Satori Guidebook

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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This book will take you through the exercises depicted in the accompanying deck of 44 Satori cards to help you better balance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.


Healing With Satori

by Carol Gutzeit

Artwork by Dawn PetersonFor information on reprints, posters, or greeting cards with

the artwork contained in these cards, please contact:

Copyright © 2010 by Carol Gutzeit and Sara Jaqua

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a photographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embedded in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Published and distributed in the United States by Satori

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Table of Contents

Instructions About Satori Cards How to Use the Cards Satori Four-Part Series Satori Mini Series 10

About Each Card Physical Mental Emotional Spiritual





About Satori Cards

This amazing journey called life has a destination and that destination is Satori. It is more than a place; it is a state of mind. Satori is a Zen word that translates to “instant awakening, an inner decision to live in harmony with yourself and your physical world.” In my twenty years of teaching Satori I have learned that the three most common beliefs people have about themselves are, “I’m unlovable, I’m unworthy and I’m not good enough.” The ego takes those beliefs and builds a life based on them. These cards are designed to help you wake up from the ego-induced sleep of erroneous beliefs and create new, more empowering beliefs that support who you really are. The purpose of Satori Cards is to help you manage your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy more productively so that you can create a healthy partnership between your ego and your soul. These cards provide a practice of self-discovery that allows your soul to guide your ego in a dynamic relationship of personal growth and fulfillment. When your soul is your guide, you are on your way to Satori.


Instructions for Working with the Satori Cards

The old paradigm of “instructional” self-help where the teacher tells the student what to do shifts with Satori cards into a new paradigm of allowing the student to become his or her own teacher. The veil is dropped and we can see that each of us has the power and knowledge to create our happiness and trust our intuition to guide us to the right action. Sometimes, one card drawn randomly will suggest a longer series of cards that requires a longer commitment. Trust the cards to guide you to the best Satori program for you. You will notice there are a variety of breathing exercises in this deck. Each breathing exercise has a specific purpose to awaken various parts of your body, mind, heart and spirit. It is more than deep breathing, it is breathing with intention. Breathing is another aspect of change. You can change the way you feel simply by changing the way that you breathe. Since breathing is both an automatic and controlled function of the body it is a bridge between the unconscious and conscious mind. Shallow breathing creates too much carbon dioxide and that makes you feel tired. Your breath is also your connection to spirit and life. The first thing you did when you came into this world was to take a deep breath and it will be the last thing you do before you leave. These cards also contain exercises for the chakras, which are your energy centers. Chakra means “spinning wheel.” Chakras are helpful to learn because they hold the key to decoding the information your body is telling you. If you put your hand on a hot stove you want to feel the pain because it’s telling you to move your hand! In the same way, your



body talks to you through energy centers known as chakras. They run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Once you are aware of their locations, the life lessons they relate to and the color associated with each one, you will better understand the information being transmitted to you. The Tibetan lamas practice the Five Rites to stimulate the chakras and reverse the aging process and those rites are featured in this deck.

How to Use the Cards There are eleven cards for each of the four levels. Intuitively I picked eleven cards for each level, and then came across this quote by Einstein: “If you are taught something wrong it takes eleven right teachings to correct it.” Let these eleven cards in each level represent your “right teachings.” Each Satori card has an “I am” mantra associated with it. “I am” mantras are powerful statements and create harmony on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Each time you practice a specific exercise you will be reinforcing a belief about yourself that will create change naturally. Repetition is a major part of change. The more we repeat things the stronger a belief it becomes. Anchoring is a way to reinforce each “I am” mantra. Touch the first (pointer) finger and thumb of your left hand for physical mantras; second (index) finger and thumb for mental mantras; third (ring) finger and thumb for emo-tional mantras and fourth (pinky) finger and thumb for spiritual mantras. This is a way to anchor the feeling with the


