ro3i%e$roo o i%entii#ation in or%er to &a3e t&eir $assor%s

    #&ange% b2 t&e I-T*e'$%esL Em$'o2ees o t&e

    -.)TOER must  #&anget&eir $assor%s &en$rom$te% to %o so

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e

    e'viceL )ta s&ou'% #onta#t t&e I-T

    *e'$%es b2 $&one emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieL )ta members must #onsu't

    t&eir IT 5iaison &enre@uiring #&anges to



    L T&e netor rom t&e $oint in t&ea'' to t&e %ata #entreH

    L Wire'ess netorsHL Wi%e area netor ' ins

    A,ic=,e t"!L -.)TOER netor a##ount

    &o'%ers #onne#te% to t&e-.)TOERs netor

    Avi,=i,it f"' 3AN ? LAN iteT&e -.)TOERs netor rom t&e#entra' %ata #entre(s" to t&e #onne#tion$oint on ea#& WAN site o t&e-.)TOER is a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time64 &ours a %a2 ! %a2s a ee e>#'u%ingmont&'2 maintenan#e in%os

    Avi,=i,it "f LAN iteT&e -.)TOERs netor rom t&e#entra' %ata #entre(s" to t&e #onne#tion$oint in ea#& bui'%ing o t&e -.)TOERis a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time 64 &ours a

    %a2 ! %a2s a ee e>#'u%ing mont&'2maintenan#e in%os

    T" cce t+e e'vice5og a #a'' it& I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia )EBATA ebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesH=or a''o#ating a %2nami# I a%%ress:

    L t&e #orre#t A- a%%ressH=or a''o#ating a stati# I a%%ress an%u$%ating t&e DN):

    L t&e #orre#t A- a%%ress an%&ostname

    =or insta''ing or mo3ing a netor $oint:L inormation un% name #ost G#entre $&2si#a' 'o#ation o a

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Insta''ing or  mo3ing a netor$oint

    10 %a2s

     A''o#ating a%2nami# Ia%%ress

    1 %a2

     A''o#ating a stati#I a%%ress

    6 %a2s

    .$%ating t&eDN)

    6 %a2s

    =i>ing a au't it&netor a##ess

    1 %a2

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna'


    L =or WAN sites %ontime#ause% b2 -.)TOERs#onne#ti3it2 3en%ors

    L =or ire'ess ser3i#es e'e#tromagneti# intereren#esL A3ai'abi'it2 o irea2s an%s'ee3es t&at #arr2 #ab'es

     GGGGGGGGG($ro3i%e% b2 ot&ers" GGGGGGGGGG 


    Dec'iti"%!L Aut&enti#ate% a##ess to t&e Wo'%

    Wi%e Web (&tt$ &tt$s t$" it& no@uota restri#tions

    L $ro3ision o eb usageinormation to en%users an% t&ee>e#uti3e

    L $rioritisation o #ertain internet$roto#o's o3er ot&ers to ensuret&at &ig& $riorit2 areas re#ei3emore ban%i%t&

    L $ro#essing o e>#e$tion re@uests:o s$e#ia' ban%i%t&

    a''o#ation or ni#&ea$$'i#ations

    o re@uests to $ro3i%e a##esst&at re@uires noaut&enti#ation tos$e#ii# .R5s or s$e#ia'

    $ur$ose ser3ers o re@uestsor a%%itiona' mont&'2 @uotasor t&e e>e#uti3e

    A,ic=,e t"!L A##ount &o'%ers 'o#ate% in t&e

    $remises / bui'%ings o t&e-.)TOER an% #onne#te% to t&e-.)TOERs netor

    Ec,#i"%L )$e#ii# 7r%  $artiesL Ot&er areas as s$e#iie% b2 t&e


    Avi,=i,it A##ess to t&e Internet ser3i#e is a3ai'ab'e9M o t&e time 64 &ours a %a2 ! %a2s aee e>#'u%ing oi#ia' mont&'2maintenan#e in%os

