
photos © EMPICS

Councillor Peter MoyleLeader of the Council

December 2006

The publication of this document marks the Council’s response to the growing threat of climate change. Although the effects of climate change are only just beginning to be felt locally, they are too serious to be ignored.

By starting to tackle the issue now, we can help to reduce the scale of climate change in the future and be better prepared to adapt to its impact. To ignore the situation and continue with ‘business as usual’ would send the wrong message to the community we serve.If, the Council fails to act, we will not be in a credible position to persuade others to.

Climate change has been caused by the activities of recent generations and so it would be unreasonable and unfair to expect future generations to ‘pay the bill’. It is essential that local authorities not only take the lead in reversing the build-up of greenhouse gases, the cause of climate change, but also help their communities adapt to the consequences of it.

This strategy sets out our realistic first major response to climate change and we hope that it encourages others to take up the same challenge.



Foreword by Leader of the Council

Climate Change is the most serious environmental challenge facing us in the 21st century. There is now clear scientific evidence that the activities of humans are accelerating global warming and so driving climate change.

Climate Change is caused by the build-up of ‘greenhouse gases’ in the atmosphere. These act to trap heat that would otherwise escape into space. Without some greenhouse gases, the Earth would be a frozen planet.

However, scientists believe that the activities of people are increasing the concentration of these gases, making the world warmer.

Analysis of ice cores have revealed that current carbon dioxide levels are now the highest in the last 400,000 years at 370ppm (parts per million)and the rate of increase is accelerating. This will lead to an increase in global temperatures four to eight times more rapid this century than the last.

The greenhouse gas of greatest concern is carbon dioxide. This is the gas produced when fossil fuels such as gas, petrol, coal or oil are burned for electrical or heat energy, or for transport. There is a proven relation-ship between the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the increase in average global temperature.



1.0 What is Climate Change?

There have been steady increases in global temperatures since the industrial revolution, which started around 1750. However, it is the rise since the 1980s that is now giving cause for concern.



Climate change is predicted to have the following effects, which are already apparent:

A number of international and national targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been set to address the issue of climate change. For example, the majority of countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

However, much greater cuts are needed than have been achieved so far. There is now growing concern that unless the required cuts are achieved within 30 years, there will be an irreversible effect on the global climate.

A rise in sea level (as a result of melting ice caps and glaciers)

An increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and droughts

Changes in the pattern of rain and snowfall

All photos © EMPICS

UK buildings are responsible for 46% of UK carbon dioxide emissions and therefore improving their energy efficiency is the obvious priority for this strategy.

As a Borough Council, the greatest opportunities are improving standards in new developments and working in partnership with local residents to improve energy efficiency in households.

Transport is the second highest producer of these gases at 34% and very difficult for a Borough Council to tackle, as it is not a highway authority. However, there are a few actions the Council can take to try to minimise the need for travel and to encourage alternatives to the car, and these are included in the Action Plan.

There are also considerable greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste and the Council is investing in more sustainable waste practices, including waste minimisation, recycling and diversion from landfill. Industrial processes are a relatively minor contributor and there is no agriculture in Rushmoor.



2.0 What are the Sources of Greenhouse Gases?



Temperature Changes

There is convincing evidence that the UK climate has been experiencing rapid changes in recent decades. It has warmed by about 0.7°C over the last 300 years, with about 0.5°C of warming occurring during the twentieth century.

The total number of ‘cold’ days, with an average temperature below 0.0°C, has fallen from 20 to 15 a year prior to the twentieth century to around 10 per year over recent dec-ades. In contrast, in 1995, 26 ‘hot’ days with temperatures above 20.0°C were recorded in Central England, the highest total in 225 years of daily measurements.

Rainfall Changes and Extreme Events

The UK climate has also experienced an increase in the proportion of winter rainfall in intense storms and a corresponding decrease in rainfall in summer. These trends are set to continue with average temperatures predicted to rise by a further 3°C by 2100 and rainfall by as much as 10% over England and Wales and 20% over Scotland by the 2080s.

Seasonal changes are also expected, with UK winters and autumns getting wetter, and spring and summer rainfall patterns changing so that the north- west of England will be wetter and the south-east will be drier. The frequency of extreme weather events is also expected to increase.