statement so that you can trigger the feeling of the statement more readily. The powerful yet simple exercises and mantras in Satori cards are designed to be used in a variety of ways, from drawing one card a day, to utilizing specific formulas and series for a deeper commitment. By randomly drawing Satori cards you are giving your intuition and higher power an opportunity to guide you and help you tap into the very moment you are in and empower you as you go through your day. When the cards are combined, they work synergistically to create greater peace and harmony in your life. A great way to intuitively enhance your awareness on every level and create balance every day is to randomly pick a card from each of the four categories (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). Satori formulas listed below are suggested card series that are designed to help you go deeply and achieve maximum results with a specific issue or desire in your life. Each series can become a daily practice. They are useful when a specific and challenging situation arises, or when life feels generally unmanageable and painful. Have fun creating your own series and combinations too; your intuition is your greatest guide. It is very important to be kind and patient with yourself as you embark on this journey of growth and self-discovery. Challenging old, negative beliefs and replacing them withnew, positive ones can sometimes be a process. Rather than feeling discouraged, get excited when you realize that your


soul is communicating with you. If you feel emotional pain know that it is coming from your soul to let you know that negative thoughts and beliefs are creating your experience. This is the perfect opportunity to give your ego a new belief that is more uplifting. Staying aware and awake during this process is the key to success. Observe your ego with compassion and enjoy the challenge of changing limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs that support who you really are. You may have to repeat your reprogramming of the ego consistently to change deeply entrenched beliefs. With patience, you will notice the shift towards living your life directed by your soul rather than your ego. It is my vision that you will develop a friendship and relationship with your cards and that they become a part of your daily ritual. I hope you share them with others too. With this card deck, you are ready to begin the adventure leading to Satori!

- Carol Gutzeit


Satori Four-Part Series

These combinations are recommended for those who want a daily practice to go deeper into Satori. Energetics, Masterminding, Emotionalizing and Innercises are the four series that are practiced in sequence. Your time commitment to these series will grow from fifteen minutes to one hour daily. Begin with Energetics and practice daily (or regularly) for four consecutive weeks followed by Masterminding, Emotionalizing and Innercises. Each series is added to the previous one and practiced for four weeks before adding on the next sequence. At the end of sixteen weeks you will have learned an effective way to experience Satori on a daily basis.

Energetics Series (1 - 11) for Physical Balance

Masterminding Series (12,13,14,15,16,17,21 & 22) for Mental Wholeness

Emotionalizing Series (24 - 31) for Emotional Harmony

Innercise Series (34, 35,36, & 43) for Spiritual Freedom


Satori Mini Series

These card combinations provide solutions and relief for specific issues:

Feeling fatigued and needing to reduce stress: (1 – 5 & 10) Feeling separate and wanting to feel more connected: (2,8,11,18,23, & 31)Experiencing anxiety and needing to let go: (3, 6, 10, 17, 29 & 30)Feeling overwhelmed and needing balance: (4, 7, 12, 14, 15 & 41)Experiencing unhealthy symptoms and wanting to maximize health: (5, 9, 11, 15, 16 & 17)Not happy with current situation (health, job, relationship, etc.) and ready to manifest a different reality: (12 – 17)Feeling apathetic and wanting to inspire creativity: (12, 14, 15, 16, 25 & 33)Experiencing sadness and wanting healthier and happier relationships: (20, 26, 31, 38, 39 & 42)Feeling emotional (angry, frustrated, sad, depressed) and ready to release negative beliefs: (30, 31, 32, 33 & 44)Feeling lost and needing a higher source of wisdom through meditation: (34, 35, 36 & 43)


About Each CardPhysical Cards

1. I Am Deeply Alive - The deeper you breathe the deeper you live. When you are stressed you will barely be breathing due to the tension in your body. This tension is blocking the flow of oxygen and actually causing more stress. Simply by taking some deep breaths you remind your body that you are in charge of how you respond to life. By responding deeply you can look at every challenge as an opportunity to grow rather than a reason to resist what is happening. The Standing Breath will make a big difference in how you feel by deepening your breath and elevating your energy.

