SAG-AFTRA Detroit On Media - Summer

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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SAG-AFTRA Detroit On Media - Summer


sag-aftra on media Co-Presidents’ Message

SAG-AFTRA DETROIT LOCAL 23800 West Ten Mile Road, Suite 228 Southfield, Michigan 48033

Summer 2012 Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside this issue..... Co-Presidents’ Message 1

Local Board & Staff ..... 2

PSC Seminar ............... 3

BSC Report .................. 3

Stewards Corner ......... 4

The Water Cooler ....... 5

Protect Our Jobs......... 6

Unclaimed Funds ....... 6

Broadcast Update ...... 6

Executive Director ...... 7

Stay Connected ......... 7

Calendar .................... 8

What a thrilling, historic and challenging time to be a SAG-AFTRA performer in Michigan! We applaud every member in this state who voted overwhelmingly to merge our

two legendary labor organizations. Like the forward-thinking actors, broadcasters, re-cording artists and voiceover stars who organ-ized SAG and AFTRA in Detroit as the first Locals outside of New York, L.A. and Chi-cago in the 1930s, together we have decided to embrace the future with one resounding voice. Change doesn't happen without a lot of work. We invite you to take the next step in the merger process. The SAG-AFTRA Local in Michigan, thanks to the dedication of our Local Board and staff, is on a solid path toward creating one powerful Local. We hope that the same members who made merger a reality will become engaged as never before. You can run for office, join a committee, attend a conservatory or simply tell every performer you know that SAG-AFTRA members put the ―professional‖ into our profession! - In Solidarity, Jayne

As co-president of SAG-AFTRA Detroit, I am so pleased to be writing you. We have made history by uniting

the two greatest performers unions in the world into one powerhouse force. Your voices were heard. As we move forward, there will be growing pains as the details are worked out, but I believe great progress will be made for our members as we strive to reduce non-union work and create more opportunities for our members right here in the Detroit Local. As Jayne mentioned, there will be lots of opportunities for the members to get involved. I certainly hope you take advantage of this. You are the union and we are only as strong as our membership. I recently went to Actorfest and was so pleased to see many of our members talk-ing to young actors of all ages who have not yet joined SAG-AFTRA. These people were eager to learn the ―tricks of the trade‖ on being a pro in the biz. Actorfest was the perfect event and Raleigh Studios the per-fect venue for these future members to get their feet wet and learn. I know the people at Back Stage magazine were very pleased at the turnout and will look to Michigan again for a future Actorfest. A big thank you to Kimberly Stump, and to all of our members who gave of their time and talents at the SAG-AFTRA table. Until next time, my friends, remember we stand as one voice; let yours be heard. - See you at the audition, Peter

SAG-AFTRA Detroit Local Member Moments

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

3 4 5 Detroit Board


6 7 8

9 Renew America

Expo- Madison Heights

10 11 12 Detroit AFL-CIO Executive Board


13 14 Waterfront Film

Festival- Saugatuck

15 Waterfront Film

Festival- Saugatuck

16 Waterfront Film

Festival- Saugatuck

17 Waterfront Film

Festival- Saugatuck

18 19 Michigan AFL-CIO

General Board Meeting

20 21 22 23

24 25 26 Personal Service

Contract Seminar- Livonia

27 28 29 30


"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi




Disclaimer..... SAG-AFTRA is a union which is comprised of a variety of performers, including newspersons. The union's support of any initiative should not be interpreted to be the position of any individual member. As a policy matter and in accordance with the SAG-AFTRA National policies, SAG-AFTRA does not raise funds or endorse political parties or candidates for publicly elected office.

Dear SAG-AFTRA Members,

How cool is that, to say ―SAG-AFTRA!‖ I could go on and on about how excited I am about the merger, especially after the privilege of serving on the merger task force and witnessing the hard work done by its members and staff. Instead, however, I will echo the eloquent words in this newslet-ter’s article by your co-presidents, Jayne Bower and Peter Tocco. I have always enjoyed working with so many of the former SAG members. Now I look forward to meeting the members of former AFTRA at the upcoming broadcaster personal service contract seminar and other Local events. We are looking for new office space that is not only conveniently located, but a space that will foster strong relationships within our union and also be conducive for outreach into the broader broadcast and production community. Board members are discussing the two for-mer cultures and how to best meld as one. Although we must continually look for new organizing strategies in our future, note some of the present and successful activities that are mentioned in this newsletter. We know that working with students produces new signatories to our contracts, as well as new members. Several performers recently read student scripts in the style of ―tabletop readings‖ at Wayne State University and University of Michigan - Dearborn. Student Agreements came from those efforts. Actorfest, Back Stage magazine’s popular trade show for actors, was held outside of New York and Los Angeles for the first time – in Philadelphia and Detroit. In Detroit, it was held at Raleigh Studios on May 19, and the event allowed our members to communicate with nonmembers about the advantages of joining our union. Finally, pay special attention to the Protect Our Jobs Campaign. As you read about the proposed amendment to the state constitution, please know that part of the amendment would make it illegal to have Michigan become a so-called ―right-to-work‖ state. That would be a stunning win for the working people of Michigan. The future is ours. We are eager to hear your ideas about how we can effectively move forward. Marcia Fishman Executive Director—Detroit

