Sales Flyer - Natural Organic Foods | Recipes | Healthy Living

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Sales FlyerJANUARY 2021


Call: 971-200-8350 | Fax: 971-645-4759Available Mon-Thur, 6 am-6 pm; Fri 6 am-4:30 pm Pacific TimeEmail: info@azurestandard.comWe do not accept orders via email.

AZURE LOCATIONSHeadquarters: 79709 Dufur Valley Road, Dufur, OR 97021

Dufur Call Center: 222 Main St., Dufur, OR 97021

Moro Warehouse: 500 Azure Lane, Moro, OR 97039

Dufur Will-Call at Azure General Store: 220 Main St., Dufur, OR 97021

Moro Will-Call at Azure Warehouse: 500 Azure Ln., Moro, OR 97039



Clyde and Curtis Stelzer warm up with carob milk.

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Dear Friends and Valued Customers,As the winter months settle in here on Azure Farm we turn our attention to

more indoor projects while the fruit trees are dormant and the fields wait to bring forth their green shoots in spring. It’s been quite the year for the distribution side of Azure (maybe that’s an understatement?) and because of the high demand for flour and other dry bulk goods, our Mill and repackaging facility has been extra busy too. So busy in fact that we haven’t had the opportunity to keep some of the products like the mixes in stock.

In order to keep up our volume in milling and have the mixes in stock we needed to build a special room for our stainless steel mixer. We use that mixer for our Azure Market pancake mixes, bean mixes, sprouting seed mixes, and multi-colored quinoa blend. Because of our very strict allergen controls we couldn’t easily switch between making products with gluten or dairy without a huge investment in man-hours to clean the whole area. During the 20+ hours needed for the clean-down between allergens, other production had to stop, and the result was that we simply had to quit making our very popular mixes.

But, with a special room for the mixer where clean-down of the entire environment can be done quickly (yet very thoroughly) we’ll be able to bring the mixes back into production. As of right now, the room is still under construction but the electrical is finally done and we can move forward toward finishing the room and moving into full production. We’re particularly excited about this addition to our facility because we’ll not only have our classic and popular mixes back in stock, but we’ll be able to start making new mixes for you. Our ambitions are to make some gluten free mixes (featuring our superior Unifine rice flours), and some specialty mixes for those doing keto diets.

So, as we work on this among other projects this winter that should result in more good products for you to enjoy, may peace, joy, and purpose encompass you all.

Blessings to all,David Stelzer, Founder and CEO


I wonder if washing dishes counts as aromatherapy...

Using dish soap that’s infused with essential oil makes this

more than just cleaning.

Azure Clean products keep the earth clean from sky to soil. With 100% biodegradable ingredients, these sustainable home solutions work hard while protecting the waterways.

NO SLS or SLESNO EDTANO Laureth-7NO Phosphates

NO ChlorineNO AmmoniaNO Glycol EtherNO Brighteners

Customers are loving our all-natural scents:


Gretchen washes dishes with her cousin Ellie, using Azure Clean’s

Smiley Sudz Dish Soap, Lemon Verbena scented.


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How does he do it?” one of the newest members of our Azure Team asked. “I work an 8-hour

shift and I’m exhausted and maybe a little grumpy by the end of the day. But, he just keeps going! He works another 4 hours or more and meets me the next morning cheerful and ready to go—with no bags under his eyes. What’s his secret?”

Now, I didn’t hear this conversation myself (I heard it through the grapevine), but, it’s a question that many new workers at Azure have. Members of the Stelzer Family and other long-time Azure workers who eat mostly Azure food seem to have a healthy endurance that some of the most enthusiastic newcomers can’t

quite match. I heard it being said this spring, during our big ramp-up, “the Stelzer family members have super-powers that the rest of us just can’t keep up with.” It does beg the question…

What’s Their Secret?Indeed, this is a question that has been

asked about entire countries. Why does Japan have the most people per capita living to be over 100 years old? Why do Japan, Korea, and France have some of the lowest heart disease rates? What makes some people get more cavities than others?

These kinds of questions can’t be easily answered since there are many factors that go into whether a person is currently

healthy or not. While some folks were born to well-nourished parents and started life healthy and simply needed to maintain that head-start, others may not have gotten such a good start and/or struggled with food allergies, vaccination side-effects, or exposure to chemicals—things they couldn’t help. We all begin our health journey from a different starting point.

Having said that though, as a general rule of thumb, when we meet people who appear healthier than we are, we should ask two questions: 1) “What are they doing that I’m not?” and 2) “What am I doing that they’re not?” Regaining robust health likely involves starting to do health-promoting things and stopping


doing the detrimental things. Knowing which is which can be confusing when you’re just getting started on your health journey, especially because there is so much controversy about what is “healthy.” From government recommendations and companies just wanting to sell more of their product (regardless of its effect on your health), to well-meaning bloggers who echo the latest diet fads, it can be hard to know what is really healthy.

Here at Azure, we try to make good food available for everyone, regardless of where they are in their health journey. Some folks are just getting started while others are debating which is more healthful, sauerkraut or kimchi...

Basic Ideas for First StepsIf you’re new to the idea of eating

healthier, and want to get started, but don’t know where, here are a few First Step approaches that might work well for you. For me, the biggest motivator for

making a change is to know “The Why.” Why should I eat this instead of that? Why is this a better food preparation method than what I usually do? Why do I need to avoid certain foods?

Once you understand “The Why”, then it’s just a matter of making small decisions every day to choose the better option. Little improvements add up. It may not seem like the decision for what to have for dinner this evening is going to change much of anything, but over time, you’ll start noticing a gradual cumulative improvement in your health.

Here are some ways to transition into a more healthful diet.

Substitute Healthier VersionsJust switching your sugar from

conventional store-bought white refined sugar to an *organic* sugar (like organic coconut sugar or organic evaporated cane juice) will make a difference because you’ll be avoiding the pesticides found in sugar from sugar cane and sugar beets. You’ll also be avoiding genetically engineered (GMO) sugar beets. Yes, nearly half of all conventional sugar isn’t cane sugar—it’s GMO beet sugar! (As you can see in the movie documentary Secret Ingredients with Jeffrey Smith [BK600], avoiding GMOs and pesticides should be top priority for anyone seeking health).

Also, consider switching your conventional white pasta for Organic Azuroni Pasta, which has more nutrition than white pasta, yet it doesn’t have the heaviness of whole wheat pastas. And again, by choosing organic, you can avoid the chemicals (including glyphosate) that are often applied to grain crops.

Switching from conventional feed-lot meat to organic, grass-fed meat can be very beneficial, since you’ll not be exposed to the added hormones and antibiotics the animals are given, and you’ll get the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids found in grass-fed meat.

The easiest way to make healthy substitutions is to buy all of your groceries at Azure. Sounds like a

shameless sales plug maybe, but, it’s what I do myself, and I have good reasons for saying this. 1) Because of our Product Standards you can rest assured that what we’re offering is going to be the healthiest version of whatever it is—even candy. 2) Because you’ll be staying out of the conventional grocery stores, you won’t be tempted to sneak some of those addictive foods that line their shelves. 3) Because you’ll be spending less time wandering the grocery aisles, you’ll have more time for other healthful activities like exercise and family time.

I’ve been amazed to see some of the results people have when they come to work at Azure and take full advantage of the employee discount on Azure food and start buying all of their groceries from Azure. One new gal in our office had a small child. This child appeared to have developmental delays and was in process of being tested for various syndromes. But, during that first year of eating an all-Azure diet, I kept hearing reports of how the child was improving and showing fewer and fewer signs of developmental problems. Sure, that’s anecdotal evidence and not a scientific study, but we hear stories like this from Azure customers frequently, so it’s been fun to experience it in our own office.

Balance Your DietTake a look at what you eat in a day.

If you had cold cereal for breakfast, a pasta salad for lunch, an energy bar for a snack, and spaghetti for supper, you probably need to rethink your balance of chosen foods. (Yes, Azure has *organic* versions of all of those things, but that doesn’t make it a healthy diet!) Consuming lots of sugar and carbs all day long just to keep your blood sugar up, is not a healthy approach. Ensure that you eat adequate protein (adding salmon to the pasta salad or having homemade meatballs with that spaghetti might be a good start). And don’t be afraid to add healthy fats.

Yes, I know how controversial the issue is about which fats are healthy vs unhealthy. But, to get started, I’d suggest making sure you enjoy a variety of nuts


By Susan Booth, Executive Assistant to the CEO

The Stelzer Family enjoys a nutritious meal.

4 January 2021 Sales Flyer Call us at (971) 200-8350

and nut butters (like peanut butter) and other foods rich in good fats, like avocados. As far as fats for dressings and cooking, choose fats that come from “normal” foods that naturally contain fat. For example, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and butter come from whole foods that are naturally high in healthy fats… but squeezing fat out of corn or soy is something that can only be done industrially (and usually with a bunch of chemicals like Hexane). Best to avoid those “vegetable oils”.

Go for UnprocessedWhen in doubt, go with whole foods

that are minimally processed. You’ll avoid many hidden ingredients and foods that your body was just not designed to try to digest. My own personal guideline is, if it’s not something I could possibly make on my own homestead, I probably shouldn’t eat it. With the right equipment, you can make a lot at home—but, the goal is better health

and that typically means eating foods that nature made, not those made in a chemistry lab.

Make it Taste GoodThe commercial food industry adds all

kinds of ingredients to make their foods taste better than homemade. It’s their goal… and they don’t necessarily care whether their “food” is healthy for you. Yes, with the use of excitotoxins such as MSG to excite your taste buds and your brain, chemicals to make it have the perfect “mouth feel”, and artificial colors and flavors to make it look and taste amazing (and addictive), sometimes homemade or “natural” can seem kind of blah. But, take it as a challenge!

If basic cooked vegetables haven’t been your favorite food, spice them up, find a new way to fix them, enjoy the opportunity to enhance your health with new and creative recipes. Speaking of spicing it up, culinary spices are really the natural “flavor enhancers” that

Nature makes for us. Why not use the “real thing” (instead of MSG and other chemicals) to make your food taste better? What’s so impressive is that not only do spices make food taste better, but most of them have health benefits as well. For example, Turmeric has been used for seasoning foods and for healing in India for centuries. (If you’d like to learn more about the healthful qualities of culinary spices, you might enjoy “Spice Apothecary, Blending and Using Common Spices for Everyday Health”, by Bevin Clare [BK588].)

The First Step “A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step.” And, “To get ahead, you have to get started!” Make purposeful little decisions toward better health every day, and you, too, can be the robust and healthy, emotionally-stable person you were created to be. Here at Azure, we’re happy to help you in this journey to better health.

When you order from Azure Standard, we’ll thank you with cash back on every item. Some items offer bonus Azure Cash, so look for extra savings as you shop. Azure Cash credits are automatically stored in your account until you are ready to apply them to your purchase.

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the responsibility of negotiating terms and payment plans with our suppliers during those hard times fell on me. So, as Greg talked to each of our suppliers in the Portland area, if they had questions about our ability to pay for our next order, he would call me directly. He’d say, “Now, I know you’ll tell me the truth and I need to know, so I can tell the vendor what to expect. Do we have the money?” I always told him the truth and was ever so grateful for him communicating so well for Azure.

Greg remembers and says, “During those tough times I think the fact that I had built relationships with so many people at each company and was there consistently, they really trusted me, and therefore trusted Azure. They knew that if I stuck with Azure, they could too!”

A BLESSING IN RETURNAnd sticking it out with Azure during

the tough times really paid off for the suppliers that chose to work with us during those dark times. I specifically remember talking with the owner of Portlandia Foods and making a mental note of how kind and fair he was with us. So, when Greg mentioned him again, I was amazed…

I asked Greg how the vendors are liking to work with Azure now, after our big sales increase in Spring 2020 and our sub-sequent financial comeback. “Oh, they’re LOVING it!” he exclaimed. “Our orders are so much bigger and it’s giving them the business they need right now, too. We helped take their pain away. Like Port-landia Foods… they were really hurt by the coronavirus shut-downs because such a big part of their business is ketchup and

mustard for restaurants. So, when those sales dropped off, they were so happy to see the much larger orders come in from Azure.” That made my heart feel good. Someone who did Azure a good turn during our hard times, was blessed by Azure during their time of need as well. (Another reason why we so enjoy sup-porting independently-owned businesses!)


Since Greg delivers from Eugene, Oregon and all the areas north up to Woodland, Washington, including the city of Portland, I asked him how he was affected by the riots and violence there that rocks the news nearly every night. “It’s really sad to see all the graffiti and damage and boarded up places. But, the rioters are usually only out at night, and I do all my work during the day, so I hav-en’t been directly affected,” he explains. “I do have one pick-up right there in down-town Portland. I do a cross-dock there for Alexandre Family Farms milk. They bring the milk up from California and I pick it up in Portland. It’s a tight squeeze for my truck, but it works. I’ve had no troubles with the violence.”

A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF GREG HALEGreg averages about 30 pickups in 4

days. He starts with pickups in Eugene and McMinnville, heads to our Moro ware-house with a full load on Tuesday, picks up the Seattle route load and brings it out for Scott Jones. Then, on Wednesday, he does pickups in the Woodland area, with Albany pickups on Thursdays and aims to be back at the Azure warehouse before end-of-day

A LITTLE ABOUT GREGGreg Hale began driving for Azure Standard in 2012. He bought his first truck back in 1982 and has spent time delivering organic foods in the San Francisco Bay area, hauling apples from Washington to California, and even driving a log-truck for a while. He currently lives with his wife near Aumsville, Oregon where he runs his own farm (with hay and cows and the works!) And he’s not shy to tell you about the accomplishments of their 2 grown children.

The fact that I had built relationships with so many people at each company,

they really trusted me, and therefore trusted Azure.





By Susan Booth, Executive Assistant to the CEO

You might spot Greg Hale driving a big semi with a 48-foot semi-trailer on I-84 in the Columbia River Gorge between Portland and Biggs Junction,

Oregon. He’s a dedicated man on a mission. He takes his job very seriously because he knows that Azure customers are eagerly waiting for what’s on his trailer.

“I couldn’t do this job with a bigger 53-foot trailer,” he explained to me. “There are some pretty tight spots in downtown Portland that I just couldn’t get into if my trailer was any longer.” Greg is what we call a “back-haul driver” meaning that he picks up products and brings them back to our warehouse in Moro.

IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS“I’m picking up orders at some of the very same compa-

nies that David Stelzer picked up from 30 years ago,” Greg

says. “Back then, he was just driving his little pick-up truck, but he built a lot of solid relationships with these compa-nies, like Nancy’s, Bob’s Red Mill, and Pacific Foods and I feel like it’s my job, as the “face” of Azure, to continue to keep those relationships going. Some of these companies have Azure to thank for ordering enough volume that they were able to move production out of their garage! Sure, some of them got big and went “corporate” but, there are just so many that grew a lot, yet are still the same good people we’ve worked with for years. Dan at Red Ape Cin-namon, Ron at the vanilla place… all good people.”

