Russia and The Soviet Union. World War I In 1914, WWI broke out in Europe. Russia wasn’t prepared for war and suffered many defeats. In 1917, Russia backed.

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Russia and The Soviet Union

World War IIn 1914, WWI broke out in Europe. Russia wasn’t prepared for war and suffered many defeats.

In 1917, Russia backed out of WWI because of a civil war at home.

Civil War

Their civil war, a fight between different groups within a country, lasted from 1917 to 1922.

The war caused food shortages which led to many people starving.

Communist RevolutionVladimir Lenin led a revolution, when a government is overthrown violently and replaced with another, in 1917 called the Bolshevik Movement.

Lenin set up a communist state, a government whose country has a strong control over society and economy. This type of government is usually ruled by few not ruled by many.


Under Lenin’s rule, the Soviets were denied the right to free speech, religion, and the right to make choices about their daily lives.

In 1922, Russia changed its name to the USSR: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

StalinIn 1924 Lenin died, and Joseph Stalin took charge of the Communist Party. He instated his own rule and wanted no civic participation, people taking an active role in society and government.

Stalin’s rule was brutal. He sent anyone who disagreed with him to gulags or prison camps which where located in distant camps in Serbia. Millions of people were murdered or were forced into slave labor.

Discussion Point: In many instances the Gulags had no fences, bars, or barbwire to keep the prisoners inside. Why Not? (Hint think of the Geography)

Stalin and the Economy

His goal was to increase food production.

Stalin combined peasants, poor farmers, and family farms into larger collective farms. The farmers worked for the state.

World War II

In 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, bringing it into World War II.

The Soviets became allies with the U.S. and Great Britain to defeat the Germans.


When WWII ended, he was afraid that his country would be taken over, so he invaded neighboring Eastern European countries creating a barrier.

Stalin wanted the U.S.S.R. to be a superpower, a powerful nation, like the United States.

Iron CurtainThe barrier separated Europe into two areas called the Iron Curtin. To the east were the U.S.S.R. and the countries Stalin overtook.

These eastern countries were corrupt and brutal. Their leaders spent large amounts of money on the military and weapons.

The Cold WarThe Cold War was a 40-year standoff when the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. competed for world power without breaking into an actual battle.

During this time, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were very distrustful of each other, so they each built as many weapons as they could.

The Cold War in the USSR

The government cared more about making military equipment. As a result, people had few goods to buy, there were food shortages, and people were very unhappy.

From 1940 to the late 1980s the Soviet economy faced many problems. The government factories and businesses had no competition and no one was allowed to make a profit.

Discuss with a partner why the U.S. did NOT have these problems that USSR did?

(Hint: Think of our type of economy and government.)

GorbachevIn 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. He knew he had to modernize the Soviet Union due to scarcity, a lack of goods and services for the people.

Gorbachev privatized industry, so the government no longer owned all businesses.

He did this by instating glasnost, allowing the soviet people to criticize the system without fear of being punished.

Gorbachev is credited with bringing economic and political freedoms to the people of Communist Russia.

The End of CommunismThe other republics or countries that made up the Soviet Union wanted their freedom.

However, some countries like Chechnya are still trying to gain their independence due to political and cultural differences.

On December 8, 1991, heads of states from 3 of the 15 Soviet republics signed documents to end the 74 year old Soviet Union.

In 1991, Boris Yeltsin became Russia’s president and stood up to many Russians who didn’t want a democratic Russia.


Many in the Russian parliament tried to revolt, take over the government. Yeltsin ordered army tanks to come in and remove the members of parliament who were fighting against the government.


Yeltsin used his powers while in office to help develop and strengthen Russia’s economy. Unfortunately, many believe Yeltsin sold out to big business, so he could get elected.

The end of communism turned Russia’s economy upside down. Russia turned to a free market economy, the people, not the government, decides how to make their money, like the U.S.

Putin gave his office more power, and cut back the power of the Russian legislature and people.

Vladimir Putin, who was once head of the KGB, the secret police, became president when Yeltsin left office in the middle of his term.


In 2007, Putin threatened to aim nuclear missiles at parts of Europe in retaliation for the U.S. decision to establish antimissile bases there.


He presents a positive image as a good businessman and is friendly to oil producing countries in the Middle East that many believe are terrorist supporters.

Dmitry Medvedev became Russia’s current president after Putin served his full term. Putin is now the Prime Minister of Russia.


Many believe Putin and Medvedev will try and make Russia a communist state again.

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