Scholarship Fund Brochure

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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St Margaret's Foundation


Education - a gift for life

Scholarship Fund

Funds donated to the Scholarship Fund are used each year to offer students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to secure a St Margaret’s education or to support current students who may experience circumstances which would otherwise prevent them from completing their education at St Margaret’s. Scholarships and Bursaries are offered to a small number of students at St Margaret’s and are awarded at the discretion of the Principal. Donors to this fund are able to identify criteria for eligible students to receive the donated funds if they wish. Many donors do not nominate criteria and the funds generated are used to support students who are on Academic and Performance Scholarships and Boarding and Financial Bursaries.Contributions to the Scholarship Fund may be regarded as an investment in the current student body as funds go to students who are in financial need and/or who demonstrate the ability and commitment to receive a St Margaret’s education and be role models for their fellow students.

Building for now and the future

from the PrinciPal, ros curtis

There are two ways you can contribute to the st margaret’s foundation scholarship fund:

1. membership of the st margaret’s foundation, which is tax deductible:

associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years

friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years

fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years

companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years

Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years

Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

I wish to pay (please tick)

One instalment, now

Equal instalments over three years

2. make a donation, which is tax deductible of:







Other $__________

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fund


Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


Phone: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Payment options: A cheque made payable to the st margaret’s foundation

scholarship fund is enclosedOR

Please charge $________ to my credit card

MasterCard Visa American Express

Cardholder’s name:


Card number:

Expiry Date: /

Cardholder’s signature:


Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765.All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.)_________________________________________________________


(i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith)

I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)

Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.

Encouraging the support of:• ScholarShipS• capital projectS• DonationS• enDowmentS• BequeStS• annual GivinG• GiftS in KinD (incluDinG GooDS anD traDeS)

st margaret’s foundationst margaret’s anglican girls school11 petrie Street, ascot qld 4007 australia

Phone: +61 7 3862 0765Facsimile: +61 7 3862 0701Email:

A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

Education - a gift for life

Scholarship Fund

Funds donated to the Scholarship Fund are used each year to offer students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to secure a St Margaret’s education or to support current students who may experience circumstances which would otherwise prevent them from completing their education at St Margaret’s. Scholarships and Bursaries are offered to a small number of students at St Margaret’s and are awarded at the discretion of the Principal. Donors to this fund are able to identify criteria for eligible students to receive the donated funds if they wish. Many donors do not nominate criteria and the funds generated are used to support students who are on Academic and Performance Scholarships and Boarding and Financial Bursaries.Contributions to the Scholarship Fund may be regarded as an investment in the current student body as funds go to students who are in financial need and/or who demonstrate the ability and commitment to receive a St Margaret’s education and be role models for their fellow students.

Building for now and the future

from the PrinciPal, ros curtis

There are two ways you can contribute to the st margaret’s foundation scholarship fund:

1. membership of the st margaret’s foundation, which is tax deductible:

associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years

friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years

fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years

companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years

Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years

Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

I wish to pay (please tick)

One instalment, now

Equal instalments over three years

2. make a donation, which is tax deductible of:







Other $__________

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fund


Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


Phone: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Payment options: A cheque made payable to the st margaret’s foundation

scholarship fund is enclosedOR

Please charge $________ to my credit card

MasterCard Visa American Express

Cardholder’s name:


Card number:

Expiry Date: /

Cardholder’s signature:


Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765.All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.)_________________________________________________________


(i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith)

I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)

Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.

Encouraging the support of:• ScholarShipS• capital projectS• DonationS• enDowmentS• BequeStS• annual GivinG• GiftS in KinD (incluDinG GooDS anD traDeS)

st margaret’s foundationst margaret’s anglican girls school11 petrie Street, ascot qld 4007 australia

Phone: +61 7 3862 0765Facsimile: +61 7 3862 0701Email:

A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

Each year, St Margaret’s awards the following:• academic Scholarships • performance Scholarships - cultural/musical • performance Scholarships - sport • academic Boarding Bursaries (home address

must be more than 200km from the School)• principal ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded to new and current students from Year 7. They are offered to girls who exhibit qualities compatible with the vision and values of St Margaret’s.