It’s true Greg continues the art of building rapport that helped David start Azure in 1987. And that positive com-munication and interaction is perhaps one of the things that helped us make it through our financial difficulties between 2017 and 2019. As things turned out, some of






















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When you hear someone say, “Azure has great bulk foods!” you might first think of dry beans and grain. We have those, of course, but bulk frozen fruit?! Absolutely. Being able to deliver frozen goods is one of the beauties of our unique delivery model… and you get to benefit with these new frozen fruits in 5 lb and 30 lb sizes from our Azure Market and Azure Market Organics brands.

Whether you choose Blackberries, Raspberries (whole or pieces), Strawberries (sliced or whole), Blueberries, Cranber-ries, Mangos, or Pineapples, the next big question is: What will you make with them? Will you use them frozen or thawed? Smoothies, sherbet, sorbet, or just berries with cream or yogurt on them could be easy and delicious. But, when you think about other possibilities like fruit punch, cheese-cake toppings, cobblers, mango ice-pops, pineapple whip, or homemade syrups, your mind starts to get creative —not to mention muffins and quickbreads (Mmmm, blueberry muffins, cranberry-orange bread, raspberry scones…).

We hope you enjoy the bounty of summer all year long with these fun frozen fruits.

SCENIC FRUIT SMOOTHIE BLENDSWant smoothie-ready fruit mixtures that are all ready for

your blender without having to buy each fruit individually? Scenic Fruit has these cute 8 oz. packages that are perfect for whipping up a batch of smoothie goodness. From classic straw-berries-and-bananas to slightly more complex strawberry-blue-berry-banana, to the tropical twist of mango-strawberry-rasp-berry, there’s something fun here for everyone.

Scenic Fruit Company is nestled in the fertile foothills and valleys of Mt. Hood (on the west side, though -- Azure is on the east side) where you’ll find some of the best small fruit growing conditions in the world. But, they bring tropical fruits to us from dedicated farmers outside the Great Northwest as well. They’re family-owned and operated (we love that!) and have been doing this for over 85 years. (By the way, these 8 oz packages are just the new additions to what we already carry from Scenic Fruit Company: a bulk 5 lb size of the strawber-ry-blueberry-banana mix.)

NEW PRODUCTSBy Susan Booth, Executive Assistant to the CEO

on Thursday so all of the customers who have their orders packed on Fridays will get the freshest stuff.

“I make all my own pick-up appointments because it’s just easier to work directly with all the people I know. It’s a real balancing act especially when I can sometimes have frozen and chill (like eggs and milk), along with other packaged dry goods. But, sometimes I have a load of fertilizer from Nutri-Rich.” There are actually a lot of products that come out of the Portland area. Some are packaged goods, but some are bulk items that go to our Mill facility for re-packaging (like vanilla and hazelnuts) or to our Uncommon Carob candy making operation.

Greg says that of all the food that comes from the Portland area, he brings 90% of it back to our warehouse. The other 10% is hauled back by George Palencia, the Portland delivery driver who has a box truck that can squeeze into some of the places Greg’s semi-trailer can’t go. (Even George does backhauls… no empty trucks.)


“Well, not all of the vendors have been able to get what they need to make their products,” Greg explains. “When they make a product with many ingredients, they have to stop production and

out-of-stock us if just one ingredient is out of stock for them. I know this happened at Pacific Foods and the folks at Sierra Neva-da had a hard time getting milk for awhile. We saw this a lot this past spring at the height of the COVID shutdown. But, it could easily happen again.”

THE VALUE OF STRONG RELATIONSHIPSWhat drives Greg to work so hard? “So many of our vendors

have the utmost respect for David Stelzer, and I want to keep that going for the sake of Azure. I want to maintain what David started and build on it. And sometimes that means that if a vendor only has a few of something left, they’ll save it for me to pick up for Azure, rather than sell it to our big corporate competitors. I know our customers may never know the story behind how the product got in their box, but I do, and I’m happy to help it get there.”

When I asked Greg what he would like to share with Azure’s customers, he said, “We are a family. The drivers at Azure, even the contracted ones, feel this way. We look out for the company. We want to be part of something bigger. We want to help others. This is the important thing.”

Raw, unpasteurized & lacto-fermented,

wildbrine is full of natural probiotics,

nutrients, and flavor






Pack your pantry with flavor and save!

No matter what you’re cooking, we can help spice things up!

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When the craziness of mid-March 2020 started (I don’t need to say more do I?) it was tough to keep up with the demand for rice as our major suppliers were overwhelmed and unable to fill our orders. But, as I explained in an article in May 2020 titled “Filling your Box: The Supply Chain Scramble” the sourcing difficulties actually had a silver lining, so to speak. We were able to contact new suppliers and build some excellent long-term relationships.

As the demand for bulk foods has remained high, we have continued to seek out new sources for some of our most in-demand products. Our bulk commodities buyer, Gloria, finally found an excellent source for imported rices. Through our Azure Market Organics brand, we now offer Organic Imported Basmati Rice in both brown and white (from India), and Organic Thai Jasmine Rice in both brown and white (from Thailand, of course). And under the Azure Market brand we now have a whole line of fun Thai rices like Thai Purple Jasmine Rice, Thai Red Rice, and Thai White Jasmine Rice.

Jasmine Rice is technically a long-grain rice, but unlike ordinary long-grain rice (where the goal seems to be to have every grain distinct and never stick together), Jasmine Rice has a sticky quality —but not as sticky as Sweet Rice. Thai Jasmine rice is aromatic (it smells so good while it’s cooking!), slightly sweet, and with a texture you won’t find in rice grown elsewhere in the world.


Here by customer demand! We have had quite a few customers want white popcorn as it is a little more tender and has thinner hulls making it better for small children or people who don't chew as well. Now that we’ve finally found a good supply of organic white popcorn, we’re able to offer it in bulk under our Azure Market Organics brand. (And besides the advantages of being more tender with thinner hulls, I’m a big fan of diversity in your diet and diversity in farming, so offering another popcorn variety is very exciting! We already carry yellow and multi-colored butterfly popcorns, as well as mushroom popcorn. Mmmm!)


New size here by Azure-employee demand! No kidding… Ashley, who works in our Product Information department, expressed that she’d like to buy our Azure Market Organics Powdered Sugar if she didn’t have to buy a whole 5 lbs of it.

(Sometimes buying in “bulk” can be a bit too much of some ingredients like sugar.) So, we’re now offering a smaller 2.5 lb size of this 6x Organic Powdered Sugar.

Why is it called 6x? It’s made by grinding organic sugar to a fine, fluffy powder six times and adding 3% organic tapioca to prevent clumping. And unlike refined white powdered sugar, it doesn’t have an overpowering, chalky sweetness, but retains a bit of the cane’s natural molasses to give a smooth, mellow and rounded flavor.


Choosing organic potatoes and potato products is exceptionally important because conventionally grown potatoes are produced using many herbicides, pesticides, and sprout inhibitors. So, we were particularly excited to find a reliable source of organic potato starch and bring it to you!

Potato starch can be used to thicken soups, sauces, gravies, puddings, and pie fillings. But, root starches (such as potato starch, tapioca starch, and arrowroot) tend to gelatinize at lower temperatures than the grain starches (such as corn starch and wheat starch). So you’ll find the best success using root starches near the end of cooking or when the cooking temperature is lower.


We’ve carried Dried Mango Slices for awhile now and they’ve been a huge favorite at our Azure HQ office. Having discovered just how good they are, one of the gals ordered a 5 lb. bag to make sure everyone got to taste them. Boy, that was the best way to spread the word!

Can it get any better? Well, perhaps it can get better —just by the way it’s cut. We’re now introducing Organic Mango Strips, which are cut different-ly. As David Stelzer describes it, “The way that they are cut gives more of a candy like texture and a quicker flavor burst.” Mmmm! Sounds like our office needs another 5 lb. bag to do some serious taste testing! (Yes, from Azure Market Organics, this is bulk dried fruit, so it comes in your choice of 1 lb, 5 lb, or 44 lbs.) Hey, try the slices and the strips and let us know what you think!


From right here in the Pacific Northwest come these wonderful new cheeses. Lulubelle’s Creamery makes these cheeses from cows that are pasture-raised on farms in the fertile Willa-mette Valley. (We love supporting local, independently owned farms!)

The Medium White Cheddar is aged 4 months for just the perfect cheddary sharpness for eating on a cracker, melting into quesadillas or grilled cheese sandwiches (oooh, do you like yours with pickles and tomato soup, like I do?)

The Monterey Jack and Pepper Jack cheeses are perfect for shredding for nachos or putting on tacos —and you get to choose whether you want the heat-n-spice of jalapenos or not!

And what would pizza, lasagne, or tomato-basil salad be without Mozzarella? The stretchy strings of cheese are such a delight! And all the better since the milk is organic and comes from pastured cows. Nice!


If you like Late July’s Classic Crackers (buttery rich crackers in perfect circles with the classic docker holes on the top and ridges on the sides) but want a little crunch, then you’ll love these new Chia & Quinoa Crackers. The chia and quinoa add a toasty crunch that will go so well with cheese or peanut butter. But, don’t stop there… try them anywhere you want a little extra nutrition and crunch, like casseroles!

And did I mention that they’re organic? That’s so important. The attention to quality is one of the things that makes Late July different from all the other snack companies out there. In their own words, “Our snacks stand out in a crowded snack aisle, not just because of their delicious taste, but also because of our commitment to sourcing the highest quality organic and non-GMO ingredients.” Thank you, Late July!

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The first time I heard about Holy Cow Better Beef (HCBB), was when the owners wanted to drive to our Moro warehouse from their home-base in Ritzville, Washington, to talk to David Stelzer about beef and give him some samples. As they put it, “[We are] ranch-ers, but first we are family guys. The ability to know that our families are fed quality healthy food to enrich their lives is most important.”

One of David’s biggest concerns about any grass-fed meat we carry is that it must not be fed any GMO alfalfa hay. They were quick to provide documentation to satisfy that require-ment. But, that’s really just the beginning of the special care they give to the animals so you can enjoy healthy meat.

I found their mission statement on their website to be informative about their overall philosophy: "Our desire is to offer a product we have raised, from start to finish, to clients who desire the same for their families. Our commitment to provide NO ANTIBIOTIC, NO HORMONES, ALL NATURAL beef is one we do not take lightly. We know that 'A cow raised the way God intended, makes better beef.' For this reason every cow, calf, and bull on our ranch is given the room and ability to graze and grow with minimal interruption of the human element. Enjoy the benefits of beef raised right, because it is raised for our table, sold to yours.”


Speaking of Tomato-Basil, (we were talking about that weren’t we?! Well, of course!), this new pasta sauce from Emily’s Table is something you’ll want to try with Lulu-belle’s Mozzarella cheese and some Azuroni Pasta! Well, maybe that’s just a “serving suggestion”, but the beau-ty of this pasta sauce is it’s simple ingredients. With just tomatoes, some carrots for a hint of sweetness (no sugar here, and no, it doesn’t taste like carrots!), with olive oil, basil, and Italian herbs, you’re in for a treat. And I should mention that this pasta sauce is also made right here in the Great Northwest, in the fertile Willamette Valley.

Enjoy Hemp Hearts on Salads, Yogurt, Granola, Oatmeal or Blend into Smoothies!


KosherVeganKeto Paleo Gluten Free


Teeccino is the premier line of roasted

herbal teas. Family owned and based in

Santa Barbara, CA, it's made with the finest

organic ingredients from around the world.

With 3X more herbs per tea bag, experience

more health benefits in every cup.




Avocado oil has become increasingly popular as more and more people learn about its benefits and seek oils with more Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) and fewer Polyunsatu-rated Fatty Acids (PUFAs). Growing quality avocados has histor-ically required little, if any, usage of pesticides, so we’ve offered conventional avocado oils and felt good about the quality.

But, now we’ve found a source of organic avocado oil and are able to bring it to you! With just a delicate hint of avocado fla-vor, this extra virgin avocado oil will go well in so many of your favorite recipes (from homemade mayonnaise or dipping sauce to marinades or even pancake batter).

AZURE MARKET ORGANICS VINEGARLast month we introduced Organic White Distilled Vinegar

because it was the first one available. Now we’re able to intro-duce you to the rest of the culinary collection! Under the Azure Market Organics brand, we now have Organic White Wine Vinegar, Organic Red Wine Vinegar, and two different grades of Organic Balsamic Vinegar (Basic and 4-Star).

Grape must is what makes Balsamic Vinegar special, so the more grape must, the smoother, sweeter flavor, and higher den-sity the vinegar will have. The Basic Balsamic Vinegar is made with 20% grape must while the 4-Star Balsamic Vinegar has 25% grape must. David Stelzer is particularly enthusiastic about the 4-Star Balsamic Vinegar because not only is it organic, but it has that more robust, thicker, sweeter, smoother feel and taste.

KLICKITAT CANYON VINEGARWhile we’re adding new vinegars, it’s fun to add another one

from Klickitat Canyon. We just introduced the first six flavors last month, and now we have Lemon White Wine Vinegar to share with you. Made with just organic white wine vinegar and organic lemon, it’s a real treat.

But, it’s not so simple as just adding some lemon to the vinegar. The folks at Klickitat Canyon know how to infuse the fruit into their perfectly-aged vinegar. As they describe it, “Our vinegar is produced when acetic acid bacteria are introduced into our wine and allowed to colonize. This colonization results in the formation of “The Mother”. As the bacteria ferment ethanol into acetic acid, the vinegar is slowly formed over two years. We then age the vinegar for another four to six years to enhance the qual-ity and allow flavors to concentrate. Various fruits and herbs are infused in the vinegar over the course of a year; creating seasonal products with the wonderful flavors you have come to enjoy.”

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Please don’t let the long title scare you away. This is perhaps the most interesting book I’ve seen in awhile. It’s not just about one interesting thing, but 214 interesting things that you can learn how to do.

Now if you’ve been working your own homestead for any length of time you might know how to do a bunch of these things (like making compost with worms, sharpening a chain-saw, capturing a swarm of bees, or yoking and hitching an ox team), but what about teaching your dog or cat to do tricks, making body butter, finding your way around the night sky, or baking over hot coals? And these are just a few things.

I’ll admit though, this book is perhaps more of an inspiration and conversation starter than it is a complete how-to book. The 1-2 page articles (with lots of pictures!) aren’t sufficient to tell you everything you *want* to know, but gives the basics in an easy to understand format. If you’re looking to inspire your children, your family, or yourself, you’ll really enjoy this book. (Each article comes from details in other Storey books that are dedicated to that particular topic. So much to learn!)


Raw honey is well known for its healing properties. But, when combined with healing herbs, you get herbal remedies that actually taste good! In this book, Sweet Remedies, Dawn Combs shares her experience of combining raw honey with herbs to produce healing for herself and her family. These traditional herbal honeys, called “electuaries”, can help you address a variety of common ailments.