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    =i>ing internet

    a##ess $rob'ems

    Wit&in 1 %a2

     A''o#atinga%%itiona'mont&'2 @uotas

    Wit&in 6 %a2s

    ro3i%ing s$e#ia'ban%i%t&a''o#ations

    Wit&in %a2s

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta'  e>terna'

    #onstraintsL Dontime attributab'e to t&e

    -.)TOERs ban%i%t&$ro3i%ers

    L Dontime attributab'e to ne%enia' o ser3i#e atta#s an%ma'are %es$ite best eorts tob'o# su#& trai#

    L Dontime on ebsites not&oste% b2 )EBATA

    Note: o service level tar!ets can be setfor speed, as t"is is constrained by t"eamount of bud!et available for band#idt"and t"e demands placed upon t"eband#idt" by users at any point in time.

    T" cce t+e e'vice=or s$e#ia' ban%i%t& a''o#ations sta must #onta#t t&eir res$e#ti3e IT 5iaison&o i'' in turn #onta#t t&e I-T*e'$%es b2 $&one or 3ia emai'

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL A #om$uter an% su$$orte%

    broser #orre#t'2 #onigure%to #onne#t to t&e internetL T&e %e$artmenta' IT 5iaisons

    i'' aut&orise s$e#ia'ban%i%t& @uota a''o#ationsan% i'' inorm )EBATA

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e

    e'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one b2emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% internetusage regu'ations

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    Dec'iti"% A%ministration o roaming internetsubs#ri$tion (I) a##ount" t&at #an on'2 beuse% 'o#a''2ro#essing o:

    L A$$'i#ationsL -&angesL ont&'2 $a2ments

    A,ic=,e t"!

    L )ta members

    L Aut&orise% 7r% $arties

    T" cce t+e e'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one

    t&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER


    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ete$

    L -onta#t I-T *e'$%es b2$&one t&roug& emai' or 3iat&e )EBATA ebsite

    L -onta#t t&e 'o#a' ser3i#e%es o t&e res$e#ti3e I)

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' o'i#ies go3erning t&ea##ess an% use o t&e internet

    T" cce t+e e'vice5og a #a'' it& I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia )EBATA ebsiteor a##ess to t&e setu$s

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL A #om$uter it& a oring

    internet #onne#tionL A broser on t&e su$$orte%

    sotare 'ist

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one

    t&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATAebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% remotea##ess regu'ations

    Avi,=i,itRe3erse $ro>2 ser3i#es are a3ai'ab'e 9Mo t&e time 64 &ours a %a2 an% ! %a2s aee e>#'u%ing oi#ia ' mont&'2maintenan#e in%os

    C"%t'i%tL E>terna'  un%amenta'

    #onstraintsL Dontime attributab'e to t&e

    -.)TOERQ) ban%i%t&$ro3i%ers

    L Dontime attributab'e to ne%enia' o ser3i#e atta#s an%ma'are %es$ite best eorts tob'o# su#& trai#

    L Dontime on ebsites not&oste% b2 )EBATA

    Note: o service level tar!ets can be setfor speed, as t"is is constrained by t"eamount of bud!et available for band#idt"and t"e demands placed upon t"eband#idt" by users at any point in time.Since t"e service is accessed from offsite,speed is also affected by t"e service fromt"e ISP.

