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  • 7/23/2019 scadainindianpowersystem_pka


    92February 2010Electrical India

    Indian power grid is a geographically dispersed network of generators having capacity more

    than 147,000 MW, and transmission lines of 265,000 or more circuit kilometers. The generating

    capacity is a mix of thermal generation, hydro generation and nuclear generation and also some

    non-conventional generation like wind power etc.

    - P K Agarwal

    Indian Power System

    SCADAp r o j e c t

  • 7/23/2019 scadainindianpowersystem_pka


    Electrical IndiaFebruary 201093

    Power System

    The coal based thermal capacity is

    concentrated in eastern part while

    hydro capacity is concentrated in south

    and extreme northern part of India. The

    electricity is transported from these

    concentrations to loads via transmission

    systems comprising of 765 KV, 400 KV, 220KV, 132 KV AC network and HVDC system 500

    KV. Operation of such complicated and vast

    system requires a central coordination and

    information system. For this a Supervisory

    Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System

    have been installed jointly by Powergrid, a

    central transmission utility and state

    electricity board, the agencies responsible

    for electricity management in states.

    For ease of operating whole Indian power

    grid has been divided five regions namely -

    NR (Northern Region), WR (Western region),SR (Southern Region), ER (Eastern Region)

    and NER (North Eastern Region) as shown in

    Fig. 1. Though these fives regions are

    independent but electrically there are only

    two grids one is central grid comprising of

    NR, WR, ER and NER and other is Southern

    grid of SR.

    Each regional grid is managed by an

    control center called Regional Load Dispatch

    Center (RLDC) and each state power system

    is controlled by a State Load Dispatch center

    (SLDC). System under SLDC has further been

    into Sub-Load Dispatch Centers (Sub-LDCs).National Load Dispatch Center (NLDC)

    coordinates the activities of all RLDCs. NLDC,

    RLDCs, SLDCs and Sub-LDCs have their own

    SCADA systems, integrated in a hierarchical

    structure. RLDC being at the top of hierarchy

    at regional level, coordinates the day-to-day

    operation of a region in consultation with


    Scada SystemHierarchical Structure

    SCADA system is hierarchical in nature

    having two distinct hierarchies - one at

    national level other at regional level. At

    national level, SCADA/EMS system of all five

    RLDCs report to NLDC. Data from each RLDCis transmitted to NLDC in real time on

    dedicated communication lines. The national

    level hierarchical arrangement is shown in

    Fig. 2.

    Hierarchy at Regional Level

    At regional level RLDC acts as apex body

    and coordinates the all inter-state activities

    of SCADA/EMS systems of SLDCs of a region.

    SCADA systems of all Sub-LDCs of a state

    reports to the SLDC of that state. The

    hierarchy at regional level is shown in

    Fig. 3 next page.

    Functions implemented in SCADA/

    EMS at RLDC and SLDC levels

    Main components of the SCADA

    system at RLDC and SLDC are SCADA/

    EMS server and ICCP server. SCADA/EMS

    or data server maintain all data acquired

    from other SLDCs etc an make it available

    to display and reporting. ICCP (Inter

    Control-center Communication Protocol)

    server acts as gateway for transfer of data

    between SLDCs and between RLDC and

    SLDCs. SCADA/EMS system at RLDC, SLDC

    and Sub-LDC are based on distributed

    architecture and open standards. Theirsalient features are:-

    Operating system is POSIX compliant.

    LAN and WAN uses OSI compliant


    Graphical User Interface is Motif.

    ICCP (TASE 2) has been used for inter site


    WAN communication is on X.25 with


    SCADA system is

    hierarchical innature having

    two distinct

    hierarchies -

    one at national

    level other at

    regional level. At

    national level,


    system of all five

    RLDCs report to


    Fig. 1: Electrical Division of India

    Fig. 2: Hierarchy at National Level

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    94February 2010Electrical India

    Power System

    Multilink Bundled PPP

    RTU communication is on IEC

    65870.5 101 protocols.

    RDBMS is used for historical data

    archiving.The functions and responsibilities of

    each control center (RLDC, SLDC and

    Sub-LDC) are as follows:-

    RLDC at top level coordinates all the

    activities relating to transfer of

    power from central sector/Interstate

    generating stations to SEBs.

    Scheduling, Metering and

    settlement, open access etc are

    some of the major activities comes

    under the purview of RLDC. For

    these activities RLDC is heavily

    dependent on SCADA system. RLDC

    also facilitate exchange of data

    between SEBs .

    SLDC & CPCC at lower level

    coordinates and control the power

    flow within the home sate. The SLDCcollects data directly from RTUs

    connected to SLDC and indirectly

    from its Sub-LDCs. The CPCC similar

    to Sub-LDC is responsible for a

    specific area of central sector power

    system and reports to RLDC.

    Sub-LDC at level three is responsible

    for a specific area of its state-owned

    power system. It acquires data from

    RTUs connected to them and

    provide the data to reporting SLDC.

