RxJava applied [JavaDay Kyiv 2016]

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RxJava Applied: Concise Examples where It Shines

Igor Lozynskyi

JavaDay Kyiv - Oct 14-15, 2016

Software Engineer at GlobalLogic

Presentation’s home



● RxJava vs Java 8 Streams

● RxJava usage example

Pre Java 8 data processing

interface Iterator<T> {

T next();

boolean hasNext(); void remove();}

Pre Java 8 data processing

List<Employee> employees = service.getEmployees();

Map<Integer, List<Employee>> ageDistribution = new HashMap<>();for (Employee employee : employees) { if (employee.getAge() > 25){ List<Employee> thisAge = ageDistribution.get(employee.getAge()); if (thisAge != null){ thisAge.add(employee); } else{ List<Employee> createThisAge = new ArrayList<>(); createThisAge.add(employee); ageDistribution.put(employee.getAge(), createThisAge); } }}


Java 8 Stream ...

● Connects data source and client

● Do not hold any data

● Implements map / filter / reduce pattern

● Enforces functional style of data processing

Stream collectors

List<Employee> employees = service.getEmployees();

Map<Integer, List<Employee>> ageDistribution = new HashMap<>();for (Employee employee : employees) { if (employee.getAge() > 25) { List<Employee> thisAge = ageDistribution.get(employee.getAge()); if (thisAge != null){ thisAge.add(employee); } else { List<Employee> createThisAge = new ArrayList<>(); createThisAge.add(employee); ageDistribution.put(employee.getAge(), createThisAge); } }}


Stream collectors

List<Employee> employees = service.getEmployees();

Map<Integer, List<Employee>> ageDistribution =


.filter(e -> e.getAge() > 25)



Stream collectors

List<Employee> employees = service.getEmployees();

Map<Integer, Long> ageDistribution =


.filter(e -> e.getAge() > 25)





Stream sources

Stream<String> stream1 = Arrays.asList("A", "B").stream();

Stream<String> stream2 = Stream.of("Q", "P", "R");

IntStream chars = "some text".chars();

Stream<String> words

= Pattern.compile(" ").splitAsStream("some other text");

Non-standard stream sources

Can we use non-standard stream sources?


Stream generator

Stream .generate(() -> UUID.randomUUID().toString()) .limit(4) .forEach(System.out::println);

Spliterator interface

public interface Spliterator<T> {

boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action);

Spliterator<T> trySplit();

long estimateSize();

int characteristics(); }

class RandomSpliterator implements Spliterator<String> { public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super String> action) { action.accept(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); return true; }

// for parallel streams public Spliterator<String> trySplit() { return null; }

public long estimateSize() { return Long.MAX_VALUE; };

public int characteristics() { return NONNULL | DISTINCT; }}

Generate sequence: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ...

IntStream sequence = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 50) .flatMap(i -> IntStream.iterate(i, identity()).limit(i) );


Stream API is powerful!

Stream API - async processing

getEmployeeIds().stream() .map(this::doHttpRequest) .collect(Collectors.toList())

Output:[main] processing request: c677c497[main] processing request: 3b5320a9[main] processing request: 9248b92e[main] processing request: 97a68a53

Stream API - async processing

getEmployeeIds().stream() .parallel() .map(this::doHttpRequest) .collect(Collectors.toList())

Output:[main] processing request: 7674da72[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] processing request: 747ae948[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] processing request: 33fe0bac[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] processing request: 812f69f3[main] processing request: 11dda466[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] processing request: 12e22a10[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] processing request: e2b324f9[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] processing request: 8f9f8a97

Stream API - async processing

ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(80);

forkJoinPool.submit(() -> getEmployeeIds().stream() .parallel() .map(this::doHttpRequest) .collect(Collectors.toList())).get();

Stream API has some limitations

Reactive Streams: what the difference


17,700 stars on GitHub

Short history

● From 2009 for .NET

● From 2013 for JVM (latest: 1.2.1, Oct 5, 2016)

● Now a lot of other languages

RxJava Observer

interface Observer<T> {

void onNext(T t);

void onCompleted();

void onError(Throwable e);}

RxJava Subscription

interface Subscription {

void unsubscribe();

boolean isUnsubscribed();}


● Central class in RxJava library

● It’s big: ~ 10k lines of code (with comments)

● It’s complex: ~ 100 static methods, ~ 150 non-static

Subscription sub = Observable .create(s -> { s.onNext("A"); s.onNext("B"); s.onCompleted(); }) .subscribe(m -> log.info("Message received: " + m), e -> log.warning("Error: " + e.getMessage()), () -> log.info("Done!"));

Output:Message received: AMessage received: BDone!