    REMOTE ACCESS TO CUSTOMERS E@RESOURCESDec'iti"%!Re3erse $ro>2:  aut&enti#ate% ositea##ess to se'e#te% eresour#es

    A,ic=,e t"!Netor a##ount &o'%ers

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,


    1 %a2

    -&anging t&e$assor%

    1 %a2

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    Emai' an% -a'en%aring

     A##ess to i'es on #entra' storage

    Netor $rinting

    ro3ision o sotare

    Desto$ se#urit2 s2stems

    On'ine %ire#tor2 o t&e -.)TOER (i an2"



    L A uni3ersa' inbo> messaging#a'en%aring grou$ s#&e%u'ingtas management an% t&rea%e%%is#ussions

    o  An emai' a%%ressit&in t&e-.)TOERQ)%omain t&at #om$'iesto t&e emai' namingstan%ar%

    o  A mai'bo> it& a60B storages$a#e or sta an%a$$'i#ab'e 7r% $arties

    o  Abi'it2 to boomeetings 3enuesan% resour#est&roug& a s&are%#a'en%ar 

    o  Abi'it2 to ar#&i3emessages

    o  Abi'it2 to set u$i'tering ru'es an%3a#ation re$'ies

    L A##ess rom on an% ositeL ai'bo> a##ess 3ia a se#ure

    IA t2$i#a''2 use% or mobi'e%e3i#es an% ot&er unsu$$orte%emai' #'ients

    L DA -onne#t sotare an%s2n#&ronisation it& DAsL rou$ mai'ing 'ists an%

    organisationa' sta grou$ingsL .ser re@ueste% mai'ing 'istsL Atta#&ment o -.)TOERQ)

    emai' %is#'aimer to a'' outgoingmai'

    L Emai' %e'i3er2 a##or%ing to t&eo''oing ru'es: attem$te%%e'i3er2 e3er2 1 minutes or t&eirst 6 &ours t&en at in#reasing

    inter3a's starting at 6 &ours an%in#reasing ea#&

     GGGGGGGGGtime b2 a a#tor o 1 &ours u$

    Se'vice Se'vice Leve, T'-et C#t"$e' Re"%i=i,itie


    E>#'u%ing oi#ia' mont&'2 maintenan#ein%os measure% on a 64/! basis emai'an% #a'en%aring are a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&etime

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    -reating an emai'a##ount

    7 %a2s

     A''o#atinga%%itiona'mai'bo> s$a#e

    7 %a2s

    -reating amai'ing 'ist 7 %a2s

    -reating a 3enueor resour#e in t&es&are% #a'en%ar 

    7 %a2s

    Re#o3ering emai'%ata rom t&e#entra' ser3ers

    7 %a2s

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna' #onstraintsL A netor a##ount #annot be

    issues i t&e -.)TOERQsnetor a##ount &o'%erQsorganisationa' #o%e &as not been%eine% an% #a$ture% in t&ea$$'i#ab'e s2stem

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    T" cce t+e e'viceEmai' a##ounts an% a%%resses areautomati#a' '2 generate% &en a-.)TOER netor a##ount is issue%=or a'' ot&er emai' ser3i#es 'og a #a'' it&I-T *e'$%es b2 $&one t&roug& emai' or 

    3ia t&e )EBAT A


    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesOt&er -.)TOER res$onsibi'ities

    L )ta must manage t&eir  mai'bo>es to ensure t&at t&e2 %onot e>#ee% s$a#e 'imitations na%ris being $re3ente% romsen%ing mai'

    L )ta are res$onsib'e or ba#ingu$ an2 emai' %ata store% on t&eir 'o#a' #om$uter

    L A #orre#t'2 #onigure% emai' #'ientor eb broser

    L A #om$uter it& a oringinternet #onne#tion

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e

    e'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% emai'a##ess an% use regu'ations

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    to 1< &ours t&en e3er2 ; &oursunti' 4 %a2s &a3e $asse% sin#et&e irst ai'e% %e'i3er2

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!L A%%itiona' mai'bo> s$a#e

    L Re#o3er2 o mai'bo> %atastore% on #entra' ser3ers it&in

    14 #a'en%ar %a2s

    A,ic=,e t"!L Netor a##ount &o'%ers

    Ec,#i"%!L On'2 a 'imite% set o eatures is

    a3ai'ab'e &en #onne#ting 3iase#ure IA

    L Emai' messages 'arger t&an

    10B i'' not be %e'i3ere%L Emai' messages it& banne%

    atta#&ment i'e t2$es i'' not be%e'i3ere%



    Dec'iti"%!L On or osite a##ess to %ata in

    t&e stas &ome %ire#tor2 (=:%ri3e" it& 60B a''o#ation tosta an% #ertain 7r% $arties