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fundThere are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Scholarship Fund:1. Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:

• associate $2000 or more - Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years• friend $5000 or more - Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years• fellow $10,000-$24,999 - Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years • comPanion $25,000-$49,999 - Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years• Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 - Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years• Patron $100,000 or more - Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

2. Make a donation, which is tax-deductible of: • $10,000 • $5000 • $2000 • $1000 • $500 • $250 • other

St Margaret’s has a proud history dating back to its establishment in 1895 by The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent. The School is founded on a philosophy of six core values: Courage, Faith, Integrity, Passion, Respect and Spirit, with the School motto Per Volar Sunata, Born to fly upwards, inspiring St margaret’s students to achieve their personal best in all endeavours.It is part of the philosophy of The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent, to provide scholarship opportunities to students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to gain a St Margaret’s education.

Each year, St Margaret’s awards the following:• academic Scholarships • performance Scholarships - cultural/musical • performance Scholarships - sport • academic Boarding Bursaries (home address

must be more than 200km from the School)• principal ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded to new and current students from Year 7. They are offered to girls who exhibit qualities compatible with the vision and values of St Margaret’s.

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fundThere are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Scholarship Fund:1. Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:

• associate $2000 or more - Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years• friend $5000 or more - Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years• fellow $10,000-$24,999 - Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years • comPanion $25,000-$49,999 - Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years• Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 - Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years• Patron $100,000 or more - Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

2. Make a donation, which is tax-deductible of: • $10,000 • $5000 • $2000 • $1000 • $500 • $250 • other

St Margaret’s has a proud history dating back to its establishment in 1895 by The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent. The School is founded on a philosophy of six core values: Courage, Faith, Integrity, Passion, Respect and Spirit, with the School motto Per Volar Sunata, Born to fly upwards, inspiring St margaret’s students to achieve their personal best in all endeavours.It is part of the philosophy of The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent, to provide scholarship opportunities to students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to gain a St Margaret’s education.

Each year, St Margaret’s awards the following:• academic Scholarships • performance Scholarships - cultural/musical • performance Scholarships - sport • academic Boarding Bursaries (home address

must be more than 200km from the School)• principal ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded to new and current students from Year 7. They are offered to girls who exhibit qualities compatible with the vision and values of St Margaret’s.

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fundThere are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Scholarship Fund:1. Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:

• associate $2000 or more - Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years• friend $5000 or more - Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years• fellow $10,000-$24,999 - Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years • comPanion $25,000-$49,999 - Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years• Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 - Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years• Patron $100,000 or more - Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

2. Make a donation, which is tax-deductible of: • $10,000 • $5000 • $2000 • $1000 • $500 • $250 • other

St Margaret’s has a proud history dating back to its establishment in 1895 by The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent. The School is founded on a philosophy of six core values: Courage, Faith, Integrity, Passion, Respect and Spirit, with the School motto Per Volar Sunata, Born to fly upwards, inspiring St margaret’s students to achieve their personal best in all endeavours.It is part of the philosophy of The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent, to provide scholarship opportunities to students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to gain a St Margaret’s education.

Each year, St Margaret’s awards the following:• academic Scholarships • performance Scholarships - cultural/musical • performance Scholarships - sport • academic Boarding Bursaries (home address

must be more than 200km from the School)• principal ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded to new and current students from Year 7. They are offered to girls who exhibit qualities compatible with the vision and values of St Margaret’s.

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fundThere are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Scholarship Fund:1. Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:

• associate $2000 or more - Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years• friend $5000 or more - Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years• fellow $10,000-$24,999 - Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years • comPanion $25,000-$49,999 - Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years• Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 - Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years• Patron $100,000 or more - Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

2. Make a donation, which is tax-deductible of: • $10,000 • $5000 • $2000 • $1000 • $500 • $250 • other

St Margaret’s has a proud history dating back to its establishment in 1895 by The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent. The School is founded on a philosophy of six core values: Courage, Faith, Integrity, Passion, Respect and Spirit, with the School motto Per Volar Sunata, Born to fly upwards, inspiring St margaret’s students to achieve their personal best in all endeavours.It is part of the philosophy of The Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Advent, to provide scholarship opportunities to students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to gain a St Margaret’s education.

