
Rex Plays “The Apocalypse”

(4) Melody and co.

Welcome back to my apocalypse. As of now in real life, I am officially a basement dweller! I can’t seem to sleep on the upstairs bed so I’m shifting down to the basement bedroom for the time being (it really is not good to be falling asleep in the workplace).

First thing I took a picture of when I returned in game was Christine being taught to walk.

POP! Next pregnancy in progress!

Child Christine

Christine: You would think that with music lifted there would be more entertainment channels.

Not until entertainment is lifted… which is a long way’s away.

Trimester 2!

Might as well show off Christine in her everyday clothes.

Christine: Can I unlock show business?

Not until military is lifted.

Kaylynn: Damnit, you’re almost halfway through the challenge.


Baby time!

Christine: Mom, be quiet; I need to skill while I’m awake.

Meet baby number 2 of generation four: Kylie Whitehall. Leo (7/10/1/3/7)

Working on more babies.

Natalia quitting her job so she can just power through some more rugrats.

Worst part of spring is the lightning brings back the ghosts during the day. They’re already bad enough at night.

Christine: So all I’m supposed to learn at school is that I’m to excel in a career and just up and quit to have babies.

Natalia: Pretty much.

Christine: I so don’t want babies.

Trimester 1

Might as well make the most of it.

Toddler Kylie. If I didn’t know their eyes and personality were different, I would swear that she and Christine were clones.

Trimester two

Natalia: Girls, stop that. There’s probably a rule against it or something.

Baby time!

Christine: Oh goddamnit, not again!

Natalia: Excuse you; I’m the one giving birth!!!

Baby One: Queenie Whitehall. Taurus (6/8/1/8/5).

Baby Two: Victory Whitehall. Cancer (6/4/6/6/7).

Octavio: I’m going to die alone!

Elder Melody

And now she’s retired. And has nothing to do with the rest of her life.

Octavio: We’re doomed to die alone, you know. Ugly and alone.

Melody: Oh shut up.

Child Kylie

Toddler Queenie (on the left) and Victory (on the right).

Kylie: So if all that elixir is for you, does that mean you are going to grow up faster than the rest of us.

Christine: Yup. And never have kids.

Kylie: But you’re a kid.

Christine: I don’t care.

The kids might as well be friends if they’re stuck together for life.

Daytime ghosts trying to kill Christine.

BAM! Teenage Christine. Rolled family and wants to be an education minister. Jewellery and brown hair turn her on, cooking turns her off. Film and literature hobby.

Christine: Can I at least get a chance to be a teenager?

Nope. Keep drinking.

Christine: Christ. I’m doomed.

Natalia: TV good. Me unlock good career.

Christine: Homework is the only teenage thing I will ever get to experience before I ship out.

Mass skilling before a mass birthday.

Child Queenie.

Child Victory. Another sim with decent fashion sense without my help! Thank goodness!

Adult Christine!

After a day, I managed to find the career I needed for Christine: military. Let’s get started on moving everyone out!


Kylie: You got old.

Christine: You copied my hair.

Queenie: Pew! You’re dead!

Victory: I’m the one meant to lift gamer!

Something something mass homework and child-rearing.




Christine working on maxing out her body skill so she can finish off her career.

Teenage Kylie. Rolled romance, wants to be a rock god. Likes formal and logic but not jewellery. Music and dance hobby.

Elder Natalia.


Queenie: Can we please get more TV stations other than the cooking channel.

Christine: Lift it yourself, then.


Queenie: Come on, let’s grow up.

Victory: Ugh… why?

Teenage Queenie. Rolled knowledge and wants to be a criminal. Likes blonds and brown hair but not cologne. Hobby is cuisine.

Teenage Victory. Rolled pleasure and wants to be a chef. Likes cologne and mechanical skill, but not make-up.

Queenie: Can you not die? I want to go to college.

Elder Octavio.

Quitting music.

Sheldon: Oh god, I’m next!

Not quite yet.

Victory: I hate school.

Quitting paranormal


Sheldon’s turn.


Christine: I’ve made something of my life. What have you done?

Abhijeet: You’re kind of a dick.

Kaylynn: Just like her ancestor!

Oh buzz off.

Oh look, one of the sims I made to flesh out the neighbourhood a bit.

Kylie: Wait, you play other sims?

Play is a strong word. Adriana is just here for show.

AND BAM! LEVEL 10. End of the military career. That means sims can move out and with education unlocked college is back on the market.

So here’s the plan. Kylie will be the heir and is going to lift politics. Queenie is going for architecture and Victory is going for gamer. Pictured left is the college safehouse.

After four long semesters (and moving some placeholder in to keep the lot safe), I started by playing out Queenie and Victory.

This is there home just beside the main safehouse.

Both of them got their career rewards.

Both got their men.

And both lifted their respective careers (Queenie lifted her career before she met her man and Victory did after she was married).

Back at the main lot, Kylie got herself a job in politics with the science and gamer restrictions taken out. She’s starting out at level 2 because she didn’t do totally great in university.

Christine moved out with the non-heir/spouse elders.

And with architecture lifted I could start work on the house. Still have to get the cheap stuff though because of intelligence.

I sent Kylie to meet the first guy who walked down the street. This is Marcel Pai.

Getting him to fall in love seemed way too easy.

But that’s what you get with a romance sim… see Marcel Pai wants to be a hall of famer. He’s a libra (2/8/2/6/7) who likes swimwear on red heads, but not cologne. His hobby is arts and crafts.

Much like Sheldon before him, he moved in with a university career: natural science. I thought I would lift slacker, but this is too important.



Trying for baby on their own since I can just have her walk to work thanks to military.





Moving old beds into the inventories before business is eventually lifted.

Queenie: Enjoy being pregnant



Trimester 2



Baby time!

Meet Judith Whitehall. Capricorn (7/7/1/6/7).

Working on more babies to lift more restrictions.

Making the grandmother useful again.





LEVEL 10. Natural science is lifted. I can use the ground again!

LEVEL 10! Politics is lifted! I can go beyond 8x8 squares!

And Judith is a toddler. This is where I stopped playing. I get that everything seems kind of rushed, but I want to get back into the game ASAP to work through another generation. I have a total of 11 career restrictions left plus alien technology. I expect to be finished at the end of the sixth or seventh generation. Maybe. Depending.

Here’s the list of everything so far:

Completed:Ben Whitehall – Hopelessness, CulinaryKaylynn Spitzig – MedicalGloria Whitehall – EducationSimon Whitehall – CriminalRover – Pet Show BusinessThomas Taylor – AthleticMelody Whitehall – LawNatalia Whitehall – ScienceOctavio Whitehall – MusicAlegra – Service PetSheldon Chen – ParanormalChristine Whitehall – MilitaryKylie Whitehall – PoliticsQueenie Whitehall – ArchitectureVictory Whitehall – GamerPepper – Pet SecurityMarcel Pai – Natural Science

Intended Lifts:Judith Whitehall – Slacker?? Whitehall – IntelligenceSpouse – Business

Still to Do:AdventureOceanographyDanceEntertainmentArtistLaw EnforcementShow BusinessJournalismAlien Technology

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