Scottish College 2014-15 Programme

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Scottish United Reformed & Congregational College educational programme


To enquire

or book

Phone 0141 248 5382


113 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2RU

0141 248 5382


in collaboration with the

United Reformed Church National Synod of Scotland

Changing Times


These courses are with our ordinand students, but are open to all.

Term one (October to December)

6-8 October - Meaningful 10-11 December - Generosity

Term Two (January to March) 7-9 January - Deaths in distressing circumstances

Narrative and use of story In the footsteps

4-6 February

Inclusive Church and Communities

25-27 February - Managing

Term Three (April to May) 29th April - 1st May - Through all the seasons of life

28th May - Annual College Service

Venue for terms is the Synod Office, 113 West Regent, Glasgow G2 2RU

See the alphabetical list for details


Gracious God, Creator of humanity in the divine image

Teacher of what is loving and just and peaceful Fountain of all truth and wisdom and grace; Holy Trinity, expressing deepest community,

Grant your blessing to our College Prosper us in our search for knowledge and wisdom Nurture all who gather to share in learning together

Fill each and all with a longing to be true disciples That the world to whom we are sent may know the abundant life

To which we are called. Amen.

October The ordinands and all who attend college courses and gatherings October 30- November 1 The staff of the college November Northern College, Manchester; Westminster College, Cambridge and the Windermere Centre – our fellow resource centres for learning. The universities of Scotland, the universities in which our students are enrolled and all other places of learning within the nation January The United Reformed Church and in particular its synod of Scotland with whom we are in educational partnership and other synods, especially those represented in the student body of our college; the moderators of synod, the synod officers and members of staff; ministers, elders and congregations February The Congregational Federation and Congregational churches March The Scottish Episcopal Church and the Methodist Church in Scotland with whom we are in collaborative fellowship through the Episcopal, Methodist and United Reformed partnership April The College Management committee, the college officers and the trustees of the Baxter Trust June The work of vocations

PRAYING IN COMMUNITY The college community is a wide one – the staff and ordinands and those who govern the college are but part of that community. But the community is wider still — those who share in the programme or attend day courses and events or retreats or residential gatherings; ministers and lay preachers who receive grants for continuing education; committees that draw on the educational expertise of the college… Indeed the whole synod with whom we are in educational partnership shares in the life of the college. Of course, we don’t all gather together in one place that often. Wanting to find ways in which we can express that sense of community, we invite those who belong in whatever way to the college fellowship to join with us in regular prayer. Those who come together for those classes will worship at 12.30pm on those days. You can see where we are from the programme – you’re welcome to join us if you are able. To include as many as possible, however, we invite you to join with us wherever you are for a few moments. Offer this short college prayer and remember those that we particularly pray for in that month.



October Page

6 5 Meaningful - Belonging

7 5 Meaningful - Initiation rites

8 5 Meaningful - Funerals


14 6 Same Sex Marriage


7 1 Carols at Christmas

10 2 Generosity


7 1 Deaths in particularly distressing circumstances

8 4 Narrative and use of Story

9 2 In the footsteps

15 6 School Chaplains’ Day

30-31 3 Lay Preachers


4 & 5 3 Inclusive Church and Communities

6 6 Painter and Preacher

9 3 Knowing to Doing

17 4 Marriage Development

25 4 Managing Meetings

26 4 Managing Finances

27 4 Managing Change

March Page

1 3 Lay Presidency refresher (afternoon)

3 7 Shared Ministry

5 3 Lay Presidency refresher (evening)

6 2 EM2


28 2 Ecumenism

29 7 Through all the Seasons of Life :

Growing children

30 7 Through all the Seasons of Life :

Learning for life worshop


1 7 Through all the Seasons of Life :

Spirituality in later life

16 1 CRCW Roadshow

26-28 5 Ministers’ Conference

28 1 Annual College Service

Stewart Cutler is URC Synod of Scotland Children and Youth Development Officer. A BA in community education and an MSc in Social research Former appointments include National Adviser in Adult Education and Youth Development Officer with the Church of Scotland.