    The functions provided at RLDC and

    SLDC levels are similar except minor

    differences. Like Dispatcher Training

    Simulator (DTS) exists only for RLDC

    system. Functions provided at Sub-LDC

    level are for data concentrator only and

    have limited control facility.

    The list of major functions of the

    SCADA/EMS system are summarizedbelow:-

    SCADA Functions

    Data acquisition from RTUs and

    storage of data in online database.

    Processing of data for converting

    the raw values to engineering

    values, checking quality, assigning

    quality flag and checking limit.

    Supervisory control of power

    system element (not being used at


    Historical data storage and retrieval. Reconstruction and replay of events.

    Protective and informative tagging

    of power system device.

    Load Management.

    Sequence of events recording.

    Generalized calculation for adding

    and removing operators defined


    Providing user interface to


    Inter control center communication.

    Real time and historical trends.

    State Estimation.

    EMS Functions

    Real time generation function

    allows the operator to monitor,

    analyze and control real time


    Automatic generation control


    Economic dispatch - helps the

    dispatcher to determine economic

    base points for a selected set of


    Reserve monitor for calculatingspinning reserve, operating reserve

    and regulating reserve.

    Production costing calculates the

    current cost of generating power of

    online units.

    Transaction scheduling.

    Real time network analysis.

    Real time contingency analysis.

    Fig. 3: Hierarchy at RLDC Level

    Fig. 4: Typical Configuration of a RLDC and SLDC (Showing only main servers)

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    Electrical IndiaFebruary 201095

    Power System

    Load Forecasting.

    MIS Reporting.

    Study mode functions

    Power flow analysis.

    Optimal power flow.

    Study security enhancement

    Study contingency analysis. Study state estimation.

    Resource Scheduling and


    Ensuring 24X7 hrsAvailabilityGeneral

    To ensure the 24x7 availability, the

    backup of every device, software

    functionality, communication path etc

    has been built in the SCADA/EMS

    system. Fig. 4 shows a typicalconfiguration of SCADA system at

    RLDC and SLDC. Configuration of

    SCADA system at Sub-LDC is shown in

    Fig. 5. The layout arrangement of the

    devices etc in the diagram has been

    rearranged for clear visibility of

    redundancy of the systems. It can be

    seen that the redundancy exist at each

    device level as well as communication

    level etc.

    Backup at RLDC and SLDC level

    The hardware configuration atRLDC level (refer fig. 4) is fully

    duplicated. Each and every hardware

    device has its backup device in active

    and hot standby state. In the event of

    failure of operational hardware the

    back will take up the functionality.

    Intra control center communication

    has been implemented on Ethernet

    LANs with two different speeds. One is

    100Mbps on 100base-T for connecting

    SCADA/EMS servers and other is 10

    Mbps on 10base-T for the remainingdevices. Both LANs are in dual mode i.e.

    two separate LANs called LAN A and

    LAN B exists for intra control center

    communication. Each LAN has separate

    network cards, switches and cabling

    and works independent from the other.

    During normal operation, data flow

    takes place on both the LANs

    simultaneously. In normal situation,

    data is read/written on LAN A. In case of

    failure of LAN A, nodes automatically

    started reading/writing the data from

    LAN B.HUB chassis are used as back plane

    for housing the switches and routers.

    Two HUBs are installed acting as back

    up to each other. One chassis houses

    the switches and routers pertaining to

    Fig. 6: Control Room of RLDC

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    96February 2010Electrical India

    Power System

    LAN A and other houses for LAN B. The

    power supply modules within the HUBs

    are also is in backup configuration.Each HUB has N+1 power supply

    modules i.e. in normal situation one

    module act as backup to the remaining

    modules. Hence failing of any of the

    power sully module will not hamper

    the operation of the HUB in turn LAN.

    This N+1 configuration of power supply

    modules also facilitates hot swapping

    of the failed module.

    Terminal servers are used for

    connecting the serial devices like

    loggers, processor terminals, hard copy

    printer and line printer to the LAN. Two

    terminal servers have been provided

    one on LAN A and other on LAN B. Each

    terminal server connects the loggers/

    line printer for logging of events.

    Logger are also backed by other logger

    or line printer on each terminal server.

    Other devices like processor terminal,

    hard copy printer are not essentially

    required in online mode hence been

    provide on only one LAN either on LAN

    A or LAN B.

    Data servers provide the most of thefunctionalities of SCADA/EMS system.

    The real time database resides on these

    servers. Data servers are responsible for

    acquiring data from RTUs and providing

    the same to all other subsystems like

    HMI for displays, ICCP server for inter

    control center data transfer, ISR server

    for storage and retrieval of old data.

    Two SCADA/EMS server have been

    provided in the main and hot standby

    mode. Both connected to both theLANs. One SCADA/EMS servers acts as

    main server and other remains in hot

    standby mode and in synchronism to

    the main server Standby server keeps

    monitoring the health of other server

    and take over the responsibility in case

    failure of main server. Further to this,

    both the data servers are in clustered

    mode, hence provided the redundancy

    of software module also. It means that

    if only a software module fails on the

    main server module on other server will

    provide the functionality.