2. I Am Open - Being open is being receptive. When your energy is blocked so is your receptivity. You may be good at giving and that’s great. It’s also good to be able to receive. Your lungs have an ability to expand far beyond how they are routinely used and to receive much more oxygen than they are allowed. Why not open yourself up to receive an abundance of energy? The Opening Breath will open up your lungs thus allowing you to take in more oxygen and be more receptive. What do you want to receive more of in your life?

3. I Am Letting Go - Letting go of what you don’t need allows space for what you do need. You could be carrying around stuck emotions, toxins, tension and limiting beliefs.


When you let that all go, you feel lighter, healthier and more at ease. This can take you from a bad mood to a good mood. Just knowing that you have the right to let go of anything that is not contributing to your health and well-being is empowering. The Bowing Breath will release toxins and emotional tension from your body. What do you need to let go of?

4. I Am Balanced - Using both sides of the brain creates mental wholeness. The left-brain is the logical, analytical, action-oriented side and the right brain is the creative, intuitive, receptive side. It’s best to have both sides working together to enjoy a balanced life. In fact, when you use both sides of your body at the same time you are activating both sides of your brain and that makes you smarter and stronger.The Balancing Breath will help you return to your natural state of balance.

5. I Am Cleansed - Oxygen purifies your blood and organs. The liver is the largest gland in your body and is essential for life. Why not give it all the support that it needs to carry out all of its important functions? At the same time you can cleanse any feelings of anger that may be stored in your liver. The Stretching Breath will help your liver work more efficiently.

6. I Am Flexible - You are as young as your spine is flexible. Since the spine protects the central nervous system, which governs all the organs of the body and the skeletal structure, keeping it flexible for maximum circulation is extremely


important for good posture, excellent health and a youthful appearance. A flexible spine creates a flexible mind and that allows greater ease in your life. The Reed is a yoga pose that increases flexibility by bending in four directions.

7. I Am Strong - Your body is your foundation in the physical world. Keeping it strong is essential to facing challenges and building a strong character. There are a number of ways to strengthen your body and holding a pose in yoga is one of them. The Triangle pose engages and strengthens all the major muscles as you use your breath to hold the position.

8. I Am Powerful - Authentic power comes from within. Your solar plexus is your power center and your connection to the energy of the sun. Just imagining this area of your body filled with light will increase your personal power. The Lunge is a powerful yoga position to take while energizing your solar plexus chakra.

9. I Am Energized - All of your nerve endings end in your hands and feet. If the flow of energy is blocked in a particular reflex area or is out of balance, the body suffers. You can alleviate physical symptoms by applying pressure to specific energy points. Reflexology is a type of massage that promotes energy flow throughout the body. 10. I Am Relaxed - Fifteen minutes of deep relaxation is the equivalent of a three-hour nap. Progressive Relaxation is a useful technique for letting go of tension and rejuvenating


your body. It intensifies the tension in your body so you can let it go completely, resulting in a calm state of relaxed energy. It will also take you into the alpha state, a creative and intuitive level of consciousness where problems are more easily solved.

11. I Am Grounded - Electro-magnetic frequencies from all of our technology can cause confusion and an inability to focus. Simply standing on the earth barefoot can help to restore inner peace and harmony. If you are indoors for any length of time working at a computer, on the phone or under artificial lighting, it is essential to your well-being to take breaks throughout the day to get grounded. It will actually help you to be more productive when you return. Earth Grounding is a simple exercise to calm your brain and nervous system.

Mental Cards

12. I Am Calm - Cool, calm and collected. That is the state of mind and body that produces the clearest choices and best course of action, especially when confronted with challenging situations or people. Alternate Nostril Breathing produces a calming effect on the brain and nervous system that dispels anxiety, confusion, doubt, worry and frustration.