3.0 How will the Climate Change affect the UK?

The main effects of climate change in the UK have been predicted to continue and have been summarised as:

l more hot, dry summers and increased winter rainfall

l higher average wind speeds and increased storm frequency and damage

l greater seasonal variation in river flows

l increased public and agricultural demand for water

l rises in sea level of about 0.5 centimetres annually

l increased flooding and erosion in coastal zones

l an increase in timber yield in the north of the UK

l lower crop yields in the south-east of the UK

l a northward shift of natural habitats of 50-80 centimetres every decade

l increased incidence of certain infectious diseases

l a reduction in air quality in summer months

4.1 Research

No detailed research has been carried out to determine the likely implications of climate change specifically for Rushmoor. However, the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP), established by the Government in 1997, published the findings of a detailed study for south-east England in 1999, which includes Rushmoor.

4.2 Weather

A considerable change in the national climate is predicted by 2080 with the average annual tem-perature increasing to between 1.2 and 3.4°C higher than currently experienced.

The long-term picture shows only a small increase in annual rainfall of between one and four per cent. However, the concern is the predicted change in seasonal rainfall, with increases of 20% during winter months and a similar decrease during summer months. Greater seasonal variation in climate and a greater frequency of extreme events are also anticipated.

4.3 Main Impact on Rushmoor

There are several climate change effectspredicted for the South-East. Of these, drinking water supply, storm damage to property, parks management and forested and wildlife conservation areas are likely to be the biggest problem areas for Rushmoor. However, cli-mate change could also provide some positive opportunities for leisure, tourism and the local economy.



4.0 What does Climate Change mean for Rushmoor?

Flooding affects Rushmoor business as well as homesPhoto © Brian Jacobs

Christmas Place, Aldershot - flooded 13th August 2006Photo © Brian Jacobs

Victims of a hurricane in 2000Photo © EMPICS


4.3.1 Water Supplies

Water companies may have difficulties meeting summer demands and a new approach to demand management may need to be taken. This would includemeasures to reduce consumption and innovative approaches to water recycling. New developments will need to consider water demand, using water efficiency devices and grey water recycling systems. In addition, a reservoir or boreholes might be required to meet demand during droughts.

4.3.2 Storm Damage

Predicted damage to property, infrastructure and the local economy from more frequent and severe winter storms and the likelihood of some localised flooding is likely to be a real concern.

The number of extreme weather events in the UK has been increasing with every decade, from just 16 in the 1960’s to 72 in 1990’s. This is resulting in more insurance claims and higher premiums for residents, businesses, organisations and the Council.

4.3.3 Open Spaces and Trees

The forested areas of Rushmoor could be subject to tree stress and loss through drought, and there is a potential for increased incidence of damage from plant pests and diseases. There will also be an increased risk of heathland fire during hot, dry summers and damage from severe storms in winter. In parks and public open spaces, consideration will have to be given to introducing plant species that suit the new climatic conditions.



Water will become an increasingly precious resource!Photo © Greenhouse Graphics

Unplanned home move courtesy of the hurricane in 2000Photo © EMPICS

Extreme weather can have a devastating impact on treesPhoto © EMPICS

4.3.4 Wildlife Protecting wildlife and biodiversity is likely to prove the most difficult challenge. The local area already has widespread development and habitat fragmentation and so there is a lack of opportunity for habitats and species to migrate north to maintain their preferred conditions.

Rushmoor’s key wildlife conservation areas are concentrated in ‘green corridors’ bordering either the River Blackwater or the Basingstoke Canal.

These areas include several man-made lakes and marshes, of which one, Eelmoor Marsh is a particularly valuable Site of Special Scientific Interest, home to several rare species of plants and animals. Reduced summer rainfall and increased temperatures, together with an increased demand for water resources, are likely to have detrimental effects on this local river and wetland habitat.

4.3.5 Road subsidence

The problem of increasing road subsidence is already being experienced, caused by shrinking and cracking of the substrate during hot dry spells. Storms can cause undermining of the road substrate, resulting in collapses in surfaces. The cost of road repairs is expected to increase substantially, which may include the installation of storm water drains to reduce the impact of storms.



Wildlife Garden, North Camp

Burnett Moth at home in North Camp

Long spell of dry weather takes its tollPhoto © Greenhouse Graphics


4.3.6 Reducing Energy Costs

Climate change provides unique opportunities as well as challenges. All organisations and households are now faced with the burden of rapidly increasing costs, which provides the perfect incentive to improve energy and water efficiency. Through the planning system, resource efficient buildings and renewable energy can be promoted in new developments.

