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Post on 26-May-2015






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a clear presentation showing you how you can achieve more with less. Focusing on what is Real important.


RazorbladeGetting things off your mind

Is it possible to get the results you really want without strength, effort

and hard work

40% of our worries is about events that will never take place

30% of our worries is about events that already have taken place

22% of our worries is about unimportant events

4% of our worries is about events we can not change

4% of our worries is about events where we can act upon.

Wasted concerns (E. Zelinski) 

Remember when we were children watching the clouds fly by ?

You saw a bear or a castleYou’re friend saw a carAnd you sometimes believed it

was real

That’s the same way we judge everything. We even fight about what we see in the clouds.

Our thinking about something is often worse then reality itselve

”Not the things themself make people upset, but their thoughts about it do”

- Epictetus (filosopher, 55-135 n. Chr.)

There’s no outer world, it’s just a reflection of you’re inner world


Please pay attention to whatever you’re feeling or thinking while whatching this presentation.

Seeing this presentation means a part of you is attracted to here. It’s no coincidence. Everything you’ve done before has led you here.

There’s no truth in the cloudsthere are only three sides to

every storyYours, mine and reality.

We can only see one side at a time

Can you flip between the duck and the rabbit ?

One side is open, easily, one step further, fluently, light, open, enthousiasm, motivated by yes and..

One side, the resistance, is hard, no change, feels unpleasant, stress, tension, narrow focussed, tensed.fear, worry is motivated by yes but’s, dark and hard.

Do you think like a worrior or a warrior ?

It doesn’t matter what side you’re thinking.

We’ll always find proof for what we believe in,

We want to believe it’s true, and don’t want to see reality

We always go where we’re focussed on with our thinking

“En werkelijk waar, eerst zou je het niet geloven, maar daar waar je heen kijkt gaat de auto ook heen..Dat is ondermeer de reden dat mensen bij ongelukken juist tegen die ene paal aanrijden, ipv er langs.En het klopt gewoon. Kijk je even een fractie ergens anders heen, dan zul je daar ook bij eindigen.”,4100429

And we have a lot of these focussing feelings

and thoughts.

Watch visualising emotions of the world

So now you know you always see exactly what you’re focussed on. It’s time to focus on what is reel.

Reality has nothing to do with whatever labels we put on

#ourselves, places, things, wants, people, body, money, relationships, thoughts, deseases.

Once you change you’re perspective finding a new solution you’ll see it everywhere.

It has always been there, you just didn’t see it yet.

Some people have already found out how to do this

Richard Wiseman asked hundreds of people to count all the photographs in this newspaper

Many started counting……

Most people did miss this opportunity on page 5, where there was an ad stating in large capitals “there are 54 pictures in this newspaper”

What can we learn from “lucky” people to turn your own life literaly arround and change your reality ?

Lucky people and companies listen active to people, and show genuine interest. because they have a lot to learn.

They are open to and hear what’s actually been said, without their thinking in the way.

“People will remember that you appreciated what they had to say. This can translate into opportunities.”

Richard Wiseman

People who consider themselve a lucky bird are always on the right place, with the right people, doing the right things.

Lucky people are often more relaxed.

Unlucky people are often more tenced and because of this they don’t see the unexpected or are less open to it.

They are to focussed to see something else.Lucky people are more open to what is right here, right now, not what they

want the’re to be.Lucky people have a positive expectation en create that result (self-

fullfilling prophecy)They can easily transform bad luck into something good.They have (unconsious) a more open body gesture, and so they are

attracting more people.

Richard Wiseman: the Luck factor

Take the shortcut, feel the way you would feel when you get what you think you want right now. And all the rest is a result.

So do you want to take the stairway or the fastlane In you’re live?

You can fight the waves, or learn how to surf.

'Je moet je bewust ontdoen van alle gedachten, beelden en dus ook angsten. Je bent alleen met het moment bezig. Gedachten werken als een scheidslijn tussen jou en wat je ziet. Dan is het uitzicht niet helder genoeg. Je zintuigen moeten als het ware opbloeien en dat gebeurt alleen als je niet denkt. Als je bang bent, heb je de neiging je in je zelf terug te trekken, je wordt zenuwachtig en gaat fouten maken. Dat kan je niet gebruiken wanneer je een hoge golf aan het bereiden bent. Ik denk dat als mensen zich zo op andere dingen kunnen focussen, bijvoorbeeld hun werk

of relatie, ze veel meer succes hebben.’Gerry Lopez, surf legend

Give it up and see what happens

most of the time we’re not even aware of what or why we are thinking we just act.