The book shows you how to make herbal infused honey, plus lots of recipes for other goodies to help you get your daily dose. There’s even a section at the back that tells how you can help the bees. I think you’ll really enjoy this book. (This is a Storey book, so yes, you’ll see some of this information appear on the pages of Storey’s Curious Compendium book!)


You’ve heard that apple cider vinegar is good for you. And you’ve likely heard that cayenne improves your circulation. And garlic and ginger are powerhouses of immune boosting benefits. Also, we know that a bit of horseradish could make you feel like you cleared out your sinuses… but put them all together for a health tonic? Yep! That’s what this book, Fire Cider, is about. Subtitled “101 Zesty Recipes for Health-Boosting Remedies Made with Apple Cider Vinegar”, you’re in for a warm treat! As the book says, this is “Real Kitchen Medicine”.


Ever wonder what to do with pumpkin besides make pumpkin pie? With this new 2nd Edition of The Pumpkin Book, you’ll learn about not only different kinds of pumpkin pies (of course!) but it includes 138 recipes for all kinds of other delicious pump-kin-based goodies. All parts of the pumpkin are considered, including pumpkin seeds. And other winter squashes are fea-tured, as well. (Variety!) From soups, salads, dips, and smoothies to breads, biscotti, scones, pancakes, ice cream, cheesecake, and gingerbread, you’re sure to find many ways to enjoy this nutri-tious vegetable.

Save This Month!


20 C





| 20



7g of protein

20% of your

recommended daily calcium

NO antibiotics,

added hormones or pesticides


Looking for a vinegar and honey drink you can savor, knowing you’re gaining all the health benefits at the same time? You’ll enjoy trying the two new Or-ganic Apple Cider Vinegar Tonics from Goldenbrew. One has the classic apple cider vinegar and honey recipe with the twist of added cinnamon! The other one has lemon, ginger, and turmeric with a touch of agave for sweetness.

But, that’s not all the good stuff from Goldenbrew. We’re also able to bring you their line of organic micro-brewed teas. The mints are grown right here in the Pacific Northwest, too. These are ready-to-drink teas that you can easily take with you, or enjoy straight from the fridge.

Hibiscus with Lemongrass is unsweet-ened and caffeine free with not just

lemongrass, but lemon balm and lemon myrtle herbs, too! There are two blends of Green Tea: one with lemon and sweetened with a bit of honey, and the other with spearmint, peppermint and lime, sweetened with agave. And, last but not least, Black Tea (the leaves are estate-grown in India) with a squeeze of lemon, and honey to sweeten a bit.


We already carry four other blends of One Breath Kombucha & Kefir Water, but we’re adding another this month… Blueberry & Sage. What’s extra-special about One Breath is that to create their refreshing probiotic beverages, they actually combine Kombucha and Kefir Water together. The unique blend is raw and therefore “live” with naturally occurring probiotics.

Each flavor from One Breath has its

own special name. Blueberry & Sage is called “beTrue”, and has blueberry juice and clary sage essential oil. (The other flavors include Ginger & Turmeric “be-Here”, Jasmine & Elderflower “beSub-lime”, Peach & Rose “beLove”, and Pear & Lavender “beStill”. Isn’t that fun?)


Introducing a new larger 20 oz size of Hfactor Hydrogen Infused Water! Previously, we only carried the 11 oz size, which doesn’t seem like much when you’re thirsty and needing to get hydrated. But, hydrogen infused water is not like ordinary water. It comes in special packaging (because hydrogen, being the lightest and smallest molecule can escape through conventional bottle materials such as plastic or glass), and the instructions say that once opened you should drink it within 30 minutes. The larger size might be just perfect for your needs… or maybe the smaller 11 oz size will do. You now have the choice.

HFactor tells us that hydrogen-rich water gives you a more effective source of hydration than you can get with sports drinks or just plain water. The explanation sounds a little technical: “In normal water, two hydrogen atoms are bound to oxygen (H2O) making it difficult for our bodies to enjoy the benefits of hydrogen. In hydrogen-rich water, molecular hydrogen gas (H2) is dissolved into water creating active diatomic hydrogen molecules that are accessible to our bodies. Molecular hydrogen, small and soluble, has the potential to quickly circulate into many locations of our body, including the hard to reach powerhouses of our cells. Which means more effective hydration for you. Molecular hydrogen may have the potential to improve athletic perfor-mance and recovery, energy levels, jet lag, hangovers, allergies, skin irritation, inflammation and circulation.” And there you have it! (By the way, did you enjoy chemistry class in school?)

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All products on SALE!




�art with SUPER


The K and the D stand for just that… vitamins K and D! These two vitamins have “a synergistic relationship that promotes strong bones and cardiovascular health,” according to the folks at Arthur Andrew Medical. It’s quite important to get the right kinds of Vitamin D (D3 is the best, not D2), and the full spectrum of K vitamins.

Yes, there’s been discussion recently about which form of vitamin K is best: MK4, MK6, MK7, MK9. But, what’s nice about this supplement from Arthur Andrew is that it contains them all. As they explain, “Vitamin K comes in many forms and is essential for proper Vitamin D utilization. Our formula includes Vitamin K1 as well as all available supplemental forms of Vitamin K2 (MK4, MK6, MK7 and MK9) for full-spec-trum health benefits.”

And because these are fat-soluble vitamins, you need fat to go along in order to fully utilize them in your body. This is why Arthur Andrew added Lipase to this formula to make sure you’re able to break down the fat you eat and make this supple-ment that much more effective.

DOCTOR’S BESTIf you have the need to supplement your already healthy

diet, we want to be sure you’re taking only the highest quality supplements.

The Doctor’s Best line of supplements continues to grow in popularity, so we’re happy to be able to add five new products to the line-up. Alpha Lipoic Acid, Biotin (part of the B-Vitamin family), Fish Collagen with Naticol (Type I collagen for skin, joints and bone health), Noni Fruit Powder, and Vitamin D3.

Doctor’s best was founded by physicians in 1990. How are these products different? In their own words, Doctor’s Best products are, “thoroughly researched, manufactured to the highest quality standards, and rigorously tested every step of the way—from raw materials to finished product. We use only cGMP-certified manufacturing facilities. Doctor’s Best is com-mitted to transparency through education and communication and strives to be crystal clear in what we offer, why and how we offer it.” No wonder they’re so popular!


The mission of Marie Originals is to “provide safe and effec-tive earth-based bioactive formulas to combat some of the most challenging and pervasive health concerns.” Their goal is to make natural remedies the primary options for personal health-care. The drug store shelves are filled with potions, lotions, and pills that have harmful ingredients. There should be safe natural alternatives that work… and Marie Originals is here to fill that desperate need.

The founder, Marie herself, had the unique ability to find and use powerful combinations of naturally occurring thera-peutics to treat a variety of common ailments. Poison Ivy Soap was the original product that Marie’s company introduced to the world and from there, through extensive research and rig-orous testing, they’ve created many other powerful therapeutic formulas to help people. We now have at Azure what they call, “targeted, condition-specific pharmaceutical remedies made with 100% pure bioactive plant power.”

You’ll want to stock your first-aid kit and your wellness cabinet with these remedies. Try bar soaps for poison ivy, ecze-ma, psoriasis, acne and itch relief… Ear oil and earache relief drops, insect bite relief, athlete’s foot spray and toenail fungus cream…. Advanced scar treatment, wounds & burns cream, muscle and joint rub, plus sinus congestion relief rub, and baby respiratory rub.

SILVER SAGE ESSENTIAL OILWe’re pleased to add a new essential oil blend to our line-

up from Silver Sage: Thieves 2020 Essential Oil. This product seems apropo right now as so many are searching for ways to maintain health and avoid sickness. Historically, sickness seems to come more easily in the winter months when we’re all cooped up inside without fresh air and sunshine. But, I don’t need to tell you about the heightened concerns this year, do I?

As Silver Sage describes Thieves 2020, “This is a modern ver-sion of the herbal blend which kept the Plague from infecting thieves who stole from the sick. It is a blend of pure undiluted essential oils with 7 extra ingredients that the original thieves only wish they had! Much milder on the skin than the original, and extremely effective as an antimicrobial.”


DO NOT COMPROMISE YOUR HEALTHTeas may look the same but not all teas are healthy

SEI MEE TEA(say-me-tea)


Conven�onal Teas

Other Brand Organic Teas

GMO NO YES noPes�cides NO YES noSynthe�c Fer�lizer NO YES noContaminated Soil NO YES dependsCarcinogens NO YES dependsFiller/Sugar NO depends dependsHeavy Metal Test Passed ? ?Sustainability YES NO ?


entire line!

TANKA is an Oglala Lakota word that references being your best with all your heart, mind, body and spirit. It is the choices that you make and the actions that you take to be who you are. Whether you’re Native, White, Black, Yellow or Brown, it is your ability to overcome, to extend a helping hand for those in need, to defeat racism, to protect our Mother Earth, and to love all others on our planet.

It is your ability to Live Life Powerfully and to acknowledge

“MITAKUYE OYASIN” we are all related.









18 January 2021 Sales Flyer Call us at (971) 200-8350

Azure Husbandry Fruit HerbsApples, "In Season", Juice Grade Apples, Fuji Apples, Gala

Grapefruit Grapes, Flame Seedless Grapes, Seedless Green Kiwi FruitLemons

LimesOranges, California NavelOranges, NavelPineapple

CilantroItalian Parsley

Apples Pears Grapefruit Grapes Pineapple Cilantro


Beets Broccoli Cauliflower Onions Red Bell Peppers Sweet Potatoes

VegetablesArtichoke Avocado, Medium Baby Spinach ClamshellBeets, Golden OrganicBeets, Red, Fresh Broccoli Broccolini, Bunched Brussels Sprouts Burdock, Root

Cabbage, GreenCabbage, Red Carrots #1 Carrots #2 Cauliflower Celery Garlic Ginger Ginger, Yellow

Horseradish Root Kale, Green OrganicKale, Lacinato, (Dino) Leeks Mushrooms, Crimini Mushrooms, Portabella Onions, Red Onions, Yellow Parsnips

Pepper, Jalapeno Pepper, Mini Sweet Peppers, Green Bell Peppers, Red Bell Potatoes, Red Potatoes, Russet Potatoes, Yellow Roots, Celeriac Rutabaga

Sugar Snap Pea Sunchoke Sweet Potato Tomato on the Vine Turmeric Root Turnip Yam

By Susan Booth, Executive Assistant to the CEO

What’s happening in Fresh Produce for January? We will of course have citrus and root vegetables and items from the warmer south-ern regions. But, now would be a great time to enjoy fresh mushrooms!

Yes, we sell fresh mushrooms: Portabella, Crimini, and Shiitake. Each has their own ap-peal and nutritional value. Whether you enjoy your mushrooms raw in fresh salad, sauteed with onions and added to rice, added to an om-elet, baked into a barley casserole, or made into delicious cream of mushroom soup, starting with fresh organic mushrooms is simply a joy!

With the renewed focus nationwide on self-sufficiency, many people are looking at ways to grow their own food. We think that’s great! But, one of our fans said in their Insta-gram Story recently, that they currently grow almost everything they eat and they could probably grow their own mushrooms, too, but it’s alright to get them from Azure. They even shared a video showing the beauty of the mushrooms they got from Azure. (See screen-shot at right). That’s what we’re here for. We like being able to provide you with the things you don’t or can’t grow yourself.

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Ancient Secrets INDIE Nasal Cleansing Pots

Nasal Cleansing PotHB449 1 unit Reg. $12.05 $10.24HB448 12 x 1 unit Reg. $131.95 $112.16

Nasal Cleansing Pot, Plastic (for travel)HB041 1 unit Reg. $10.95 $9.31HB040 12 x 1 unit Reg. $103.35 $87.85

Nasal Cleansing SaltHB272 8 oz Reg. $2.55 $2.17HB0263 3 x 8 oz Reg. $5.65 $4.80HB273 40 x 0.07 oz Reg. $5.85 $4.97

Arthur Andrew Medical INDIE


KD UltraNS1388 90 caps Reg. $48.00 $43.20

Artisan Face Cream

Superfruits Face Cream, Nourishing AntioxidantsHB1512 1.5 oz Reg. $28.97 $26.07

Azure Clean Dishwashing

Smiley Sudz Dish Soap, CitrusNF1621 16 floz Reg. $4.03 $3.63NF1624 32 floz Reg. $6.03 $5.43NF1620 3 x 16 floz Reg. $11.00 $9.90NF1626 128 floz drain-back Reg. $15.01 $13.51NF1623 3 x 32 floz Reg. $16.46 $14.81NF1625 4 x 128 floz drain-back Reg. $54.57 $49.11NF1622 12 x 32 floz Reg. $59.84 $53.86NF1627 5 gallon pail Reg. $61.13 $55.02NF1619 20 x 16 floz Reg. $66.65 $59.98

Smiley Sudz Dish Soap, Fragrance FreeNF1618 16 floz Reg. $4.03 $3.63NF976 32 floz Reg. $5.73 $5.16NF1617 3 x 16 floz Reg. $11.00 $9.90NF979 128 floz drain-back Reg. $14.19 $12.77NF975 3 x 32 floz Reg. $15.64 $14.08NF977 4 x 128 floz drain-back Reg. $51.60 $46.44NF981 5 gallon pail Reg. $56.69 $51.02NF974 12 x 32 floz Reg. $56.87 $51.18NF1616 20 x 16 floz Reg. $66.65 $59.98

Smiley Sudz Dish Soap, LavenderNF1596 16 floz Reg. $4.03 $3.63NF1599 32 floz Reg. $6.03 $5.43NF1595 3 x 16 floz Reg. $11.00 $9.90NF1680 128 floz drain-back Reg. $15.01 $13.51NF1598 3 x 32 floz Reg. $16.46 $14.81NF1679 4 x 128 floz drain-back Reg. $54.57 $49.11NF1597 12 x 32 floz Reg. $59.84 $53.86NF1681 5 gallon pail Reg. $61.13 $55.02

NF1594 20 x 16 floz Reg. $66.65 $59.98

Smiley Sudz Dish Soap, Lemon VerbenaNF1630 16 floz Reg. $4.03 $3.63NF1633 32 floz Reg. $6.03 $5.43NF1629 3 x 16 floz Reg. $11.00 $9.90NF1635 128 floz drain-back Reg. $15.01 $13.51NF1632 3 x 32 floz Reg. $16.46 $14.81NF1634 4 x 128 floz drain-back Reg. $54.57 $49.11NF1631 12 x 32 floz Reg. $59.84 $53.86NF1628 20 x 16 floz Reg. $66.65 $59.98NF1636 5 gallon pail Reg. $68.44 $61.60

Whishin' Dishwasher PowderNF1675 2.5 lb pouch Reg. $8.87 $7.98NF1019 8 lb drain-back Reg. $19.87 $17.88NF1674 3 x 2.5 lb pouch Reg. $24.19 $21.77NF1021 30 lb Reg. $60.55 $54.50NF1017 4 x 8 lb drain-back Reg. $72.25 $65.02NF1673 12 x 2.5 lb pouch Reg. $87.98 $79.18

