
The Texas STaR


Jane Dwyer IamsEDLD 5352


Long Range Plan for Technology

STaR Chart

STaR Chart Purpose

STaR Chart Information

Our Campus Results

Our Technology Goals

Long Range Plan for Technology

Vision 2020

Four Key Domains

Students, Parents, Educators, Community and School Board Members

Provide 21st Century education

SBEC Technology Applications Standards

STaR Chart

Developed around four areas of the Long-Range Plan

Determines progress toward state and local technology goals

No Child Left Behind

STaR Chart Purpose Measures and tracks campus technology

proficiency and growth

Used for grant applications and funding

Updates campus technology plans

STaR Chart Areas

4 Key Areas:

Teaching & Learning

Educator Preparation & Development

Leadership, Administration & Instructional Support

Infrastructure for Technology

STaR Chart Scores

4 Ratings

Early Tech: 6-8

Developing Tech: 9-14

Advanced Tech: 15-20

Target Tech: 21-24

Nixon-Smiley Campus Results

Teaching & Learning

Educator Preparation & Development

Leadership, Administration & Instructional Support

Infrastructure for Technology


Nixon-Smiley High School Campus Goals

Increase all 4 areas of STaR Char to Advanced Tech rating in 2009-2010

Increase 24/7 access to digital tools and resources

Maximize the Vision 2020 grant technology

What now?

Continue to utilize the Texas STaR Chart

Increase our campus STaR Chart scores

Develop 21st Century learners that have access to digital tools 24/7

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