
Safe Summer Workout Tips

Sunny weather beckons us to enjoy the outdoors and often times that means playing or working out on hot and steamy days. Here are five tips on how to stay safe when the mercury rises.

1. Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water before, during and after physical activity. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

2. Timing is Everything

Exercise during the cooler parts of the day either early in the morning or early in the evening. Decrease exercise intensity and duration during high temperatures or relative humidity. Don’t forget you can take your exercise inside to a gym or a mall for walking.

3. Dress Appropriately

Lightweight fabrics are good choices to help wick away sweat. Clothes should also be light in color in order to reflect the sun.

4. Go Slow

It generally takes 4 to 14 days to acclimatize to the hotter temperatures. Gradual daily exposure is the best, work up to your goal.

5. The Buddy System

Find a workout partner. Not only could it be more fun but there is safety in numbers.

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