13. I Am Clear - Mental clarity is the first step towards creating what you want with the power of your thoughts. Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It


depends on how well you master the power of your thoughts. Neurovascular Holding Points are primarily found on the forehead and when lightly touched or massaged will dissolve mental and emotional tension, clearing away limiting thoughts and beliefs. This technique comes from Touch for Health, a form of applied kinesiology based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

14. I Am Creative - Your right brain is the creative and intuitive side that comes up with great ideas. When you give yourself permission to tap into your imagination you will gain access to a wealth of creativity. It helps to be in a calm state of mind. Brainstorming is a useful mental exercise to help you create what you imagine. It starts with an idea of what you intend to create and allows your right brain to come up with the raw material for your left brain to organize into a plan of action.

15. I Am Visioning - Do you have a vision for your life? You can think of your life as a movie where you are the writer, director, producer and star. Without a great screenplay there isn’t much for a director, producer and actor to work with to create a great movie. Script It is an exercise in writing a screenplay for how you would like to see your life unfold. It will help you organize your thoughts into a vision for your day, week, month, year and life.

16. I Am Choosing - Where your attention goes, energy flows. If you misuse your imagination with thoughts of


worry, that is where your creative energy is going. You have about 60,000 thoughts per day that you can think of as currency. Suppose you were given $60,000 to spend every day, how would you spend it—foolishly or wisely? When you use the energy of your thoughts wisely you will receive more of what you desire in your life. What you visualize tends to materialize. It’s simply having a mental picture of what you choose to manifest in your life. The Visualization Breath helps to create an alpha state for powerful visualization.

17. I Am Willing - When you are not producing the desired results you want in your life, then you need to ask: “what have I not been willing to do?” Your first thought may be, “I am willing to do whatever it takes, it’s just not happening.” In that case you need to make sure that fear isn’t blocking your next course of action. Are you willing to feel the fear and do it anyway? Doubt is a major block that can keep you immobilized. When doubt threatens your progress it’s time to tap into the wisdom of uncertainty. The unknown future is full of unlimited possibilities. It’s the known past that we fear will become our future. What you can imagine, you can create, if you’re willing to do whatever it takes. If you’re not willing to do whatever it takes you may choose to let go of your desire to make room for a new one. Clearing the Blocks is a revealing exercise to discover what is blocking your dreams and desires.

18. I Am Present - The mind has been likened to a drunken monkey, leaping from one thing to the next without any


rhyme or reason. Life is happening in the present moment and that is where your power is. The mind has the ability to jump around into the past and the future but your body always stays in the present. You can focus your attention on the present by engaging all of your senses at the same time. Come to Your Senses is a multi-sensory experience for present moment awareness. Being aware of your breathing is another way to come back into your body and into the present moment.

19. I Am Confident - We all have moments when we feel insecure and we all have moments we can recall when we felt confident. Your mind has the power to bring a memory of feeling confident into your consciousness to relive the experience in the present. Writing a Note of Confidence will help you remember to believe in yourself and know that you always do your best. Confidence is just a memory away. If you felt it once, you can feel it again. True confidence comes from your spiritual connection. When you remember that you are an expression of divine love and light in physical form then your actions will come from that belief. Everyone on the planet is looking for love and you are it!

20. I Am Content - The difference between either feeling content or discontent has to do with your thoughts because what you focus on expands. If you focus on what you don’t like about yourself, other people or your life, you will see more of that. By using The Four Questions you can change the focus of your thinking from what’s not working to what


is working in your life. The answers to these questions will reverse a spiral into negativity and bring you to a state of contentment.

21. I Am Feeling - Everything you desire has a feeling associated with it. If you can create the feeling within yourself you become a vibrational match for what it is you want to attract into your life. For example, if you want to have a healthy, fit body, you can create one by feeling and imagining that you already have what it is that you desire. Rub your hands together for several seconds until you feel the warmth. Place your hands over your heart center as you imagine already having what you desire and feel the feeling that comes with having this in your life. Say your new feeling out loud, such as: “I am feeling confident.” You now have the same energy vibration of what you intend to manifest. You can Raise your Vibration whenever you want to enact the “be, do, have” principle of manifesting.

