SAP Business One Retail Management

Post on 10-Feb-2016






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SAP Business One Retail Management


Planning &Merchandising

integrated retail solutioncontents

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

crmGet the tools to turn prospects into customers, grow customer profitability and sales, and increase customer satisfaction

after sales serviceServices, repairs and alterations seamlessly embedded in the POS to simplify the process of providing optimal after sales service

planning & merchandisingAn essential component of any retail operation is the planning function. Use the right toolset to eliminate the use of spreadsheets and gut-feel, to accurately forecast requirements, and then automatically convert the requirements into purchase orders

analyticsReports provide detailed information on all transactions, with a focus on finance, sales, stock and profitability

store managementHead office / In-Store management from SAP Business One Retail offers complete back office functionality to both Head Office and stores

loyalty gift cardsSAP Business One Retail offers retailers a points & rewards application designed to significantly improve customer retention by continuously bringing them back and improving customer satisfaction levels

point of saleSales, payments, returns, cash management, reporting, and more

online shoppingThe Webstore is the next logical step for any retailer wanting to remain competitive. It provides retailers with the ability to have a 24/7 sales operation without incurring the overheads of having staff available in a brick and mortar location

erp solutionPoint of Sale seamlessly integrates with SAP Business One ERP to provide all the functionality a progressive retailer needs to optimize their operation

multi-store & franchisesBecause all store data is in one central database you can access reports and manage store inventory across your multiple locations, to give greater centralised control of your stores and allow you to make better strategic decisions

and retail ManageMent solution

In the dynamic and very competitive world of retail and wholesale, small to mid-sized companies (SMEs) face unique challenges. No matter the size of your business, a successful company requires vision, execution, and a powerful scalable business platform.

To succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace, retailers must find innovative ways to compete, ways that are not solely based on price. To effectively stay in business and maximise profitability, retailers must accurately manage variables, reduce operational costs, maximise efficiency, ensure top class customer service, and collaborate with suppliers.

Many retailers face a daily struggle to be competitive due to operational inefficiencies, which, for a large part, can be easily rectified. They lack proper technological solutions and find themselves struggling with legacy systems that are incompatible, non-integrated, or in extreme cases, depending on spread sheets to analyse critical operational data. All of these are extremely inefficient and time consuming. Most retailers need an end-to-end integrated business management solution that can provide them with the real-time insight they need to make accurate and informed business decisions. SAP Business One Retail is an end-to-end retail solution that covers everything from point-of-sale (POS), store management and planning to customer relationship management, online shopping, and completely integrated ERP.

The SAP Business One Retail solution is designed to meet the specific needs of small and mid-size retailers and the set-up can range from a single store to a multi-branch or franchised environment. SAP Business One Retail gives management the power at head office to have complete control over data, access and operations at stores. It extends flexibility at the head office to set up and configure the system from a single location to simplify management. SAP Business One Retail provides retailers with a customisable, flexible, scalable and integrated solution that helps overcome inefficiencies, assists in business process optimisation and provides enhanced, timely management information.

Point of sale (Pos)

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

WhY choose the saP Business one retail ManageMent solution?

An end to end business intergration tool that provides you with real time insight into the entire business to allow for better, more informed decision-making. Complete on-line and off-line trading functionality, which means that your system keeps on working without interruption. Stay connected with a comprehensive retail solution that uses SAP for head office operations and Serious About Retail to manage stores and POS operations.

Inventory control and replenishment with stock visibility across the retails chain. Retain customers and manage customer communication with comprehensive CRM and loyalty programmes to keep customers coming back to your stores. A touch screen interface gives you a customizable and professional look. Fast, easy and accurate transaction processing enhancing the customer’s shopping experience while requiring minimum staff training.

WhY choose saP

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

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20% Bills

20% Technology

15% Groceries


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Operating in the fast paced retail environment, your retail business demands a software solution to process your sales efficiently. The SAP Business One Retail Management solution offers retailers in any environment the opportunity to maximise efficiency and speed at checkout.