4.3.7 Alleviating Fuel Poverty

Fuel poverty refers to households that have to spend more than 10% of their income on keeping warm. There is a direct link between fuel poverty and ill health caused by living in damp or cold houses. Working in partnership with a number of agencies, the intention is to eliminate fuel poverty in the Borough by 2016. Improving the energy efficiency and heat conservation of homes, ensuring all benefits and tax credits are claimed and advising on the best deals on energy suppliers and methods of payment will help the Council to achieve this.

The Council’s 2001 Housing Stock Condition Survey revealed that, of the approximate 32,300 homes in Rushmoor, nearly 5,000 are well below affordable warmth standards. Only 1,744 of Rushmoor homes would have met the new energy efficiency standards recently set by the Housing Corporation for new housing association homes. 65.7% of homes were found to have little or no loft insulation and 17,720 homes have un-insulated cavity walls.

There is, therefore, a huge potential for cost-effective measures, which could be taken to reduce fuel poverty in the borough.

There are also sources of finance available to improve energy efficiency of residential properties. These include various grant schemes, and fuel utility targets for energy suppliers to help high priority customers.

4.3.8 Reducing Car Use and Congestion

There are limited actions the Council can take to reduce the use of cars in the borough. However, there are opportunities to encourage more sustainable new developments, with good public transport links, cycle and footpath net-works and provide local services.

The Council has developed a Staff Travel Plan to reduce the number of staff commuting by car and is helping local businesses to do the same. Although Rushmoor has good rail links, there are still opportunities to work with public trans-port providers to provide better bus services. Forthcoming improvements to our town centres should also reduce the need to travel outside the Borough for leisure and shopping.



Low energy lighting available in many formsPhoto © Greenhouse Graphics

4.3.9 Renewable Energy Schemes

Research has shown that the only renewable energy technology that could be developedon a large scale in Rushmoor is solar - modules that either generate electricity (photovoltaics) or heat water (solar water heating). Long payback periods have been seen as the largest barrier to using photovoltaic modules.

Recently, however, module efficiencies have risen considerably, costs have fallen and there are now generous Government grant schemes available. Combined, these factors are making photovoltaics more attractive, especially for new buildings where the solar modules can also serve as good roofing materials.

Solar water heating (SWH) is now becoming more popular in the UK as prices have fallen and gas costs have escalated. There is also training and advice available to householders to install SWH themselves. On a smaller scale, emerging technologies such as micro-wind turbines look promising for both residential and commercial buildings. The future potential for these technologies for urban areas such as Rushmoor is enormous.

Apart from renewable energy, there are opportunities in Rushmoor for investment in combined heat and power plants (CHP), especially in new mixed-use developments. CHP plants are two to three times more efficient than conventional technologies, and could supply cheap electricity and district heating to homes and businesses.

4.3.10 New, Diverse and Sustainable Industry

The local economy could also benefit by exploiting the anticipated high demand for energy conservation and small-scale renewable energy products, .....and who knows, maybe a Chateau Rushmoor Dry White Wine may one day be produced from a vineyard in the Borough!



Solar array retrofitted on Farnborough Community Centre roof

Future local crop?Photo © Greenhouse Graphics



5.0 What UK Targets and Drivers are there to reduce Greenhouse Gases?

Local authorities have several statutory duties and international agreement obligations to reduce greenhouse gases

l Kyoto Protocol UK agreed to achieve 12.5% reductions in 1990 levels by 2010.

l Energy White Paper Government pledged to generate 10% of UK electricity needs from renewables by 2010, and 20% by 2020.

l Building Regulations Increasing energy efficiency standards by 25% and extending these regulations to renovations and non-domestic buildings.

l Housing Act From 1st June 2007 a Home Information Pack will need to be produced when homes are constructed, rented or sold to report on energy performance.

l Planning Policy Statement 22 Designed to encourage and promote the development of renewables through the planning system.

l Home Energy Conservation Act Councils to report annually on the target of 30% of energy savings that could be made in local housing stock.

l Fuel poverty target Government target to eradicate fuel poverty from vulnerable households by 2016.

l Local Government Act 2000 Council duty to promote the social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of their area and the sustainable development of the UK. This duty is extended to future generations that will be affected by climate change.

l Regional Targets for Renewable Energy Important for Rushmoor to contribute to the regional target of 115MW (Megawatts) by 2010 (in 2006 less than 20MW operational or planned). This can be achieved by maximising opportunities through planning to incorporate renewables in new developments.

The effects of climate change are experienced at a local level as well as a global one so the importance of ‘acting globally, nationally and locally’ has been recognised by the Council.