Observable<Integer> empty = Observable.empty();

Observable<Integer> never = Observable.never();

Observable<Integer> error = Observable.error(exception);

Observable useful for tests

never() - never emit anything (no data, no errors)

public static <T, Resource> Observable<T> using(

final Func0<Resource> resourceFactory,

final Func1<Resource, Observable<T>> observableFactory,

final Action1<Resource> disposeAction){ }

Observable from resource

Observable .from(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 3, 6, 7, 8)) .filter(i -> (i > 3 && i < 8)) .forEach(System.out::println);


Marble diagram: filter

Marble diagram: last

Marble diagram: reduce

Marble diagram: buffer

Marble diagram: timer

Marble diagram: interval

Time series

Observable<Long> timer = Observable.timer(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Observable<Long> interval = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



Output:Process finished with exit code 0

Time series

Observable<Long> timer = Observable.timer(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Observable<Long> interval = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

timer.forEach(i -> System.out.println(currentThread().getName() + " - " + i));

interval.forEach(i -> System.out.println(currentThread().getName() + " - " + i));

Output:RxComputationThreadPool-2 - 0RxComputationThreadPool-1 - 0RxComputationThreadPool-2 - 1Process finished with exit code 0



public final class Schedulers {

public static Scheduler immediate() {...}

public static Scheduler trampoline() {...}

public static Scheduler newThread() {...}

public static Scheduler computation() {...}

public static Scheduler io() {...}

public static TestScheduler test() {...}

public static Scheduler from(Executor executor) {...}



Observable.from("one", "two", "three", "four", "five")



.subscribe(/* an Observer */);

Marble diagram: merge


Observable<Integer> odds = Observable

.just(1, 3, 5).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io());

Observable<Integer> evens = Observable.just(2, 4, 6);

Observable.merge(odds, evens)




() -> System.out.println("Finished"));

Marble diagram: zip


Observable<String> odds = Observable.just("A", "B", "C", "D");

Observable<Integer> evens = Observable.just(2, 4, 6);

Observable.zip(odds, evens, (a, b) -> a + "-" + b)




() -> System.out.println("Finished"));


Cold & Hot Observables

● Cold Observable emits events only having subscriber

● Hot Observable emits events even without subscribers



Backpreasure is a way to slow down emission of elements

It can act on observing side


● Buffering items (buffer, window)

● Skipping items (sampling, throttling, etc)

● Request for specific number of elements

Backpressure: request for elements

public interface Producer {

void request(long n);


Stream API vs RxJava


● allows to process data in chosen thread, this is useful for IO,

computations, specialized threads (GUI threads),

● allows synchronization on clocks and application events,

● works in push mode, producer initiates data transfer, but consumer may

control data flow via backpressure.

Stream API:

● tuned for hot data processing,

● good for parallel computation,

● has rich set of collectors for data.

Shakespeare Plays Scrabble Benchmark (throughput)

Non-Parallel Streams 44.995 ± 1.718 ms/op

Parallel Streams 14.095 ± 0.616 ms/op

RxJava 310.378 ± 9.688 ms/op

RxJava (2.0.0-RC4) 156.334 ± 8.423 ms/op


Based on JMH benchmark by Jose Paumard

Scenarios where RxJava shines

● Observables are better callbacks (easily wrap callbacks)

● Observables are highly composable (on contrast with callbacks)

● Provide async stream of data (on contrast with CompletableFuture)

● Observables can handle errors (have retry / backup strategies)

● Give complete control over running threads

● Good for managing IO rich application workflows

● Perfect for Android development (no Java 8 required, retrolambda compatible)

● Netflix uses RxJava for most their internal APIs

Request flow

Created with draw.io

Stream API and RxJava are friends!

You can easily build Observable from Stream

Iterator<T> iterator = ...;

Observable<T> observable = Observable.from(() -> iterator);

You can map Observable to Stream by implementing adapter

public static<T> Iterator<T> of(Observable<? extends T> ob){

class Adapter implements Iterator<T>, Consumer<T> {



return new Adapter();


External libraries that work with RxJava

● hystrix - latency and fault tolerance bulkheading library

● camel RX - to reuse Apache Camel components

● rxjava-http-tail - allows you to follow logs over HTTP

● mod-rxvertx - extension for VertX that provides support Rx

● rxjava-jdbc - use RxJava with JDBC to stream ResultSets

● rtree - immutable in-memory R-tree and R*-tree with RxJava

● and many more ...

RxJava is not new




Scala Actors

Spring Integration

What’s around?

