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Once upon a time there was a king named George III, who ruled over 13 colonies. At first everything was going good, an all the colonists was happy until the king started being money hungry. He started making stupid laws that made the colonists very unhappy. That’s when a war call the French and Indian war broke loose. The war included France, Britain, and the Indians. The Indians and France were both angry with Britain, and the king and both had a bad relationship with them. So they joined together and fought side by side against Britain in the war. In 1783, the war was over and the British won against the French and Indian. The French and Indian were angry, but they felt like there wasn’t anything they can do to stop the king, and his evil ways of ruling. So they went home and try to forget about what had happened.


The next day there was a parade for the government, they called it “Government Day”. You see a government is one or more people who are in charge and, everyone hated Government Day because they believed their government was unfair. A few hours into the parade something strange happen, out of the sky appeared four white men. Their names were Plato, John Locke, Baron De Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. These four men explained to the colonists that they believed the government wasn’t treating them right and they explained what they thought should happen. Plato said, “I think that your king should be fair and equal, and wants to bring out the best in people.” This made the colonist begin to change their minds, they started to think that they should have, more power. John said, “I think that the government should be a direct democracy and everyone should govern themselves. “Now this also started to change their minds because now they were also thinking that they have a mind of their own and that they don’t need to listen to their government. Baron agreed with the others and then he added that the best government is a government divided into three branches. After baron had spoken this, some of the people started to believe they need to be more independent. All four men thought that they should be a democracy including Jean. Jean said, “I agree with my fellow friends, you are born independent and should be a direct democracy. My little children a direct democracy and a democracy is different in ways. A direct democracy is when the people make their own choices with out voting, and a democracy is when the people vote on their choices. After these four men was done talking, the people all decided there was time for a change.

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Things started to change, the people started getting angry(they became unrest). The French and Indian war left the English poor(debt), poor babies. All thanks to the big mean king George III, everyone had to pay extra money on certain things they wanted to buy. The big meanie told some of his soldiers to collect the money from the English. The English started getting angrier and angrier each day that passed by. They were told that they couldn’t fight what the king had said, but that didn’t stop some of them.

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More and more of the colonist started to come up with ideas on how to fight the king’s “laws”. At first most of the colonist wasn’t bothered by the first few laws, but then king George III started to take advantage of his power(he was becoming a tyrant). His first law he forced upon the colonist was when he told them that they wasn’t allowed to buy or move to any land west of the mountains, this was the Proclamation of 1763 law. The colonist was a little angry but they didn’t think it was a real big deal. However when he forced the law(the stamp act of 1765), that’s when they became more angry. The stamp act meant that there had to be a stamp on all types of paper, and in order for them to get it they had to pay for it. This made the poor colonist extremely mad. It was bad enough they couldn’t spend their money on houses beyond the mountains, but now he is telling them what they had to spend their money on. They didn’t think anything that the king was doing, was fair. They wanted to fight for what they want, so that’s what they did. Things became violent, the king had to send troops to the colonies to keep things in line, but that didn’t stop the colonists. The colonists started to spread a rumor about a meeting that was going on later on that night, and everyone who was fed up with the kings was invited.

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Later on that night they brought Indian disguises to the meeting. Everyone dressed up as an Indian, then they snucked on three of the British’s ships and poured 342 crates of tea into the Boston harbor(this was called the Boston Tea Party). They couldn’t wait for the stupid king George III to find out what had happen. The colonist wasn’t finish fighting back either, the very next morning they began a boycott to let the king know how they felt. Now children, a boycott is when everyone stops paying for things that they believe isn't worth paying for, until the price is lowered. After the king found out what the colonist was doing, he was so mad that he had one of his soldiers killed just to put a smile on his face, the king was a very cold hearted person. He began to think of ways to show the colonist that they must obey him, so he forced more laws upon them(the Intolerable acts). He also closed the Boston port until all the price of the dump tea was recovered, he was such a stingy old fool.

