
Sandy SkoglundBorn in 1946

Surreal Photographer


• Born in Quincy Massachusetts in 1946

• Went to Smith College and University of Iowa

• Has been a professor of Art since 1973

• Taught first at University of Hartford’s art school in Connecticut from 1973-1976

• Has been teaching at Rutgers University in New Jersey since 1976

Revenge of the Goldfish [1981]

• “I really like this picture because that element of sadness and annoyance makes a great sense of what the photo is really about.”

Maybe Babies [1983]

• Sandy Skogland admits to being obsessed with her art “I don’t know how I could not be, since art is you”

Raining Popcorn [2001]

• Used thousands of pieces of popcorn to make this photo

• “Sandy Skogland and her work is definitely out there and quirky, but down to art it is beautiful and mesmerizing.”

Breathing Glass [2000]

• Used thousands of pieces of broken glass to shape human-like figures

Cold War [1999]

• “She really uses her feelings and emotions to reflect into her work. I like how in each photograph she takes there is an element that is specific and appears very clear.”

The Cocktail Party [2002]

• Constantly used Plaster and chicken wire to shape animals, and also using furniture and people

• "I think I am most fond of the unseen part. I mean that the various cultural experiences that I go through, and the behavioral aspects of getting the work done, are just as important as the installation and the photograph”


• Fox Games [1989]

• I really like how this photo is different and strange and how she uses bold colors and the plaster molds to shape the picture





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