
Le Collège


to introduce the school subjects in French

Learning Objectives: Learn how to recognise and say 15 school subjects

Learn how to say whether you like or dislike a particular school subject

• Remember at least 7 school subjects

•Remember how to say I like and I dislike in French

Les Devoirs

Practice the new subject words from today’s lesson by playing the hungry bug game on the Thirsk Languages blog. The ppt from today’s

lesson will also be there.

You need to be able to spell them all correctly, using the appropriate form – le, la, les


• Click on the link to take you to your starter activity on the Thirsk Langs blog

• 7MO starter activity

le français




le dessin

le théâtre



la géographie


la musique

la réligion

la technologie

l’EPS/ le sport(l’éducation physique et


les maths

les sciences

Learning Objectives: Learn how to recognise and say 15 school subjects

• Remember at least 7 school subjects

le théâtre

la géographie

la réligion

le dessin


les sciences

les maths

la technologie


la musique

le français


Et maintenant, le vocabulaire!

Ecrivez les matières en ANGLAIS sur la liste

Les matières – subjects1le français (fran-say)2l’anglais (on – glay)3l’allemand (al-ee-mon)4l’espagnol (es-pan-yol)5le dessin (day–san)6le théâtre (tay-ar-trur)7l’histoire (iss-twar)8la géographie (jay–oh-gra-fee)9l’informatique (lan-for-ma-teek) musique (myoo-zeek) réligion (reh–li-jay-on) technologie (tek-nol-oh-jee)13.l’E.P.S./ le sport (ur-pay-es)14. les maths (mat)15. les sciences (see-yons)

Les matières – subjects1. French2. English3. German4. Spanish5. Art6. Drama7. History8.

13.14. 15.

Phonics tennis!

• 1. Iss-twar 8. Tay-ar-trur• 2. Myoo-zeek 9. mat• 3. Lan-for-ma-teek10. Fran-say• 4. On-glay 11. Tek-nol-oh-jee• 5. Day-san 12. Es-pan-yol• 6. Al-ee-mon• 7. Ur-pay-es

Team A, pick a number from below and ‘bat’ it over to team B to see if they can remember what subject it was in English!

Learning Objectives: Learn how to recognise and say 15 school subjects

Learn how to say whether you like or dislike a particular school subject

• Remember at least 7 school subjects

•Learn how to say I like and I dislike in French


Write the following phrases and also what they mean in ENGLISH.

Je n’aime pas


Je déteste

Now, look at the pictures and write sentences IN FRENCH.

1. J’aime le français1







Level 2a Reading and understanding

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Sylvie. J’ai onze ans. J’aime le dessin et le français. Je n’aime pas la géographie.

1) How old is Sylvie?

2) What subjects does she like? (x2)

3) What subjects doesn’t she like?

Check your progress

Level 3a Reading and understanding

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Marc. J’ai treize ans. J’habite à Lyon, en France et je suis français. Au collège, j’aime l’anglais. J’aime aussi le sport et l’informatique. C’est excellent! Je n’aime pas la musique.

1) How old is Marc?

2) Where exactly does he live and what is his nationality?

3) Does he like English?

4) What other subjects does he like?

5) What subject doesn’t he like? Progress? :0)

Learning Objectives: Learn how to recognise and say 12 school subjects

Learn how to say whether you like or dislike a particular school subject

• Remember at least 6 school subjects

•Remember how to say I like and I dislike in French

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