Azure Market Frozen Fruit

Blackberries, Frozen, NaturalFG010 5 lb Reg. $16.00 $14.33FG0021 30 lb Reg. $83.51 $73.51


Rice, Thai Jasmine PurpleGR366 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR355 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR354 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38

Rice, Thai Jasmine WhiteGR104 5 lb Reg. $8.12 $7.31GR103 25 lb Reg. $30.55 $27.50

Rice, Thai RedGR365 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR352 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR351 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38

Azure Market Organics Frozen Fruit

Blueberries, Whole, Frozen, OrganicFG975 5 lb Reg. $17.25 $16.42FG970 30 lb Reg. $111.94 $106.94

Mango, Frozen, OrganicFG980 5 lb Reg. $18.05 $17.22FG666 30 lb Reg. $93.53 $88.53

Pineapple, Frozen, OrganicFG981 5 lb Reg. $21.26 $18.76FG738 20 lb Reg. $77.24 $67.24

Red Raspberries, Frozen, OrganicFG979 5 lb Reg. $25.72 $21.97FG978 25 lb Reg. $115.27 $100.27

Potato Starch

Potato Starch, OrganicBP670 1 lb Reg. $3.98 $3.58BP669 5 lb Reg. $14.39 $12.95BP668 55.11 lb Reg. $130.10 $117.09


Rice, Basmati Brown, Im-ported, OrganicGR364 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR349 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR348 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38

Rice, Basmati White, Import-ed, OrganicGR363 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR346 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR345 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38

Rice, Thai Jasmine Brown, OrganicGR362 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR342 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR341 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38

Rice, Thai Jasmine White, OrganicGR361 2 lb Reg. $5.75 $5.18GR339 5 lb Reg. $11.22 $10.10GR338 25 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38


Vinegar, Balsamic, OrganicCO878 16 floz glass Reg. $3.79 $3.41CO877 32 floz glass Reg. $6.95 $6.26CO876 1 gal Reg. $22.82 $20.54CO875 5 gal Reg. $103.62 $93.26

Vinegar, Red Wine, OrganicCO883 16 floz glass Reg. $3.11 $2.80CO882 32 floz glass Reg. $4.96 $4.46CO881 1 gal Reg. $15.25 $13.72CO880 5 gal Reg. $69.28 $62.35

Bionaturae INDIE Canned Tomato Products

Tomato Paste, in Glass, OrganicGY179 7 oz Reg. $3.05 $2.82GY0062 3 x 7 oz Reg. $7.95 $7.25GY178 12 x 7 oz Reg. $29.43 $26.64

Tomatoes Strained, in Glass, OrganicGY181 24 oz Reg. $4.20 $3.88GY0063 2 x 24 oz Reg. $7.95 $7.32GY180 6 x 24 oz Reg. $23.05 $21.15

Tomatoes, Crushed, OrganicGY0021 28.2 oz Reg. $4.30 $3.96GY0059 3 x 28.2 oz Reg. $11.75 $10.74GY0020 12 x 28.2 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.55

Tomatoes, Diced, OrganicGY0019 28.2 oz Reg. $4.30 $3.96GY0060 3 x 28.2 oz Reg. $11.75 $10.74GY0018 12 x 28.2 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.55

Tomatoes, Whole Peeled, OrganicGY0017 28.2 oz Reg. $4.30 $3.96GY0061 3 x 28.2 oz Reg. $11.75 $10.74GY0016 12 x 28.2 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.55

Fruit Juices & Blends

Apricot Nectar, OrganicJS450 25.4 floz Reg. $4.60 $4.24JS492 2 x 25.4 floz Reg. $8.75 $8.03JS449 6 x 25.4 floz Reg. $23.25 $21.09

Bilberry Nectar, OrganicJS233 25.4 floz Reg. $5.25 $4.89JS493 2 x 25.4 floz Reg. $9.75 $9.03JS232 6 x 25.4 floz Reg. $29.65 $27.49

Peach Nectar, OrganicJS235 25.4 floz Reg. $4.60 $4.24JS494 2 x 25.4 floz Reg. $8.75 $8.03JS234 6 x 25.4 floz Reg. $23.25 $21.10

Pear Nectar, OrganicJS452 25.4 floz Reg. $4.60 $4.24JS495 2 x 25.4 floz Reg. $8.75 $8.03JS451 6 x 25.4 floz Reg. $23.25 $21.10

Fruit Spread

Apricot Fruit Spread, OrganicJC041 9 oz Reg. $4.15 $3.78JC125 3 x 9 oz Reg. $11.45 $10.34JC040 12 x 9 oz Reg. $45.38 $40.93

Bilberry Fruit Spread, OrganicJC037 9 oz Reg. $4.45 $4.04JC126 3 x 9 oz Reg. $12.45 $11.22JC036 12 x 9 oz Reg. $49.23 $44.32

Peach Fruit Spread, OrganicJC004 9 oz Reg. $4.15 $3.78JC127 3 x 9 oz Reg. $11.55 $10.44JC003 12 x 9 oz Reg. $45.38 $40.93

Sour Cherry Fruit Spread, OrganicJC039 9 oz Reg. $4.15 $3.78JC128 3 x 9 oz Reg. $11.55 $10.44JC038 12 x 9 oz Reg. $45.38 $40.93

Strawberry Fruit Spread, OrganicJC045 9 oz Reg. $4.15 $3.78JC129 3 x 9 oz Reg. $11.55 $10.44JC044 12 x 9 oz Reg. $45.38 $40.93

Wildberry Fruit Spread, OrganicJC043 9 oz Reg. $4.45 $4.10JC130 3 x 9 oz Reg. $12.25 $11.20JC042 12 x 9 oz Reg. $49.23 $45.04

Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Pressed, OrganicOL034 25.4 floz Reg. $18.75 $16.92OL247 2 x 25.4 floz Reg. $33.95 $30.29OL033 6 x 25.4 floz Reg. $105.55 $94.57

Semolina (Classic) Pasta

Chiocciole Durum Semolina Pasta, OrganicPA347 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA363 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA346 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Fusilli Durum Semolina Pasta, OrganicPA345 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA366 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA344 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Pappardelle Durum Semolina Egg Pasta, OrganicPA284 8.8 oz Reg. $4.05 $3.71PA370 3 x 8.8 oz Reg. $11.25 $10.24PA283 12 x 8.8 oz Reg. $42.85 $38.82

Pasta Penne Rigate, Durum Semolina, OrganicPA343 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.02PA371 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $7.83PA342 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $29.12

Pasta, Lasagna, Semolina, OrganicPA301 12 oz Reg. $3.95 $3.62PA368 3 x 12 oz Reg. $10.75 $9.76PA300 12 x 12 oz Reg. $41.20 $37.24

NEW & ON SALEReference this order guide for current sales and new products.

Spaghetti Durum Semolina Pasta, OrganicPA341 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA375 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA340 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Tagliatelle, Semolina Egg Pasta, OrganicPA305 8.8 oz Reg. $4.05 $3.71PA377 3 x 8.8 oz Reg. $11.25 $10.24PA304 12 x 8.8 oz Reg. $42.85 $38.82


Balsamic Vinegar, OrganicCO784 17 floz Reg. $7.02 $6.46CO783 3 x 17 floz Reg. $18.64 $16.98CO782 12 x 17 floz Reg. $79.20 $72.54

Whole Wheat Pasta

Pasta Penne Rigate, Whole Wheat, OrganicPA272 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA372 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA271 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Pasta, Fusilli, 100% Whole Wheat, OrganicPA274 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA365 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA273 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Pasta, Spaghetti, 100% Whole Wheat, OrganicPA270 16 oz Reg. $3.50 $3.24PA374 3 x 16 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.46PA269 12 x 16 oz Reg. $34.82 $31.67

Books Cookbooks

Pumpkin Cookbook, The, 2nd EditionBK592 1 book Reg. $15.95 $15.95

Foods for Health Books

Fire CiderBK591 1 book Reg. $15.08 $15.08

Sweet Remedies, Healing Herbal HoneysBK590 1 book Reg. $18.59 $18.59

Home & Household Books

Storey's Curious Compendi-um of Practical and Obscure SkillsBK589 1 book Reg. $29.45 $29.45

Doctor's Best 5-HTP

5-HTP 100mgNS0292 60 vegcaps Reg. $13.26 $11.93

5HTP Enhanced with Vitamins B6 and CNS0293 120 vegcaps Reg. $23.39 $21.05

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300mgNS0446 180 vegcaps Reg. $16.31 $14.68

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600mgNS0294 60 vegcaps Reg. $13.62 $12.26NS0295 180 vegcaps Reg. $33.53 $30.18

Stabilized R-Lipoic Acid with Bioen-hanced NA-RALA 100mgNS0356 60 vegcaps Reg. $15.52 $13.97

Amino Acids

Double Strength SAM-e 400mgNS0310 30 tabs Reg. $21.71 $19.54NS0311 60 tabs Reg. $51.36 $46.22

L-Arginine 500mgNS0332 120 tabs Reg. $21.44 $19.30

L-Citrulline PowderNS1140 7 oz Reg. $23.80 $21.42

L-Theanine with Suntheanine 150mgNS0333 90 vegcaps Reg. $21.27 $19.14

L-Tryptophan, Tryptopure 500mgNS0334 90 vegcaps Reg. $24.02 $21.62

NAC Detox RegulatorsNS0343 60 vegcaps Reg. $6.82 $6.14

SAM-e 200mgNS0352 60 tabs Reg. $30.66 $27.59


Benfotiamine 150mgNS0297 120 vegcaps Reg. $15.06 $13.55

Benfotiamine 150mg + Alpha-Lipoic Acid 300mgNS0296 60 vegcaps Reg. $11.79 $10.61

Benfotiamine 300mgNS0298 60 vegcaps Reg. $13.65 $12.28


Hyaluronic Acid with Chondroitin SulfateNS0331 180 caps Reg. $39.83 $35.85

Co Enzyme Q-10 (CoQ10)

High Absorption COQ10 with Bioperine 100mgNS0323 60 softgels Reg. $9.92 $8.93NS0322 60 vegcaps Reg. $9.93 $8.94NS0324 120 softgels Reg. $16.96 $15.26NS0321 120 vegcaps Reg. $24.04 $21.64

High Absorption COQ10 with Bioperine 200mgNS0325 60 vegcaps Reg. $21.27 $19.14

High Absorption COQ10 with Bioperine 400mgNS0326 60 vegcaps Reg. $35.95 $32.36

Ubiquinol With Kaneka Ubiquinol 100mgNS0358 60 softgels Reg. $34.65 $31.18

Ubiquinol with Kaneka's WH 50mgNS0359 90 softgels Reg. $19.75 $17.78


Collagen Types 1 & 3 1000mgNS0303 180 tabs Reg. $16.11 $14.50

Collagen Types 1 & 3, PowderNS0304 7.1 oz Reg. $13.43 $12.09

Fish Collagen with Naticol 5gNS1391 30 pack Reg. $0.00 $0.00

Combo Herbs

Curcumin C3 Complex with Bioperine 1000mgNS0307 120 tabs Reg. $68.15 $61.34

Curcumin C3 Complex with Bioperine 500mgNS0306 120 caps Reg. $40.03 $36.03

Curcumin Phytosome with MerivaNS0308 60 vegcaps Reg. $19.28 $17.35


Digestive EnzymesNS0309 90 vegcaps Reg. $27.95 $25.16

High Potency Serrapeptase 120,000 unitsNS0329 90 vegcaps Reg. $35.92 $32.33

Lumbrokinase 20mgNS0335 60 caps Reg. $38.40 $34.56

Nattokinase 2000FUsNS0344 90 vegcaps Reg. $17.27 $15.54

SerrapeptaseNS0354 90 vegcaps Reg. $17.98 $16.18NS0355 270 vegcaps Reg. $31.34 $28.21


Glucosamine Chondroitin MSMNS0316 120 caps Reg. $18.77 $16.89NS0317 240 caps Reg. $22.93 $20.64

Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM + Hyaluronic AcidNS0318 150 caps Reg. $30.14 $27.13

Glucosamine Sulfate 750mgNS0319 180 caps Reg. $10.55 $9.50

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid with Chondroitin SulfateNS0330 60 caps Reg. $10.45 $9.40


Lutein Featuring Lutemax 20mgNS0337 60 softgels Reg. $14.59 $13.13

Lutein with FloragloNS0338 60 softgels Reg. $12.25 $11.02

Lutein with Optilut 10mgNS0336 120 vegcaps Reg. $17.32 $15.59


Melatonin, Natural Mint FlavorNS1139 120 tabs Reg. $11.28 $10.15


Brain MagnesiumNS0300 90 vegcaps Reg. $35.95 $32.36

High Absorption Magnesium 100mg ElementalNS0327 120 tabs Reg. $12.79 $11.51NS0328 240 tabs Reg. $21.27 $19.14

Zinc Carnosine Complex with Pepzin GINS0366 120 vegcaps Reg. $24.62 $22.16

MSM & Sulphur Supplements

MSM 1000mgNS0339 180 caps Reg. $10.11 $9.10

MSM 1500mgNS0340 120 tabs Reg. $8.22 $7.40

MSM, PowderNS0341 8.8 oz Reg. $12.77 $11.49

Multi-Vitamins & Minerals

Multi-VitaminNS0342 90 vegcaps Reg. $28.07 $25.26


Ultra CordycepsNS0360 60 vegcaps Reg. $14.64 $13.18

Natural Remedies for Bone Support

Calcium Bone Maker ComplexNS0301 180 caps Reg. $18.21 $16.39

Natural Remedies for Digestive Aid

Betaine HCl Pepsin & Gentian BittersNS0299 120 caps Reg. $11.40 $10.26

Natural Remedies for Heart


Pure D-Ribose PowderNS1138 8.8 oz Reg. $31.17 $28.05

Natural Remedies for Mood, Mind, & Memory

Natural Brain EnhancersNS0346 60 vegcaps Reg. $25.97 $23.37

Phosphatidyl Serine 100mgNS0349 120 vegcaps Reg. $26.82 $24.14

Natural Remedies for Prostate

Comprehensive Prostate FormulaNS0305 120 vegcaps Reg. $17.54 $15.79

PQQ (Pyrroloquinolone Quinone)

