SAP: Ecuador Trip Proposal. Outline Geology of Ecuador Other interesting features Cost and logistics.

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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SAP: Ecuador Trip Proposal


• Geology of Ecuador

• Other interesting features

• Cost and logistics

Ecuador: A classic example of subduction

• Subduction of Nazca plate under South American plate

• Accretion of terranes• Volcanism• Metamorphism• Pre-cambrian

orogens• Mineral deposits

Geology: Metamorphism

Guamote formation: folded, banded black slates and


Progressive metamorphism in El Oro

Slump folds in turbidites

Schists with incipient migmatic veins

High-grade schists

More metamorphism

Condue granite cut by felsite sheets with chilled margins

Cerro Hermoso: folded carbonate series

Rift Valleys




• 12 volcanic peaks >5000 m

• Stratovolcanoes• Compound volcanoes• Calderas• “Inverted soup bowl”

and shield• Some still active• Some accessible w/o

extensive climbing experience

Chimborazo: furthest point from the earth’s center

Cotopaxi: one of the highest active volcanoes in the world

Volcán Fernandina: “Inverted Soup Bowl”

Unusual shield volcano morphology

May result from distribution of vents or pattern of magma intrusion

Hot springs and páramos

Glacier-formed valleys and plains

unique neotropical ecosystem

Diverse Ecosystems. . .

. . .and their inhabitants


• Round trip airfare = $600-$800/person

• Car rental: $50-$100 per day, depending on size

• Public bus = cheap• Hire bus or van with

driver -- find out• Small country -- less

time spent on the road

Food and lodging

• Accommodations cheap ($5-$15 per person per night)

• Food cheap ($1.50 - $5.00 per meal to eat out)

• Lots of great tropical fruits

• Some interesting local specialties

Health and Safety• Politically stable and

tranquil (for Latin America)

• No travel warnings or advisories

• Tourism infrastructure• Some vaccinations

recommended (yellow fever, Hep A, Hep B, typhoid)

• Medical care “adequate in larger cities” (US Dept. of State)

Local contacts

• Presence of mining = lots of geologists

• School for International Training

• INTAG newspaper• Local and national

environmental organizations

• Fluent in Spanish and familiar with the country

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