
The Power of Persuasion

created by Ms. Emmons

What do you feel strongly about? Is there a wrong that

you feel should be made right?Human rights?Animal rights?The environment?Politics?Education?

Go to my WHS webpage and look at the document "Persuasive Topic Ideas" or go to any news source if you need a place to begin.

Go to and post your topic.

What are the elements of persuasion?


Take 15 minutes to "Surf and Share" definitions, examples, and ideas with your classmates on Twitter using #whatispersuasion #(your class period)

Remember to use your professional (school) Twitter account.

Let's take a few minutes to discuss what you have

shared with one another...

Great examples...

Think about what elements this speech employs

How will you persuade others to believe what you


This is a good explanation of the elements of good persuasive writing

Use your topic to form your thesis statement

(argument).Using the topic you chose and noted on padlet earlier, go to your blog and write your thesis statement (argument). Then, in one paragraph, express why you feel strongly about this topic.

Before 9pm tonight, leave 1 paragraph comment on one of your classmate's blog with your opinion (how you feel) about their topic. Only one comment per blog so everyone gets one comment.

Tomorrow, we discuss!

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