Science & Art 2

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By Kirollos Samuel, Laura Stauth, Hassan Ramadan and Layla Ghaleb


SCIENCE ART Wednesday November 26, 2014 ISSUE #1

In our modern world interdisciplinary is gaining importance while triggering new ways of imaging

and rethinking the world. We know now that the isolation of one single field is often not in its own favor since new perspectives can be sometimes indulged by the combination of two seemingly distant ways of dealing with our complex world. Art and science is more

Artist performance and thought can be a great way to help envision, philosophies and visualize the universe. Art allows for a less pressuring and more creative interactive approach to understanding science, while the importance to grant interdisciplinary forms of learning and knowledge production can make us think and see thing in comparative ways that also lead to new perspectives. Scientist has always tried to imagine and visualize their abstract knowledge, which helps in imagination. Without imagination and creativity there would be no science. Thus we need to keep in mind that visual knowledge, and art in all its vast shapes and forms is not an opponent to science but rather complimentary.

The universe is full of inspiration and offers a platform to translate nature and science, which we so carefully tend to separate form you as human beings back into our present conscious. Our understanding of aesthetics, forms and shapes are also inspired my geometry that governs our world and universe. The visualizing of the universe and the artistic depiction of scientific research and aesthetics goes far back in history.


Also artists as M. C. Esher are

known for their mathematical and geometrical shapes that often are deceiving to the human eye. Many physicians claim that there is a relationship between our understanding of beauty and the rules that govern our physical world around us. His themes very clearly address science in merging art aesthetics geometry and math into a single visual assemble. For example Esher makes use of hyporbaliptic geometry, which also inspired him to ask, what geometry does the universe have.

not opposites but allies…



Science poésie

by Laura Stauth



Da Vinci is an example of an artist inventor and engineer that thought far ahead his time and

was able to complementarily utilize his imagination and skill to translate it visually on

paper and reality. He as pioneer of the Renaissance was also manifest of a time where art and since where still not separated spheres and schools of thought but would compliment

one another. He is in history considered in some ways exceptional because of his holist and very

broad approach where imagination art and science are all in his locus.


Questions about Art and SCIENCE that

might be good to think


by Laura Stauth

How often have you thought of ways to explain a concept in a picture?

Have you ever thought of inventing a Machine or an instrument, wont it encourage you to draw it in order to imagine it better?

Will the sketch help you think of the details that you will need in order to complete the machine or your “invention”? Can art help us imagine the universe?

Doesn’t the invention of film, which is a visual and artistic as much as a technological and scientific sphere allow us to transfer knowledge in a new way?

Isn’t the world in itself a piece of art in some ways?

Are invention, imagination, technical skill that is inherent to both the field of science and art?

Drawing in itself is a thought process, which gives us the ability to concentrate and understand detail, pay attention

to an object and incident or nature and imagine how it works and what it is defined by. The very essence of

observation, which is essential to science, is also essential to the artist. Drawing for example is a way of comprehending. Our universe is in our brains that to a larger extent function

through images and visualization.




by Kirollos Samuel

1. Without Science, we wouldn’t have had any colors.

Thanks to Science, we were able to discover the needed chemicals that helped in the

creation of what almost every artist and human being use now, colors. Imagine the world

without colors. It would just look bland and tasteless.

2. No Science, no visuals.

If it wasn’t for Science introducing to us pictures of organisms, we would have never been

able to draw and illustrate every single human organism. We wouldn’t have been able to

describe in details how each organism functions.

3. Without Science, we wouldn’t have had Art Films.

An art film is "intended to be a serious artistic work, often experimental and not designed

for mass appeal"; they are "made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial

profit", and they contain "unconventional or highly symbolic content". Without Science,

we wouldn’t be able to create Art Films because we wouldn’t have had any cameras to

shoot and record movies with.



2. Pictures/photos wouldn’t have existed.

Back then before advanced Science and technology, cameras were not as advanced as today.

