

First title

Extreme close up shot of book – good lighting, sets an atmosphere.

Production logo – essential to our film

Black screen – genre signifier. Black connotes to mystery/suspense etc.

Various amount of genre signifiers are given to the audience in this opening sequence. This is done through the extreme close up shots of the sharp objects.

Actors’ names are shown before the title of the film is given.

The razor is also a genre signifier as it is dangerous and sharp – iconography.Also the dirty fingers signify isolation, desperation of this person. Could also suggest mental problems.

Title of the movie is given, and there is a continuation of the theme of extreme close shots and dark lighting.

Details are given to the audience but they are shown for a very short period of time that the audience wants to know what they are and is drawn to the film. A very good method to create enigma.

The colour red connotes to blood/death/danger – therefore a good genre signifier.

Again, this recurring theme of sharp objects is shown throughout the opening sequence.

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