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Although they had dumped the tea into the harbor it still seemed like the king wasn’t letting them have their freedom, he just made things worse. They didn’t have any other idea that would help, so they wrote to the king telling him how they felt. Then they sent their letters hoping that the king would understand how they felt. While they waited for the king’s response they continued to refused to spend their money on the things he taxed(they boycotted). The king didn’t show any niceness to them after he read the letters, so they started making more plans to get back at him. They formed a group of 56 people from the colonies except for Georgia, called the continental congress. They started talking about how they were so angry with the king that they wanted to go to war, so they did. They also talked about how they wanted to be united as one, and be called Americans instead of listening to their king. On April 19, 1775 the first shots of the war broke out in Lexington and Concord. at the end if the day hundreds of British soldiers were dead or missing, and 90 colonists were dead or wounded. They said this was the beginning of the revolutionary war.

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A few weeks later everything thing was still going down the drain, and some of the colonist were still being loyal to the king. Until one strange day when the clouds started getting dark, out of no where appeared a brave man who wasn’t afraid to go against the king. His name was Thomas Paine, who wrote a book called ”common sense” . The book was about how the colonist shouldn’t be afraid of the king and they should know that they need independence. He told all the people about it and gave everyone a copy of the book. Everyone started to read it, and their minds started to change. Now mal of them wanted freedom; independence. They wanted to do whatever they want without anyone saying something to them. He told them that when they get their independence that’s when happiness will follow behind it. T-Pain was glad to change all of their live, and he led them to a war that will end the king and his loyal soldiers.

We want


All the colonist agreed that it was time for things to change, so they started to fight for what they thought was right. That’s when another war begun, it was the British against the colonists. They had another meeting, but this time more people showed up. They talked about what laws should go and what should stay. They had to find someone to it(the Declaration of Independence) down to make it official, but everyone was too scared. They were scared because they didn’t want to get in trouble with the king. No one was brave enough to write, but then one guy stood up and took the risk. He wrote everything the colonists wanted, and then they called it in the constitution. After he wrote it he read it to the people, and then they all agreed that it was almost complete. In order to complete it a few of them must sign it. John Adams and a few others signed it and then it became official, but it took nine hours for it to be approved. The colonists were happy because things were finally going right.


Even though things were starting to go right, not every problem was solved. They still didn’t have all their freedom, so the war still went on. The colonists teamed up with the french because the French also hated the British, since they lost to them before. They decided upon that a guy named George Washington would lead them in the war called “the Revolutionary war”. The colonists started to plot and plan on how they would beat the British. They came up with a plan that they thought would work for sure. On the night of Jesus’ birthday of the year 1776 George Washington led 2400 men across the Delaware river to surprise the British. At first the British had defeated the colonists during the “battle of Santoga”, but that just made the colonists want to fight harder. The colonists suffered a lot though, from tough winters to diseases and struggling from hunger, but at the end it was all worth it because the colonists won. The final battle had took place in October of 1781 in Yorktown, MA. The colonists had won because they had some things the British didn’t, such as a smart man like G.W as their leader, their buddies the France by their side, and they were able to fight at their home.



Smiles ran over everyone’s face as they cheered and celebrated. They never actually thought that they would win at the end, but they did. They were super excited since the king was beaten and they were united. The colonists had got their freedom, and independence while the king lost his money. They screamed with joy at the fact that it was finally over, at least that’s what they thought. Since the colonists were united they named themselves the United States of America. Everyone lived happily ever after, but there is more history to come so is this really the end?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR My name is Keisha banks,

and I am a student at Tech Boston Academy. I love to read and write. I have wrote poems, but this is my first kid book. I am hoping to become a very famous poet and be successful in life. I live in Roxbury(a bad neighborhood), but I try not to let my environment come in the way of my success. I am 15 years old, which means I still have a while for me to plan my future. I hope you liked my book, and I hope I made history as easy as possible to learn. Goodbye my little friends!

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