    L On or osite a##ess to %atastore% in a s&are% %ire#tor2 on#entra' storage (: %ri3e"

    L )torage t&at is &ig&'2 a3ai'ab'ere'iab'e e>tensi3e'2 ba#e%u$an% re#o3erab'e ie suitab'eor business#riti#a' %ata

    L )er3erbase% anti3iruss#anning

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!L A%%itiona' storage s$a#e

    be2on% t&e initia' a''o#ationL Re#o3er2 o %ata store% on

    #entra' ser3ers it&in 14oring %a2s

    A,ic=,e t"! A'' netor a##ount &o'%ers

    Ec,#i"%!L )EBATA a''o#ates s&are%

    #entra' storage s$a#e to-.)TOER) %e$artmentson'2 anagement o t&is s$a#eis not )EB ATA) res$onsibi'it2

    L )ta 'o#ate% at -.)TOER)WAN sites #annot a##ess &ome%ire#tor2 or s&are% %ata romosite

    T" cce t+e e'vice

    L A##ess to =H %ri3e isautomati#a''2 a''o#ate% &en a-.)TOER netor a##ountis #reate% / issue%

    L *ig& 'e3e' a##ess to : %ri3e is

    automati#a''2 a''o#ate%L =or i'e ser3i#e re'ate% re@uests

    ot&er t&an t&e 'oer 'e3e' :%ri3e a##ess 'og a #a'' it& t&eI-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e)EBATA ebsite

    L =or a##ess to 'oer 'e3e' :%ri3e o'%ers #onta#t t&e IT5iaison in t&e %e$artment

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER


    Ot&er -.)TOER res$onsibi'itiesL anagement o t&e =: an% :

    %ri3es to ensure t&at t&e2 %onot e>#ee% s$a#e 'imitationsan% t&e ris o #orru$ting or 'osing %ata

    L A #om$uter it& a oringinternet #onne#tion

    L A #orre#t'2 #onigure% netor#'ient or eb broser 

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice

    -onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% remotea##ess regu'ations

    Avi,=i,itE>#'u%ing oi#ia' mont&'2 maintenan#ein%os measure% on a 64/! basisa##ess to i'es on t&e #entra' storage isa3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

     A''o#atinga%%itiona' storages$a#e

    7 %a2s

    Re#o3ering %atarom #entra'ser3ers

    7 %a2s

    =i>ing a au't 1 %a2

    C"%t'i%t=un%amenta' e>terna' #onstraints

    Note: o service level tar!ets can be set for speed of access from off$site, as t"is isconstrained by t"e %&S'(M)*+Sband#idt" availability and service from t"eISP.

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    Dec'iti"%!L rinting to an2 netor $rinter 

    &i#& 2ou &a3e aut&orisation

    rom on or ositeL ont&'2 re$orts on $rinter  

    usageL Abi'it2 to insta'' $rinter %ri3ersrom a eb $age

    L Automati# u$%ate o $rinter  %ri3ers on users #om$uters

    A,ic=,e t"! A'' netor a##ount &o'%ers

    T" cce t+e e'vice=or assistan#e it& setting u$ $rinters 'oga #a'' it& I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite


    L =un%amenta' -.)TOERres$onsibi'ities

    L A su$$orte% eb broser 

    L A3ai'ab'e netor $ointL A su$$orte% $rinter t&at is

    suitab'e or netor $rinting an%#onne#te% to t&e-.)TOER) netor b2)EBATA

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icie

    Organisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% $rintingregu'ations