22. I Am Manifesting - The advertising world depends on visual images to trigger your subconscious mind to go out and buy what they are selling. You can trigger your own subconscious mind with images that you cut out of magazines that represent what you intend to manifest. You can create a file of pictures until you have enough to create a collage. This is a collection of images and words that can be glued on a poster board, pinned to a bulletin boardor kept in a scrapbook. Once you Create a Vision Collage you’ll be amazed at the power it has to help you manifest your dreams


and desires.

Emotional Cards

23. I Am Aware - Emotions are the language of your soul. This may seem like a foreign language if you’re not in the habit of paying attention to your feelings. Basically emotions are letting you know if you’re operating from love or fear. Your positive, pleasant emotions come from love and negative, unpleasant emotions come from fear. Feelings that are suppressed get stored in your body and manifest as physical sensations and symptoms. When you pay attention to what you’re feeling in your body and ask if there is an emotion that needs to be expressed, then you are listening to the voice of your soul. Use the Body Scan to become aware of feelings and emotions that need your attention.

24. I Am Safe And Secure - The first chakra (root) is located at the base of your spine. Its color is red and it holds the life lessons of survival, family of origin and connection to the earth. When we are young and healthy the chakras spin at a rapid rate. This spinning allows vital life force energy to move upward through the endocrine system. If these energy vortexes slow down or get blocked, illness and aging occur. The Five Tibetan Rites keep the chakras spinning at the rate of a twenty-five-year-old for optimal health. The First Tibetan Rite will stimulate the flow of life force energy in your body and open the 1st chakra located at the base of your spine.


25. I Am Passionate - The second chakra (sacral) is located two inches below your navel. Its color is orange and the life lessons have to do with creativity, sexuality, money, work and relationships. This chakra corresponds to the lower abdomen and low back region where discomfort can be felt when this energy center is blocked. Practice the Second Tibetan Rite to create more passion in your personal and professional life. Pay attention to what you’re feeling afterwards, especially in your belly and low back. Imagine how you can generate more passion in your life by expressing your creativity and sexuality more fully.

26. I Am Expressive - The fifth chakra (throat) is located in your throat. Its color is blue and the life lessons associated with this chakra are communication and emotional expression. A sore throat, a stiff neck, thyroid issues are related to this chakra. It’s important to express how you feel in a healthy way and ask for what you need. Good communication is based on speaking up as well as listening. As you practice the Third Tibetan Rite pay attention to what it brings up for you to express.

27. I Am Optimistic - The third chakra (solar plexus) is located in your solar plexus. Its color is yellow and the life lessons have to do with personal power, ego and self-esteem. The fourth chakra (heart) is located in the center of your chest. Its color is green and the life lessons are love, compassion and forgiveness. Sometimes you just need to look at things from a different perspective to change the way you feel.


To be optimistic when things are not going your way is an opportunity to develop trust in yourself and the universe. As you face challenges with optimism your self-esteem will grow as well as your capacity for love. The Fourth Tibetan Rite will invigorate your energy centers, raise your level of optimism and balance your 3rd and 4th chakras.

28. I Am Happy - The sixth chakra (brow) is located slightly above and between your eyebrows. The life lessons are intuition, insight and vision and the color is indigo. The seventh chakra (crown) is located at the top of your head. The life lessons are spirituality, wisdom and guidance and the color is violet. Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy because you’re alive with the opportunity to learn and grow through all of your life experiences. As you practice the Fifth Tibetan Rite you will energize all of your energy centers for greater happiness and balance.

