
Call Planning

Call Structuring



Basic StepsBasic Steps

What to accomplish, how to proceed

Purpose of the call

Develop effective game plan

Do knowledge research

Prepare Questions

Call PlanningCall Planning

Self Disclose, Create Trust

Develop huge prospect base

Filter the data base based on preliminary information but do not get biased

Mention referral points

Call PlanningCall Planning

Conventional Approach Effective Persuasion Relies on statements

Modern Approach/Conversational Effective Communication Relies more on questions We orientation


An Opener




Conventional ApproachConventional Approach

Opener Probing Discussion Cross Selling and Up Selling Focusing Commitment Recommitment

Modern ApproachModern Approach

The ‘Thank You’ Opener New product/ Service Opener The Demonstration Opener Inactive Account Opener Special Sales Opener Special Occasion Opener Urgency Opener Referral Opener New/Sudden Idea Opener Affinity Opener

The OpenerThe Opener

Explain benefits not features

Finding buyers vs. Persuading

Buying and selling are emotional activities

Low key and low pressure


Choice close

Assumptive close

Assumptive check back close

Where did we go wrong’? Close

+ or - close


Should appear as your clarity not buyer’s

Do not close and run

Modify and finalize order


Self Disclose with you name and company’s name and follow with credibility statement

Balance between saying too much and saying not enough

Avoid: may be, could be, perhaps and lazy speech habits like you know perhaps Use: definitely, absolutely

Practice sales presentations


Progress achieved during the call Intension fulfilled during the call Overall progress in the buying process Modifications in the approach, content and

offer Sales vs. target Additional support needed


Use other modes of communication like email, fax, direct mailer literature , and telephone

Always call back if you have promised

Repeat key information received

Always fix up next appointment

Follow UpFollow Up

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