RJC BULLETIN Parshat Beshalach - ShulCloud · with Rabbi Zirkind. Will resume next week. Wednesday: 8:30 PM-“Gemara Sanhedrin: Appointing Judges” with Rabbi Noah Gardenswartz.

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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RJC BULLETIN Candle Lighting February 7, 2020 - 5:02 PM Havdalah February 8, 2020 - 6:03 PM

Parshat Beshalach February 7 – February 14, 2020

י"ט שבט -י"ג שבט 13 Shevat – 19 Shevat 5780

SHABBAT SHIURIM AT THE RJC Rabbi Dr. Moshe Drelich’s Shabbat Parsha and Talmud Sanhedrin Shiur will follow the 7:00 AM minyan Kiddush.

Rabbi Charles Sheer will deliver the Hashkama shiur in room 201 after the Hashkama Kiddush. The topic: “The Search for Biblical Prayer Prototypes: Abraham, Moshe, Hannah, and Daniel.”

Rabbi Dovid Zirkind will deliver the Drasha in the Main Sanctuary. The topic: “Wandering Jews: Finding Purpose On Route To The Promised Land.”

Rabbi Moshe Neiss will deliver a post-Mincha shiur in the Board Room on Hilchot Shabbat in the Aruch HaShulchan.

Rabbi Dovid Zirkind will deliver the shiur at Seudah Shlishit. The topic: “Food For Thought: Manna When You Least Expect It.”

WEEKLY SHIURIM & CLASSES AT THE RJC Daf Yomi: Mon. - Fri.: Following the 6:00 AM minyan. Shabbat: 1 hour before Mincha. Sunday: After the 6:45 AM minyan.

Sunday: 7:30 AM- An in-depth Halacha class based on the parsha, taught by Rabbi Eliezer Sher. Monday: 7:30 PM- “Exit Strategy: Studies in Sefer Shemot” with Rabbi Zirkind. Tuesday: One hour before Mincha- Rabbi Genack’s Gentlemen's Kollel in the Beit Midrash. Wednesday: Following 7:45 AM Shacharit- “Illuminating Tefillah: In-Depth Analysis of our Siddur” with Rabbi Zirkind. Will resume next week.

Wednesday: 8:30 PM- “Gemara Sanhedrin: Appointing Judges” with Rabbi Noah Gardenswartz. Men and women are welcome.


Mazal Tov to Roberta and Alan Aronoff on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Ahuva Aviga-yil, daughter of Dr. Miriam Aronoff and Michael Remez. Mazal Tov to siblings, Yehuda and Hadas-sah, aunts and uncles, David, Roza and Norman, Sharona and Binyamin, Shifra and Naftali, and Nechemia, and to all of the cousins and extended family.

Mazal Tov to Aimee and Jonathan Baron on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Yaeli. Mazal Tov to siblings, Leah, Doniel, Avital, and Netanel.

Mazal Tov to Judge Lee First on the marriage of her granddaughter, Sema, to Pinchas Asraf.

Mazal Tov to Naomi Berezin and Jacob Gelfand, and big sister Ava Mae, on the birth of a daughter, Alexandra. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Ann and Herb Berezin and Larissa and Efim Gelfand.

Mazal Tov to Esther and Yehuda Cohn on the birth of a daughter, Adina Lital.

Mazal Tov to Annette and Val Karan on the birth of a grandson, Aryeh Simon Moses, born to Dana and Edward Karan. Mazal Tov to older siblings, Jordan, William, and Charlotte Karan, and grandparents, Dora and Emanuel Federbush.

Mazal Tov to Talia and Yaniv Lautman on the birth of a son.

Mazal Tov to Shira and Jonathan Sterman, and big sister Orly, on the birth of a son, Rephael Moshe.

Mazal Tov to Betty and Fred Sugarman, on the birth of a granddaughter, Perry Chaya, born to Eliana Sugarman and Joey Adler. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Vivian and Gerry Adler, and the extended family.


The Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the RJC and Lisa and Richie Heisler. You can sponsor a Kiddush at www.rjconline.org/sponsor_kiddush. You can also reach out to the office at info@rjconline.org.

Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Judge Lee First to celebrate and honor the marriage of her granddaughter, Sema, to Pinchas Asraf, a member of the Babba Sali Family. All are invited to join the simcha.


Motzei Shabbat, February 8, 7:45 PM. Join us for the RJC’s annual comedy night benefiting the RJC Youth Department, featuring mentalist, David Jaison, and comedian, Elon Gold. Admission is $85/person and sponsorship opportunities are available. Online registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis.


Sunday, February 9, 8:00 PM. An evening for men with Rabbi Mordechai Willig. The review will take place in the Beit Midrash.