    Dec'iti"%!L =orma' sotare 'i#ense

    agreements it& sotare3en%ors entit'ing s$e#ii#members or %e$artments o t&e-.)TOER to use o t&esotare

    L )tan%ar% sotare %istribute%to an% maintaine% on users#om$uters

    L is#e''aneous sotare

    L )otare t&at #an %on'oa%e%rom t&e )EBATA ebsite

    L ro3ision o ser3i#e $a#s an%u$%ates

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!L A nomina' ee or me%ia ma2

    a$$'2 or some 'i#ense%sotare

    L Dis s$a#e or nonstan%ar%sotare

    A,ic=,e t"! A'' netor a##ount &o'%ers

    Ec,#i"%!L On'2 s$e#ii# %e$artments i''

    &a3e a##ess to s$e#ii#%esignate% sotare

    L )ome s ta members ma2 begi3en rig&ts to use sotare ont&e netor but t&e2 #annotre@uest t&at sotare be$ro3i%e%

    L .sers i'' on'2 see on t&e

    T" cce t+e e'viceL To insta'' sotare run t&e

    a$$ro$riate setu$ i'e rom t&enetor

    L -onta#t )EBATA %uring oi#e&ours to re@uest sotare %iss(a ee ma2 be a$$'i#ab'e"

    L 5og a #a'' it& t&e I-T*e'$%es b2 $&one t&roug&emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATAebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL )ta ma2 abi%e b2 t&e

    in%i3i%ua' sotare terms an%agreements an% sign%o#umentation &erea$$ro$riate

    L A #om$uter it& a oringinternet #onne#tion

    L A #orre#t '2 #onigure% netor#'ient or eb broser 

    L )EBATA) 5oan %iss mustsigne% or an% returne% asagree%

    L )ta to $ro%u#e $roo o i%entit2

    &en #onta#ting )EBATA or sotare %iss

    L Non stan%ar% sotare to be'ega' an% #om$atib'e it& t&e

    -.)TOER) netorL )EBATA to be #onsu'te%

     Gbeore $ur#&asing o sotare

    Avi,=i,itNetor $rinting ser3i#es are a3ai'ab'e 9Mo t&e time 64 &ours a %a2 an% ! %a2s aee e>#'u%ing oi#ia' mont&'2maintenan#e in%os

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    )etting u$ a ne$rinter 

    7 %a2s

    Re@uestinga##ess rig&ts toan e>isting $rinter 

    6 %a2s

    =i>ing $rintings2stem au'ts

    6 %a2s

    Avi,=i,it)otare on t&e -.)TOER) netor isa3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time 64 &ours a %a2an% ! %a2s a ee

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    o%i2ing a##essrig&ts to sotare

    1 %a2

    aing nonstan%ar%


    7 %a2s

    =i>ing a au't or a$rob'em

    1 %a2

    C"%t'i%t=un%amenta' e>terna' #onstraints

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    L *o'%ers to be grante% usagerig&ts to t&e sotare

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATAebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% sotareu$'oa%/%on'oa% regu'ations


    Dec'iti"%!L Distribution an% regu'ar 

    u$%ates o #entra''2 manage%anti3irus sotare on#om$uters #onne#te% to t&e-.)TOER) netor

    L ro3ision o anti3irus sotareto users or insta''ation on t&eir noteboos

    L Distribution to %esto$s o  se#urit2 $at#&es or su$$orte%3ersions o o$erating s2stemsan% ) Oi#e

    A,ic=,e t"!L -om$uters running su$$orte%

    o$erating s2stems one% b2 t&e-.)TOER

    L -om$uters one% b2aut&orise% 7r% $arties

    Ec,#i"%!L DAs an% ot&er &an%&e'%

    %e3i#esL -om$uters t&at %o not be'ong to


    Avi,=i,itT&e ser3ers t&at %istribute %esto$ se#urit2sotare are a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time 64&ours a %a2 an% ! %a2s a ee e>#'u%ingoi#ia' mont&'2 maintenan#e in%os

