
Scribe Posts

One journey into 21st Century Learning!

I was introduced to this concept by its originator Darren Kuropatwa

From one math teacher to another I thought the idea of scribe posts had a spot in my classrooms.

I was right.

Scribe Posts can be one of the simplest ways to start classroom blogging.

Original image: 'Fopp Records Pricing' Tom Carden

Scribe Posts are...

The assignment is simply to post a brief summary of what happened in class each day.

The first scribe is a volunteer.

A different student is responsible for the daily scribe post and they end their post by choosing the next scribe.


Include enough detail so that someone who was away sick, or missed class for any other reason, can catch up

on what they missed.

Over the course of the year, the scribe posts will grow into the textbook for the course; written by students for students.

Remember that as each of you write your scribe posts. Ask yourself: “Is this good enough for our textbook?

Would a graphic or other example(s) help illustrate what we learned?” And remember, you have a global audience, impress them.

Do you remember teaching this in class today?

A picture tells a thousand words

A bubbleshare says....

A 22 image animation

This is a foldable. A note taking strategy I use.

Not the easiest thing to scribe.....

Or is it!

Students recreate what you have done in the classroom and create a permanent record for their audience to view.

The teacher's daily involvement is limited to updating a post called The Scribe List which is at the top of the links list in the sidebar of the class's blog.

Teacher Responsibility

Commenting on student work

Simple comments by the teacher provide the student with feedback and knowledge that there is an audience for their work.

This is one of the most important roles of the teacher.


There is a history of your class for all to see.

Students that are ill that day or ones who want to prepare for an assessment have access to student created notes.

The quiet student has a voice that is as loud as the others!


AdvantagesStudents step up to the challenge of being the scribe

on the given day.

Original image: 'Attempt to Crush' Forest Purnell

Students do this work on their own time. Enjoy doing the “homework” at home.

Role of Audience

Being good classroom citizens means that they comment and read the blog on a regular basis. They are part of the audience.

- to comment on others work.- provide feedback positive and negative

Role of the class

Role of the class-offer suggestions for further improvement

-add details that were missed by the scribe


Everything you say and do gets put in the scribe. Be confident that you are an excellent teacher.


What happens in your class is now known by everyone.

Role of audience

If no one comments some students feel let down.Where can you find an audience for your students?


Show them the world is watching and readingFind a Global Audience.

Why a blog instead of a wiki

A blog is a permanent record that cannot be erased by other classmates. Only the author has the permission to delete a post.

It is chronological a natural fit to scribing.