The Council firmly believes that climate change is something that should not be ignored and that we all have to act now to minimise the worst effects. It also recognises that it has an important role to play in encouraging local action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to lead by example and to help the borough adapt to a changing climate.



6.0 What are Main Objectives and Actions of the Rushmoor Strategy?

The key objectives of this strategy and action plan are therefore:

l To raise the awareness of climate change with residents and organisations and encourage measures which mitigate against climate change.

l To use the Council’s powers and influence to work with other organisations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water consumption

l To encourage energy conservation in residential properties, prioritising those at risk from fuel poverty.

l To improve the environmental performance of the Council with particular emphasis on energy use

l To encourage sustainable design and construction and the use of renewable energy technologies in the borough

l To help protect local flora and fauna from the impact of climate change

l To work with a range of organisations to ensure that measures to adapt to climate change are taken into consideration

l To encourage the exploitation of any opportunities for the local economy resulting from climate change

The accompanying action plan is a working document. It has been developed around the following action themes, each with its own specific objective. Collectively, it is believed that they represent a comprehensive and effective approach to both mitigating against, and adapting to climate change.

The action themes in the plan are:

l Generall Energy Efficiencyl Renewable Energyl Sustainable Design and Constructionl Wastel Transportl Procurementl Biodiversity and Habitatsl Education and Awareness Raisingl Adaptation to Climate Change

Rushmoor Borough Council has a good record on environmental initiatives, manyof which have led to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. A few examples are described below:

Promoting Renewable Energy

In February 2006, the Council and the Rushmoor Strategic Partnership commissioned a solar energy demonstration project was commissioned at Farnborough Community Centre. The main aim of the project was to promote renewable energy in the local community and to developers. The principle of local responsibility for supporting Government targets on renewable energy was also an important consideration. The scheme, which received a £10,000 grant from Government, consists of 20 205 watt solar modules selected on the grounds of high efficiency in low-light conditions and excellent environmental ratings. The system generates about 4000 kWh of electricity per year. An educational display is included showing ‘real-time’ and cumulative energy generation and tonnes of carbon dioxide saved. Electricity produced by the solar modules is used in preference in the building to that imported from the National Grid.

The first scheme, approved by the Council in January 2001, was for a solar energy (photovoltaic) demonstration project on Blunden Hall, a community building in Cove. It comprises 30 32-watt triple junction thin film amorphous silicon modules, which produce 950kWh (kilowatt-hours of electricity) per year, with surplus energy being exported to the grid via an export meter.

Numerous people have visited the projects, many of them representing large organisations or businesses in Rushmoor. Public reaction to the schemes has been very positive.



7.0 How will the Council ensure progress?

The Council established a Climate Change Steering Group in June 2006 made up of representatives from all its services with a role to play in delivering the strategy. The group’s main remit is to ensure and monitor progress on the Rushmoor Climate Change Action Plan. The action plan will be updated quarterly and progress reported on an annual basis to the Cabinet.

8.0 What Action on Climate Change has Rushmoor taken so far?


Educational solar energy display at Farnborough CommunityCentre

Green Tariff

In 2002, the Government introduced the Renewables Obligation. This obligation sets a target for renewable energy (4.9% in 2005, rising to 10% by 2010) that companies have to reach, or else pay a fine. The Council supports the ethos behind the Renewables Obligation, as it actively encourages the development of new renewable electricity generation.

Many electricity suppliers introduced a ‘green tariff’ option, designed to help them meet this obligation as well as increase the demand for renewable energy. A good ‘green tariff’ scheme has a direct impact on investment in renewable energy schemes. Rushmoor, like other local authorities is a large consumer of electricity and decided to switch all of its electricity accounts to ‘green tariff’ in 2004. It is important to research ‘green tariff’ accounts carefully as the benefits vary enormously. Some consumers could end up simply paying extra to help the electricity company meet its legal obligations - without increasing demand for renewable electricity!

Encouraging Home Energy Efficiency


The Council has worked with housing association partners to open several demonstration ‘Eco-houses’ in Aldershot and Farnborough. The week-long events have included interactive displays and information on saving energy, cutting pollution, tackling global warming and promoting sustainable living.

Green & Global Fun Day

Promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy and grants has been a key feature of the Green & Global Fun Day (previously Green Family Fun Day) held annually in Aldershot since 1999. The event, designed to raise awareness of environmental and social issues in a fun way, attracts thousands of visitors.