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta'


    L at#&es or u$%ates t&at &a3enot 2et been re'ease% b23en%ors

    T" cce t+e e'vice5og a #a'' immediately   it& t&e I-T*e'$%es b2 $&one t&roug& emai' or 3iat&e )EBATA ebsite i a #om$uter &asbeen ine#te% b2 a 3irus an% %isine#tionas not su##essu'

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL No unaut&orise% anti3irus

    sotare $a#age s&ou'% beinsta''e% on an2 #om$uter 

    L )ta must insta'' se#urit2$at#&es &en $rom$te%

    L )ta must run t&e-.)TOER) %esto$ se#urit2sotare on an2 #om$uter #onne#te% to t&e -.)TOER)netor an% must not%e'iberate'2 #om$romise t&ese#urit2 o t&e netor b2%isab'ing t&e sotare in an2 a2

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% se#urit2regu'ations

    Avi,=i,itT&e -.)TOER) e'e#troni# %ire#tor2is a3ai'ab'e 9M o t&e time 64 &ours a%a2 an% ! %a2s a ee e>#'u%ingoi#ia' mont&'2 maintenan#e in%os

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna'

    #onstraintsL Dontime attributab'e to t&e

    -.)TOER) ban%i%t&$ro3i%ers

    T" cce t+e e'vice-onta#t t&e IT 5iaison / %ire#tor2 manager to mae #&anges or u$%ates to 2our $roi'e

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER res$onsibi'itiesL Ea#& %e$artment must a$$oint a %ire#tor2 manager 

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e e'vice

    netor t&e sotare or &i#&t&e2 &a3e been grante% usagerig&ts

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Distributing 3irussignatures

    1 %a2

    Distributing#riti#a' se#urit2$at#&es

    Distribute% ina##or%an#e it&3en%orsre#ommen%ations

    -'eaning a 3irusrom an ine#te%

    #om$uter an% reenab'ing a##essto t&e-.)TOER)netor ser3i#esi b'o#e%

    6 %a2s



    %ire#tor2 #ontaining #onta#t %etai'sa members aut&orise% 7 r%  $artieser3i#e $oints

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    *ar%are an% sotare

    insta''ationH I-T e@ui$ment renta'H

    *ar%are an% sotare re

    insta''ationH I-T &e'$%esH

    )$e#ii# I-T training ser3i#esH an%

    Data #a$ture



    Dec'iti"%L A%3i#e an% @uotationsL A#@uisition

    L De'i3er2L Insta''ation o su$$orte%

    &ar%are an% sotareL ro#essing o returns or ne

    &ar%are %eeme% au't2 i  returne% in t&e origina'un%amage% $a#aging it&in !#a'en%ar %a2s o t&e in3oi#e

    being issue%

    A,ic=,e t"!)ta 

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna' #onstraintsL O3era'' 'a# o su$$'2 o $ro%u#t

    in t&e )out& Ari#an maret

    T" cce t+e e'vice

    Or%ers to be $'a#e% it& )EBATA b2aut&orise% $ersonne' b2 $&one t&roug&emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL Oi#ia' a$$ro3e% $ur#&ase or%er 

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite


    Dec'iti"%!L Renta' o e@ui$ment

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!

