
Eric Harrington

1923- Henry Ford creates assembly line

1914 WW1 starts

1917- U.S. enters the war

1919- Treaty of Verseille signed. Ends war

Personal entertainment/ fads

Miss America (1921)

Steamboat Willie (1928)


Pole Sitting

With the radio came dancing


Louie Armstrong and jazz

Team sports fan base grew



Insulin for diabetics

Rose Drastically in the 1920’s

Prohibition was one leading cause

Speak easies

Al Capone

October 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday”

Stock prices fell for weeks

The Great Depression


Seattle Municipal Archives, Shantytown and garbage dump on 6th Avenue South, 1939, August 31, 2009, Attribution via Flickr

Roosevelt Elected President

“ So first of all, let me asses my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

A new hope for America

Raise the country from the depression

Feds take control of welfare

Great fear of deficit spending avoided

Sfjlar, Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 17, 2008 Attribution License via Flickr

First 100 days of F.D.R.’s Presidency

Goal to recover the nation

Crazy amounts of legislation passed

Emergency Banking Act

Economy Act

Beer-Wine Revenue Act (tax booze)

Agriculture Adjustment Act

Tennessee Valley Authority Act

Federal Securities Act

Comes from 100 days

Created jobs for people ages 18-25

Planted trees, flowers and built national preserves

Summer Congress 1935

More legislation passed

Started to unite everyone working together

Created 1933

Provided funds for local government projects

Bridges, streets, parks schools

Many thought useless but did some good

1920’s coming out party

Radio, assembly line affects on America

Organized crime

Black Tuesday and the Depression

F.D.R.’s New Deal

First 100 days

CCC not

Second 100 days

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