You didn’t simply capture a photo and then upload it to your computer or mobile device as

you do these days. The only way you were able to obtain any pictures you took in the old

days was a process called “mummifying movies” (movies mummification) which basically

included a lot of scientific thinking to be able to produce tangible photos.

3. Sculpting would have never taken place.

Sculpting (which is one of the many forms of art) is the art of creating or representing

something by different shaping techniques. These techniques require the shaping of metal

which is impossible to be executed without using specialized machines that would have

never existed from the first place if it wasn’t for science. Science helped introduce this form

of art.

Now 5 ways THAT

Scientific thinking

HELPs us understand A R T


Hassan Ramadan

1- As scientific thinking and science taught us in any piece of scientific writing or

research we have to ask ourselves certain questions in order to insure its validity

scientifically. Thus to fully understand a piece of art there should be certain steps that

should be followed that are similar to scientific steps. Asking ourselves what is it about?

How was that art created or made? What aspect of our lives does this piece of art show

us? Did the creator of this art follow the artistic method and do his emotions show on his


2- Science is meant to affect us on the daily basis and is meant to help us in our lives, so

does art, the artist in his painting or sculpture tries to show us a part or an aspect of life

so that he may display us the true meaning of his art and its purpose. Meaningless art is

the art that confirms us nothing and means nothing; in order to understand art fully we

have to try to receive the message behind it or the aspect of our lives that it explains us.

3- Science shows us hidden aspects of certain paintings or sculptures that where

previously hidden to us. For example: The eyes of the Mona Lisa.

Experts have discovered barely distinguishable letters and numbers which they speculate

that they signify a real Da vincy code: in the right eye appear to be the letters LV which

could well stand his initials, while in the left eye there are also symbols but they are not as

defined but some experts state that they might suggests that Da Vinci painted it when he

was in Milan in the 1490s.

Without using science and its tools these symbols would never be accessible to us thus

science shows us parts of science that weren’t available before.


4. Without science and technology the availability of art and its interpretations

wouldn’t be so big and important as it is now, therefore if we enter on the internet we

could find everything we would want to know in the area of science, thus this helps

everyone have a better understanding of science.

5. Scientific thinking is the area of judgment in a scientific manner , the critical

mindset used in scientific thinking could be use in evaluating art and art forms, as

scientific thinking shows us how to “think in a scientific way” it could be used to

make us think in an artistic way.

Poetry and Art Project by Laura Stauth a poem to the stars…


?Stars? What matters when matter is free of mindsَأ

What calls for freedom echo eternally if the force of gravitation bounds us to

breath and flesh, tied by mass to stone, by blood to death,

Lost in space and grounded without landing, fallen stars, drowning in

memories, chanting.

Stars do you have silenced histories? A thirst for meaning, or is all ever seen

force and power: brain dead, born to breathe, forced to die, destined to


Stars, what matters when matter is free of minds?

Power outlives justice, when giant stars explode, rule attract, push and pull,

circulate and pulsate, with out a thought enforce, break

is life ever deserved, am I the coincidence born by two faint stars making love

in the mellow dusty skies? Who cares, if the baby is starving.

Life has become matter with no meaning.


Personal project capturing a moment Collage: trying to reflect on

scientific concepts of space and time as a multidimensional sphere where the present lives in the past and in the future. Matter has different shapes and we are part of the universe, not matter how small and how far it is. Deconstructing a moment in a vast universal arena through the emotional and logical conscious of our minds is highly

complex this is a creative approach to what times means for me looking

back at a moment.


Field where they intersect:

Medicine and phycology:

Music and art play a great role in helping us express our selves and reflect

on out conscious and subconscious mind while also exploring the deeper and less conscious parts of our brains.

It is also proven that certain forms of classical music for example allow us to complete a task with more concentration

There are also forms of therapy that encourage people to paint since drawing can be a less confines and obvious way of translating emotions

on paper or sculpture.