Next Shabbat, February 15. Please join us when we host Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Kanarfogel as a scholar in residence. Rabbi Kanarfogel will speak three times throughout Shabbat on the topic of “Lesser Known Views of the Rishonim and their Implications.” This visit is generously sponsored by Betty and Fred Sugarman.


Friday, February 28. You’re invited to RJC’s 4th Annual Cholent Cook-Off. Join us as our competitors battle for cholent supremacy. There will be a catered dinner before the cook-off, so bring your appetite and be ready to mingle. Registration is $40/adult, $15/child, and $160 max/family. Register by February 21: www.rjconline.org/cholent. For more information, or to join the host committee, contact the shul office.


Sunday, March 1, 8:00 PM. Shira Schiowitz will give a shiur in the Board Room. The topic: “Evolving Understandings of Megillat Esther.”

A BUSY EVENING WITH BUSY IN BROOKLYN: FEBRUARY 18 Fund For the Needy presents a delicious, fun-filled evening with Chanie Apfelbaum, popular food

blogger, international speaker, and author of Millennial Kosher.

7:30 PM | Light bites from Millennial Kosher 8:00 PM | Demo (with samples) by Chanie Apfelbaum

9:30 PM | Book signing, with books available for purchase

$72/person | $120/couple | Young Couple Rate: $60/person RSVP by February 14: www.rjconline.org/event/FFNcooking

Sponsorship opportunities available!

All proceeds will go to the Fund For the Needy.

Please send all bulletin submissions by Wednesday, end of day. Submissions can be sent to bulletin@rjconline.org.

Shabbat Schedule

Friday Mincha 5:07 PM

Shacharit 7:00/8:00/8:45/9:00 AM

Latest Shema 9:35 AM

Early Mincha 12:37 PM

Daf Yomi 3:55 PM

Mincha 4:55 PM

Seudah Shlishit in the Hashkama Room 5:15 PM

Maariv 5:58 PM

Weekday Shacharit Schedule

Sunday 6:45/7:30/8:30/9:15 AM

Monday/Thursday 6:00/6:45/7:45 AM

Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 6:00/6:55/7:45 AM

Early Mincha

Sunday 12:37 PM


Sunday-Thursday 5:10 PM

Late Maariv

Sunday-Thursday 9:30 PM

Next Shabbat, Parshat Yitro: February 14

Candle Lighting 5:10 PM

Friday Mincha 5:15 PM

Rabbi Dovid Zirkind Senior Rabbi dzirkind@rjconline.org 718.548.1850 ext. 118

Rabbi Yitzi Genack Rabbi genack@gmail.com 718.548.1850 ext. 115 Emergencies: 201.220.8865

Chazzan Shim Craimer shimcraimer@gmail.com

Rivka Alter Yoetzet Halacha NishmatRiverdaleYoetzet@gmail.com 201.503.6597

Ariella Zirkind Rebbetzin azirkind@rjconline.org

Oren Hiller Executive Director oren@rjconline.org 718.548.1850 ext. 113

Bella Khabinsky Bookkeeper bella@rjconline.org 718.548.1850 ext. 111

Sam Barkhordari Office and Events Coordinator sam@rjconline.org 718.548.1850 ext. 114

Chaya and Adin Rayman Youth Directors rjcyouthdirectors@gmail.com . Azi Fine Teen Minyan Leader azrielfine@gmail.com

Daniel Roy Building Manager daniel@rjconline.org

Welcome Committee New to the Shul? Contact us! RJCwelcome@gmail.com THE FUND FOR THE NEEDY

Supporting Jews Across the Bronx! By the Numbers, in 2018, the FFN:

Distributed over $330,000 100% of donations support 66 individuals, often elderly, or families Provided allocations for rent, food, clothing & medicine Provided additional holiday disbursements 2 times a year Supported recipients recommended by Rabbis of all Bronx congregations

Send donations to: https://www.rjconline.org/ffn



Asher Chanun ben Basin Tzivia, Peretz Yisroel ben Batya Kayla, Geula Liba Yehudis bat Gitel Tzip’ra, Shifra bat Bayla Peryl, Elka bat Chana, Shalom Yitzchak ben Pesha, Dovid Yaakov ben Yehudis, Abraham Ben Basha Chai, Gil bat Rut, Pessel bas Elka, Zalman ben Maidka, Zachava bas Lea, Ephraim Zvi Moshe ben Shulamit Tzvia, Itai Yaacov ben Tzipora, Sara bas Eliya, Hinda bat Taiba Please email bulletin@rjconline.org with any names you would like included.


Book Talk with Judge Lee First Motzei Shabbat, February 15, 7:30 PM. Judge First will discuss her new book, “Life Can Be Fragile: Handle With Prayer.”

AIPAC Policy Conference 2020 Sunday-Tuesday, March 1-3. Join fellow RJC members at this year’s AIPAC Policy Conference. Visit www.policyconference.org to register.