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Presidents: Jayne Bower, Peter Tocco

Vice Presidents:

Greg Bowman , Steve Goldsmith, Nicole Hakim Yohn


Kimberly Stump, Thomas Watson

Treasurers: Don DiPace, Lili Kaufmann

Board Members:

Ele Bardha, Gerry Cooper, James Cowans, Alex Davis, Rhonda English, Tiren Jhames, Bruce Kavaya, Anne Keeble, Ralph Lister, Laurie Logan,

Sandra McNeill, Debra Port, Martha Reeves, Jacqua Scott, Jo-Jo Shutty-

MacGregor, Jamie Wheatley, Lynne Woodison, Eric Wydra

Co-National Board Members:

Jayne Bower, Ed Kelly


“SAG-AFTRA Detroit” on Facebook



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SAG-AFTRA Detroit Staff At your service....

Marcia Fishman Executive Director 248.351.2678 office Janette Rook Director of Broadcast 248.228.3173 office Gina-Marie Hernandez Freelance Representative 248.228.3172 office


Not receiving union emailed casting calls, events, newsletters?

Please contact the Local!


Services are administered by entities independent of SAG-AFTRA. Questions must be handled by

the providers. SAG-AFTRA does not endorse any of these services.

Specifically, the proposed constitutional amendment would:

Establish the people’s rights to join a union and bargain collectively to protect wages, benefits and

workplace safety. workplace safety.Stop Lansing politicians from

interfering with these rights. interfering with these rights.Strengthen the middle class to help small businesses create jobs. Provide a needed counterweight to corporate CEOs and help fight

outsourcing. Serve as a pre-emptive strike against a possible ―right-to-work‖ movement in Michigan.

After over a year of constant policy attacks by Lansing politicians, Michigan unions are fighting back with a proposal that would enshrine collective bargaining rights in the state constitution — a historic first for the nation. Collective bargaining gives all workers a voice and the ability to come together to negotiate a fair contract. Now we need to work to protect our rights in order to help rebuild our economy and the middle class. To get the proposed amendment before Michigan voters in November, volunteers must collect 322,609 petition signatures by July 9. To sign up to help with this ef-fort and for more information, visit

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Labor Day 2011

As a SAG-AFTRA member, you may have unclaimed money waiting for you in several funds that collect and hold money for professional performers, recording artists and broadcast journalists. Visit and to search each fund to make sure you’re getting all the money you deserve. Contact the Local anytime for assistance with this.

AFTRA “Unable to Locate” Trust Account

Sound Exchange Alliance of Artists & Recording Co SAG Residuals Tracker SAG Foreign Royalties

♦ ♦ ♦

Unclaimed Funds

After spending a weekend at the SAG-AFTRA Broadcast Steering Committee (BSC) meeting in New York this spring, I think many of us — including me — have had some real misconceptions about the union’s place in our work and the benefits it can provide. One of the sessions at the BSC featured a very interesting panel presentation on Personal Service Contracts (PSCs). One long-time SAG-AFTRA representative told a particularly frightening (and funny) story about a glaring error in the PSC of a major market anchor. He had signed the contract on the advice of his agent, but unfortunately both he and his agent misinterpreted a provision of the PSC that involved the SAG-AFTRA Agreement, and it could have cost him big. The union representative spotted it and was able to get the issue corrected in time — and both the anchor and the agent sent her flowers! The point here is this - whether or not you have an agent, it never hurts to have a SAG-AFTRA staff representative take a look at your personal contract.

Our union is fighting for legislation to ban non-compete agreements and has been successful in several states. This legislation in Michigan is not moving due to our current political climate, but that could change and we have every right to fight against something that deprives us of our livelihoods. SAG-AFTRA is advocating for shield laws and a host of other protections that we as journalists should be afforded. We have large and active Locals in L.A., N.Y., D.C., Chicago – with many shops around the country including not just talent, but producers and other off-air staff. SAG-AFTRA is strong union and I think we can be that again here in Detroit — the state that birthed the UAW and brought you the sit-down strike. Unions throughout the country are under attack and we need to stand with and for one another. SAG-AFTRA provides us with minimum salaries that are often unseen in our market, as well as severance, pension, insurance, and other benefits. Whatever our issues, we will fight for our rights at the bargaining table, but I’m asking each and every one of you to attend your negotiations — even if you can only be there for 15 minutes and say nothing. It makes a big difference when we show a united front at the table. Remember, should you have any discipline issues, you have a right to have a union steward present and you should ask for a union steward if any conversation appears to be headed in a disciplinary direction. That is another benefit you are afforded under the union. We can always call our Director of Broadcasting Janette Rook if need be as well; she’s here for us. I urge you to contact our Local office to learn more about what the union does for you and to get involved. We are now SAG-AFTRA — a merger that brings together 160,000 members and about 1,000 members here in our market.