The comprehensive, fully integrated solution has built in flexibility to offer single- or multi-site and single- or multi-terminal capability. The power of rapid processing and ease-of-use, allows your business to focus on customer needs. Peace-of-mind benefits are the outcome of a functional system that does not place extra overhead or burden on your business, but rather gives you the opportunity to focus on profitability.

The SAP Business One Retail Management solution brings the retail aspects of your operation together and provides you with a 360 degree view of your business. Real-time integration and reporting allows business managers to make quick and informed decisions, as all critical business information is instantly accessible. Standard reports are available and accessible and can be previewed on screen, printed or exported to Excel, Word and other applications. Whether your business operates cash, credit or a combination of systems, the availability of information will reveal trends and give you the competive advantage.

Point of sale (Pos)

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

sales, PaYMents, returns, cash ManageMent and rePorting

The touch screen capability, as well as more traditional keyboard and mouse, together with bar-code scanning functionality provide for an efficient, streamlined customer experience.Tellers are not restricted to a specific till point as the system recognises them wherever they connect.

Account or cash sales are accepted. Extensive transaction types are catered for Stock/non-stocked inventory, miscellaneous/service charges, freight/labour charges. Various payment options and payment integration into SAP Business One financials such as cash, credit/debit card, EFT, vouchers and gift cards, cheques, foreign currency and custom tenders.

Controlled credit notes against existing invoices or till slips are allowed.

The cash management function is tightly controlled with pre-defined daily cash-up routines that increase petty cash management, control and visibility, with operator cash-up and float balancing. SAP Business One Retail allows you to generate reports to show sales breakdowns, identify slow-moving items, and check sales for any day – by store, item, item group, customer, customer group or sales person.

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

In-Store transactions are replicated to the Head Office, allowing employees to have a 360 degree view of the business and to provide managers with the information they need to decrease decision making times.

A single management application is used for Head Office as well as stores. Additional retail specific master data can be managed from any terminal by an appropriately authorised user.

Day to day store operation tasks, such as POS and cash management, stock replenishment and counts, label printing and customer management are all performed from this application.

store ManageMent

Head office / In-Store management from SAP Business One Retail offers complete back office functionality to both Head Office and stores. It provides the respective managers with complete control over activities within each of the stores.

after sales serVice

Additionally, appointments can be scheduled against service resources to avoid delays and manage customer expectations.

The entire process is managed on a single document, with parts as well as labour, simplifying billing and enhancing the customer’s service experience.

Services, repairs and alterations are seamlessly embedded in the POS to simplify the process of providing optimal after sales service.

Reports provide detailed information on all transactions, with a focus on finance, sales, stock and profitability. Flexible ‘Cubes’ give the ability to thoroughly interrogate and dissect data, reveal trends and generate statistics.

Dashboards provide snapshots of key performance metrics – on your computer or your mobile device.


Effective retail management is a data driven process, and up-to-the minute access to complete, and accurate data is the basis of effective decision making. SAP Business One Retail makes the relevant information available at the stores and the back-office.

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

Multi-Branch and franchise

Most retailers say that running a single store is challenging but manageable. With more experience and earnings, retailers often decide to spread their wings and open new stores. However, as they expand, they often complain that their systems are unable to cope with the increased transactions, staff, and management required.

custoMer relationshiP ManageMent (crM)

SAP Business One Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps your business optimize and streamline the entire sales process – from tracking leads to managing sales orders and customer data, to administering after-sales support.

With the sales and opportunity management tools you can create quotes, enter orders, access real-time information on all your warehouses, and process deliveries or purchases. You can record new sales opportunities with relevant information such as lead source, potential competition, deal size, and sales stage. You can synchronize your tasks, contacts, and opportunities between SAP Business One and Microsoft Outlook while gaining instant access to snapshots of customer data from your e-mail.

Acquiring new customers is important for any business, but maintaining customer relationships is just as crucial. The SAP Business One Retail solution provides retailers with the tools to turn prospects into customers, grow customer profitability and sales, and increase customer satisfaction.