PQQ with BioPQQ 20mgNS0350 30 vegcaps Reg. $25.23 $22.71


Quercetin BromelainNS0351 180 vegcaps Reg. $28.04 $25.24

Single Herbs

Biotin 5000mcgNS1392 120 vegcaps Reg. $0.00 $0.00

Cinnamon Extract Cinnulin PF 125mgNS0302 60 vegcaps Reg. $9.92 $8.93

Extra Strength Ginkgo 120mgNS0312 120 vegcaps Reg. $11.39 $10.25

Goji Berry Extract 600mgNS0320 120 vegcaps Reg. $10.49 $9.44

Noni Fruit Powder 650mgNS1390 120 vegcaps Reg. $0.00 $0.00

Saw Palmetto 320mgNS0353 60 softgels Reg. $23.24 $20.92

Varicose Vein Support

Vein Support with Diosvein and MenaQ7NS0361 60 vegcaps Reg. $19.35 $17.42


Fully Active B ComplexNS0313 30 vegcaps Reg. $12.67 $11.40

Fully Active B12 1500mcgNS0314 60 vegcaps Reg. $5.75 $5.18

Fully Active Folate with Quatrefolic 400mcgNS0315 90 vegcaps Reg. $10.58 $9.52

Natural Vitamin K2 MK7 with MenaQ7 100mcgNS0347 60 vegcaps Reg. $15.26 $13.73

Natural Vitamin K2 MK7 with MenaQ7 45mcgNS0348 60 vegcaps Reg. $11.93 $10.74

Time Release Niacin with Niaxtend 500mgNS0357 120 tabs Reg. $17.97 $16.17

Vitamin C with Quali-C 1000mgNS0362 120 vegcaps Reg. $21.31 $19.18

Vitamin D3 1000IUNS0363 180 softgels Reg. $6.29 $5.66

Vitamin D3 2000IUNS0364 180 softgels Reg. $6.81 $6.13

Vitamin D3 5000IUNS0365 180 softgels Reg. $7.33 $6.60NS1389 360 softgels Reg. $17.39 $15.65

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Eco-Dent INDIE Chewing Gum

Between! Dental Gum, CinnamonHB566 1 pack Reg. $2.50 $2.12HB0182 3 x 1 pack Reg. $5.62 $4.78HB0763 12 x 1 pk Reg. $21.47 $18.25

Between! Dental Gum, Cool MintHB568 1 pk Reg. $2.50 $2.12HB0647 3 x 1 pk Reg. $5.62 $4.78HB0762 12 x 1 pk Reg. $21.47 $18.25

Between! Dental Gum, WintergreenHB567 1 pk Reg. $2.50 $2.12HB0179 3 x 1 pk Reg. $5.62 $4.78HB0764 12 x 1 pk Reg. $21.47 $18.25

Emily's Table Canned Tomato Products

Pasta Sauce, Tomato BasilGY1216 32 oz Reg. $5.53 $4.98GY1215 3 x 32 oz Reg. $14.74 $13.27GY1214 12 x 32 oz Reg. $53.49 $48.14

Goldenbrew Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Ginger Turmeric, OrganicJS705 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS704 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS703 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Apple Cider Vinegar, Wild-flower Honey, OrganicJS708 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS707 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS706 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Herbal Tea Beverages

Tea, Black Tea with Honey, OrganicJS711 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS710 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS709 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Tea, Green Tea with Honey, OrganicJS714 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS713 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS712 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Tea, Green Tea with Spear-mint & Lime, OrganicJS717 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS716 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS715 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Tea, Hibiscus with Lemon-grass, OrganicJS720 16 floz Reg. $2.19 $1.97JS719 3 x 16 floz Reg. $5.85 $5.26JS718 12 x 16 floz Reg. $21.42 $19.28

Hfactor Water

Hydrogen Infused WaterNS1397 20 floz Reg. $3.12 $3.12NS1396 3 x 20 floz Reg. $8.56 $8.56NS1395 6 x 20 floz Reg. $15.60 $15.60NS1394 12 x 20 floz Reg. $28.48 $28.48

Holy Cow Better Beef Beef

Better Beef Box, Grass-Fed, FrozenMT1015 50 lb Reg. $500.00 $450.00

Ground Beef, Grass-Fed, FrozenMT1010 1 lb Reg. $9.00 $8.10MT1009 5 x 1 lb Reg. $43.75 $39.38MT1008 10 x 1 lb Reg. $85.00 $76.50MT1007 50 lb Reg. $400.00 $360.00

Soup Bones, Grass-Fed, Random Weight, FrozenMT1014 2-3 lb Reg. $22.50 $20.25MT1013 30-40 lb Reg. $299.25 $269.32

Stew Meat, Grass-Fed, Random Weight, FrozenMT1012 1 lb Reg. $9.00 $8.10MT1011 20-25 lb Reg. $192.38 $173.14

Hyland's INDIE Baby First Aid

Pain Relief, 4 KidsHP286 4 floz Reg. $7.54 $6.94

Homeopathic Remedies for Cold & Flu

Nighttime Cold 'n Cough 4 KidsHP128 4 oz Reg. $8.25 $7.46

Sniffle & Sneezes 4 KidsIC238 125 tablets Reg. $6.75 $6.12

Stuffy Nose and Sinus, 4 KidsHP284 50 tablets Reg. $9.43 $8.68

Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

Cough Syrup with Honey 4 KidsIC256 4 oz Reg. $8.20 $7.45

Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Relief

SinusHP206 100 tablets Reg. $8.75 $7.96

Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore Throat Relief, 4 Kids, GrapeHP285 4 floz Reg. $7.54 $6.94

Jenuinely Pure INDIE Laundry Detergent

Soap Nuts, OrganicNF711 0.5 lb Reg. $15.66 $14.66NF712 2 lb Reg. $47.00 $44.00

Lotions, Moisturizers, and Creams

Body Cream, Cherry SandalwoodHB0131 4 oz Reg. $12.71 $11.88HB0381 3 x 4 oz Reg. $35.75 $33.25HB0130 12 x 4 oz Reg. $134.15 $124.15

Body Cream, VanillaHB0135 4 oz Reg. $13.35 $12.52HB0379 3 x 4 oz Reg. $37.71 $35.21HB0134 12 x 4 oz Reg. $133.51 $123.51


Bar Soap, Cinnamon OatmealHB864 4 oz Reg. $5.07 $4.78HB0385 3 x 4 oz Reg. $13.07 $12.19HB0115 12 x 4 oz Reg. $53.22 $49.72

Bar Soap, Orange CloveHB0121 4 oz Reg. $5.58 $5.29HB0384 3 x 4 oz Reg. $14.38 $13.50HB0120 12 x 4 oz Reg. $51.96 $48.46

Bar Soap, Pink GrapefruitHB0117 4 oz Reg. $5.07 $4.78HB0383 3 x 4 oz Reg. $13.08 $12.20

HB0116 12 x 4 oz Reg. $51.99 $48.49

Bar Soap, Vanilla BeanHB0119 4 oz Reg. $5.07 $4.78HB0382 3 x 4 oz Reg. $13.07 $12.19HB0118 12 x 4 oz Reg. $51.96 $48.46

Foaming Hand Soap, CitrusHB0125 1 gallon Reg. $50.34 $47.84HB0124 4 x 1 gallon Reg. $181.74 $171.74

Foaming Hand Soap, LemongrassHB0129 1 gallon Reg. $45.35 $42.85HB0128 4 x 1 gallon Reg. $181.74 $171.74

Jovial Foods INDIE Brown Rice Pasta

Brown Rice Tagliatelle, Traditional Egg Pasta, GFPA309 9 oz Reg. $5.15 $4.69PA383 3 x 9 oz Reg. $14.45 $13.05PA308 12 x 9 oz Reg. $56.05 $50.47

Pasta, Brown Rice, Capellini, GF, OrganicPA029 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA378 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74PA028 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.15

Pasta, Brown Rice, Caserecce, GF, OrganicPA031 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA379 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74PA030 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.15

Pasta, Brown Rice, Elbows, GF, OrganicPA426 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA425 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.45 $10.34PA424 12 x 12 oz Reg. $46.15 $41.70

Pasta, Brown Rice, Farfalle, GF, OrganicPA429 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA428 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.45 $10.34PA427 12 x 12 oz Reg. $46.15 $41.70

Pasta, Brown Rice, Fusilli, GF, OrganicPA033 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.83PA380 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.59PA032 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.60 $40.56

Pasta, Brown Rice, Lasagna, Organic, GFPA307 9 oz Reg. $4.65 $4.23PA392 3 x 9 oz Reg. $12.95 $11.70PA306 12 x 9 oz Reg. $50.99 $45.99

Pasta, Brown Rice, Manicotti, GF, OrganicPA432 7 oz Reg. $3.90 $3.56PA431 3 x 7 oz Reg. $10.25 $9.24PA430 12 x 7 oz Reg. $40.98 $36.95

Pasta, Brown Rice, Penne, GF, OrganicPA035 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA381 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74PA034 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.15

Pasta, Brown Rice, Spaghetti, GF, OrganicPA041 12 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88PA382 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74PA040 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.15

Pasta, Fettuccine, Brown Rice, GF, OrganicPA491 12 oz Reg. $4.53 $4.16PA490 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.45 $10.34PA489 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.00 $40.55

Pasta, Shells, Brown Rice, GF, OrganicPA494 12 oz Reg. $4.60 $4.23PA493 3 x 12 oz Reg. $11.67 $10.56PA492 12 x 12 oz Reg. $45.63 $41.18

Canned Beans

Borlotti Beans, OrganicGY0243 13 oz Reg. $3.45 $3.17GY0242 3 x 13 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.41GY0241 6 x 13 oz Reg. $17.88 $16.21

Cannellini Beans, OrganicGY0240 13 oz Reg. $3.45 $3.17GY0239 3 x 13 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.41GY0238 6 x 13 oz Reg. $17.88 $16.21

Chickpeas, OrganicGY0246 13 oz Reg. $3.45 $3.17GY0245 3 x 13 oz Reg. $9.25 $8.41GY0244 6 x 13 oz Reg. $17.88 $16.21

Kidney Beans, OrganicGY1182 13 oz Reg. $3.77 $3.49GY1181 3 x 13 oz Reg. $9.15 $8.31GY1180 6 x 13 oz Reg. $17.88 $16.21

Canned Tomato Products

Tomatoes, Crushed, in Glass, OrganicGY115 18.3 oz Reg. $4.50 $3.76GY0064 2 x 18.3 oz Reg. $8.45 $6.97GY114 6 x 18.3 oz Reg. $24.15 $19.70

Tomatoes, Diced, in Glass, OrganicGY121 18.3 oz Reg. $4.50 $3.76GY0065 2 x 18.3 oz Reg. $8.45 $6.97GY120 6 x 18.3 oz Reg. $24.15 $19.70

Tomatoes, Whole Peeled, in Glass, OrganicGY097 18.3 oz Reg. $4.50 $3.76GY0066 2 x 18.3 oz Reg. $8.45 $6.97GY096 6 x 18.3 oz Reg. $24.15 $19.70

Cassava Pasta

Pasta, Elbows, Cassava, GF, OrganicPA557 8 oz Reg. $4.33 $3.59PA556 3 x 8 oz Reg. $11.56 $9.34PA555 6 x 8 oz Reg. $20.38 $15.93

Pasta, Fusilli, Cassava, GF, OrganicPA548 8 oz Reg. $4.50 $3.76PA547 3 x 8 oz Reg. $11.56 $9.34PA546 6 x 8 oz Reg. $20.38 $15.93

Pasta, Orzo, Cassava, GF, OrganicPA554 8 oz Reg. $4.33 $3.96PA553 3 x 8 oz Reg. $11.56 $10.45PA552 12 x 8 oz Reg. $40.76 $36.31

Pasta, Penne, Cassava, GF, OrganicPA551 8 oz Reg. $4.33 $3.59PA550 3 x 8 oz Reg. $11.56 $9.34PA549 6 x 8 oz Reg. $20.38 $15.93

Pasta, Spaghetti, Cassava, GF, OrganicPA545 8 oz Reg. $4.33 $3.96PA544 3 x 8 oz Reg. $11.56 $10.45PA543 12 x 8 oz Reg. $40.76 $36.31


Cookies, Einkorn, Checkerboard, OrganicSC518 8.8 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88SC786 3 x 8.8 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74SC517 12 x 8.8 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.17

Cookies, Einkorn, Crispy Cocoa, OrganicSC663 8.8 oz Reg. $4.25 $3.88SC787 3 x 8.8 oz Reg. $11.85 $10.74SC662 12 x 8.8 oz Reg. $45.60 $41.17


Crackers, Rosemary, Sourdough Einkorn, OrganicSN986 4.5 oz Reg. $4.30 $3.91SN1073 2 x 4.5 oz Reg. $7.95 $7.17SN985 10 x 4.5 oz Reg. $38.45 $34.55

Crackers, Sea Salt, Sourdough Einkorn, OrganicSN984 4.5 oz Reg. $4.30 $3.91SN1074 2 x 4.5 oz Reg. $7.95 $7.17SN983 10 x 4.5 oz Reg. $38.45 $34.55

Einkorn Flour

Einkorn All-Purpose Flour, OrganicFL342 32 oz Reg. $7.83 $7.23FL341 3 x 32 oz Reg. $21.04 $19.24FL344 10 lb Reg. $33.34 $30.49FL343 2 x 10 lb Reg. $67.65 $61.95FL340 10 x 32 oz Reg. $70.99 $64.99

Einkorn Pasta

Pasta, Einkorn, Fusilli, White, OrganicPA339 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA384 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA338 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Pasta, Einkorn, Penne Rigate, White, OrganicPA337 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA385 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA336 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Pasta, Einkorn, Whole Wheat, Fusilli, OrganicPA019 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA387 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA018 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Pasta, Einkorn, Whole Wheat, Lin-guine, OrganicPA021 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA388 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA020 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Pasta, Einkorn, Whole Wheat, Penne Rigate, OrganicPA023 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA389 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA022 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Pasta, Einkorn, Whole Wheat, Spa-ghetti, OrganicPA027 12 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.35PA391 3 x 12 oz Reg. $9.65 $8.76PA026 12 x 12 oz Reg. $37.35 $33.80

Kettle Brand Chips

Potato Chips, Buffalo Bleu, KrinkleSN377 8.5 oz Reg. $3.65 $3.28SN376 12 x 8.5 oz Reg. $32.30 $29.07

Potato Chips, Chili Lime, Avocado OilSN1797 6.5 oz Reg. $4.44 $4.00SN1796 3 x 6.5 oz Reg. $11.02 $9.92SN1795 12 x 6.5 oz Reg. $36.10 $32.49

Potato Chips, Classic Barbeque, Krinkle CutSN190 13 oz Reg. $5.19 $4.67SN942 3 x 13 oz Reg. $15.00 $13.50SN189 9 x 13 oz Reg. $36.79 $33.11

Potato Chips, Himalayan Salt, Avocado OilSN1800 6.5 oz Reg. $4.44 $4.00SN1799 3 x 6.5 oz Reg. $11.02 $9.92SN1798 12 x 6.5 oz Reg. $36.10 $32.49

Potato Chips, Lightly Salted, OrganicSN013 5 oz Reg. $3.43 $3.09SN014 3 x 5 oz Reg. $9.10 $8.19SN004 15 x 5 oz Reg. $32.60 $29.34

Potato Chips, Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper, Krinkle CutSN063 13 oz Reg. $5.19 $4.67SN062 9 x 13 oz Reg. $36.79 $33.11