Film and Science:

The invention of Film itself is the consequence of a

scientific and technological process that combines many

different fields with one another. Understanding film is a

material, technical as much as an imaginative process. Film as an art form,

that involves scientific knowledge as a field, also has contributed to a greater and wider understanding of fields of scientific

study and newest research. It combines society with scientific knowledge, while also helping us imagine and visualize out earth and the universe

from different perspective including motion and time.

Art & Science and their Intersection

FILM & Science and their Intersection


" There are stars in the universe that are actually cold enough to be touched by the human hand.

The lowest note in the known universe is caused by the rumbling of a black hole in the Perseus galaxy - 57 octaves below middle C.

Scientists say that our universe may be inside a larger universe.

Human brain cells, the universe and the internet all have similar structures.

"We must travel in the direction of our fear." –John Berryman

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –Unknown

“People tend to be what you expect them to be.” –Stephen Covey

“First seek to understand, then be understood.” –Stephen Covey




by Layla Ghaleb

SCIENCE tweets of the MONTH!

JOKE of the Month!

Quotes of the Month ”

by Layla Ghaleb



Star Trek:

The sequel has benefited a lot from science. They have used scientific facts and researches in order to develop the plot and the storyline. Episodes are full of mentions of tachyon beams, baryon sweeps, quantum fluctuations and event horizons. Jurassic World: The new movie coming in 2015 is going to be a big hit! It’s a science fiction adventure film. We have all seen Jurassic Park, but this movie has a bigger twist. The trailer reveals the usage of genetically modified dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. They then lose control over the new species and the adventure begins. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: The movie basically makes their actors wear suits that could turn their movements into digital animation. It uses motion capture to record those movements in addition to their facial expression. The result is absolutely outstanding! A must see movie, a true revelation and proof of how science and art are a great combination. The amazing Spider-Man 2: This movie presents the usage of genetic mutation as a challenging plot maker. The Oscorp Company is a genetics laboratory where researchers work on finding grounds of experimentation. They have been trying to combine human DNA with other DNA of animals to make us more adaptable to healing like some animals. It is a very interesting sequel of movies that has a different approach than the fist Spider-Man motion picture.

Take our little

quiz !

1. The process of obtaining tangible copies of photos is

called ________.

2. Science and art are not related to each other

whatsoever.( )

3. If Science didn’t exist, art would still be possible.(


4. ________ is the art of creating or representing

something by different shaping techniques.

Kirollos Samuel

Science Guide Movie S O D U K U

Take the letters ERGRO. Put three letters

in front of it, and the same three letters

behind to form a common English


What number gives the same result

when it is added to 1.5 as when it is

multiplied by 1.5?

What do the words below have in



Which of the following words is the




1. Movies mummification.

2. False.

3. False.

4. Sculpting.

5. (E).


5. Without Science, which of the following wouldn’t have existed:

a) Photography.

b) Sculpting.

c) Colors.

d) Art films.

e) All of the above.


by Layla Ghaleb

by Kirollos Samuel

Kramer, By Miriam. "Spidey Science: 4 Bits of Real Science in 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 01 May 2014. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.

"Technology in Star Trek." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

Foundation, 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.

"Blogging Innovation." Blogging Innovation. N.p., n.d.

Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

"Flexible Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo."

Designcollector. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

"Colourful Oil Paintings by Leonid Afremov - Enpundit."

Enpundit. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

UberFacts. "Human Brain Cells, the Universe and the

Internet All Have Similar Structures." Twitter. Twitter, 23 June

2014. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 24 Nov.


"Why Scientists Should Care about Art - At the Interface."

At the Interface. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

Works Cited


"Artful Science." UDaily. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

"Revival House." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20

Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

"Art Film." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Nov.

2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

"Why Art and Science? - At the Interface." At the

Interface. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

"Museum of Science, Boston." Leonardo Da Vinci. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

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"Art and Science: Art, Maths and the Universe." BlueSci

». N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

"Art In Science?" - Eisner. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2014.

"Creative People at Work." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web.

26 Nov. 2014.


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