The College officers are

Chairperson: Miss Myra Rose Dip. Primary Education Secretary: Revd Stephen Brown BSc BD Treasurer: Mr Mark Kirkbride BSc FCIBS


COLLEGE STAFF The Revd Dr Jack Dyce is Principal of the College. Ordained in 1976, he served in pastorates in Port Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock. For many years, he worked in local authority adult education and held the post of Regional Adult Education Officer at Strathclyde regional council headquarters. His first degree was in organisational behaviour followed by an LLB. He has a post-graduate MA and MSc in education together with professional qualifications in adult education and educational management. He holds a PhD in adult education for research on the application of Danish adult education thinking to Scottish lay theological education and an MLitt in Scandinavian Studies. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Develop-ment. In church life, he served the Congregational Union of Scotland as its final Chairman and previously as Ecumenical Secretary. His professional interests include adult educational methods, the varied uses of storytelling and the relationship of people of faith to civic society.

The Revd Lindsey Sanderson is a part-time College Tutor. She was ordained in 1997 having studied for a combined MA (Philosophy and Systematic Theology)/BD at Edinburgh University. She also has an MBA from Glasgow Caledonian University. She served the CUS/URC Synod as Mission Enabler, then worked as Assistant General Secretary for Action of Churches Together in Scotland before being inducted to the East Kilbride Joint Pastorate in September 2012. She is the Synod’s representative on the General Assembly Mission Committee and is a member of the URC-Roman Catholic Dialogue Group. From 2008-2012 she was the URC’s representative to the World Council of Churches Central Committee.

College Tutor: The Revd John Young is College Tutor with particular responsibility for the Thursday programme. He holds BA and BD degrees. He is a retired minister who served in Greenock West United Reformed Church, previously Nelson Street.

Associate Tutors: The Revd Jan Adamson is URC Synod of Scotland Field Officer for Local Mis-sion and Development. She holds a BA on contextual theology from Manches-ter. For many years she worked in management and has served as minister at Dunfermline and Coaltown of Balgonie United Reformed Churches.


ANNUAL COLLEGE SERVICE 28th May 19.00 Cumbernauld URC Beechwood Road, G67 2NW

We are anticipating that the Moderator of the URC General Assembly , The Revd David Grosch-Miller, will be our preacher.

CAROLS AT CHRISTMAS the Music of John Rutter 7th December 15.00 Barrhead URC Arthurlie Street, G78 2RB

CRCW Roadshow 16th May

10.30 - 15.30

Priesthill URC 160 Peat Road, G53 6DE

Come to learn about Church Related Community work and its potential for your church and community or indeed you.

DEATHS in particularly distressing circumstances Suicides Child deaths Major public incidents 7th January 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU


ECUMENISM 28th April 10.30 - 15.30 Oakshaw, Paisley The Ecumenical journey lies closed to the heart of the URC and its predesessors—but the scene is changing nationally and locally. Where might our journeying take us now? A day for all who engage ecumenically.

Event for ministers in the Education for Ministry phase 2 with their pastoral partners 6th March 10.00 - 15.00 Emmaus House, Edinburgh

GENEROSITY Theology of generosity

Developing generous congregations Using TRIO

10th December 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office

IN THE FOOTSTEPS Hearing stories of our heritage and discerning their contribution to our contemporary church life

9th January 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU


Friends of the College The College greatly appreciates the support it receives from churches and individuals who have become Friends of the College. We will be glad to let you have further information on the Friends, on request. Membership brings benefits such as information on events, a newsletter and reductions in fees for courses or the price of publications.

Secretary: Margaret Fairgrieve

EMU Check the Synod of Scotland e-news for details also

of courses and events run by our ecumenical partners.


The College’s core purpose is educating people for ministry in the

United Reformed and Congregationalist traditions. Ordinands are admitted only on the recommendation of their denomination and the college levies appropriate fees for this work. Through a reciprocal agreement with the United Reformed Church Synod of Scotland, the College provides a broader programme to sup-port learning of the whole people of God for their ministry in the church and the world. The college has specialist interest in story, storytelling and narrative approaches in worship, education, pastoral care community work and the development of churches and other organisations adult learning approaches, methods and theory philosophical inquiry as a means of exploring the big questions appreciative inquiry and other tools for helping organisations to build on their success and develop their life ministry with older people Christianity and engagement in civic society community education


Other information £ Many of the events in this booklet are free of charge.