Potato Chips, Sea Salt & Black Pepper, OrganicSN194 5 oz Reg. $3.54 $3.19

SN955 3 x 5 oz Reg. $9.55 $8.60SN193 15 x 5 oz Reg. $33.95 $30.56

Potato Chips, Sea Salt, Institutional PackSN077 9 x 13 oz Reg. $37.95 $34.16

Potato Chips, Sea Salt, Krinkle CutSN050 13 oz Reg. $5.19 $4.67SN049 9 x 13 oz Reg. $36.79 $33.11

Potato Chips, Sour Cream & OnionSN066 8.5 oz Reg. $4.10 $3.69SN951 3 x 8.5 oz Reg. $11.10 $9.99SN065 12 x 8.5 oz Reg. $33.07 $29.76

Potato Chips, Tropical Salsa, Avocado OilSN1803 6.5 oz Reg. $4.44 $4.00SN1802 3 x 6.5 oz Reg. $11.02 $9.92SN1801 12 x 6.5 oz Reg. $36.10 $32.49

Klickitat Canyon Vinegar

Vinegar, White Wine, Lemon, OrganicCO928 10 floz Reg. $7.50 $6.75CO927 12 x 10 floz Reg. $90.00 $81.00

Late July INDIE Chips

Tortilla Chips, Blue Corn, Restaurant Style DippersSN1513 8 oz Reg. $4.40 $3.96SN1512 3 x 8 oz Reg. $12.36 $11.12SN1511 9 x 8 oz Reg. $34.00 $30.60

Tortilla Chips, Blue Corn, Restaurant Style, Sea Salt, OrganicSN1938 11 oz Reg. $4.58 $4.12SN1937 3 x 11 oz Reg. $11.61 $10.45SN1936 9 x 11 oz Reg. $30.93 $27.84

Tortilla Chips, Restaurant Style, Chia & Quinoa, OrganicSN913 11 oz Reg. $4.40 $3.96SN1223 3 x 11 oz Reg. $12.36 $11.12SN912 9 x 11 oz Reg. $30.91 $27.82

Tortilla Chips, Restaurant Style, Sea Salt & Lime, OrganicSN1381 11 oz Reg. $4.40 $3.96SN1380 3 x 11 oz Reg. $12.36 $11.12SN1379 9 x 11 oz Reg. $30.91 $27.82

Tortilla Chips, Restaurant Style, Sea Salt, OrganicSN915 11 oz Reg. $4.40 $3.96SN1224 3 x 11 oz Reg. $12.36 $11.12SN914 9 x 11 oz Reg. $30.91 $27.82

Tortilla Chips, White Corn, Restaurant Style DippersSN1516 8 oz Reg. $4.40 $3.96SN1515 3 x 8 oz Reg. $12.36 $11.12SN1514 9 x 8 oz Reg. $34.00 $30.60


Chia & Quinoa Crackers, OrganicSN2115 6 oz Reg. $3.71 $3.34SN2114 3 x 6 oz Reg. $10.18 $9.16SN2113 12 x 6 oz Reg. $34.30 $30.87

Classic Rich Crackers, OrganicSN427 6 oz Reg. $4.08 $3.67SN1212 3 x 6 oz Reg. $11.20 $10.08SN426 12 x 6 oz Reg. $37.73 $33.96

Classic Round Saltine Crackers, OrganicSN429 6 oz Reg. $4.08 $3.67SN1213 3 x 6 oz Reg. $11.20 $10.08SN428 12 x 6 oz Reg. $37.73 $33.96

Light Mountain INDIE Hair Color

Hair Color #1 Red, OrganicHB836 4 oz Reg. $5.39 $4.58

Hair Color #3 Medium Brown, OrganicHB838 4 oz Reg. $5.39 $4.58

Hair Color #4 Mahogany, OrganicHB840 4 oz Reg. $5.39 $4.58

Hair Color #9 Light Brown, OrganicHB837 4 oz Reg. $5.83 $4.96

Lulubelle's Creamery Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar Cheese, Medium White, Organic, Random WeightCH425 1 lb Reg. $9.65 $8.68CH424 3 x 1 lb Reg. $25.74 $23.17CH422 5 lb Reg. $39.49 $39.49CH421 2 x 5 lb Reg. $62.30 $62.30CH423 10 x 1 lb Reg. $76.05 $68.44

Jack Cheeses

Monterey Jack Cheese, Organic, Random WeightCH430 1 lb Reg. $9.65 $8.68CH429 3 x 1 lb Reg. $25.74 $23.17CH427 5 lb Reg. $39.49 $39.49CH426 2 x 5 lb Reg. $62.30 $62.30CH428 10 x 1 lb Reg. $76.05 $68.44

Pepper Jack Cheese, Organ-ic, Random WeightCH435 1 lb Reg. $9.65 $8.68CH434 3 x 1 lb Reg. $25.74 $23.17CH432 5 lb Reg. $39.49 $39.49CH431 2 x 5 lb Reg. $62.30 $62.30CH433 10 x 1 lb Reg. $76.05 $68.44

Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella Cheese, Organic, Random WeightCH440 1 lb Reg. $9.65 $8.68CH439 3 x 1 lb Reg. $25.74 $23.17CH437 5 lb Reg. $39.49 $39.49CH436 2 x 5 lb Reg. $62.30 $62.30CH438 10 x 1 lb Reg. $76.05 $68.44

Manitoba Harvest INDIE

Cold Cereals

Granola, Blueberry Hemp, OrganicCE554 10 oz Reg. $6.00 $5.66CE553 3 x 10 oz Reg. $15.86 $14.84CE552 6 x 10 oz Reg. $32.78 $30.73

Granola, Dark Chocolate Hemp, OrganicCE557 10 oz Reg. $6.00 $5.66CE556 3 x 10 oz Reg. $15.86 $14.84CE555 6 x 10 oz Reg. $29.80 $27.75

Granola, Honey and Oats Hemp, OrganicCE560 10 oz Reg. $6.00 $5.66CE559 3 x 10 oz Reg. $15.86 $14.84CE558 6 x 10 oz Reg. $32.78 $30.73

Dairy Alternatives, Beverages

Hemp Milk, Unsweetened OriginalDA390 32 floz Reg. $3.97 $3.77DA389 3 x 32 floz Reg. $9.78 $9.18DA388 6 x 32 floz Reg. $20.10 $18.91

Hemp Milk, Unsweetened VanillaDA393 32 floz Reg. $3.97 $3.77DA392 3 x 32 floz Reg. $9.78 $9.18DA391 6 x 32 floz Reg. $20.10 $18.91

Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil, 1000 mgNS1151 120 softgels Reg. $11.69 $10.99NS1150 12 x 120 softgels Reg. $132.28 $123.89

Hemp Protein

Hemp Plant Protein Blend Powder, Chocolate, OrganicNS1202 16 oz Reg. $18.80 $17.45NS1201 6 x 16 oz Reg. $115.19 $107.08

Hemp Plant Protein Blend Powder, Unsweetened, OrganicNS1206 16 oz Reg. $18.80 $17.45NS1205 6 x 16 oz Reg. $115.19 $107.08

Hemp Plant Protein Blend Powder, Vanilla, OrganicNS1204 16 oz Reg. $18.80 $17.45NS1203 6 x 16 oz Reg. $115.19 $107.08

Hemp Protein Powder, Pro 50NS705 1 lb Reg. $15.25 $14.53NS0240 2 lb Reg. $20.75 $19.53NS0239 3 x 2 lb Reg. $60.25 $56.58NS704 6 x 1 lb Reg. $83.20 $78.88NS0238 6 x 2 lb Reg. $113.75 $106.41

Hemp Protein Powder, Pro Fiber, OrganicNS0243 2 lb Reg. $20.95 $19.41NS0242 3 x 2 lb Reg. $60.45 $55.84NS0241 6 x 2 lb Reg. $125.35 $116.13

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed OilOL373 32 floz Reg. $19.01 $17.82OL372 6 x 32 floz Reg. $116.05 $108.92

Hemp Seed Oil, OrganicOL104 8.4 floz Reg. $7.65 $7.15OL108 16.9 floz Reg. $13.05 $12.21OL107 6 x 16.9 floz Reg. $78.27 $73.22OL103 12 x 8.4 floz Reg. $92.02 $86.08

Hemp Seeds

Hemp HeartsSE090 2.1 oz Reg. $2.91 $2.76SE092 8 oz Reg. $6.80 $6.36SE089 12 x 2.1 oz Reg. $27.12 $25.37SE249 5 lb Reg. $47.58 $44.33SE091 8 x 8 oz Reg. $54.51 $50.99

Hemp Hearts, OrganicSE233 12 oz Reg. $11.65 $10.90SE235 5 lb Reg. $69.22 $64.52SE232 6 x 12 oz Reg. $69.96 $65.44

Maple Valley Coop INDIE

Maple Sweeteners

Maple Syrup, Grade A Amber, OrganicSW256 12 floz Reg. $11.11 $10.49SW255 12 x 12 floz Reg. $114.74 $107.24

Maple Syrup, Grade A Dark Robust, OrganicSW258 8 floz Reg. $7.91 $7.43SW254 32 floz Reg. $22.34 $20.96SW252 64 floz Reg. $40.16 $37.58SW250 128 floz Reg. $66.96 $62.24SW257 12 x 8 floz Reg. $88.68 $82.98SW251 6 x 64 floz Reg. $234.37 $218.92SW253 12 x 32 floz Reg. $248.81 $232.31SW249 4 x 128 floz Reg. $287.73 $268.83

Maple Syrup, Grade A, Amber & Rich, OrganicSW382 16 floz Reg. $11.50 $10.78SW381 3 x 16 floz Reg. $32.37 $30.19SW380 12 x 16 floz Reg. $136.10 $127.40

Visit us online at January 2021 Sales Flyer 2524 January 2021 Sales Flyer Call us at (971) 200-8350

Maple Syrup, Grade A, Dark Robust, OrganicSW385 16 floz Reg. $12.65 $11.93SW384 3 x 16 floz Reg. $35.61 $33.43SW383 12 x 16 floz Reg. $136.10 $127.40SW432 3 gal Reg. $203.97 $189.97

Maple Syrup, Grade A, Dark Robust, Squeeze Bottle, OrganicSW342 12 floz Reg. $10.77 $10.15SW341 3 x 12 floz Reg. $29.94 $28.06SW340 12 x 12 floz Reg. $112.66 $105.16

Marie Originals Bar Soap

Bar Soap, Acne ControlHB1545 2.9 oz Reg. $7.49 $7.32HB1544 6 x 2.9 oz Reg. $44.94 $43.94

Bar Soap, Eczema & Psori-asis ReliefHB1543 2.9 oz Reg. $8.29 $8.12HB1542 6 x 2.9 oz Reg. $49.74 $48.74

Bar Soap, Itch ReliefHB1547 2.9 oz Reg. $8.49 $8.32HB1546 6 x 2.9 oz Reg. $50.94 $49.94

Bar Soap, Poison Ivy & Oak ReliefHB1541 2.9 oz Reg. $8.49 $8.32HB1540 6 x 2.9 oz Reg. $50.94 $49.94

Symptom Relief

Advanced Scar Treatment, CreamHB1553 1 oz Reg. $16.49 $16.32HB1552 6 x 1 oz Reg. $98.94 $97.94

Athletes Foot SprayHB1551 1 floz Reg. $9.49 $9.32HB1550 6 x 1 floz Reg. $56.94 $55.94

Baby Respiratory RubIC459 1 floz Reg. $11.49 $11.32IC458 6 x 1 floz Reg. $68.94 $67.94

Bite Relief SprayHB1549 1 floz Reg. $8.49 $8.32HB1548 6 x 1 floz Reg. $50.94 $49.94

Ear Oil, DropsHP296 1 oz Reg. $15.99 $15.82HP295 6 x 1 oz Reg. $95.94 $94.94

Earache Relief, DropsHP294 0.5 floz Reg. $10.99 $10.82HP293 6 x 0.5 floz Reg. $65.94 $64.94

Muscle & Joint RubHB1557 1 oz Reg. $13.99 $13.82HB1556 6 x 1 oz Reg. $83.94 $82.94

Nail Fungus, CreamHB1555 1 oz Reg. $16.99 $16.82HB1554 6 x 1 oz Reg. $101.94 $100.94

Sinus Congestion Relief RubHB1559 1 oz Reg. $14.49 $14.32HB1558 6 x 1 oz Reg. $86.94 $85.94

Wounds & Burns, CreamHB1561 1 oz Reg. $15.19 $15.02HB1560 6 x 1 oz Reg. $91.14 $90.14

Nancy's INDIE Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese, Lowfat, OrganicDP005 16 oz Reg. $6.18 $5.48DP071 6 x 16 oz Reg. $29.07 $24.88

Cottage Cheese, Whole Milk, OrganicDP416 16 oz Reg. $6.20 $5.50DP415 3 x 16 oz Reg. $16.52 $14.42DP414 6 x 16 oz Reg. $29.11 $24.92


Honey Yogurt, PlainDP018 64 oz Reg. $7.07 $6.29DP061 4 x 64 oz Reg. $22.17 $19.05

Low Fat YogurtDP017 64 oz Reg. $7.07 $6.29DP063 4 x 64 oz Reg. $22.17 $19.05

Whole Milk Yogurt, Plain, OrganicDP022 64 oz Reg. $10.30 $9.15DP021 4 x 64 oz Reg. $32.29 $27.70

Yogurt, Low Fat, Plain, OrganicDP074 32 oz Reg. $5.62 $5.00DP073 6 x 32 oz Reg. $26.37 $22.64

Yogurt, Plain Nonfat, OrganicDP082 64 oz Reg. $10.32 $9.17DP081 4 x 64 oz Reg. $32.35 $27.76

Yogurt, Whole Milk, OrganicDP080 32 oz Reg. $5.58 $4.96DP079 6 x 32 oz Reg. $26.24 $22.51

Yogurt, Whole Milk, Vanilla, OrganicDP419 32 oz Reg. $5.58 $4.96DP418 3 x 32 oz Reg. $14.88 $13.02DP417 6 x 32 oz Reg. $26.24 $22.51

Natracare INDIE Feminine Hygiene

Ultra Extra Pads, Long with wingsNF818 8 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.41NF1256 3 x 8 ct Reg. $13.81 $12.43NF1255 6 x 8 ct Reg. $26.35 $23.72NF817 12 x 8 ct Reg. $47.74 $42.97

Ultra Extra Pads, Normal with wingsNF816 12 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.41NF1257 3 x 12 ct Reg. $13.81 $12.43NF1258 6 x 12 ct Reg. $26.35 $23.72NF815 12 x 12 ct Reg. $47.74 $42.97

Ultra Extra Pads, Super with wingsNF820 10 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.41NF1259 3 x 10 ct Reg. $13.81 $12.43NF1260 6 x 10 ct Reg. $26.35 $23.72NF819 12 x 10 ct Reg. $47.74 $42.97