Zayin Adar Siyum Mishnayot Tuesday, March 3, 6:00 PM. Join the RJC in completing the entire Mishna for Moshe Rabbeinu’s yahrzeit. The Chumash ends with the kindness God did in burying Moshe on the 7th of Adar. Therefore, the day has come to be associated with the kindness and meticulous observance of the laws and customs of the chevra kadisha. Visit www.rjconline.org/form/7adar to choose your mishnayot to learn. The siyum will feature Rabbi Shaul Robinson, who will speak on the topic of “What Really is Chessed Shel Emet?”

Shul-Wide Lockdown Drill CSS will hold a shul-wide lockdown drill in the next month. Please follow instructions from CSS. Do not go to your children. CSS is prepared for such a situation and has reviewed the drill with your children. If you need assistance, please make yourself known to CSS who will get you the assistance you need.

Krav Combat Academy at the RJC Experience the many physical and psychological benefits of self-defense training. This multi-session workshop will run on February 29, and March 7 and 15. The women’s class will take place at 8:00 PM and the men’s class will take place at 9:00 PM in the RJC gym. $150 for members and $175 for non-members. Register online at www.rjconline.org/krav.

Nursing Room The office next to the coatroom downstairs is available for nursing mothers on Shabbat. Please contact the office for weekday locations.

THIS SHABBAT Kinderminyan Join us for a family-friendly, Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv program in the Beit Midrash, full of singing, dancing, parsha stories, and special grape juice after Kiddush.

Groups Groups begin at 9:45 AM on the second floor for the following ages: Pre-K, K-1, 2nd-3rd Grade, and Junior Congregation. Please pick up your child promptly after the end of Main Minyan. Please do not send your child to groups with a lollipop.

Teen Minyan Teen Minyan takes place at 9:15 AM in the Board Room. To sponsor a Kiddush for Teen Minyan, email Azi or visit www.rjconline.org/youthdonation. . Saturday Night Learning (SNL) Join us for parent-child learning every Motzei Shabbat, 45 minutes after Havdalah, in the Beit Midrash. There will be pizza and prizes! Sponsorship opportunities are available online: www.rjconline.org/form/SNLsponsor. This week, SNL is sponsored by Yocheved and Dr. Donald Liss in honor of Roni’s birthday.

UPCOMING EVENTS Pre-Purim Sensational Sunday Sunday, March 1, 9:30 AM Come in costume! Bubbles, face painting, bounce houses, and more. Pack Mishloach Manot for Chesed and get in the Purim Spirit.

KLL 2020 Registration is Now Open Junior League: 3rd-5th Grade | Senior League: 6th-8th Grade Registration deadline is Friday, February 14. Visit www.rjconline.org/KLL2020 for more information and to register.

Thank you to the CSS Security team for all its help protecting our building on a weekly basis. To inquire about volunteering, contact rjc@thecss.org.


The rise in Anti-Semitism is reaching dangerous levels. Israel’s critics are becoming bolder and louder; we can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. Come make a difference on NORPAC’s Mission to Washington D.C. on Tuesday, May 19. Limited early bird registration rates are available through Sunday, March 15: $150 for adults and $100 for students and young professionals (under age 30). Registration includes roundtrip transportation to DC from NY/NJ and Glatt Kosher meals. Additional information and registration is avail-able at NORPAC.net or by calling 201-788-5133.

Community News, Events, and Announcements

Community Mikvah Hours– February 3708 Henry Hudson Parkway East, Riverdale, NY 10463 | (718) 549-8336 Saturday-Thursday - 7:00—10:00 PM | Friday night - 40 minutes after candle lighting The Keilim Mikvah is open during daylight hours ONLY.

Seminar on Issues in Contemporary Beth Din Practice Sunday, February 9, 9:30 AM The Beth Din of America and Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future present this complimentary CLE program to take place at Yeshiva University’s WILF Campus, 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY. For more information and to RSVP, please visit www.tinyurl.com/bethdin.

A Year With Frog and Toad Auditions Sunday, February 9, 11:00 AM—2:00 PM Calling all 7-9 year-old Rising Stars: the treasured characters from the children's books, and the beautiful Tony-nominated Broadway musical, hop from page to stage in this story of friendship and adventure. To schedule your audition, please visit www.RiverdaleY.org/auditions.

NechamaComfort Pregnancy Support Group Monday, February 10, 8:00 PM NechamaComfort is an organization that offers support and guidance to families that have experienced infant or pregnancy loss. We invite you to come to our monthly support group meeting at the RJC. Women and men are both welcome. For more information about NechamaComfort, visit www.nechamacomfort.org.