Education - a gift for life

Scholarship Fund

Funds donated to the Scholarship Fund are used each year to offer students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to secure a St Margaret’s education or to support current students who may experience circumstances which would otherwise prevent them from completing their education at St Margaret’s. Scholarships and Bursaries are offered to a small number of students at St Margaret’s and are awarded at the discretion of the Principal. Donors to this fund are able to identify criteria for eligible students to receive the donated funds if they wish. Many donors do not nominate criteria and the funds generated are used to support students who are on Academic and Performance Scholarships and Boarding and Financial Bursaries.Contributions to the Scholarship Fund may be regarded as an investment in the current student body as funds go to students who are in financial need and/or who demonstrate the ability and commitment to receive a St Margaret’s education and be role models for their fellow students.

Building for now and the future

from the PrinciPal, ros curtis

There are two ways you can contribute to the st margaret’s foundation scholarship fund:

1. membership of the st margaret’s foundation, which is tax deductible:

associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years

friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years

fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years

companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years

Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years

Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

I wish to pay (please tick)

One instalment, now

Equal instalments over three years

2. make a donation, which is tax deductible of:







Other $__________

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fundName: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


Phone: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Payment options: A cheque made payable to the st margaret’s foundation

scholarship fund is enclosedOR

Please charge $________ to my credit card

MasterCard Visa American Express

Cardholder’s name:


Card number:

Expiry Date: /

Cardholder’s signature:


Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765.All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.)_________________________________________________________


(i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith)

I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)

Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.

Encouraging the support of:• ScholarShipS• capital projectS• DonationS• enDowmentS• BequeStS• annual GivinG• GiftS in KinD (incluDinG GooDS anD traDeS)

st margaret’s foundationst margaret’s anglican girls school11 petrie Street, ascot qld 4007 australia

Phone: +61 7 3862 0765Facsimile: +61 7 3862 0701Email:

A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

Education - a gift for life

Scholarship Fund

Funds donated to the Scholarship Fund are used each year to offer students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to secure a St Margaret’s education or to support current students who may experience circumstances which would otherwise prevent them from completing their education at St Margaret’s. Scholarships and Bursaries are offered to a small number of students at St Margaret’s and are awarded at the discretion of the Principal. Donors to this fund are able to identify criteria for eligible students to receive the donated funds if they wish. Many donors do not nominate criteria and the funds generated are used to support students who are on Academic and Performance Scholarships and Boarding and Financial Bursaries.Contributions to the Scholarship Fund may be regarded as an investment in the current student body as funds go to students who are in financial need and/or who demonstrate the ability and commitment to receive a St Margaret’s education and be role models for their fellow students.

Building for now and the futurefrom the PrinciPal, ros curtis

There are two ways you can contribute to the st margaret’s foundation scholarship fund:

1. membership of the st margaret’s foundation, which is tax deductible:

associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years

friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years

fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years

companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years

Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years

Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years

I wish to pay (please tick)

One instalment, now

Equal instalments over three years

2. make a donation, which is tax deductible of:







Other $__________

suPPort the st margaret’s foundation scholarshiP fund


Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


Phone: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Payment options: A cheque made payable to the st margaret’s foundation

scholarship fund is enclosedOR

Please charge $________ to my credit card

MasterCard Visa American Express

Cardholder’s name:


Card number:

Expiry Date: /

Cardholder’s signature:


Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765.All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.)_________________________________________________________


(i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith)

I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)

Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.

Encouraging the support of:• ScholarShipS• capital projectS• DonationS• enDowmentS• BequeStS• annual GivinG• GiftS in KinD (incluDinG GooDS anD traDeS)

st margaret’s foundationst margaret’s anglican girls school11 petrie Street, ascot qld 4007 australia

Phone: +61 7 3862 0765Facsimile: +61 7 3862 0701Email:

A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

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