For the College Open day-time programme, there is a charge of £7.50 per half day. Where there is a residential element, prices will relate to the cost of accommoda-tion and will be advised on request. Day retreats and events have no charge but donations are welcomed. Where there is a cost, College Friends whether individuals or congregations, are entitled to a reduction. Ministers of the United Reformed Church in active service may apply for an Educa-tion for Ministry 3 grant for their costs which can include travel. Clergy of other denominations are encouraged to check whether or not they are eligible for contin-uing education support from their own churches. The college does require to generate income in order to meet its core costs. How-ever, it is anxious that no-one should be excluded from a learning opportunity on financial grounds. If there is a course fee which you do not feel able to meet, we would encourage you to contact the Principal. The College strives to make its provision as accessible as it reasonably can. If you have a mobility issue, then it is helpful if you can contact us in advance so that we can take whatever action we can to meet your needs. Specific information on each place can be obtained by contacting us on 0141 248 5382. If you have needs that relate to learning and participation such as a hearing or visual impairment or a specific learning need such as dyslexia, please let us know.

Unfortunately, but for your sake as well as ours, it is necessary to register in advance for any event in the programme. Please let us know as early as you can. Sometimes it proves necessary to cancel courses through under-enrolment and we have to do that quite early in order to try to avoid cancellation charges. It’s really sad when we have to cancel and then discover that some people had intended to come. Where there is catering provision as part of a course or event, please do let us know in advance if you have any dietary requirements, such as a vegetarian option or the avoidance of allergies etc.. While it is our intention to run all of the events planned in this programme, we cannot guarantee this and some descriptors may be subject to modification be-tween printing of the booklet and the course or event itself.


INCLUSIVE Church & Communities 4 & 5th February 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU How do we create and sustain churches and communities of openness and diversity?

KNOWING TO DOING Lots of practical research has been done on what works in ministry and mission. Quite often it ech-oes our own experiences. So how can we actually do the things we believe will help us to be more faithful and more effective?

9th February 10.30 - 15.30 Barrhead URC, G78 2RB

LAY PREACHERS This annual conference is open to all those who engage in preaching as lay people, including accredited recognised preachers Friday 30th 16.00 - Saturday 31st January at 16.00 Conforti Institute, Coatbridge, ML5 4JS There is no charge for this event which includes meals and accommodation.

LAY PRESIDENCY at Communion refresher course 1st March 14.30 Giffnock URC 5th March 19.00 Saughtonhall URC


MANAGING 25th February Managing Meetings

26th February Managing the Finances

27th February Managing Change

10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU

Marriage Development for ministers: briefing on the new

legal provision in Scotland

17th February 10.30 - 15.30 Rutherglen URC G73 3EZ

NARRATIVE AND USE OF STORY The role of story Storytelling, including Biblical storytelling Reminiscence work Storytelling in organisational change Story in pastoral practice

8th January 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU


Righead United Reformed Church, Carnegie Hill, Murray, East Kilbride G75 0AE By Train: Trains leave Glasgow Central to East Kilbride at 18 and 48 minutes past the hour. The closest station to Righead is Hairmyers and anyone arriving by train can be met at the station. The journey from Glasgow takes approximately 30 minutes. By Bus: Take a 18 bus from Ingram Street , Glasgow or a 21 (which has East Kilbride as its destination), to East Kilbride Bus station. ( journey time approx.. 1 hour) From the Bus station walk through the shopping centre exiting at Debenham’s ( Centre West). Use the underpass to cross the Righead roundabout. Take first left off the Murrayhill to Livingstone Drive and immediately right into Carnegie Hill. You will see the church ahead of you. (walking time approx.. 20 mins) By car: Address is Carnegie Hill, East Kilbride, G75 0AE. From the Whirlies roundabout follow the A725 (Kingsway) and A726 ( Queensway) to the Righead roundabout. Turn left. Take first left off the Murrayhill to Livingstone Drive and immediately right into Carnegie Hill. You will see the church ahead of you. A map is on the Righead URC website

Rutherglen United Reformed Church, 69 Johnstone Drive, Rutherglen, G73 2QA By train: There are four trains from Glasgow Central low level station leaving 08,18,38,48. Journey time is approximately 10 minutes. From the station the Church is 10 minutes walk. Exit the station and follow signs to Main Street. Once on Main Street turn right and walk along to the main traffic light junction with Mill Street (dual carriage-way). Turn left up the hill and continue until you see the church on the corner of Mill Street and Johnstone Drive. By bus: A 267 brings you from Buchanan Bus Station to the Main Street, Follow direc-tions as above. A 18 will bring you from Glasgow city centre to Stonelaw Road. Ask to get off at Rutherglen Health Centre and then walk along Johnstone Drive to the Church. A 21 will bring you from Glasgow City Centre to Mill Street. There is a stop just before the Church.