Benefit Reception for Shalom Torah Centers Wednesday, February 12, 7:30 PM You are cordially invited to attend a reception to benefit Shalom Torah Centers at the home of Lauren and David Lieberman, 4662 Iselin Avenue, Riverdale, New York. Rav Herschel Schachter Shlita, Rosh Kollel Yeshiva University, will be the guest speaker, with introductory remarks by Rabbi Dovid Zirkind.

YU Medical Ethics Conference Sunday, February 23, 9:00 AM—1:00 PM YU Medical Ethics Society is hosting its 13th annual conference on the YU Campus. The conference will discuss topics including patient autonomy, fetal dilemmas, physician-assisted suicide, and Alzheimer’s and dementia. Speakers will include Rabbi Moshe Tendler, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Rabbi Daniel Feldman, and many more. Everyone is welcome to attend.

All In: Inclusion Program “All In” is an inclusion program open to participants of all abilities, aged 6-16. This allows participants to engage with other peers as they learn to improve their social and communication skills through activities. The programming can include sports, STEAM, dance, music, art, and social skills. This 10-session program runs from February 23 to May 3. To register, please visit www.RiverdaleY.org/allin.

Chabad Early Learning Center in Riverdale We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2020-2021 school year at Chabad Early Learning Center in Riverdale is now open. Now in its nineteenth year, Chabad ELC offers an integrated Judaic and Secular curriculum in a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment. If you would like to schedule a tour, or are interested in registering your child, please contact our preschool director, Chana Korn, at chabadriverdalepreschool@gmail.com.

Beauty and the Beast The Riverdale Performing Arts Center is proud to announce its multi-generational adaptation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. The story explores themes of friendship, love, sacrifice, and identity. Don't miss out on seeing a tale as old as time. To get your tickets, please visit www.RiverdaleY.org/boxoffice.

Hebrew Institute of Riverdale “League Of Our Own” Girls’ Softball League Girls’ softball registration is now open for another great season with the HIR League. Registration is open to all girls in grades 3-8 and no previous playing experience is necessary. Register online at www.thebayit.org/softball. Parents: we need more help coaching and managing the league. Please email softball@hir.org to get involved.

Camp Slapshots Camp Slapshots, located in Bergen County, is a sports day camp for boys in grades 3-8. There are three, one-week camps beginning on Monday, July 27. With competitive leagues in hockey, basketball, and flag football, campers improve their game through exciting clinics and incredible tournaments. There is an emphasis on playing the right way, sportsmanship, and middos, and campers come home with an increased focus on core values. Campers grow religiously, as well, with engaging and spirited learning, serious davening, and delicious kosher food. This summer, there will be a van from Riverdale. Please visit www.campslapshots.com for more information our contact Rabbi Malitzky (campslapshots@gmail.com) with any questions.

Summer Camp at the Riverdale Y Give your child an amazing summer camp experience at the Riverdale Y. There’s Camp Kulanu (ages 2 to 5), Summer Stage (ages 6 to 16), Camp Twelve Trails (ages 5 to 16), and our End-of-Summer-Camp programs (entering grades K through 8) which fill the weeks between summer camp and the beginning of school. For more information, please visit www.RiverdaleY.org/camp.

Stanley Lane Basketball League Registration for Stanley Lane Co-ed (grades 1-9) and Girls (grades 5-8) Basketball Leagues is still open! The Riverdale Y is partnering with Benefit Sports to bring you another great season. For more information and to register, please visit www.RiverdaleY.org/stanleylane.

Kingsbridge Center of Israel (KCI) Food Pantry The Kingsbridge Center of Israel has opened the first kosher food pantry in Bronx County. The KCI provides non-perishable and limited perishable food items to those in need. The food has been made available to the pantry at no cost by NYS & NYC with the help of Met Council and is available for anyone who needs it. The pantry is located at 3115 Corlear Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463, in classroom 1. Upon arrival, ring the doorbell. Drop-in hours are Mondays, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM. Private appointments can be made by contacting KCIfoodpantry@gmail.com or 646-647-1380.

Riverdale Psychology Presents: Ready, Sem, Go! Young women preparing for their year in Israel will find a relaxed and supportive environment where they can learn useful coping skills, gain confidence, and address any anxieties to get the most out of their year. Individual and group sessions are available. Contact 347-766-5771 or tamar@riverdalepsychology.com for more information.

Career Advice and Networking Please contact Howard Millendorf at 718-796-5850 or howmill@corp.idt.net.

Gemach of Riverdale — Interest Free Loans Gemach of Riverdale provides interest-free loans to members of the Riverdale community. For more information contact the Gemach confidentially at Gemachofriverdale@gmail.com or 917-408-3035.

Riverdale Medical Gemach If you have a temporary need for medical equipment or have something to donate, please contact medical@theriverdaleminyan.org or call Rochel Cheifetz at 917-748-2052 or Ilana Gordon at 917-623-8873.

Riverdale Gown Gemach Please contact riverdalegowngemach@gmail.com for more information.

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