Ultra Long Pads with Wings, NaturalNF518 10 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.16NF1261 3 x 10 ct Reg. $13.81 $11.74NF1262 6 x 10 ct Reg. $26.35 $22.40NF517 12 x 10 ct Reg. $47.74 $40.58

Ultra Pads with WingsNF214 14 ct. Reg. $4.90 $4.16NF1264 3 x 14 ct. Reg. $13.81 $11.74NF1263 6 x 14 ct. Reg. $26.35 $22.40NF213 12 x 14 ct. Reg. $47.74 $40.58

Ultra Super Pads with WingsNF394 12 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.16NF1265 3 x 12 ct Reg. $13.81 $11.74NF1266 6 x 12 ct Reg. $26.35 $22.40NF393 12 x 12 ct Reg. $47.74 $40.58

Ultra Super Plus Pads, NaturalNF520 12 ct Reg. $4.90 $4.16NF1267 3 x 12 ct Reg. $13.81 $11.74NF1268 6 x 12 ct Reg. $26.35 $22.40NF519 12 x 12 ct Reg. $47.74 $40.58

Incontinence Needs

Dry + Light Pads, Sensitive BladderNF475 20 ct Reg. $5.67 $5.10NF1228 3 x 20 ct Reg. $16.28 $14.65NF474 6 x 20 ct Reg. $29.70 $26.73

Naturally Sunny Sunflower Seed Butter

Sunflower Butter, Turmeric Maple, OrganicNB315 8 oz Reg. $10.00 $9.40NB314 3 x 8 oz Reg. $27.60 $25.80

NB313 12 x 8 oz Reg. $103.42 $96.22

Nature's Alchemy INDIE Carrier Oils

Almond OilEO030 4 floz Reg. $5.39 $4.58EO031 16 floz Reg. $13.92 $11.83

Apricot Kernel OilEO032 4 floz Reg. $5.89 $5.01

Jojoba OilEO036 4 floz Reg. $12.93 $10.99

Essential Oils

Bergamot Essential OilEO104 0.5 floz Reg. $10.29 $8.75

Cedarwood Essential OilEO063 0.5 floz Reg. $2.98 $2.53

Cinnamon Cassia Essential OilEO064 0.5 floz Reg. $5.39 $4.58

Citronella Essential OilEO105 0.5 floz Reg. $3.85 $3.27

Clove Bud Essential OilEO066 0.5 floz Reg. $5.50 $4.68

Eucalyptus Essential OilEO067 0.5 floz Reg. $4.90 $4.16

Fir Needle Essential OilEO082 0.5 floz Reg. $8.80 $7.48

Frankincense Essential OilEO068 0.5 floz Reg. $19.20 $16.32

Geranium Essential OilEO065 0.5 floz Reg. $12.43 $10.57

Lavender Essential OilEO069 0.5 floz Reg. $8.75 $7.44

Lavender, Bulgarian Essential OilEO088 0.5 floz Reg. $9.90 $8.42

Lemon Essential OilEO070 0.5 floz Reg. $4.17 $3.54

Lemongrass Essential OilEO071 0.5 floz Reg. $4.68 $3.98

Myrrh Essential OilEO072 0.5 floz Reg. $26.79 $22.77

Orange Essential OilEO073 0.5 floz Reg. $3.42 $2.91

Patchouli Essential OilEO074 0.5 floz Reg. $14.30 $12.16

Peppermint Essential OilEO075 0.5 floz Reg. $6.55 $5.57

Rosemary Essential OilEO076 0.5 floz Reg. $4.57 $3.88

Tangerine Essential OilEO077 0.5 floz Reg. $3.19 $2.71

Tea Tree Essential OilEO078 0.5 floz Reg. $6.33 $5.38

Wintergreen Essential OilEO079 0.5 floz Reg. $7.59 $6.45

Ylang Ylang Essential OilEO080 0.5 floz Reg. $13.92 $11.83

Salts, Bath & Foot

Herbal Mineral Bath, Breathe DeepHB173 12 x 1 oz Reg. $14.01 $11.91

Herbal Mineral Bath, Joyful HeartHB201 12 x 1 oz Reg. $14.01 $11.91

Herbal Mineral Bath, Restful SleepHB207 12 x 1 oz Reg. $14.01 $11.91

OM Mushroom Superfood

Drink Mixes

Bone Broth, Mighty Beef, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1324 10 pk Reg. $18.68 $16.66NS1323 6 x 10 pk Reg. $102.44 $90.29

Brain Fuel Plus, Mocha, Mushroom Superfood, Drink MixNS1314 4 oz Reg. $15.80 $14.11NS1313 6 x 4 oz Reg. $85.50 $75.37

Energy Plus, Citrus Orange, Mush-room Superfood, Drink MixNS1310 4 oz Reg. $15.80 $14.11NS1309 6 x 4 oz Reg. $85.50 $75.37

Immune Plus, Strawberry, Mushroom Superfood, Drink MixNS1312 4 oz Reg. $15.80 $14.11NS1311 6 x 4 oz Reg. $85.50 $75.37

Mushroom Coffee Latte Blend, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1316 10 pk Reg. $12.99 $11.62NS1315 6 x 10 pk Reg. $70.17 $61.93

Mushroom Hot Chocolate Blend, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1320 10 pk Reg. $12.99 $11.62NS1319 6 x 10 pk Reg. $70.17 $61.93

Mushroom Master Blend, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1308 3.17 oz Reg. $15.77 $14.08NS1307 6 x 3.17 oz Reg. $85.57 $75.44

Mushroom Matcha Latte Blend, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1318 10 pk Reg. $12.99 $11.62NS1317 6 x 10 pk Reg. $70.17 $61.93

Veggie Miso Broth, Drink Mix, OrganicNS1322 10 pk Reg. $15.81 $14.12NS1321 6 x 10 pk Reg. $85.88 $75.75


Beauty Plus, Strawberry Lemonade, Mushroom Superfood, Drink StickNS1265 10 pk Reg. $14.21 $12.84NS1264 6 x 10 pk Reg. $76.77 $68.53

Beauty-Full, Mushroom SuperfoodNS1253 90 vegcaps Reg. $20.35 $18.33NS1252 6 x 90 vegcaps Reg. $112.11 $99.96

Brain Fuel, Mushroom SuperfoodNS1255 90 vegcaps Reg. $20.35 $18.33NS1254 6 x 90 vegcaps Reg. $112.11 $99.96

Chaga, Mushroom Powder, OrganicNS1247 3.5 oz Reg. $17.35 $15.66NS1246 12 x 3.5 oz Reg. $185.39 $165.14

Energy Plus, Citrus Orange, Mush-room Superfood, Drink StickNS1263 10 pk Reg. $14.25 $12.88NS1262 12 x 10 pk Reg. $151.33 $134.84

Lion's Mane, Mushroom Powder, OrganicNS1249 3.5 oz Reg. $17.35 $15.66NS1248 12 x 3.5 oz Reg. $185.39 $165.14

Lion's Mane, Mushroom SuperfoodNS1259 90 vegcaps Reg. $19.71 $17.75NS1258 6 x 90 vegcaps Reg. $108.47 $96.72

Reishi, Mushroom Powder, OrganicNS1251 3.5 oz Reg. $17.35 $15.66NS1250 12 x 3.5 oz Reg. $185.39 $165.14

Reishi, Mushroom SuperfoodNS1261 90 vegcaps Reg. $19.71 $17.75NS1260 6 x 90 vegcaps Reg. $108.47 $96.72

Natural Remedies for Boosting Immunity

Immune Defense, Mushroom Super-foodNS1257 90 vegcaps Reg. $20.35 $18.33NS1256 6 x 90 vegcaps Reg. $112.11 $99.96

Immune Plus, Super Berry, Mushroom Superfood, Drink StickNS1267 10 pk Reg. $14.21 $12.84NS1266 6 x 10 pk Reg. $76.77 $68.53

Immune, Mushroom Powder, OrganicNS1245 3.5 oz Reg. $17.35 $15.66NS1244 12 x 3.5 oz Reg. $185.39 $165.14

One Breath Kombucha

Kombucha & Kefir Water, Blueberry & Sage, beTrueJS702 16 floz Reg. $4.00 $3.60JS700 64 floz Reg. $11.50 $10.35JS701 12 x 16 floz Reg. $42.25 $38.02JS699 6 x 64 floz Reg. $62.00 $55.80

Organic Prairie INDIE Chicken

Chicken Ground, Chub, Organic, FrozenMT319 12 oz Reg. $7.80 $7.00MT318 5 x 12 oz Reg. $37.25 $33.25MT317 10 x 12 oz Reg. $70.45 $62.45

Organic Valley INDIE Beef

Beef Hot Dogs, Grass-fed, Uncured, Frozen, OrganicMT137 10 oz Reg. $8.95 $8.12MT250 3 x 10 oz Reg. $24.95 $22.45MT136 12 x 10 oz Reg. $92.95 $82.95

Cheese Blends

Mexican Blend Cheese, Shredded, OrganicCH181 6 oz Reg. $4.80 $4.13CH334 3 x 6 oz Reg. $12.95 $10.95CH180 12 x 6 oz Reg. $53.85 $45.85

Ghee/Clarified Butter

Ghee Clarified Butter, OrganicDP219 7.5 oz Reg. $9.50 $9.33DP221 13 oz Reg. $12.50 $12.33DP370 3 x 7.5 oz Reg. $27.45 $26.95

DP371 3 x 13 oz Reg. $36.22 $35.72DP218 12 x 7.5 oz Reg. $108.75 $106.75DP220 12 x 13 oz Reg. $166.99 $164.99

Jerky & Meat Sticks

Mighty Stick Beef Jalapeno, OrganicSN2016 0.75 oz Reg. $2.50 $2.31SN2015 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $40.24 $35.59SN2014 2 x 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $78.43 $69.13

Mighty Stick Beef Original, OrganicSN2013 0.75 oz Reg. $2.50 $2.31SN2012 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $40.24 $35.59SN2011 2 x 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $78.43 $69.13

Mighty Stick Beef Teriyaki, OrganicSN2019 0.75 oz Reg. $2.50 $2.31SN2018 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $40.24 $35.59SN2017 2 x 24 x 0.75 oz Reg. $78.43 $69.13

Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan Cheese, Grated, OrganicCH012 4 oz Reg. $5.28 $4.86CH321 3 x 4 oz Reg. $14.58 $13.33CH011 12 x 4 oz Reg. $53.85 $48.85

Shelf Stable Milk

Chocolate Milk, Single Serve, Shelf Stable, OrganicGY908 12 x 6.75 floz Reg. $18.43 $14.93

Whole Milk Single Serve, Shelf Stable, OrganicGY904 12 x 6.75 floz Reg. $17.88 $14.38

String Cheese

Stringles String Cheese, Mozzarella, OrganicCH398 24 x 1 oz Reg. $20.86 $17.86CH397 4 x 24 x 1 oz Reg. $77.87 $65.87

Stringles String Cheese, Pasteurized, OrganicCH143 6 oz Reg. $5.50 $4.83CH332 3 x 6 oz Reg. $15.40 $13.40CH142 12 x 6 oz Reg. $56.93 $48.93


Turkey Bacon, Uncured, Hardwood Smoked, Frozen, OrganicMT109 8 oz Reg. $7.25 $7.05MT248 2 x 8 oz Reg. $13.45 $13.05MT108 10 x 8 oz Reg. $69.80 $67.80

PetGuard Cat Food

Cat & Kitten Food, Fresh ChickenGP218 10 lb Reg. $32.61 $27.72

Cat Food, Canned, Chicken & Veg. Entree, OrganicGP226 5.5 oz Reg. $2.58 $2.19GP220 12.7 oz Reg. $4.09 $3.48GP219 12 x 12.7 oz Reg. $39.39 $33.48GP225 24 x 5.5 oz Reg. $40.45 $34.38

Cat Food, Canned, Chicken & Wheat Germ DinnerGP230 13.2 oz Reg. $3.41 $2.90GP229 12 x 13.2 oz Reg. $31.71 $26.95

Cat Food, Canned, Fish, Chicken & Liver DinnerGP224 13.2 oz Reg. $3.41 $2.90GP223 12 x 13.2 oz Reg. $34.88 $29.65

Cat Food, Canned, Premium Feast DinnerGP228 5.5 oz Reg. $2.43 $2.07GP222 13.2 oz Reg. $3.41 $2.90GP681 3 x 13.2 oz Reg. $9.10 $7.74GP682 6 x 5.5 oz Reg. $10.67 $9.07GP221 12 x 13.2 oz Reg. $31.71 $26.95GP227 24 x 5.5 oz Reg. $36.60 $31.11

Dog Food

Dog Food, Canned, Adult Entree, Chicken & Veg, OrganicGP207 12.7 oz Reg. $4.09 $3.48GP206 12 x 12.7 oz Reg. $39.39 $33.48

Dog Food, Lifespan Fresh Chicken For All StagesGP035 25 lb Reg. $61.90 $52.62

Quantum Health Amino Acids

Super Lysine Plus+ TabletsHB287 90 ct. Reg. $8.78 $7.90

Super Lysine+ TabletsHB0093 180 ct Reg. $15.04 $13.54

Athlete's Foot Care

Athlete's Foot CureHB0086 21 g Reg. $8.75 $7.88

Canker Sore Relief

Canker Care + Oral Gel Pain RelieverHB789 0.33 oz Reg. $6.82 $6.14

Super Lysine Cold StickHB285 1 tube Reg. $5.56 $5.00

Super Lysine+ Liquid ExtractHB0091 2 floz Reg. $11.74 $10.57

Super Lysine+ OintmentHB286 0.25 oz Reg. $7.33 $6.60HB0090 21 g Reg. $13.70 $12.33

Cracked Skin Relief

Herbal Skin Crack CreamHB0088 2 oz Reg. $8.22 $7.40

Herbal Remedies for Cough

Cough Relief Lozenges, Bing Cherry, OrganicHS1315 1 pk Reg. $4.73 $4.26

Insect Repellent

Buzz Away Extreme Spray Family SizeHB0085 8 floz Reg. $11.94 $10.75

Lip Treatments

Super Immune+HB0092 90 caps Reg. $11.80 $10.62


Thera Zinc® Lozenges, Elderberry Raspberry, OrganicHS1316 1 pk Reg. $5.27 $4.74

TheraZinc SprayNS261 4 oz Reg. $11.37 $10.23

Natural Remedies for Migraine Relief

MigShield TabletsHB0089 60 ct Reg. $23.90 $21.51

Scar Reducing Cream

Scar Reducing CreamHB0087 21 g Reg. $9.58 $8.62

Single Herbs

Elderberry Extract CapsHB528 60 caps Reg. $11.04 $9.94

Elderberry Liquid ExtractHB529 2 floz Reg. $14.02 $12.62

Elderberry SyrupHB531 4 oz Reg. $14.02 $12.62

Elderberry+ LozengesHB530 36 ct. Reg. $11.04 $9.94

Red Ape Spices

Cinnamon Chips, Cassia, OrganicHS898 1 lb Reg. $13.15 $12.15

Cinnamon, Ceylon, OrganicHS1318 2.8 oz Reg. $10.55 $9.55HS1317 1 lb Reg. $22.61 $21.11