Saughtonhall United Reformed Church, 85-87 Saughtonhall Drive, EH12 5TR. Car/Bicycle/On foot From Glasgow come into Edinburgh via A8. Turn right at traffic light controlled junction after the Zoo. On street parking available apart from when events are on at Murrayfield International Rugby stadium. By Bus: Lothian Bus Service buses from city centre - 12, 26 ,31 ask for Western Corner. Route 38 stops outside the Church (From Royal Infirmary/Muirhouse) First bus from City Centre - 38, 86 Train: Nearest Stations, Edinburgh Waverley / Haymarket and then bus as above .

Synod Office, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2RU



Barrhead United Reformed Church, Arthurlie Street, Barrhead, G78 2RB By train: to Barrhead Station By bus: Arriva 103 (Glasgow to Auckenback) stops at the top of Arthurlie Road. (only until 6.00 p.m.) Stagecoach bus X44B (Glasgow to Ir-vine) stops at Main Street by Arthurlie Street, Barrhead,. This service is infrequent. (There is no service at night and very limited on Sunday’s).

Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge, ML5 4JS Telephone: 01236 607120/707900 Web Site:

Emmaus House,, 14 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9NQ Bus services which stop on/near Gilmore Place: Lothian bus 10, 11, 15, 16 Princes Street; 23, 27 from The Mound (close proximity to train and bus station). Shortest walking distance is from Haymarket railway station about 0.8 mile, 20 mins on foot. Train: If your train does not go through Haymarket the house is a 30 – 35 min walk from Waverley. Board either a Lothian 10 or 27 bus from Princes Street. Both turn on to Gilmore Place. Alighting at the first stop, cross the road and Emmaus House is located a little further along (the 4th house in the Georgian terrace, beyond the shops). The Lothian 11, 15 or 16 buses also run from Princes Street. Alight at the first stop after the Kings Theatre, cross the road & turn into Gilmore Place (directly opposite the Kings Theatre . Please note the first part of Gilmore Place on the right (from the King’s Theatre) is known as “Lochrin Buildings”. Continue along past the shops and on the right you will soon see our black and white Emmaus House sign. Alternatively, a taxi will cost approx. £5 – £7

Giffnock United Reformed Church, 161 Fenwick Road, Glasgow G46 6JB By train: from Central Station to Giffnock Railway station the Church is about a 10 mi-nute walk from the Station. By Bus: First Bus run 38A, B and C to Giffnock from Renfield Street in Glasgow city cen-tre, also the City Sprinter 38 runs from Renfield St .. The stop is outside the church.

Paisley, Oakshaw Trinity, School Wynd, Paisley PA1 2DD By train: from Central Station to Paisley Gilmour Street, exit onto County Square, walk towards McColl’s newsagent and The Last Post on the right hand side after TLP turn right when you see Club Bar turn left towards Moss Street Barbers then turn right into School Wynd 200 yards ahead is the Church.


MEANINGFUL Induction and checking in with one another Meaningful belonging - in contem-

porary society, what sense do we have of ‘belonging’ and in what ways do we participate in organisations and communities? What are the implications for how we organise ourselves as churches, not least around the idea of ‘membership’ ?

6th October

Meaningful weddings: co-creating liturgies, ceremonies and

environments for marriage and partnering Meaningful initiation rites: infant baptism, thanksgiving and

dedication services, confirmation and other rites of passage in faith; ecclesial integrity, pastoral care and missional encounter

7th October

Meaningful funerals: the integration of theology and practice, the

co-shaping funeral and related services, the relationship of rite and pastoral care

8th October Synod Office, G2 2RU 10.00 - 15.00 each day

26th - 28th May Conforti Institute ML5 4JS


PAINTER AND PREACHER Van Gogh the painter is perhaps less well known as a Congregational preacher in Brixton

6th February 10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU

SAFER SACRED SPACE Mandatory training for ministers Spring Summer venues and times to be announced.

SAME SEX MARRIAGE Facilitators’ training 14th November 10.30 - 15.30 OR 19.00 - 21.00 This training is by invitation only.

Synod Office, G2 2RU

SCHOOL CHAPLAINS’ DAY 15th January 10.30 - 15.30 Rutherglen URC G73 3EZ A day for chaplains’ to learn about curricular change and to think about good chaplaincy practice.


SHARED MINISTRY 3rd March 10.30 - 15.30 Righead URC, G75 0AE An opportunity for ministers and elders to reflect n experiencing shared ministry of word and sacraments in joint pastorates.

29th April Growing children (led by Stewart Cutler)

30th April Learning for life workshop 1st May Spirituality in later life

10.00 - 15.00 Synod Office, G2 2RU


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