Thanks for your time — doing more with less — working for you! - Amy Lange, WJBK-TV Fox 2 News Shop Steward

JOIN US JUNE 26th! Broadcaster PSC Seminar

Madonna University June 26, 2012

7:00—9:00 p.m. Franciscan Center

Lecture Hall—Room S-100 RSVP to


The BSC Report by Amy Lange....

Protecting the Middle Class



SAG-AFTRA regularly provides personal service contract consultation. Whether or not you

have legal or agency representation, SAG-AFTRA’s professional staff will provide you

with an analysis of your employment contract, and an explanation of how that

agreement intersects with the union contract in your workplace.

in broadcast the sky is the limit

“Where trade unions are most firmly organized, there are the rights of the

people most respected.”

—Samuel Gompers

We are only bound by our own imagination and engagement when we talk about broadcast negotiating and organizing in Detroit. This business is in constant flux, but your collective bargaining rights remain a constant force for stability and improvement of wages and working conditions in your shops. We are as strong as we allow ourselves to be — never doubt it. Through station collective bargaining agreements we are an equal business partner with management, with a legal voice at the table. Station contracts are sim-ply about protection and respect — no different than the contract we sign with our builder or our mortgage provider. Member involvement in this process is vital to its success and has recently achieved tremendous improvements in units like Na-tional Public Radio and others across the country. This will be a busy and exciting year for broadcast negotiations, with contracts up for renegotiation at the Bell Media Radio Windsor/Detroit stations, the Michigan Lottery and finally at WJBK-TV Fox 2 News. Contract surveys are/will be sent to members of each bargaining unit to identify your priorities. Market and bargaining research is now being conducted as well, so that we can start from a position of knowledge and strength. However, as many of us know, there is nothing more powerful or stronger than our members sitting at the bargaining table in solidarity. Even if you don’t say a word — your presence speaks volumes. Whether it’s a t-shirt, a hat, a pin, or simply your presence at the negotiations table — your action makes the difference. If your station isn’t in negotiations, I hope you’ll each take some time to support your union brothers and sisters who are at the table in 2012. We’re all in this together!

- Janette Rook, Director of Broadcast—Detroit

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Happy Retirement, Bill!

▲ Thank you and best wishes to long-time Fox 2 News shop

steward Bill Gallagher as he embarks on his latest adventure!



Steve Goldsmith represented the Local at the AFL-CIO’s 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Holiday

Observance held in Detroit from Jan. 12-16. AFTRA National President Roberta Reardon introduced radio,

talk show/TV personality and SAG-AFTRA member Joe Madison, who was the moderator at the town hall titled;

―We Are One: Workers’ Rights and Civil Rights.‖

L-R: Steve Goldsmith, Roberta Reardon, LA Member Shyla La’Sha

▲Hosted by Martha Reeves, Jayne Bower, Vickie Thomas, and Aggie Usedly, this year’s winter

bash was a night to remember. See you next year!

Sock Hop at The Roostertail!

▲ Welcome to new shop steward Mark McKenzie of 89X! He joins long-time steward Patty

Handysides, representing the Windsor/Detroit members at 89X, CKLW AM800, 93.9 The River,

and CKWW AM580 Motor City Favorites


For an impressive seventh straight year, the Radio-Television News Directors’

Association of Canada (RTNDA) awarded CKLW AM 800 Windsor/

Detroit members the Byron MacGregor Award for the Best Newscast for

7a.m. News (Medium Market). Congratulations!

Station Shop Stewards ―Labor can not stand still. It must not retreat. It must go on, or go under.‖

—Harry Bridges


Patty Handysides—Bell Radio Windsor/Detroit Mark McKenzie—Bell Radio Windsor/Detroit

Amy Lange— WJBK-TV Fox 2 News Jayne Bower—CBS Radio Detroit

Vickie Thomas—CBS Radio Detroit Doak Breen—CBS Radio Detroit Aggie Usedly— Michigan Lottery

▲ After a series of joint informational meetings, members of SAG voted 82% and members of AFTRA voted 86% in favor of merging to

become SAG-AFTRA. Local members gathered at the Royal Oak Emagine Theatre to watch the historic announcement via livestream.

Merger History!


L-R: Don DiPace, Kimberly Stump L-R: Kimberly Stump, Peter Tocco, Jamie Wheatley, Jacqua Scott,

and Debra Port

L-R: Max Lund and Tiren Jhames

“The group that volunteered stayed late and came early. They are the real stars of the success here. We were so busy and there were so many interested non-union actors in SAG-AFTRA.” - SAG-AFTRA Co-Secretary Kimberly Stump

▲Student scripts at University of Michigan—Dearborn.

L-R: Steve Goldsmith, Jan Stano, and casting director Janet Pound


◄ Huel Perkins, receiving the Working in the Spirit of

Diversity Award at Wayne State


◄Board Member Rhonda English, representing the Local at the 2nd Annual MFilm Gala ―Return of Motown”

Actorfest volunteers not pictured: Steve Goldsmith, Rhonda English, Eric Wydra, Renee Shane, Sandra McNeill, Lisa Pulido and Dave Donaldson

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