Ab Dijksterhuis/malcolm gladwell

We base our opinions and decisions on what we notice in a split second, that’s where intuition kicks in.

and so do others, in a blink of an eye.So be genuineThat’s the power of thinking without


Wanting to know on what you’re focussed on right now ?

Rule of thumb:Does your current tought give you a

feeling of stress or freedom ?

So watch your first spontaneous reaction when something unexpected happens to find your unconsious opinion.

That effect’s 95% of you’re behaviour. Try it when watching tv, facing your fear or talking to somebody what comes to mind ?

It’s not about what you say you want or do. It’s about what you think while saying it or doing it.

Dirk kuijt: ‘’En vooral dat we het ook menen. Als je zegt dat je wereldkampioen wilt worden, maar er blijft iets knagen of je gelooft het eigenlijk zelf niet, ga je er toch een keer aan onderdoor.’’

Then look at the reality right in front of you

And start to question how real your thought or feeling about reality is

And can you look at that same situation with your mind

The paradox is that things go easier without your thougths in the wayThen we are most open to new creative solutions 

So capture all your unhapy thoughts and feelings and start questioning and then the rest can change

you change firstInside out

Want to do an experiment ?

Put you’re hand on a friends hand and follow his hand as he moves swiftly

away.Hard ?Now relax and do the same with eyes

closedDifferent ?

  The trick is not to reach big goals, but to fullfill a lot of small goals.

  You can’t DO a big goal. You can only do a small goal or action-step.

• Keep the big goal in mind, but don’t get stuck in the way to reach that goal


Because a Small change in thinking cán make a huge difference

Turn the smallest things around

“If a window is broken and left unrepaired, people walking by will conclude that no one cares and no one is in charge. Soon, more windows will be broken…..

They are invitations to more serious crimes” 

Change your thinking just a little bit“It takes only the smallest of changes to shatter an equilibrium that can growexponentially” So flip your toughts

We apply our thinking to many subjects. Whatch what happens when you let go of one thought.

”if you can manage one company, you can manage many company’s”

Richard Branson

The MultiplierAnd so small things can grow

exponentiallyMalcolm Gladwell

Co capture everything when you notice it, otherwise it will come back.

write your tought’s down and question them one by one and see what happens

Question everything

Interested into how to easily question you’re thinking ?

Visit or visit some of the teachers mentioned next.

All focussed on the how.

I now show you some great and effective methods and questions that are all focused on the how of now.

If you want to know more please visit

What’s on your mind ?Is it true ?Can you absolutely know that is is true ?How do you react when you think that thought ?Who would you be without your story ?

Turn it around, can that be as true ?

Byron Katie The works

What am I unhappy about ?“What is it about that, that makes me unhappy?” (be specific)“Why  am I unhappy about that?” If you could guess ? What would it be ?What am I afraid would happen if I were not unhappy about that?“Why do you believe it would mean that?”

Option method Bruce di Marcio

Change HappensThey Keep Moving The CheeseAnticipate ChangeGet Ready For The Cheese To MoveMonitor ChangeSmell The Cheese Often So You Know

When It Is Getting OldAdapt To Change QuicklyThe Quicker You Let Go Of Old

Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New CheeseChangeMove With The CheeseEnjoy Change!Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste

Of New Cheese!Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again &

AgainTThey Keep Moving The Cheese.

"What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?"

Who moved my cheese Dr. Spencer Johnson

Creative thinkingMove one way, an then turn it aroundWhatever you think, think the oppositePut you’re subject in another placeExagerate in the oposite directionMake it bigger, make it smaller,What will happen then, and then, and then

What do you feel right now ?Could you let this feeling be here ?Can you let the wanting to change it be

hereCan you let the feeling of it beeing

personal be here ?Could you let this feeling go just for now ?Would you let it go ?When ?

Sedona method: Hale Dwoskin

RET therapy: Albert Ellis

What is the situation (a)?What where you’re feelings and behaviour ?

( c)What where you’re thoughts (b) (What could

someone have thought?)What is the behaviour you do want ? Question your thoughtsReplace them with thoughts you want Replace need with want or can

Tim Ferris: 4hour workweek

• Why is you’re live the way it is, and not better ?• What do you postpone because you are scared ?• What are the costs of postponing required action• What’s the worst that can happen, and then ?• Would that be the end of your live ? • How bad would the results be on a scale ?• What could you do to recover the damage• What are the results or benefit of more realistic scenario’s ?

• What are you waiting for ?

Write done everything that’s on you’re mind.Five Phases of Natural Planning TechniquesWhy are we doing this?What would wild success look, sound, or feel

like?How would we accomplish it? When do we do

these things?)What’s the next action"If the project is still on your mind, your

planning is in sufficient”

David Allen, Getting things done

Interested ?Visit:

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