Promotion of Grant Schemes

Energy Efficiency Grants are administered through the Council’s Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy, and are targeted at low-income households and landlords. The Government’s Warm Front Scheme and the Low Carbon Buildings Programme are also promoted.

The Council is part of a consortium of local authorities that provides grants and discounts on solar water heating systems. The discount scheme is managed by the local Energy Efficiency Advice Centre, which has a free phone number (0800 512 012).







‘Einstein’ helps the Council promote energy efficiency grants

Encouraging more sustainable developments through the planning system

Sustainable development is a key central theme running through national planning policy, with climate change and energy a main priority. Prescriptive development plan policies are increasingly being used to deliver climate change and sustainable energy objectives.

The Council is preparing the Rushmoor Plan to set out the its policies for meeting the community’s economic, environmental and social aims for the future, where this affects the development and use of land. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) indicated that the Rushmoor Plan should promote energy efficiency and renewable energy production and should have an objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Rushmoor Plan will contain various ‘development plan documents’. Two supplementary planning documents have already been adopted. They recognise that buildings, which are sustainably located, designed and constructed, can play an important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and minimising the impact on biodiversity.

The Council has also developed planning guidance for a major expansion of Aldershot (the Aldershot Urban Extension). This emphasises that the proposal must represent a sustainable extension to the town and address sustainable development principles throughout the entire development. Proposals would also need to incorporate the use of renewable energy sources and

sustainable transport solutions. The Urban Extension represents a unique opportunity to incorporate the recycling of materials, energy and water within a large scale development, and to provide best practice in the use of resources, in particular through waste management practice.

One of the plans created during an ‘Enquiry by Design’ Consultation on the Aldershot Urban Extension in 2005

Central to the Rushmoor Plan is the ‘Core Strategy’ which when adopted, will provide, with the Community Strategy, the long term vision and main policies for Rushmoor. The Core Strategy’s fundamental principle is to encourage more sustainable developments in Rushmoor and one of its ‘spatial objectives’ is to minimise the impact of climate change on new and existing development in the Borough. Other proposed policies concern flood-risk management, green space and biodiversity, renewable energy, sustainable resource management and sustainable transport solutions.




Plan for a sustainable Aldershot Urban Extension

Promoting renewables through the planning system

The Council is keen to encourage renewable energy, especially in new developments such as the Aldershot Urban Extension. Increased use of renewable energy sources is vital to meeting Government’s commitments to both climate change and renewable energy.

National planning policy PPS22 covers technologies such as on-shore wind generation, hydro, photovoltaics, passive solar, biomass and energy crops, energy from waste (but not energy from mass incineration of domestic waste), and landfill and sewage gas. PPS22 does not cover combined heat and power (CHP) although since some CHP projects are fuelled by a renewable resource, some poli-cies may be relevant. Through this policy, the Government expects each authority to contribute to meeting the targets and reducing overall demand for energy.

The Council is keen to support this policy by allocating specific sites for renewable energy in

plans where a developer has already indicated an interest, has confirmed that the site is viable, and that it will be brought forward during the plan period.

Street and Car Park Lighting

The Council has led the way in using the latest technologies to reduce electricity costs for lighting town centre car parks.

The cost of lighting Aldershot High Street car park, for example, has been reduced from £2600 to £1600 per month.This was achieved by using ‘Pay and Display’ data to programme timers for the lighting circuits and light level controls.

The high frequency lighting now installed also saves energy and doubles lamp life producing additional energy benefits.Similar technology has resulted in a 20% reduction in electric-ity costs from lighting the Pinehurst Car Park, Farnborough.

National Car Parks are now following Rushmoor’s example in many of their car parks.





Solar roofs and micro wind turbines could become common on new developments.

State-of-the-art energy efficient street lighting in Farnborough

Sustainable Waste Management

Rushmoor Council is extremely keen to improve collection systems to maximise the number of people recycling and minimising waste. The Council has introduced an extremely successful kerbside collection of mixed recyclables to maximise recycling and minimise car journeys to recycling centres and therefore exhaust emissions. In addition, a kerbside collection of garden waste has also been recently introduced; this has reduced the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill and therefore methane emissions. The waste product is used as a soil conditioner, putting the final product to good use. There is also great emphasis on education to encourage more sustainable living through waste minimisation and recycling. This has been achieved through leaflets, talks to schools and community groups, door-stepping campaigns and many other forums.