    L Dai'2 renta' ee

    A,ic=,e t"!)ta 

    Ec,#i"%!L -ertain nonstan%ar%

    e@ui$ment t&at ma2 not bea3ai'ab'e os&e' 

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta'


    L A3ai'abi'it2 o renta' sto#

    T" cce t+e e'vice

    -onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite


    L =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL Aut&orisation rom %e$artment

    &ea% / IT 5iaison

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite



    L -entra' $oint o #onta#t or stare@uiring I-T inormation an% su$$orta##essib'e b2 $&one t&roug&emai' or 3ia t&e

    Avi,=i,itT&e I-T *e'$%es is a3ai'ab'e %uring t&eee rom 0!*70 to 1

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    )EBATA ebsiteL anagement an% reso'ution o  

    su$$ort re@uestsL )u$$ort $ro3i%e% irst'2 o3er t&e

    $&one (o$tiona''2 using a s2stem )EBATA-ONNE-T t&at a''ost&e *e'$%es #onsu'tant toassume #ontro' o t&e %esto$remote'2" or 3ia a 3isit to t&e-.)TOER) $remises

    L )e'&e'$ resour#es an%inormation on t&e )EBATAebsite

    A,ic=,e t"!

    L )ta  

    L Aut&orise% 7r% $arties

    Ec,#i"%!L *ar%are not on t&e su$$orte%

    'istL )otare not on t&e su$$orte%


    0 0;;4T&e on'ine #a'' 'ogging ser3i#e is a3ai'ab'e9M o t&e time 64 &ours a %a2 an% ! %a2sa ee e>#'u%ing oi#ia' mont&'2maintenan#e in%os

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL )u$$ort re@uests must

    in#'u%e #om$'ete an%a##urate inormation aboutt&e -.)TOER an% t&e$rob'em or re@uest

    L )ta must #oo$erate it&)EBATA to reso'3e in#i%entsin#'u%ing $ro3i%ing %iagnosti#inormation $erormingtroub'es&ooting ste$s o3er t&e$&one an% $ro3i%ing a##ess toe@ui$ment an% $remises

    L )ta must res$on% to )EBATA)attem$ts to #onta#t t&em b2$&one or emai' it&in t&e irstoring %a2 o 'ogging t&esu$$ort re@uest

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+e

    e'vice-onta#t t&e o''oing $erson(s" in t&e

    o''oing or%er:L anager: I-TL anager: Business

    De3e'o$mentL anaging Dire#tor / -EO

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta' e>terna'

    #onstraintsL Jo'ume o su$$ort re@uests re#ei3e% $er mont&

    Note: o service level tar!ets can be setfor !ettin! t"rou!" t"e I%' elpdes- ast"is depends on t"e volume of calls at any!iven time and S)A'A+S limited ability toincrease staffin! levels


    Dec'iti"%!L Reinsta''ation o &ar%are an%

    / or sotare t2$i#a''2 re@uire%&en a #om$uter is &an%e%o3er to a ne user or as aresu't o &ar%are ai'ure or unre#o3erab'e


    L -o''e#tion an% %e'i3er2

    A,ic=,e t"!

    )ta bringing in &ar%are t&at is GGGGGGL


    T" cce t+e e'vice5og a #a'' it& t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL )ta must $ro3i%e #om$'ete an%

    a##urate inormation about t&e

    &ar%are an% sotare to beinsta''e% an%

     GGGGGGGGGsign t&e re@uire% orm GGGGGGG 

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Re@uestingsu$$ort 3ia t&e)EBATA ebsite(automati#a''2'ogge%"

    L Re@uest is

    'ogge% an% areeren#e number is issue% tot&e-.)TOER

    L T&ere@uestis

    res$on%e%to in termso 


    su$$ort 3ia emai'(manua''2'ogge%"

    6 %a2s

    Re@uestingsu$$ort 3iate'e$&one(manua''2'ogge%"

    Res$on%e% to%uring t&e $&one#a''

    Jisiting t&e-.)TOER)$remises

    Jisit it&in 6 %a2so &a3ing%etermine% t&att&e su$$ort#annot beren%ere% o3er t&e$&one

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Reinsta''ingsu$$orte%&ar%are an% / or sotare

