SAP Интеграциябизнеспроцессов · invoice document is created in SD and a printed invoice

Post on 20-Jul-2018






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SAP Интеграция бизнес процессов

ОсновныеОсновные бизнесбизнес‐‐процессыпроцессы









Управлениеучетнымизаписямиклиентов ипродуктов

Брэнд имаркетинг-стратегия



ПроизводствоОбработка заказов





Планирование цепочки поставок

ОтчетностьФинансовые отчеты

Управление отчетами

Карта решений SAP для розничной торговли

Поставщики КлиентПланирование Мерчандайзинг Закупки Распределение Продажи

Category ManagementУправление категориями

Управление ассортиментомУправление ценами

Управление и планирование промо -акциями

Supply Chain PlanningПланирование поставок

Пополнение и распределение запасов

PurchasingУправление взаимоотношений с поставщиками

Управление закупками

Supply Chain ExecutionУправление запасамиУправление складамиТранспортировки

Multi Channel RetailingОперации в магазине

Работа с каталогами, e-Commerce Call Center

Управление лояльностью покупателей

Поддержка работы предприятияУправление мастер - данными


Поддержка вспомогательных операций

Примеры интеграции процессов в SAP. Закупки

Financial Management Controlling

Material Management

Financial Accounting

Management Accounting


Прогноз затрат



ПлатежГлавная книга


Прогноз движенияналичности

Заказ на закупку

Учет затрат

Прогноз движенияналичности




• Пример процесса закупки• From a logistical point of view, requirements

planning is carried out first of all

• From a logistical point of view, requirements planning is carried out first of all. To do this, the responsible department can register a materials requirement manually to Purchasing using an orderrequirement. It is possible to have the order requirement automatically created by the system.

• Purchase order handling: The system provides you with entry tools when creating orders. The required entry data such as supplier, material, plant and other data relevant to the organization ofpurchasing must be provided.

• When goods are received, the system checks, among other things, the quantity of goods received against the order quantity. A material document is created in MM to update the inventory. At the sametime, a document is created in FI with which the evaluated goods are posted to the material stock account or the consumption account (debit) and to a goods receipt / invoice receipt account (credit).

• After the invoice has been received in the Invoice Verification, the Vendor Invoice is checked as to the correctness of computation and content. All of thesepurchasing processes are settled in Logistics. The vendor invoice is posted in MM and, at the same time, a document is created in FI with which the invoice amount is posted to the goods receipt /invoice receipt account (debit) and the vendoraccount (credit). The goods receipt / invoice receipt account is used to make sure that a goods receipt is executed for every invoice and vice versa.

• The Payment Processing usually takes place in Financial Accounting. It is here that decisions are made about the payment process, such as, for example, the payment methods and the bank settlement.

Push и Pull процессы

• Для пополнения запасов используются дватипа процессов: «Push» и «Pull» кроме этогонеобходимо принимать во вниманиехарактеристику товаров, – пополняемыетовары и не пополняемые.

• Последовательностьдействий для Push иPull процесса.

• The sales order is the basis of the sales process. Two scenarios which are typical for Accounting are introduced here as an example: The anonymous sale of products ex stock and the made to order production using the generation of a service as an example.

• Product sale ex stock: In this process, a sales order is created for material which is kept in inventory. Costs and revenues are derived automatically from the materialproduction costs or from the SD sales prices. An outbound deliverу document is created. The delivery cannot be billed until the goods have been removed from the stock and posted as goods issue. You can create a Transport Order that generates a transfer order. The required goods arc removed from the stock and prepared for delivery. The goods to be delivered are posted as Goods Issue. In MM. a goods issue document and an accounting document in FI arc created. The last step in the sales and distribution process is Billing. An invoice document is created in SD and a printed invoice is sent to the customer. Billing is also the point whenrevenues are transferred to Controlling. When Payment has been made by the customer, you receive your money and post the receipt of payment in FI.

• Producing a service represents, in contrast to ex stock sales, a direct services generation process that can also be displayed via a sales order item. The sales order item is a cost bearer. This means that the costs, and also the revenues, can be posted individually and directly on the SD item. The steps incoming orders, billing, payment are nearly all identical to the steps in sales ex stock. However, in this services example, transport and delivery do not apply. The cost bearer sales order item can be posted for all transactions of the service generation directly. When the service is completed, you can pass on the costs and revenues to the profitability analysis (CO-PA) via the Order Settlement.


Организационные уровни взакупках

Основные данные взакупках

ЧтоЧто такоетакое данныеданные материаламатериала??

Данные материала

Основные данные 1Основные данные 2Классификация

Basic data

Управление запасамии инвентаризация


Калькуляция затратна изделиеSAP SAP SAP

MM01 MM02 MM03

MRPСбыт: СбытОрганиз 1,2Сбыт: ОбщДанн/заводВнешТорговля: экспортТекст Документа сбыта


ЗакупкиВнешТорговля: ИмпортТекст заказа на поставку



производства материала

СозданиеСоздание карточкикарточки материаламатериала

• Выбор промышленнойотрасли

• Тип материалапредопределяетсовокупность полей(ракурсов);

• Устанавливает порядокполей (ракурсов);

• Устанавливает тип иномерной интервал дляновых материалов.

Заявки на поставку и заказына поставку

Создание заказа на поставку

Типы материалов, объектыконтировки и виды хранения

Обработка поступленияматериала

Виды движения

Виды движения(перемещения)

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