Cinnamon, Ground, OrganicHS780 1 lb Reg. $13.48 $12.48

Ginger Powder, Ground, OrganicHS1306 10 oz Reg. $15.68 $14.68

Turmeric, Ground, OrganicHS897 1 lb Reg. $14.58 $13.58

Scenic Fruit Frozen Fruit

All Fruit Smoothie, Mango, Strawberry, Raspberry, OrganicFG1017 8 oz Reg. $2.84 $2.70FG1016 3 x 8 oz Reg. $7.64 $7.22FG1015 6 x 8 oz Reg. $13.61 $12.77FG1014 24 x 8 oz Reg. $55.08 $51.72

All Fruit Smoothie, Straw-berry, Banana, Blueberry, OrganicFG1021 8 oz Reg. $2.84 $2.70FG1020 3 x 8 oz Reg. $7.64 $7.22FG1019 6 x 8 oz Reg. $13.61 $12.77FG1018 24 x 8 oz Reg. $55.08 $51.72

All Fruit Smoothie, Straw-berry, Banana, OrganicFG1013 8 oz Reg. $2.84 $2.70FG1012 3 x 8 oz Reg. $7.64 $7.22FG1011 6 x 8 oz Reg. $13.61 $12.77FG1010 24 x 8 oz Reg. $55.08 $51.72

Sei Mee Tea INDIE Acai Juice

Acai Berry Juice Powder, OrganicNS0112 8 oz Reg. $21.84 $20.44

26 January 2021 Sales Flyer Call us at (971) 200-8350

Herbal Teas

Edible Green Tea Water Process DecafTE011 1.06 oz Reg. $12.93 $12.21

Genmaicha, Edible Green TeaTE013 1.06 oz Reg. $11.53 $10.50

Ground Green Tea, 80 cups, OrganicTE252 1.4 oz Reg. $16.23 $15.23

Matcha Green Tea for Modern War-riors, OrganicTE339 3.5 oz Reg. $15.90 $15.00

Matcha Plus, Ginseng and Guarana, OrganicTE392 3.17 oz Reg. $14.41 $13.63

Matcha with Ginger, OrganicTE403 3.2 oz Reg. $13.70 $12.92

Matcha with Lemon, OrganicTE402 3.2 oz Reg. $13.70 $12.92

Matcha with Peppermint, OrganicTE404 3.2 oz Reg. $13.70 $12.92

Matcha with Rosehip, OrganicTE405 3.2 oz Reg. $13.70 $12.92

Silver Sage Essential Oil

Thieves 2020 Essential OilEO138 0.5 oz Reg. $23.95 $16.95

Tanka Bars Jerky & Meat Sticks

Tanka Bar 100% Natural Buffalo CranberrySN488 1 oz Reg. $3.07 $2.91SN487 12 x 1 oz Reg. $27.98 $26.00

Tanka Bar Spicy Pepper BlendSN491 1 oz Reg. $3.07 $2.91SN490 12 x 1 oz Reg. $27.98 $26.00

Teeccino INDIE Coffee Alternatives

Dandelion Caramel Nut Chicory, Herbal Tea BagsCS087 1 box Reg. $4.93 $4.61CS086 3 x 1 box Reg. $14.11 $13.14CS085 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Dandelion Coconut, Herbal Tea Bags, OrganicCS169 1 box Reg. $4.93 $4.61CS168 3 x 1 box Reg. $14.11 $13.14CS167 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Dandelion Dark Roast Chicory, Herbal Tea Bags, OrganicCS084 1 box Reg. $4.93 $4.61CS083 3 x 1 box Reg. $14.11 $13.14CS082 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Dandelion Mocha Mint, Herbal Tea BagCS166 1 box Reg. $4.93 $4.61CS165 3 x 1 box Reg. $14.11 $13.14CS164 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Dandelion Red Chai, Herbal Tea BagsCS175 1 box Reg. $5.42 $5.10CS174 3 x 1 box Reg. $15.52 $14.55CS173 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Dandelion Turmeric, Herbal Tea Bags, OrganicCS172 1 box Reg. $4.93 $4.61CS171 3 x 1 box Reg. $14.11 $13.14CS170 6 x 1 box Reg. $28.69 $26.75

Maca Chocolate Chicory, Herbal Tea Bags, OrganicCS081 1 box Reg. $4.04 $3.77CS080 3 x 1 box Reg. $11.19 $10.39CS079 6 x 1 box Reg. $25.39 $23.79

Maya French Roast Chicory, Herbal Tea Bags, OrganicCS091 1 box Reg. $4.44 $4.17CS090 3 x 1 box Reg. $12.31 $11.51CS089 6 x 1 box Reg. $26.02 $24.42

Mediterranean Hazelnut Chicory, Herbal Tea BagsCS094 1 box Reg. $4.44 $4.17CS093 3 x 1 box Reg. $12.31 $11.51CS092 6 x 1 box Reg. $25.94 $24.34

Mediterranean Vanilla Nut Chicory, Herbal Tea BagsCS098 1 box Reg. $4.04 $3.77CS097 3 x 1 box Reg. $11.19 $10.39CS096 6 x 1 box Reg. $26.10 $24.50

The Flavor Chef Broth

Bone Broth, Beef, Grass-Fed, Organic, FrozenFG865 24 oz Reg. $13.48 $12.23

FG864 3 x 24 oz Reg. $38.45 $34.70FG863 6 x 24 oz Reg. $71.45 $63.95

Bone Broth, Chicken, Auto Immune Protocol, Organic, FrozenFG0040 24 oz Reg. $12.65 $11.40FG0039 3 x 24 oz Reg. $34.87 $31.12FG0038 6 x 24 oz Reg. $66.59 $59.09

Bone Broth, Chicken, Organic, FrozenFG862 24 oz Reg. $12.25 $11.00FG861 3 x 24 oz Reg. $34.95 $31.20FG860 6 x 24 oz Reg. $71.45 $63.95


Bone Broth Soup, Chicken, Coconut, Ginger, Mint, Lemon, Organic, FrozenFG868 20 floz Reg. $13.48 $12.23FG867 3 x 20 floz Reg. $38.45 $34.70FG866 6 x 20 floz Reg. $71.45 $63.95

Wildbrine INDIE Salsa, Picante Sauce, Hot Sauce,

& Chiles

Salsa Rojo, FermentedCO548 18 oz Reg. $5.94 $5.39CO547 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.72 $32.43

Salsa Verde, FermentedCO550 18 oz Reg. $5.94 $5.39CO549 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.72 $32.43


Kimchi, Raw, Fermented, JapaneseCO449 18 oz Reg. $5.95 $5.40CO448 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.70 $32.41

Kimchi, Raw, Fermented, KoreanCO466 18 oz Reg. $5.96 $5.41CO465 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.72 $32.43

Kimchi, Raw, Fermented, Mild, TurmericCO846 18 oz Reg. $6.84 $6.29CO845 6 x 18 oz Reg. $34.43 $31.14

Sauerkraut, Raw, Fermented, Arame & Ginger, OrganicCO437 18 oz Reg. $5.96 $5.41CO436 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.70 $32.41

Sauerkraut, Raw, Fermented, Dill & GarlicCO441 18 oz Reg. $5.96 $5.41CO440 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.70 $32.41

Sauerkraut, Raw, Fermented, Red Beet & Red Cabbage, OrganicCO447 18 oz Reg. $5.96 $5.41CO446 6 x 18 oz Reg. $35.70 $32.41

Sauerkraut, Raw, Probiotic, Green, OrganicCO722 18 oz Reg. $5.85 $5.30CO721 3 x 18 oz Reg. $16.75 $15.11CO720 6 x 18 oz Reg. $34.93 $31.64

Sauerkraut, Raw, Probiotic, Red, OrganicCO725 18 oz Reg. $5.85 $5.30CO724 3 x 18 oz Reg. $16.75 $15.11CO723 6 x 18 oz Reg. $34.93 $31.64

Sriracha, Probiotic, Smoky JalapenoCO823 8.5 oz Reg. $5.36 $4.89CO822 8 x 8.5 oz Reg. $37.47 $33.72

Sriracha, Probiotic, Spicy KimchiCO821 8.5 oz Reg. $5.36 $4.89CO820 8 x 8.5 oz Reg. $37.47 $33.72

Yakshi INDIE Fragrance Oils & Perfume


Cleopatra's Secret Botanical Fra-granceHB222 0.32 floz Reg. $10.10 $8.58HB796 12 x 0.32 floz Reg. $110.40 $93.84

Fresh Vanilla Botanical FragranceHB808 0.32 floz Reg. $10.10 $8.58HB806 12 x 0.32 floz Reg. $110.40 $93.84

Himalayan Rose Botanical FragranceHB804 0.32 floz Reg. $10.10 $8.58HB236 12 x 0.32 floz Reg. $110.40 $93.84

Yogourmet Cheese-making Supplies

CBA Probiotic Yogurt StarterDP014 1 box Reg. $9.52 $8.98DP013 6 x 1 box Reg. $51.43 $48.19

Kefir Culture Starter 30 gramsDP009 1 pk Reg. $6.93 $6.51DP046 6 x 1 pk Reg. $38.89 $36.37

Original Yogurt Starter 30 gramsDP011 1 pk Reg. $5.83 $5.50

THE FINE PRINTSale prices in our monthly sales flyers are effective on orders placed within the dates indicated on the magazine cover. These sale prices are not based on the

date when your order is delivered. We do our best to distribute sales magazines to each route prior to the beginning of the sales month, but it is our customers' responsibility to place an order during the month in which they plan to receive the sale prices.

To avoid receiving incorrect sale prices, please indicate on your fax, website order or mailed order the exact sale price intended and the month of that sale, es-pecially when your order deadline comes near the first of the month when the sales change. Please Note: When placing an order just before the sale prices expire, please ensure that your order arrives in sufficient time to be processed before Azure closes on the last business day of the calendar month of the sale. Azure honors sale prices during the dates in which the sale is active.

• Prices subject to change without notice. Although we do our best to keep prices at the published price, we reserve the right to change prices at any time.

• We will not be held responsibile for typographical errors and will not be obligated to honor misprinted prices.

• We make every effort to keep all sale items in stock, but sale prices only apply as quantities last. No rainchecks will be issued for out-of-stock items.


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Let us help you be generous!A gift card from Azure Standard means a choice

of more than 12,000 healthy products.

Order item GIFT10 for a $10 card, GIFT25 for a $25 card, GIFT 23 for a $35 card, GIFT50 for a $50 card, and GIFT 100 for a $100 card

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Azure... It’s how we feed our familiesAZURE STANDARD79709 Dufur Valley RoadDufur, OR 97021PHONE: 971-200-8350 FAX: 971-645-4759

Shipping: $

Grand Total: $

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Azure... It’s how we feed our familiesAZURE STANDARD79709 Dufur Valley RoadDufur, OR 97021PHONE: 971-200-8350 FAX: 971-645-4759

Shipping: $

Grand Total: $

Thank you for your order!

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Azure... It’s how we feed our familiesAZURE STANDARD79709 Dufur Valley RoadDufur, OR 97021PHONE: 971-200-8350 FAX: 971-645-4759

Shipping: $

Grand Total: $

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Phone: Ship Date:Notes:


Product Code Qty. Description Size Unit Price Total

Azure... It’s how we feed our familiesAZURE STANDARD79709 Dufur Valley RoadDufur, OR 97021PHONE: 971-200-8350 FAX: 971-645-4759

Shipping: $

Grand Total: $

Thank you for your order!

Visit us online at January 2021 Sales Flyer 33

February 2021 Cutoff Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6A1 Cedar Oak PineC4 GW3 Birch K6


7 8 9 10 11 12 13F2 Web* C1 Peach Apple FigY1 Web* B1 GW4 K2 KiwiGE4 Web* K1D1 Web*14 15 16 17 18 19 20Y2 Web* C2 Lily Rose K3E1 Web* A2 GW1 L3 TulipI1 Web* OrchidGE1 Web*21 22 23 24 25 26 27Y3 Web* C3 Peas Corn ChardD2 Web* B2 GW2 KaleGE2 Web* K4F1 Web*28D4 Web*Y4 Web*E2 I2 Web*GE3

*If your Cutoff is on a Sunday you are welcome to call Customer Service for assistance through Friday at 4pm PT.

January 2021 Cutoff Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9D4 Web* A1 Cedar Oak PineY4 Web* C4 GW3 Birch K6E2 I2 Web* K5GE310 11 12 13 14 15 16Y1 Web* C1 Peach Apple FigD1 Web* B1 GW4 K2 KiwiGE4 Web* K1F2 Web*17 18 19 20 21 22 23Y2 Web* C2 Lily Rose K3E1 Web* A2 GW1 L3 TulipI1 Web* OrchidGE1 Web*24 25 26 27 28 29 30Y3 Web* C3 Peas Corn ChardD2 Web* B2 GW2 KaleGE2 Web* K4F1 Web*31D4 Web* *If your Cutoff is on a Sunday you are welcome to call Customer Service for assistance through Friday at 4pm PT.

Y4 Web*E2 I2 Web*GE3



Delivery Calendars January 2021 Cutoff Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9D4 Web* A1 Cedar Oak PineY4 Web* C4 GW3 Birch K6E2 I2 Web* K5GE310 11 12 13 14 15 16Y1 Web* C1 Peach Apple FigD1 Web* B1 GW4 K2 KiwiGE4 Web* K1F2 Web*17 18 19 20 21 22 23Y2 Web* C2 Lily Rose K3E1 Web* A2 GW1 L3 TulipI1 Web* OrchidGE1 Web*24 25 26 27 28 29 30Y3 Web* C3 Peas Corn ChardD2 Web* B2 GW2 KaleGE2 Web* K4F1 Web*31D4 Web* *If your Cutoff is on a Sunday you are welcome to call Customer Service for assistance through Friday at 4pm PT.

Y4 Web*E2 I2 Web*GE3

The best way to ensure that your food is grown responsibly is to meet the people growing it. That’s why we’re so careful about who we do business with. All of our products come from farmers who are passionate about their crops. They understand the importance of responsible, sustainable, and ethical farming methods that leave the planet a better place. Meet the farmers of some of the products we sell at:

Meet your FARMERS

PurwantoCoconut Sugar Co-op,Java, Indonesia

Zephaniah StelzerAzure Farm, Dufur, Oregon

Michael and Jam Jolley, Australian Carob Farm, Booborowie, South Australia

Guy and Gary LarsonPark Place Farm, Cando, North Dakota

34 January 2021 Sales Flyer Call us at (971) 200-8350

BasilSun Dried TomatoesJalepeno

OriginalSun DriedTomatoes



(No Sesame Seed Oil)

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