29. I Am Free - Emotional baggage is carrying the weight of built-up tension in the body from suppressed feelings. What doesn’t get expressed becomes suppressed in the body. Emotional tension blocks the flow of loving energy and can eventually close your heart. To keep your heart open to giving and receiving love you can release negative energy from your body. Emotion is Energy + Motion. It’s energy that needs to move. Emotional release is letting go of the negative energy from your body and paying attention to your needs. The Spinal Rock will facilitate letting go of emotional tension as it massages the spine and creates a release through


deep exhalations.

30. I Am Relieved - Deep cleansing breaths that bring energy up from the earth, into the base of the spine, up to the crown of the head and back down the spine into the earth, intensify emotional energy and bring it up to the surface to be released. Negative emotions create a low energy vibration and attract experiences of a similar vibration. You can literally change the way you feel with this Enhancing Exercise for immediate relief from negative emotions.

31. I Am Loving - Imagine what the world would be like if everyone had an open heart and directed loving energy towards their family, friends, co-workers, world leaders and strangers on a daily basis. When you send love to another person, they will receive it and it will have a positive affect on both of you. As you focus more on the love that you have to give rather than the love your are trying to get, you will discover that you have more love circulating in your life. Practice the Chest Expansion, a yoga pose that will open your heart so that you can give and receive love more fully.

32. I Am Worthy - Guilt and shame over things you did or didn’t do in the past can cause feelings of unworthiness. The belief “I’m unworthy” can sabotage all of your dreams and desires until you make a conscious choice to change your belief. Your ego will resist the idea of changing a belief because it has made it part of your identity. To work with your ego and get it to cooperate it needs to have a new belief.


Since most beliefs are formed at an early age it stands to reason that at some point in your life you may want to examine your beliefs to determine their usefulness in your life. You may be thinking, “of course I believe I’m worthy.” However, it’s your feelings that reveal your unconscious beliefs. Negative feelings alert you to negative thoughts that are coming from negative beliefs. If you choose to change your belief to “I am worthy” then use the technique of Burn or Bury to release feelings and beliefs of unworthiness. The next step is to act on your new belief.

33. I Am Good Enough - Whenever you feel “less than” or “better than” you are operating from the belief of “I’m not good enough.” This is a common belief that limits personal growth and human potential. If you fall short of achieving a goal and have the belief that you’re not good enough then you will experience a negative emotion such as frustration, anger or sadness. On the other hand, if you choose to believe you are good enough you will learn something fromthe experience to help you achieve your next goal. You are defined more by the character you develop on your way to achieving your goals than the actual achievements. The truth is, you are good enough, regardless of what others may have told you. You are an expression of Divine Love and Universal Intelligence—no more, no less. When you have a negative feeling, ask yourself if it comes from the belief that you’re not good enough. Make a conscious choice to change that belief and then act on the new belief. Set a Goal to remind yourself that you can do anything you set your mind


to and that you are good enough.

Spiritual Cards

34. I Am Inspired - You are like a radio that is always plugged in to its Source. It’s up to you to turn the radio on, tune it in to the right frequency and listen. Inner silence allows you to hear the messages being transmitted whenever you ask for guidance. The Crown Chakra Meditation will help you tap into your spiritual energy resources as you breathe in the light and consciously connect. Inspire literally means to breathe in. This is a great way to start the day because it sets your intention to act from inspiration.

35. I Am Intuitive - You are more intuitive than you may realize. Intuition is that inner knowing that isn’t necessarily based on logic. If you want to have greater self-esteem, trust your intuition enough to follow through with your actions. Your third eye, the sixth chakra located between your eyebrows, is the energy center for intuition, insight and vision. By activating your third eye you will gain access to your intuition. The Breath of Fire can be used to activate your inner wisdom, oxygenate your blood, regenerate your cells and open your energy pathways to stimulate the flow of energy up your spine. Drinking plenty of water will enhance your intuitive abilities.