    Similar to data server, ICCP (Inter

    Control Center Protocol) servers, ISR

    (Information Storage and Retrieval)

    server have back at the machine level

    with connection to both the LANs

    Communication between SCADA

    and RTUs takes palace through

    Communication Front End (CFE).

    Directly connected RTUs connected to

    the both the CFEs. RTUs critical to the

    grid operation are connected with two

    separate communication channels onefor each CFE. Other RTUs, have one

    communication channel but are

    connected to both the CFEs through

    splitters. This concept ensures that data

    from the RTUs will be available to the

    control center in case of failure of any

    communication channel or CFE.

    Backup at Sub-LDC/CPCC Level

    At Sub-LDC/CPCC, functionalities of

    Data server and ICCP servers have been

    implemented on the same server

    machine. Two such machines have

    been provided. One server acts as main

    while other acts as standby ready to

    takeover the operation in the event offailure of main server. The Typical

    configuration of Sub-LDC and CPCC is

    shown in fig. 5.

    Like RLDC and SLDC LAN and WAN

    equipment are also provided with back

    up system. LANs are in dual

    configuration as LAN A and LAN B and

    operates similar to LANs at RLDC and


    Similar to RLDC/SLDCs, here also,

    communication with RTUs takes palace

    through Communications Front End(CFE). One CFE is on LAN A and other

    on LAN B. Critical RTUs have two

    separate communication channels one

    for each CFE. Other RTUs, have single

    communication channel but are

    connected to both the CFEs through

    splitters. Thus ensuring uninterrupted

    availability of data in case of failure of

    any of the equipment or communication


    Backup of Communication System

    Sufficient redundancy has also been

    provided for inter control center

    communication so as to have 24x7 hrs

    availability. All communication links,

    devices like router for WAN required for

    inter control center communication

    have duplicate configuration. During

    normal operation, flow of data takes

    place on both the links in shared mode.

    However, in the event of failure of any

    of the link other link will take full data


    Implementation of communication

    system uses four communicationchannels for each data link between

    Sub-LDC and SLDC, between RLDC and

    SLDC and between CPCC and RLDC.

    These four communication channels

    have been connected two separate

    routers with two channels on each

    router of LAN A and LAN B. Thus, each

    router has main and stand by

    Fig. 5: Typical Configuration of Sub-LDC & CPCC

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    Electrical IndiaFebruary 201097

    Power System

    P K Agarwal, DGM, NRLDC/Powergrid, electrical engineer fromMNIT, Bhopal Joined NTPC Ltd andWorked in area of construction ofEHV transmission lines andsubstations; in HVDC system inarea of control systems andmodification and testing of controlsoftware of ABB. He was posted atNorthern Regional Load DispatchCenter. He implemented SCADA/EMS system of Northern Regionand Open Access Managementsystem as online submission. He is

    Member of AIMA, Institution ofEngineers and published papers onSCADA system and commercialmechanism in International Seminarorganized by BHUIT. He is projectmanager for Indias first pilot project

    on Phasor Measurments.

    P K Agarwal

    communication channel. In case of

    failure of main channel, router switches

    the communication of standby channel.

    Further to this, main and standby

    channels have been chosen from

    different routes of MW/FO circuits

    ensuring the availability of at least onechannel in case of any eventuality.

    To enhance further availability the

    main and stand by channel of a router

    have been bundled through PPP

    Multilink bundled protocol stack thus

    forming a single virtual channel by

    combining capacity of both the

    channels. In this configuration, two

    separate physical channels act in a

    single virtual channel adding the

    bandwidth capacity of both the

    channels. As the requirement ofbandwidth is less than or equal to the

    capacity of a single channel flow of

    data remains uninterrupted in case of

    outage of a one of the channel from the

    bundled channel.

    ConclusionAs described above though the

    backup concept have been

    implemented at each and every point

    of possible failure even the system may

    not free form the situations were a

    failure of some devices may lead tointerruption of operation. However,

    possibilities of such situation are

    remote. To provide absolute

    redundancy is nearly impossible. One

    has to optimize between the project

    cost and cost of outages. For example,

    in this system CFEs are connected to

    either LAN A or LAN B. One CFE may

    communicate to one SCADA/EMS

    server only i.e. CFE1 works with SCADA/

    EMS server 1 and CFE2 is tied up with

    SCADA/EMS Server 2. In this scenariooutage of crossed device, i.e. outage on

    CFE1 and SCADA/EMS2 or outage of

    CFE2 and SCADA/EMS server 1 may

    result in the outage of data from all the

    RTUs of that control center.

    Nevertheless, probability of such failure

    is very low. Such optimizations have to

    be done to achieve balance between

    cost and performance of the project.