Many retailers try to apply the same formula that worked in the 1 or 2 stores. Interconnecting stores via multiple systems that do not interact with each other can prove expensive, especially considering the investment required for communication and IT infrastructure, as well as license and support fees.

How can a retailer expand efficiently? By choosing a retail management system with multi-store POS capability, such as the SAP Business One Retail Management solution - a cost-effective, fully integrated POS solution.

With SAP Business One Retail, all data is centralized - for ease of access from anywhere, anytime. Because all store data is in one central database you can access reports and manage store inventory across your multiple locations, to give greater centralised control of your stores and allow you to make better strategic decisions.

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

Customers can enjoy an enhanced shopping experience with multimedia content and detailed product information from any location. Multiple shipping and payment options provide choice and flexibility.

The Webstore is fully integrated with the back-office ensuring seamless synchronisation with the physical retail operation, while simplifying web catalogue maintenance.

The Webstore can also be implemented as a stand-alone store for customers who exclusively need a web based presence, be it for the purpose of retail sales transactions or purely to provide a point of presence and product display area. The Webstore features a full blown content management system enabling customers to build their entire website around it.

online shoPPing ( e-coMMerce )

The Webstore is the next logical step for any retailer wanting to remain competitive in today’s marketplace. It provides retailers with the ability to have a 24/7 sales operation without incurring the overheads of having staff available in a brick and mortar location.

SAP Business One retail reduces risk of wrong item mix, stock-outs, over-stocks and excess or obsolete inventory.

The result: optimized stock investment, purchasingefficiencies, increased customer satisfaction and overall productivity gains.


An essential component of any retail operation is the planning function. Using the right toolset eliminates the use of spreadsheets and gut-feel, and provides the ability to quickly, easily and accurately forecast requirements, and then automatically convert the requirements into purchase orders.

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

Its the solution of choice for SAP Business One users requiring a fast, stable, easy-to-use, feature rich Point-of-Sale solution targeted at a wide range of industries. These industries range from Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) to Factory Shops and Hospitality.

integrated erP solution

Point of Sale seamlessly integrates with SAP Business One to provide all the functionality a progressive retailer needs to optimize their operation.

loYaltY reWardsPrograMMes

SAP Business One Retail offers retailers a points & rewards application designed to significantly improve customer retention by continuously bringing them back and improving customer satisfaction levels. Flexible Loyalty Plans with multiple earning and redemption features make the SAP Business One Retail loyalty rewards an important solution for retailers who want to reward returning customers.

• Setup and manage multiple loyalty schemes which assign points on customer purchases

• Redeem loyalty points against new customer purchases

• Loyalty points can be redeemed across the network of stores

integrated retail solutionsRetail Management Quick Facts

i n t e g r a t e d r e t a i l s o l u t i o n

the benefits of sap business one retail

• Complete on-line and off-line trading functionality, which means that your systems keeps on working without interruption• Stay connected with an end-to-end retail solution which uses SAP for head office operations and retail management to manage stores and POS operations• Inventory control and replenishment with stock visibility across the retail chain• Retain customers and manage customer communication with comprehensive CRM and loyalty programmes to keep customers in your stores• Touch screen interface gives you a customizable and professional interface• Easy to deploy and maintain with experienced consultants and comprehensive support

integrationMaster data integration

between Point of Sale and SAP Business One ERP

sap business oneretail features

• Comprehensive on-line/off-line capabilities• Full touch screen, barcode scanning, printing and cash drawer integration• Transaction processing with keyboard and mouse interface and the option of touch screen technology to process payments• Cash or account based sales• Split payments (cash, cheque, vouchers, accounts and bank cards)• Create, compare and confirm quotations from POS

Country Sales Person Warehouse Special PriceCustomer Group Currency Bill of Materials Discount GroupShipping Type Price Lists Price Matrix Exchange RateManufacturer Vendor

financial integration


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