● Google Agera - reactive streams for Android by Google

● Project Reactor - flow API implementation by Pivotal & Spring

● Akka-Streams - Akka based streams

● Monix - Scala based implementation of Reactive Streams

● Vert.x, Lagom - if you want more than streams

Let’s build something with RxJava

Use case: Stream of tweets

Created with Balsamiq Mockups

Twitter API

Twitter Stream API (WebSocket alike):● Doc: https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview

● Library: com.twitter:hbc-core:2.2.0

Twitter REST API:● GET https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=jeeconf

● GET https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=from:jeeconf

Let’s look at entities

class Tweet { String text; int favorite_count; String author; int author_followers;}

class Profile { String screen_name; String name; String location; int statuses_count; int followers_count;}

class UserWithTweet { Profile profile; Tweet tweet;}

Marble diagram

Profile getUserProfile(String screenName) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); return (Profile) om.readValue(om.readTree( Unirest.get(API_BASE_URL + "users/show.json") .queryString("screen_name", screenName) .header("Authorization", bearerAuth(authToken.get())) .asString() .getBody()), Profile.class);}

Get user profile synchronously

Get user profile asynchronously

Observable<Profile> getUserProfile(String screenName) { return Observable.fromCallable(() -> { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); return (Profile) om.readValue(om.readTree( Unirest.get(API_BASE_URL + "users/show.json") .queryString("screen_name", screenName) .header("Authorization", bearerAuth(authToken.get())) .asString()

.getBody()), Profile.class); });}

Add some errors handling

Observable<Profile> getUserProfile(String screenName) { if (authToken.isPresent()) { return Observable.fromCallable(() -> { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); return (Profile) om.readValue(om.readTree( Unirest.get(API_BASE_URL + "users/show.json") .queryString("screen_name", screenName) .header("Authorization", bearerAuth(authToken.get())) .asString() .getBody()), Profile.class); }).doOnCompleted(() -> log("getUserProfile completed for: " + screenName)); } else { return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("Can not connect to twitter")); }}

Let’s do something concurrently

Illustration: Arsenal Firearms S.r.l.

Get data concurrently

Observable<UserWithTweet> getUserAndPopularTweet(String author){ return Observable.just(author) .flatMap(u -> { Observable<Profile> profile = client.getUserProfile(u) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()); Observable<Tweet> tweet = client.getUserRecentTweets(u) .defaultIfEmpty(null) .reduce((t1, t2) -> t1.retweet_count > t2.retweet_count ? t1 : t2) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()); return Observable.zip(profile, tweet, UserWithTweet::new); });}

Let’s subscribe on stream of tweets!

streamClient.getStream("RxJava", "JavaDay", "Java")

streamClient.getStream("RxJava", "JavaDay", "Java", "Trump", "Hillary")

streamClient.getStream("RxJava", "JavaDay", "Java", "Trump", "Hillary")


.map(p -> p.author)

.flatMap(name -> getUserAndPopularTweet(name))



.subscribe(p -> log.info("The most popular tweet of user " + p.profile.name + ": " + p.tweet));

.scan((u1, u2) -> u1.author_followers > u2.author_followers ? u1 : u2)

streamClient.getStream("RxJava", "JavaDay", "Java", "Trump") .scan((u1, u2) -> u1.author_followers > u2.author_followers ? u1 : u2) .distinctUntilChanged() .map(p -> p.author) .flatMap(name -> { Observable<Profile> profile = client.getUserProfile(name) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()); Observable<Tweet> tweet = client.getUserRecentTweets(name) .defaultIfEmpty(null) .reduce((t1, t2) -> t1.retweet_count > t2.retweet_count ? t1 : t2) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()); return Observable.zip(profile, tweet, UserWithTweet::new); }) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(Schedulers.immediate()) .subscribe(p -> log.info("The most popular tweet of user " + p.profile.name + ": " + p.tweet));

Marble diagram

@Test public void correctlyJoinsHttpResults() throws Exception {

String testUser = "testUser";

Profile profile = new Profile("u1", "Name", "USA", 10, 20, 30);

Tweet tweet1 = new Tweet("text-1", 10, 20, testUser, 30);

Tweet tweet2 = new Tweet("text-2", 40, 50, testUser, 30);

TwitterClient client = mock(TwitterClient.class);


when(client.getUserRecentTweets(testUser)).thenReturn(Observable.just(tweet1, tweet2));

TestSubscriber<UserWithTweet> testSubscriber = new TestSubscriber<>();

new Solutions().getUserAndPopularTweet(client, testUser).subscribe(testSubscriber);


assertEquals(singletonList(new UserWithTweet(profile, tweet2)),



Don’t believe it works?

● API is big (150+ methods to remember)

● Requires to understand underlying magic

● Hard to debug

● Don’t forget about back pressure

Conclusions: pitfalls

● It is functional, it is reactive*

● Good for integration scenarios

● Allows to control execution threads

● Easy to compose workflows

● Easy to integrate into existing solutions

● Easy Ok to test

* RxJava is inspired by FRP (Functional Reactive Programming), but doesn’t implement it

Conclusions: strength

● RxJava 2.0 in few weeks!

● RxJava 2.0 is better and faster

● RxJava 2.0 is Java 9 Flow API compatible

● We will see more and more reactive streams

Conclusions: future

Q&A https://github.com/aigor/rx-presentation


Presentation template by SlidesCarnival


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