36. I Am Grateful - When life doesn’t appear to be going the way it could be, you may be focused on what you don’t


have rather than what you do have. One way to shift your focus is to be grateful for what is going right in your life. When you feel grateful you have a desire to give back and pay it forward. For example, if you’ve been blessed with good health you may choose to help someone who is dealing with an illness. Gratitude is a wonderful spiritual practice. It is the opposite of complaining and we all know what a waste of energy that can be. As you practice the Blue Sky Meditation imagine your throat chakra opening up and expanding for greater expression of gratitude. When you feel grateful your energy is at a high level of vibration.

37. I Am Centered - When you become too focused on the outer world and neglect your inner world, you start to feel off balance. You live life based on who you think you are using the evidence from the outside world. When you remember who you really are then you feel centered and aligned with your spirit and purpose in life. Use the Self-Realization Meditation to connect with your spirit.

38. I Am Forgiving - It’s been said that holding on to resentment and anger towards someone is like drinking rat poison and expecting the rat to die. In other words, forgiveness is for your own peace of mind. It means giving up the need to have things be different than the way they were. The past cannot be changed but it can be an opportunity to grow. If you choose to believe that everyone in your life has something to teach you then you can accept the lesson and strengthen your character. Writing a Letter of Forgiveness


will help you let go of emotional baggage.

39. I Am Compassionate - Compassion moves you from your head to your heart. When you care about another person and want to be of service, you are connecting soul-to-soul. What you give to others, you ultimately give to yourself. When you learn to accept others without judging them you also learn to accept yourself without judgment. Practice Releasing Judgment to open your heart.

40. I Am Aligned - Your spinal column acts like an antenna that connects your body to higher states of consciousness. When your neck is out of alignment there is a block to the flow of energy up the spine. There are a variety of ways to keep this channel open from various forms of bodywork to the Five Tibetan Rites. Another way is to practice the Alignment Breathing Exercise.

41. I Am Connected - Everything you see in nature is energy in form, just like your body. Everything in nature that you don’t see, like the wind, is energy without form, just like your spirit. One of the best ways to calm your nervoussystem and feel connected to your spirit is to Nurture your Nature.

42. I Am Kind - You will know that your soul is guiding you when you are more interested in being kind than being right. Practice the Gift of Kindness to fill your heart and soul with love.


43. I Am Love And Light - Love is your highest vibration. Light is your knowledge and wisdom. You are an expression of love and light in physical form. Using this mantra will remind you of your highest potential as a spiritual being having a human experience. Use the Love and Light Mantra to remember that love and light is who you really are.

44. I Am Enlightened - Your negative feelings will let you know when a limiting belief is operating. Challenge Your Beliefs to become aware of limiting (and often hidden, subconscious) beliefs that keep you in the dark and have an impact on your health and your life. The path to enlightenment requires letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve you to make room for new empowering beliefs that support a more enlightened way of living.

About the Author


Carol Gutzeit is the founder of Destination Satori, and the originator of Satori Lifestyle Coaching and Satori Fitness™. Carol’s unique program has been transforming people’s lives since 1989 when she started Satori Hawaii, Inc., a corporate fitness company that specialized in stress reduction and team-building programs. As a personal trainer and lifestyle coach, she has worked with a wide range of individuals, from the physically challenged to dedicated athletes who have experienced life-changing results. Carol started out on a personal quest for physical fitness that evolved into a passion for lifestyle fitness. She teaches individuals and groups how to balance their personal power and inner wisdom so they can enjoy an optimal quality of life. Carol created the Satori Cards with Sara Jaqua as a way to support people in healing with Satori. For more information on her retreats, workshops, classes and coaching, please visit her website at

About the AuthorWe’d like to invite you to share your experiences with Satori to include in a book we are writing entitled “Satori Stories.” If you are practicing Satori with the cards, coaching, retreats or classes, we’d like to hear from you! Please send your comments about your experiences to Carol Gutzeit at:

Thank you! Carol Gutzeit Founder, Destination Satori, LLC Program Director, Satori Lifestyle Fitness


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