    -om$'ete% it&in10 oring %a2so &ar%are orsotarebe#ominga3ai'ab'e to)EBATA

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA



    L In#'u%e% in $ro%u#ts su$$orte%'ist

    L A#@uire% in arrangement it&)EBATA

    Ec,#i"%!*ar%are not on t&e su$$orte% &ar%are



    Dec'iti"%!L Re'e3ant $ra#ti#a' #om$uter  

    training an% materia' in t&e useo t&e most #ommon'2 a$$'ie%)EBATA su$$orte% sotare

    L -'assroom training (instru#tor 'e% &an%son training"

    L -ustomise% onre@uest#ourses %esigne% to meets$e#ii# training nee%s o agrou$ o sta members usingt&e -.)TOER) on 3enuean% a#i'ities

    L ro3ision o se'train resour#es

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!L =ees or #'assroom training

    #oursesL *our'2 rate or #ustomise% on

    re@uest training

    A,ic=,e t"!sta 

    L )ta must $ro3i%e 'o#ationinormation an% a##ess

    L W&en nonstan%ar% sotare isinsta''e% sta must $ro3i%e t&eorigina' 'i#ense% me%ia

    L )ta must $ro3i%e insta''at ionan% %ri3er %is#s or &ar%are

    T" 'e"'t f#,t &it+ t+e e'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    A,ic=,e P",icieOrganisationa' I-T o'i#ies an% &ar%are /sotare insta''ation regu'ationsGGGGGGGG 

    T" cce t+e e'viceL To boo #'assroom training

    #onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2$&one t&oug& emai' or 3ia t&e)EBATA ebsite

    L To re@uest a #ustomise% #ourse#onta#t errit De2se' (anager:


    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER


    L -om$'ete booing ormL Inormation: sta number an%

    aut&orisationL )ta must atten% t&e #ourse

    unti' #om$'etion an% a#&ie3e t&ere@uire% test s#ore in or%er tore#ei3e a #om$eten#2 #ertii#ate

    L T&e -.)TOER must$ro3i%e 3enue traininge@ui$ment &ar%are

    sotare an% training materia'

    or #ustomise% training

    T" 'e"'t f#,t &it+ t+e e'vice5og a #a'' it& t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite



    L -a$turing o an2 %ata store% inan e'e#troni# ormat

    L ro3ision o s$e#ii# e'e#troni#an% / or $rinte% inormation

    C+'-e=,e c"$"%e%t!

     A'' or is #&argeab'eH ea#& or streamattra#ts its on ee base% on an initia'@uote an% an2 a%%itiona' re@uirementsma%e t&ereater 

    A,ic=,e t"!L )ta  

    T" cce t+e e'vice5og a #a'' it& t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA ebsite

    P'e'e#iiteL =un%amenta' -.)TOER

    res$onsibi'itiesL A'' ne or must be submitte%

    or @uotation an% s#&e%u'ing$rior to being a##e$te%

    L A'' or i' ' be e>e#ute% on'2ater an oi#ia' or%er &as

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,


    -ourses &e'%a##or%ing to aTraining -a'en%ar s#&e%u'e

    -ustomise% onre@uest training

    61 oring %a2srom &en t&e#ustomise%training isre@ueste%

    C"%t'i%tL =un%amenta'  e>terna'


    L -ourses %e$en%e% on t&enumber o $eo$'e booe% to

    atten% minimum booings

    Se'vice Re#et Se'vice T'-etLeve,

    Issuing a@uotation

    6 %a2s

    -a$turing %ata Wit& 100Ma##ura#2 b2 t&eagree% %ea%'ine

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    L Aut&orise% 7r% $arties been issue% b2 t&e aut&orise% $art2(s"

    T" 'e"'t f#,t "' '"=,e$ &it+ t+ee'vice-onta#t t&e I-T *e'$%es b2 $&onet&roug& emai' or 3ia t&e )EBATA


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


    ANNE;URE 2


    P,ee %"te t+t!

    A,, 'ici%- %< 'te #"te< 'e ec,#

  • 8/19/2019 Sebata SLA


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