For many years, Rushmoor has been a key member of the UK leading waste and recycling partnership called Project Integra. This group focus on the overall strategic and operational issues that face the county of Hampshire and the UK as a whole on waste and recycling. As part of this partnership, Rushmoor was involved in the move away from landfill and towards generating sustainable energy from non-recyclable waste. This has significantly reduced the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill in Hampshire and therefore reduced methane emissions and impact on climate change.

Helping Local Wildlife The Council manages the Rushmoor Urban Wildlife Group, made up of local residents and experts tasked with encouraging gardening for wildlife in our urban gardens.

Since its formation in 2003, the group has produced and distributed a colourful information leaflet, run training events and seminars, manages the wildlife gardening category of the Rushmoor in Bloom competition and has attended large events in the Borough.

With the help of the Rotary Club of Rushmoor, the group has created a wildlife demonstration garden in North Camp, designed by the local community. These initiatives will help local wildlife adapt to the changing climate by linking fragmented habitats and by creating ‘green corridors’ for migration.





Theatre group educates children about waste issues

Members of the council-funded Rushmoor Urban Wildlife Group show off their wildlife garden in North Camp



9.0 What are the Ten Main Conclusions of this Strategy?

The main points to note from this strategy are:

l Climate change is the most serious environmental threat facing us in the 21st century.

l There is now clear consensus that human activity is accelerating global warming, and therefore driving climate change.

l The worst effects for Rushmoor are predicted to be extreme weather events, water shortages, loss of wildlife, more residents suffering fuel poverty if not addressed, building and infrastructure damage and higher insurance premiums.

l Climate change could also provide some opportunities for Rushmoor, such as reduced energy costs through conservation and renewable energy, new industries and possibly more income from leisure and tourism.

l The largest contributors to climate change are carbon emissions from buildings and the transport sector and so these should be priority areas for action.

l The effects of climate change have already been apparent and therefore adaptation is equally important as mitigation.

l Real progress will only be made towards overcoming this threat when every individual and organisation acknowledges the problem and commits to ‘doing their bit’.

l We all have a role to reduce fossil fuel and water use, reduce waste and minimise travel to minimise the impacts of climate change.

l The Council takes the long-term issue of climate change very seriously and will take the lead through this strategy and action plan.

l The Council intends to work in partnership with local organisations and the community to address the issue in as many ways it can.



DETR (1998) Planning for Sustainable Development: towards better practice(London: TSO).

DETR (2001) Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport (London: TSO).

DfES (2003) Travelling to school: a good practice guide (Wetherby: DfT Publications).

DTI (2001) The UK Fuel Poverty Strategy.

DTLR (2001) Planning Policy Guidance Note 25: Development and Flood Risk (London: TSO).

Hampshire Material Resources Strategy (2005) More from Less: how to make better use of Hampshire’s material resources a stakeholder perspective.

HM Government (2005) The UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy: Securing the Future (London: TSO).

Johannesburg, 2002, Earth Summit.

Kyoto Protocol

ODPM (2004) The Planning Response to Climate Change: advice on better practice (London: ODPM).

ODPM (2004) Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy (and companion guide) (London: TSO).

ODPM (2005) Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (London: TSO).

ODPM (2005) Proposals for introducing a Code for Sustainable Homes: a consultation paper (London: ODPM).

One Future - Different Paths: The UK’s Shared Framework for Sustainable Development

Project Integra Annual Business Plan 2005-2010

Project Integra Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy “More from less” How to make better use of Hampshire’s material resources - A stakeholder perspective

SEERA (2003) Harnessing the Elements (Guildford: SEERA).

SEERA (2005) South East Plan Part 1: Core Regional Policies (July 2005) - Policy CC2 Climate Change

South East Climate Change Partnership Action Plan (SECCP)

TCPA (2006) Sustainable Energy by Design (London: TCPA).

UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP02)

10.0 Key References


Core Strategy Development Plan Document Preferred Options (June 2006)

Housing & Employment Development Plan Document Preferred Options (June 2006)

Fuel Poverty Strategy 2005 - 2008

Interim Planning Guidance for Aldershot Urban Extension March 2005.

Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report and Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report 2005. Updated March 2006.

Supplementary Planning Document: Sustainable Design and Construction. Adopted April 2006.

Supplementary Planning Document: Housing Density and Design. Adopted April 2006.

Housing Strategy

Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy

Energy Policy 21 May 1996



Thank you to EMPICS for the copyrighted photos used on the cover and to Hampshire Fire & Rescue for allowing us to use their ‘Heathland fire’ photo.

Council Offices, Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 01252 398 399 December 2006 (Updated May 2013)

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